Now, why on earth would the board want a nitwit to be president?
因为他们都是小猪仔 他们试图煽动恐慌…
Because they’re little piglets. They’re trying to inspire panic…
来重挫股价 这样他们就可以全盘扫进
make that stock cheap so they can snatch it all up for themselves.
不过诺维尔的袖子里有些花招 真的有
But Norville, he’s got some tricks up his sleeve. He does.
“你知道 给孩子们的?”
You know, for kids.
耶他是个聪明的家伙 那个诺维尔
Yeah, he’s a smart one, that Norville.
但是我认为你对他的了解 并不比董事会多多少对吗?
But I guess you don’t really know him any better than that board does…
对吗 阿尔切小姐
do you, Ms. Archer?
嗯 可能我… – 只有那些蠢货
Well, maybe I… – And only some kind of knuckle-head…
thinks she knows things about things she, uh…
When she don’t, uh…
怎么说来着? – 哦 完全不一样
How’d that go? – Well, it’s hardly the same.
Why, you don’t even know your own self.
你并不完全是个诚实的人 对吗 阿尔切小姐?
You ain’t exactly the genuine article, are you, Ms. Archer?
Yes, well, in connection with my job…
有时我不得不秘密行事 形势所迫
sometimes I have to, uh, go undercover, as it were.
I don’t mean that.
Why are you pretending to be such a hard old sourpuss?
Ain’t gonna never make you happy.
I’m happy enough.
好吧 阿尔切小姐
Okay, Ms. Archer.
I got gears to see to.
I’m plenty happy!

这个我不能出版 – 为什么?这是真的
I can’t print that! – Why not? It’s all true.
董事会用他来 压抑股价以便低价买♥♥进
The board’s using him to depress the stock to buy it cheap.
这完全是猜测 他们会让我寝食难安的
It’s pure speculation! They’d have my butt in a satchel!
哦 寝食难安 – 我知道他们要买♥♥进股票…
Ah. Old satchel butt. – I know they’re gonna buy that stock.
你什么都不懂他们至今还没动手 他们在等什么?
You don’t. They haven’t bought it.
股票很便宜 他们在等什么?
The stock’s cheap! What are they waiting for?
我不知道 – 艾蜜的直觉通常很准
I don’t know. – Amy’s hunches are usually pretty good.
你不能凭直觉去责难 别人操控股市
You don’t accuse somebody of stock manipulation on a hunch.
我们的读者对感觉论流言 无根据的猜测…
The readers aren’t interested in sensationalism…
都不感兴趣 事实 图像
gossip, unsupported speculation! Facts! Figures! Charts!
Those are the tools of the newspaper trade.
要好像你正试图消除他的欲望 好像你已经爱上了他
It’s as if you’re trying to take the heat off this Barnes numbskull.
哦头 这太下流了
Oh, come on, chief. That’s a low blow.
Archer’s not going to go gooey for a corn-fed idiot.
我离题了可你的这个 股市诈骗事件也离题了
I was out of line. But you’re out of line with this stock-swindle story.
Give me more of that “moron from Sheboygan” studd.
曼希 – 不管是哪里
Muncie. – Whatever.
That’s what sells newspapers!
我有个更厉害的故事: “本地新闻报的傻瓜”
I’ve got a harder story, “The Sap From The City Desk!”
注意用词 – 是关于一个智商低下的主编…
Watch it! – It’s about a dim-witted editor who…
冷静点 硬汉们
Easy, tough guy. Heh-heh-heh.
Does this suit look mannish to you?
是的 当然 我们去搭快车吧
Yeah, sure. Let’s grab a highball.
Back off!
Eh. What gives?
A man of great managerial potency.
My husband is also a president.
布拉德公♥司♥的希尔·布雷维特 您听说过吗?
Sears Braithwaite of Bullard. Do you know him?
Your companion is an ode!
一首抒情诗 你们订婚了吗?
A lyric! Are you betrothed?
艾蜜在我的办公室工作 她负责…
Amy works in my office. She runs, uh…
哦 年少荒唐 – 那些青涩记忆中的山丘
Oh, the folly of youth. – Those green remembered hills.
That bourn from which no traveler returns.
I once ran the mimeograph for Sidney.
Though engaged at the time to quelqu’un d’autre…
my water-cooler romance became a mad passion.
Uh. An amour fou. A folie à deux.
I’m brushing up on my French with the most charming man…
第五大街的皮埃尔 – 哦
Pierre of 5th Avenue. – Oh!
你认识他? – 你认识他?
