好奇的是 那盆牵牛花坠地时所想的
The only thing that went through the mind of the bowl of petunias
只是”噢 不是吧 又是这样”
as it fell was, “Oh, no, not again!”
Many have speculated
如果能知道 为什么牵牛花会有这样的想法
that if we knew why the petunias had thought that,
我们对宇宙自然界的认识 会比现在深刻得多
we should know a lot more about the nature of the universe than we do now.
What are those things?
They’re portals to another dimension.
那好 我猜这入口没中♥央♥暖气系统 是吗
Right. I don’t suppose this portal has central heating, does it?
啊 就是这个了
Ah, this is the one.
这会以悲剧收场 我就知道如此
This will all end in tears, I just know it.
Right here.
好的 我们进去
Okay, in we go!
我们不能就这么进 去 我们不知道那一头是哪里
We can’t just step into that… that! We don’t know where it leads.
If we pick the wrong one,
我们 我们就回来 选另外一个 没啥大不了的
we just… we come back, we pick another one. It’s no biggie.
什么 不 麻烦大了 福特 是大♥麻♥烦
What? Yeah, it’s a big biggie, Ford. A big biggie.
What if it rips us all into tiny little atomic particle thingies?
就这个没错 我有预感
This is the right one. I have a hunch.
-福特 -他的预感还不错的
-Ford! -His hunches are good.
阿瑟 我看我们去吧
Arthur, I say we go.
跟着一个满脑袋柠檬的人 的感觉走
Go with the hunch of a man whose brain is fuelled by Iemons?!
This is suicide!
-我想我有点不爽了 -我不在乎你怎么想
-I think I resent that. -I don’t care.
我感觉你对我有些敌意了 阿莱
I’m getting hostility from you, AIex…
-是阿瑟 -你练过瑜珈吗
-Arthur! -Have you ever tried yoga?
-特瑞莲 -我就知道会这样
-Trillian! -I think that’s supposed to happen.
她不见了 福特 她不见了
She’s gone! Ford, she’s gone!
阿瑟 别慌
Arthur, don’t panic!
-福特 -嘿 等等我
-Ford! -Hey, wait for me!
Come on.
傻瓜 来吧来吧来吧来吧来吧
Idlot! Come on, come on, come on, come on!
不不不 别扔下我 启动启动
No, no, no, don’t Ieave. Come on, come on, just start!
我告诉过你 这是以悲剧收场
I told you this would end in tears.
你说过 你说过
Did you? Did you?
够爽 够爽 哈哈
Far out! Far out! Ha-ha!
就这个 就这个”深思” 我来了
This is it. This is it! Deep Thought. I’m a-coming.
那么 就这样一切都结束了 就这样
So, this is how it’s all going to end, is it?
我 独自在这该死的星球
Me, alone on a dead planet,
with a manically depressed robot.
You think you’ve got problems.
如果你是一个有抑郁症的机器人 你又会怎么样
What if you are a manically depressed robot?
Excuse me.
-你是谁 -我 呃 我的名字无关紧要
-Who are you? -No, uh, my name is not important.
呃 你必须得跟我走一趟
Uh, you must come with me.
-走开 -糟糕的事情就要发生了
-Get away. -Terrible events are afoot.
唔 你 你必须来 要么就晚了
Um, you… you must come or You’ll be Iate.
-晚了 什么晚了 -啥
-Late? What for? -What?
不不 你 你 你叫什么名字 地球人
No, no. What’s… what’s your name, Earthman?
-丹特 阿瑟·丹特 -那么
-Dent. Arthur Dent. -Well…
以后被称作”迟到的丹特 阿瑟·丹特”
Iate as in “the Iate Dentarthurdent.”
某种凶兆 不是吗
It’s a sort of threat, do you see? No.
-没 -你的朋友很安全
-No. -Your friends are safe.
-你该相信我 -相信一个不愿告诉我名字的人
-You can trust me. -A man who won’t tell me his name?
那么好 我的名字是 呃
Okay, my name is, um…
我的名字是 是 斯拉迪巴特福斯
my name is… is… is… SIartibartfast.
我 我 我都说过名字不重要了
I… I… I said it wasn’t important.
那么 我的朋友都很安全
Well… so my friends are safe?
Let me show you.
I could calculate your chances of survival,
but you won’t like it.
超空间工程 造出你心目中的行星
Did you know we built planets?
哦 是的 迷人的职业
Oh, yes, fascinating trade.
