# Oh, yeah, coming round the mountain When she comes #
真喜欢这调子 你还好吗孩子?
Love that tune. How you doing, kid?
Mr. Hudsucker?
How do you like that thing? They’re all wearing them upstairs.
一种时尚 不管怎样吧…
Tsk, it’s a fad. Anyway…
我发觉你和董事会… 之间有些问题
I see you’ve been having some, uh, problems with the board.
我猜是席德在逼迫你 诺曼
I guess Sidney’s, uh, putting the screws to you, huh, Norman.
诺维尔 – 对对
Norville. – Yeah, yeah.
Say what you like about the man’s ethics.
He’s a balls-to-the-wall businessman.
他会不择手段打倒你 直击要害非常有效
Beat you any way he can. Straight for the jugular. Eddective.
Any particular reason…
你没有把我的蓝色信件给他 – 哦
you didn’t give him my blue letter? – Oh.
诺曼 只是一个将死之人的遗言和愿望 不是什么大事
Jesus, Norman, just a dying man’s last words and wishes, no big deal.
Mr. Hudsucker, I must’ve mislaid it…
在你的围裙口袋里 就放在那儿
It’s in your apron pocket, right where you left it.
Failure to deliver a blue letter is grounds for dismissal.
天哪 先生 我… – 哦 就快过年了
Jeez, sir, I… – Oh, it’s New Year’s.
我不想增加你的不快 只是说说罢了
I’m not gonna add to your woes. I’m just saying.
Anyway, you wanna read it? You might learn something.
Might keep you from jumping out of any more windows.
蓝色信件 沃林·赫德萨克缄…
“Blue letter from the desk of Waring Hudsucker…
“席德尼·J·穆斯伯格收 关于我的退出
to Sidney J. Mussburger, regarding my demise.
“亲爱的席德: 当你看这封信时
Dear, Sid, by the time you read this…
I will have joined the organization upstairs…
“一个令人兴奋的新开端 我将保留美好的…”
an exciting new beginning. I will retain fond…”
记忆 – “那些我们一起度过的日子…”
Memories. – “Of the years you and I have spent…”
Yeah, yeah, standard resignation boilerplate.
Go down to the second paragraph.
“You will no doubt be wondering why I’ve decided to end my tenure…
both at Hudsucker and here on Earth.
From the standpoint of our balance sheet and financials…
sure, sure, we’re doing fine.
“但就我的私生活而言 我犯了严重的错误
But in my personal life, Sidney, I have made grave errors.
I have let my success become my identity.
I have foolishly played the great man…
“结果却眼睁睁地看着自己的生活 越来越空虚
and watched my life become more and more empty as a result.
“我的空虚赶走了她… 她本来可以拯救我
My vanity drove away she who could’ve saved me.
“哦是的 如你所知 我曾经爱过一个女人 席德
Oh, yes, I loved a woman once, Sid, as you well know.
A beautiful, vibrant lady…
“天使 她聪明地预见到 选择你比选择我更合适”
and angel who, in her wisdom, saw fit to choose you instead of I.”
Mr. Hudsucker.
Skip this part.
Next page. Next page!
“它将我引向我们的公♥司♥席德 以及它的未来
“This brings me to our company, Sid, and its future.
“作为持有者 我们下一任总裁 必须有与我同样的特权…
Our next president must have the liberty I have had as owner…
“来进行尝试即使失落…” – 失败
to experiment and even fall.” – Fail.
“也不用担心股东与急燥的董事会 的反复无常
“Without fear of the whims of the stockholders or an impatient board.
“新总裁必须有失落…” – 失败
The new president must be free to fall… – Fail!
“并学会纵然失败…” – 失落
and learn to fail… – Fall!
“也可从中吸取教训… 重新崛起
and rise again by applying what he has learned.
“这就是商场 这就是生活
Such is business. Such is life.
“因此我把我在赫德萨克企业… 所有的股份遗赠给…
Accordingly, I hereby bequeath all of my shares in Hudsucker Industry…
“你和董事会所选出… 来继任我总裁之位的人
to whomever you and the board shall elect to succeed me as president.
“我估计那将会是你 席德尼
I assume this will be you, Sidney.
“如果不是 如果董事会选择了别人… 那么那么…”
If not, if the board should choose someone else to be president then, then…”
Tough titty toenails!
That’ll show the bastard!
Okay, go ahead.
“Then I urge you to work with the new president…
and remind him when he needs to be reminded…
that failure should never lead to despair.
“绝望只关注过去 商场如是…
Despair looks only to the past, in business…
and in love.”
The future is now.
The future is now.
“When our future president needs it…
“沃林·赫德萨克… 据此遗赠他…
Waring Hudsucker, hereby bequeaths him…
his second chance.”
哈哈哈 – 啊
Ha-ha-ha. – Aah!
Deliver that letter in the morning!
哈哈 哟嚯 呀哈
Ha, ha. Yoo-hoo! Yaa-haa!
于是1959来了 新的一年
And so began 1959. The New Year.
当他知道诺维尔继承了公♥司♥ 席德尼起先有些沮丧
When he learned that Norville owned the company, Sidney was upset at first.
It’s a good thing Doc Bronfenbrenner was there…
because he was able to keep Sidney from harming his old self.
He prescribed a long rest in the sana… In the sanator, uh…
In the booby hatch.
现在 诺维尔…
Now, Norville, heh…
he went on and ruled with wisdom and compassion…
and started dreaming up them exciting new ideas again.
你们知道 给孩子们的
You know, for kids.
I had the boys down at R&D throw together this prototype…
so our discussion could have focus…
而且让各位先生对这个令人振奋的小发明 有一个直观的印象
and to give you gentlemen of the board a firsthand look.
这个故事讲述了诺维尔·巴恩斯 如何爬上…
That’s the story of how Norville Barnes climbed way up…
to the 44th floor of the Hudsucker building…
然后直线下坠 但没有粉身碎骨
and then fell all the way down, but didn’t quite squish his self.
他们说 有个人从45楼跳了下来
You know, they say there was a man who jumped from the 45th floor.
But that’s another story.