Do you know him? – Do you know him?
席德尼和我计划到巴黎 以及欧洲的一些地方旅行
Sidney and I are planning a trip to Paris and points continental.
哦 – 对吗 亲爱的?
Oh. – Aren’t we, dear?
当然 如果你们不介意的话 我想”借用”一下诺维尔
For sure. I would like to borrow Norville for a while, if you don’t mind, dear.
哦 事实上我…
Oh, well, uh, frankly, I…
你妻子非常迷人… 席德先生
You have a very charming wife, Mr… Sid.
So they tell me.
诺维尔 我带你去见识一些人物
Norville, let me shepherd you through some of the introductions here.
Try not to talk too much.
Some of our biggest stockholders are…
Scratch that. Say whatever you like.
Shake hands here with Sears Braithwaite of Bullard.
先生 – 很高兴认识你 巴恩斯
Sir. – Glad to know you, Barnes.
And this is Zebulon Cardozo…
one of Hudsucker’s largest and most loyal stockholders.
What’s this I hear about you being an imbecile?
是什么让你烦恼 孩子?
What’s ailing you, boy?
Last week, my stock was worth twice what it is now.
我想我会… 把它们全部卖♥♥掉 孩子
I’m getting out of the whole kit and caboodle of it, boy…
unless I see a vast improvement.
孩子你在这里所看到的 是一系列的战争
What you’ve got here, son, is a range war!
你必须要使我们的马车运转起来 不然我就离开马车队
You’re gonna have to circle our wagons or I’m gonna get out of your wagon train.
不用担心先生 这很正常…
No need for concern, sir.
It’s only natural in a period of transition…
for the more timid elements to run.
胆小鬼?我让你看看什么叫胆小鬼 孩子
Yellow? I’ll show you yellow, boy!
泽比龙 控制你的情绪 别像一只老灰熊似的
Zebulon, you mind now and quit acting like such an old grizzly.
到这边来 诺维尔
Step lively here, Norville.
我很抱歉我以为也许我可以向他 展现一个远景…
I’m sorry, Sid, uh, I thought maybe if I showed him the long view…
And this is Thorstenson Finlandson…
一群不满的投资者所组成的 激进小组织的领袖
who heads a radical splinter group of disgruntled investors.
很高兴认识您 芬兰森先生
Ah. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Finlandson.
It might interest you to know I studied Finnish in high school.
Let see, I hope I’m not too rusty. Um…
Ladies and gentlemen…
distinguished members of the Hudsucker board…
我向你们介绍”罗曼史酋长” “月光之迷你立体声”…
I give you the Rajah of Romance, the Ministereo of Moonlight…
无法想象的 难以忘怀的…
the incredible, the unforgettable…
Mr. Vic Tenetta!
“酋长” 我喜欢
Rajah, I like that.
# Take one fresh and tender kiss #
# Add one stolen night of bliss #
# One girl one boy Some grief some joy #
# Memories are made of this #
# Don’t #
What happened?
没事 只是那些胆小的投资者 不再跑去找庇护了
Oh, nothing. Just the more timid investors are no longer running for cover.
让我看看 – 席德给我找了个冰袋
Let me look. – Sid found me the ice pack.
我来拿着 不然你会有黑眼圈
Well, let me hold it or you’ll have a real shiner.
哦 谢谢
Oh, thanks.
I guess people are pretty hot over this imbecile story.
I’m sorry.
Oh, it’s not your fault, Amy.
You’re the one person standing by me through this.
诺维尔 有些事必须要告诉你
Norville, there’s something I have to tell you.
你看… 我并不真正是个秘书
You see, I’m not really a secretary.
我知道 艾蜜 – 真的?
I know that, Amy. – You do?
I understand you’re not very skilled yet in the secretarial arts…
但我要告诉你一个秘密: 我做总裁也不熟练
but I’ll tell you a secret, I’m not that skilled as president.
我知道我门面上装得很好可… – 我相信你诺维尔
I know I put up a big front, but, uh… – I believe in you, Norville.
至少… 我相信你的用意
At least, I believe in your intentions.
我并不怪他们 真的 我想是我搞得一团糟
Oh, I don’t blame them, really. I suppose I have made a mess of things.
Those folks have to protect their investment.
Most of them are very nice people.
听着 你不能像在曼希那样相信这里的人
Listen, Norville, you can’t trust people here like you did in Muncie.
Certain people are…
See, did you ever go to the top of Larson’s feed tower and look out over the town?
什么? – 在农场路17号♥?