Some turbulence. You don’t like flying?
有乱流 你不喜欢坐飞机?
This is nothing. You should have been here five months ago.
这不算是什么 5个月前的乱流那才厉害
Talk about puke! We ran into a hail storm over the Sea of Japan, Right?
呕吐更是不在话下 我们在日本海遇上雹暴
The pilot shot his lunch all over the windshield…
and I barfed on the radio.
Knocked it out completely, and it wasn’t that…
lightweight stuff either! It was that chunky, industrial-weight puke!
You want a bite?
Next time you get a bright idea, just put it in a memo.
企业号♥ 北大西洋舰队 新斯科舍以东
– Sir. – That will be all, Lieutenant. Thank you.
– 长官 – 你可以走了 中尉
– That hawkeye from Weymouth Trap? – Four wire. Caught a gust over the fantail.
– 鹰眼那班机怎么样了? – 遇上了强风
– Not bad considering. – The gentleman is here to see you.
– 那还不算太差 – 这位先生想见你
The gentleman? What the hell are you talking about, Charlie?
查理 你说什么?
I apologize for the uniform, sir. This is Admiral Greer’s idea of a low profile.
司令说 穿军服才不会惹人注意
– You work for Jim Greer? – That’s all right, sir.
– 你是司令的下属? – 是的 长官
Then I imagine you’ll tell me what all the hubbub’s about.
告诉我 到底发生了什么事
Captain, you got a minute? Jonesy’s got something I think you ought to see.
舰长 你有时间吗? 有个东西你应该去看看
– Martinez, get yourself a cup of coffee. Send me up some tea. – Aye, Captain.
– 你去喝点咖啡 叫他们给我送茶来 – 好的 舰长
Messenger, get the captain a cup of tea.
Captain. Sir, the moment that sub went silent and I thought I heard singing…
台风七号♥消失后 我听到歌♥声…
I heard something in the background, real faint.
After all those subs took off, I caught it again and got it on tape.
等其它潜艇离开后 我录下这些声音
I washed it through the computer and was able to isolate this sound.
用电脑过滤声带 剩下这声音
The computer identified it as magma displacement.
电脑认为 这是”岩浆移位”的声音
The SAPS software was originally written to look for seismic events.
When it gets confused, it runs home to momma.
所以 它用地震来解释陌生的音调
– I’m not following you. – Sir, I’m sorry.
– 我不知道你想说什么 – 对不起
Listen to it at ten times speed.
– Now, that’s got to be manmade, Captain. – All right.
– 这一定是人为的声音 – 对
The first contact was at 09:15 and the bearing was 269.
首次发现目标是9时15分 方位269
At 09:30, it was here.
9时30分的时候 它在这里
I came back to it at 11:00 and 11:15, here and here.
Remember the dispatch we got about Russian sub skippers running…
the Reykjanes Ridge at high speeds…
because they had hyper-accurate surveys of the underwater canyons…
Yeah, Red Route One.
The front door to those canyons was a formation called Thor’s Twins, Right?
– 海底悬崖的入口是托尔双峰 – 是的
Look at that.
– Right into Red Route One. – Captain.
– 直驱”红航线一号♥” – 舰长
You may think I’m crazy, but I’ll bet that…
我可能疯了 但我打赌
magma displacement was actually some new Russian sub…
and it’s headed for the Iceland coast.
Have I got this straight, Jonesy?
恕我直言 钟斯
A $40 million computer tells you you’re chasing an earthquake…
but you don’t believe it. And you come up with this on your own.
– Yes, sir. – Relax, you’ve sold me.
– 是的 – 别紧张 我相信你
Tommy, I want you to plot us a speed course for the bottom end of Red Route One.
汤米 计划航线 赶去”红航线一号♥”
We’ll never find him in those canyons.
First take us to periscope depth. But first we’d better phone in.
我们先移♥动♥到潜望镜深度 但最好先通知总部
Aye, aye, Captain.
遵命 舰长
Hang on, Jonesy.
等等 钟斯
If I can get you close enough, can you track this sucker?
如果我们能靠近它 你可以追踪它吗?
Yes, sir. Now that I know what to listen for… I’ll bag him.
是的 我听过它的声音 它逃不掉的
– Carry on. – Yes, sir.
– 继续工作 – 遵命 长官
That’s the craziest notion I’ve ever heard…
a serving line officer? An entire ballistic missile submarine?
They can’t all want to defect, even if it’s only the officers.
就算只是军官叛变 我也不相信
– What’s his plan? – His plan?
– 他有什么计划? – 计划?
Russians don’t take a dump without a plan.
Senior captains don’t start…
something this dangerous without having thought the matter through.
What’s he going to do, he’s just going to sail into New York?
– 他将要做什么 直接驶往纽约?
It might be that simple.
– 可能就这么简单
Things may appear simple in the cubicle at CIA.
But in the middle of the North Atlantic they get a bit more complex.
在北大西洋面对整队苏联战舰 那就复杂了
– Smoke? – No, thank you.
– 抽烟吗? – 不 谢谢
And I don’t think your notion of a few days inspection’s going to wash either.