造海岸线 一直都是我的最爱
Doing the, um… doing the coastlines was always my favorite.
我们以前乐此不疲地 刻画海湾的细节
We used to have endless fun doing the little fiddly bits around the fjords.
但后来银河系的经济崩溃 因此定制的星球
But then the galactic economy collapsed, and seeing that custom-built planets
are a… are a bit of a Luxury commodity…
总之 你的行星出了点问题
Come with me because there’s been a terrible mix-up with your planet.
那些鼠辈们指定的计划 你知道吗
Best laid plans of mice, you know.
-还有人类 -什么
-And men. -What?
Best laid plans of mice and men.
啊 不过 我想人类和这没多大关系
Yes, well, I don’t think men have much to do with it. Here.
呃 我得先提醒你
Um, I must warn you,
我们得穿过一些 星际之门之类的
we’re going to pass through, well, a sort of gateway thing.
-啊 -可能会让你有点疑惑
-Huh? -It may disturb you.
It scares the willies out of me.
哈哈哈 欢迎来到我们的厂房♥
Ha, ha, ha. Welcome to our factory floor.
好了 好了
All right. All right.
啊 就这了
Yeah, this is it.
This is it.
哦 伟大的”深思”
O great Deep Thought!
We have traveled long…and far.
Have you calculated the ultimate question of life,
the universe and everything?
-什么 -我一直在看电视
-What? -I’ve been watching TV.
我另造了台计算机 去处理了
I designed another computer to do that.
哦 对了 差点忘了 就在这吗
Oh, right, I forgot. Is it here?
不是 不在这里 是另一个世界
No, it’s not here. It’s another world.
It’s on another world.
那台计算机就是另一个世界 你这个白♥痴♥
It is another world, stupid.
或者说曾经是 沃刚人已经把它给毁了
Or it was until the Vogons destroyed it
to make way for a hyperspace expressway.
呃 那好
Well… Okay.
You sure you don’t have the question,
or a way to, you know, access it or something?
‘Cause I think I’ve done a lot to get here.
哦 嘘 嘘 节目又开始了
Oh, shh, shh. The show’s back on.
那么 我不打扰你了 我要 节目不错
Well, I don’t wanna bother you, so I’m gonna… Good stuff.
很好 我得走了 再去找些
Great. I’m gonna go and find something else
for my entire life to be about.
查福德 查福德 还有只 枪
Zaphod, Zaphod, there’s the… the gun.
-枪 -哈玛派你来拿的枪
-Gun? -That Humma sent you for.
-你把头给他了 -为什么我会把头给他
-You gave him your head. -Why’d I… Why’d I do that?
-好吧 -那样真蠢
-Okay. -That’s stupid.
噢”深思” 有人告诉我们 这里有枝枪
O Deep Thought, we were told that there is a gun.
-那就是 -嗯
-There you are. -Hm?
Look familiar?
So it wasn’t destroyed?
确实被毁灭了 这只是个备份 地球2号♥
Actually, it was. This is a backup. Earth Mark II.
那么 你创造了地球
So you… you made the Earth?
不是我一个人完成的 但我参与了
Not me alone, but I… I did my part.
有没有听说过一个 叫挪威的地方吗
Ever heard of a place, I think it’s called Norway?
那是我造的 因为它 我还得了奖
That was one of mine. I… I got an award for it.
你好啊 弗兰克 这是弗兰克
All right, Frank? That’s… that’s Frank.
啊 哈 他们 他们差不多完成了海洋
Ah-ha. They… they’ve nearly finished the oceans.
这里 正如
Here, it’s…
it’s just like Humma said.
-这下你可以把头拿回来了 -嘿 福特
-Now you can go get your head back. -Hey, Ford.
认识你可真好 好兄弟
It’s been nice knowing you, you zarking frood.

-嚯嚯 -有点破坏性啊
-Whoa! -This is a bust too.
嘿 兄弟 我知道 你肯定有点不爽
H… H… Hey, man. You know, you must really be frustrated.
你做了那么多 到头来还是一无所获
You go through all you have, you don’t get an answer,
没能得到你应得的 财富 名誉
which means no money or fame, which you deserve…
“立场转换枪” 很简单
The Point-of-View Gun, conveniently,
does precisely what its name suggests.
太好了 太好了
Fantastic. Fantastic. Fantastic.
如果你瞄准某人 并扣动扳机
If you point it at someone and pull the trigger,
