能为你服务也非常荣幸 伙计
It’s been a pleasure serving you too, uh, buddy.
额 席德 我们是否该稍微关心一下
Uh, Sid, shouldn’t we be a little concerned…
股票在过去几天里的… 下滑趋势?
with the downward spiral of our stock these past few days?
我知道你是老手 可在曼希大学的工商…
You’re the expert, but at the Muncie College…
别紧张 这很正常…
Relax, it’s only natural…
in a period of transition for the more timid element to run for cover.
正如我所说 你是老手
Like I said, you’re the expert…
but do you remember the plan I outlined for you…
我烧了你的… 我被提升的那天所描述的计划?
the day I set fire to your office? The day I was promoted?
我当然记得而且被深深打动 不过现在全忘了
I do remember and I was impressed. But that’s all forgotten now.
谢谢 席德
Oh. Thank you, Sid.
我提及这个的原因是因为 这需要一小部分的资金总额…
The reason I mention it is it requires such a small capital investment…
同样的 你是这儿的老手
Again, you are the expert here.
But there’s such an enormous potential profit…
given the discretionary income of the burgeoning middle-class.
所以只要你同意 我会在午餐时试探少数人对这创意的看法
So if you agree, I’d like to bounce the idea off a few people at lunch.
Sure, sure.
你想告诉谁都可以 我也想听听一些要点
Tell whoever you want. I’d like to hear about it at some point too.
我得到了享受 本尼 – 耶 给我说说看
I got gas, Benny. – Yeah. Tell me about it.
不开玩笑 本尼 我得到了享受
No kidding, Benny. I got gas.
挺特别的? – 远不止这样
You get the special? – Far from it.
Enter the dame.
There’s one in every story.
Ten bucks says she’s looking for a handout.
Twenty bucks says not here, she don’t find one.
她在找她的目标 – 她找到了他
She’s looking for her mark. – She finds him.
她坐了下来并要了… 一份简单的午餐
She sits down and orders a light lunch.
How will she pay for this lunch?
她翻了翻她的钱包 – 没钱
She looks through her purse. – No money.
The mark notices.
他没察觉 本尼 – 也许他比较聪明
He’s not noticing, Benny. – Maybe he’s wise.
He don’t look wise.
Plan two.
Here come the waterworks.
《黄石公园》 – 《老实泉》
Yellowstone. – Old Faithful.
Hello, Niagara.
他察觉到了 – 她很忧伤
He notices. – She’s distressed.
He’s concerned.
She explains her predicament.
以及… 简易午餐来了
And enter the light lunch.
她当然还有其他的困难 – 家人重病
She’s got other problems. – There’s illness in the family.
母亲需要动手术 – 很紧急
Her mother needs an operation. – Urgently.
腺状肿大 – 不 本尼
Adenoids. – No, Benny.
That gag’s got whiskers on it.
哦 他并不上钩 本尼
Uh-oh. He ain’t biting, Benny.
她要失手了 鲁 – 也许他比较聪明
She’s losing him, Lou. – Maybe he’s wise.
He don’t look wise.
她要怎样摆脱困境? – 他要走了
How does she pull this out? – He’s getting away.
她最好快点想好 – 她没有
She better think fast. – She isn’t.
She is!
她真棒 本尼
She’s good, Benny.
她真♥他♥妈♥的棒 鲁
She’s damn good, Lou.
Can I get you boys anything else?
镇静剂 – 镇静剂
Bromo. – Bromo.
不好意思我们只能走楼梯 管电梯的是个可怕的家伙
I’m sorry we had to take the stairs. It was just that horrible elevator boy.
I can’t say how much I appreciate your listening to my story.
在这扰攘的城市里能找到一位 勇敢而耐心的人是何其幸运
I’m lucky to find someone in this bustling city with a stout heart and a ready ear.
不管怎样 我曾旅行穿越这个伟大的国家
At any rate, there I was traveling this great country.
所遇到的有些人很友善 有些非常粗鲁
Some I met were kind to me, others exceedingly cruel.
Traveling by motor bus, rail, even by thumb.
椅子 谢谢
The couch, please.
存下每1元 攒下每1分 省下每1子
Hoarding every dollar, counting every nickel, pinching every penny.
It’s been a long road leading to the coddee shop downstairs.