In order to be any value, you’d have to tear it apart.
The metallurgy would take a couple of months.
– Then we have to keep it. – What will you do with the crew?
– 那我们就扣押潜艇 – 船员怎么处置?
Ones that don’t defect will go back and say we got the boat.
– Or do you plan to eliminate them? – We’re not at war, sir.
– 你打算杀了他们? – 我们不是在打仗
So you have to get them off the boat in such a way…
that they think we don’t have it.
They’ll go back and report that we don’t have it to their bosses.
Otherwise, this whole business is just academic, right?
否则说什么也没用 对吗?
Yes, sir. I think I see your point.
是 长官 我明白你的意思
– When was the last time you slept? – A while.
– 你上次睡觉是什么时候? – 很久之前了
– The chief outside will fix you up. – Thank you, sir.
– 外面的长官会为你打点一切 – 谢谢你 长官
It’ll be dawn in a couple of hours. We’ll be in the CIC.
天快亮了 我们在战斗情报中心
– Things are liable to get a little dicey around here. – Yes, sir.
– 我们要面对种种危机 – 是的
– You think he’s crazy? – Certifiable.
– 你认为他疯了? – 疯得可以
And I don’t care for him wearing the uniform.
Did you see that ring on his finger? The Academy class of ’72. A Marine.
看到那戒指吗? 72年毕业 他是海军陆战队成员
You’re kidding. How did you…
Greer told me. Summer of his third year, he went down in a chopper accident.
格里尔告诉我 三年级时 他在直升机上遇上意外
Bad. Pilot and crew killed.
很惨 机师和队员都死了
That kid spent 10 months in traction and another year learning to walk again.
他花了十个月接受牵引治疗 花了一年学走路
He did his fourth year from the hospital.
第四年 是在医院念的
It’s up to you, Charlie, but you might consider cutting him a little slack.
The Russians will find that sub before we get near it anyway.
– Passing Thor’s Twins, sir. – Very good.
– 正在穿越托尔双峰 – 很好
– Passing the Twins now, Captain. – Very good. Commence your run.
– 穿越托尔双峰 – 很好 开始进入航道
– Call me when you get to the first turn. – Aye, Captain.
– 拐弯时通知我 – 好的 舰长
Mr. Kamarov, you may commence your run now. – Aye, sir.
– 卡马洛夫 开始进入航道 – 遵命 长官
First leg on my mark. Course: 260. Speed: 18 knots.
开始第一阶段 航向: 260 速度: 18节
Depth: 270 meters.
深度: 270米
Five, four, three, two, one…
五 四 三 二 一
Diving Command, course: 260. Speed: 18 knots.
下潜命令 航向: 260 速度: 18节
Give me a stopwatch and a map and I’ll fly the Alps in a plane with no windows.
给我秒表和地图 我能驾驶没有窗的飞机
If the map is accurate enough.
We’re in the lane and approaching the first turn.
我们进了航道 接近首个弯口
Come left to course 195 in 30 seconds.
Decrease depth to 200 meters. Maintain speed.
上升到200米 保持速度
Captain, we are approaching the first turn. 25 seconds to course 1-9-5.
舰长 我们正在接近首个弯口 25秒后转到方位195
Increase speed to 26 knots and recompute.
加速至26节 重新计算
Aye, Captain.
遵命 舰长
Navigator, recompute for 26 knots.
领航员 以26节的速度重新计算
Turn on my mark. Five, four, three…
准备拐弯 五 四 三…
two, one, mark.
二 一 开始
Diving control, come left to 195. Up on the bow planes.
左转到方位195 提升舰首
Course now 195 and maintaining speed 26 knots.
航向195 保持时速26节
– Mr. Kamarov? – Next leg, Captain.
– 卡马洛夫先生? – 下一阶段
Come right to 240 at 8 minutes and 40 seconds.
八分四十秒后 右转到方位240
Very good. Maintain course and speed.
很好 保持航线和速度
Too fast, Vassily. Too fast.
太快了 瓦西里
Those charts are laid out precisely. So many knots for so many seconds.
该用什么速度 图表写得很清楚
– This thing handles like a pig. – Watch your bearing, Mr. Slavin.
– 这艘船会捱不住的 – 说话小心点 斯莱文先生
15 seconds to turn, Captain. Should we decrease speed?
十五秒后转向 要减速吗?
Negative. Prepare to come right.
不 准备右转
Eight, seven, six, five, four…
八 七 六 五 四…
three, two, one, mark.
三 二 一 开始
15 degrees down angle on the bow planes. Come right 240. Move it!
舰首俯倾15度 右转到240 快
We’re in the lane. Next leg 34 minutes to the Neptune Massif.
我们位置正确 下一阶段 34分钟后 抵达海王山丘
Course: 240.
航向: 240
– What happened? – The cryogenic plant.
– 发生什么事? – 冷却系统故障
The magnets aren’t being cooled. We’re 50 degrees above red line.
磁石无法降温 履带温度高出了50度
– It’s going to melt. – Kill it, shut it down!