但我不会用其间的1天 1小时 1分钟来换别的东西
Not that I’d trade a day, an hour, a moment of it for anything.
I don’t know what came over me.
It was the shock of eating after so long…
without the enzymes kicking in after so long…
Then you couldn’t possibly know what it is to be tired and hungry.
总之很饿 – 我并不想让
Hungry, anyway. – I don’t wanna bore you…
我的生活琐事烦扰你 这不愉快
with all details of my life. Not a happy story.
只要说我没工作就够了 但不意味着我需要磨练
I’m jobless but not for want of trying.
我举目无亲无依无靠而 又不合时宜地出现…
I’m friendless, with no one to take care of me and had you not come along…
就在你要… – 我我自己…
exactly when you did… – I, myself…
总之 我10天前来到这城市…
At any rate, I arrived in town not 10 days ago…
满怀梦想急切 想闯出一番名堂…
full of dreams and aspirations, anxious to make my way in the world…
a little naive perhaps…
但是满怀信心… 要找一份稳定合法的工作
but armed with determination, work ethic…
and a belief in the future…
我我自己… – 没想这种信念…
I, myself… – Only to have that belief…
that unsullied optimism, dashed against the marble of the workplace.
但我觉得这就是生活 探索就能得到努力就能成功
Such is life. Seek and you shall find. Work and you shall prosper.
抽烟吗? – 不谢谢
Cigarette? – No, thank you.
探索就能得到 努力就能成功
Seek and you shall find, work and you shall prosper.
这是格言 我所接受的道德教育…
These were the watchwords of my education…
the values instilled in me…
你从未听说过的小镇 从小到大被灌输的价值观
while I was growing up in a little town you’ve never heard of.
我可以来一杯吗? – 请随便
Mind if I join you? – Be my guest.
A little town you’ve probably never heard of…
a dusty crossroads of which you’ve probably never heard.
Excuse me. Executive washroom.
Are you all right?
Is it your lunch? The chicken à la king?
是那种味道吗? – 不 我很好 你在说什么?
Is the à la king repeating on you? – No, I’m fine. You were saying?
价值观 格言 童年
Values, watchwords, tender years.
A town you’ve probably never heard of.
曼希 印第安那
Muncie, Indiana.
你是从曼希来的? – 是啊 怎么啦 你知道吗?
You’re from Muncie? – Why, yes. Do you know it?

Uh… Uhn!
Fight on
继续战斗 亲爱的老曼希
Fight on Dear old Muncie
Fight on
Hoist the gold and blue
“你将衣衫褴褛 受尽折磨与伤害”
You’ll be tattered Torn and hurting
Once the Muncie’s done with
展翅高飞… – 展翅高飞
Go, Eagles! – Go, Eagles!
A Muncie girl!
你了解多少? – 唔
What do you know about that? – Hmm.
我想告诉你 艾蜜
I’ll tell you what, Amy.
I’m gonna cancel the rest of my appointments…
and get you a job here at Hud.
哦不用了 真的…
Oh, no! Really…
不用谢我 这很简单 我知道哪儿刚好有个空缺
Don’t bother to thank me. It’s easy. I know where a vacancy just came up.
邮件房♥ 只花一点时间 – 耶
Mailroom. This will only take a moment. – Yeah.
下午好 我是诺维尔·巴恩斯
Good afternoon, this is Norville Barnes.
巴恩斯 你到底去哪儿了?
Barnes! Where the hell have you been?
我的凭单呢? – 唔
Where’s my voucher? – Um…
我不能确定在哪儿 – 我需要凭单
I’m not sure. – I need that voucher!
I told you a week ago it was important!
额 我现在是公♥司♥的总裁
Ahem, I’m president of the company now.
I don’t care if you’re president of the company!
I need the voucher now!
嗯 不如在这里和我一起工作吧?
Look, why don’t you work in here with me?
Are you familiar with the mimeograph machine?
是的 当然 我上过曼希的秘书专业学校
Well, of course. I went to the Muncie Secretarial, uh, Polytechnic.
一个曼希的姑娘 真想不到
A Muncie girl! Can you beat that?
我只是不知道该如何感谢你 巴恩斯先生
I just don’t know how to thank you, Mr. Barnes.
Please, Norville.