With all this, that’s $82,400.
所有这些 一共是82,400美金
Oh, goddamn it. I don’t fucking believe it. Whoo!
太好了 我真♥他♥妈♥不敢相信 喔
Alan, you’re the man. You are too, Phil.
艾伦 你是个人物 你也是 菲尔
We should come back next week, take the whole city down.
我们下个礼拜应该再来 横扫赌城
Oh, I’m free next week.
Or we could just focus on getting Doug back, right now.
Uh, you know what? Next week’s no good, the Jonas Brothers are in town.
我下个星期不行 杰纳斯兄弟来城里
But any week after that is totally fine.
I think it’s safe to say that our luck has officially turned around, guys.
We are back, baby. We are fucking back. We’re back. Classic.
我们回来了 宝贝 我们他妈的回来了 我们回来了 牛逼
We are back, we are back
我们回来了 我们回来了
That’s right.
We are getting Doug back
And we’re the three best friends That anybody could have
We’re the three best friends That anyone could have
We’re the three best friends That anyone can have
And we’ll never, ever, ever, ever, ever Leave each other
我们永远 永远 永远 永远 永远不分开
We’re the best three friends That anybody could have
I mean, the three best friends That anybody could have
我是说 世人梦寐以求三个的挚友
That’s right, the three best friends That anybody can have
对啊 三个世人梦寐以求的挚友
Now what? Give him the signal.
现在怎么办? 给他发信♥号♥♥
What signal? Flash your lights. Let him know it’s on.
什么信♥号♥♥ 闪一下车灯 让他知道开始了
What’s on? The deal.
什么开始了 那个交易
Of course it’s on. We just drove 30 miles into the desert. He knows it’s on.
当然开始了 我们开了30里路到这沙漠 他知道交易开始了
Phil, just do something.
菲尔 你就做点什么吧

Oh, shit. See?
他妈的 你看
All right, let’s go.
好吧 快走
Funny fat guy fall on face.
太搞笑了 那个胖子摔了个狗啃泥
You okay?
All right, we got the money. Eighty grand, cash.
没事 我们把钱带来了 8万块 现金
Throw it over. Then I give you Doug.
把钱扔过来 我就把道格还给你们
Um, I’m sorry. First of all, good morning. And we didn’t catch your name last night.
不好意思 首先 早上好 昨晚忘了请问您尊姓大名
Mr. Chow. Leslie Chow.
我姓周 周莱雷
Mr. Chow, it is a pleasure. My name is Stu.
周先生 幸会幸会 我叫斯图
And we would very much appreciate an opportunity to see Doug…
如果在付款之前 我们能有幸见到道格
…before we give you the money, just to verify that he’s okay.
能够确信他安然无恙 我们将感激不尽
If that’s cool. Of course, Stu. That is cool.
如果可以的话 当然可以 斯图 没问题
Oh, thank God. Okay.
谢天谢地 好
See, he fine. Now give me money…
看见了? 他很好 现在把钱给我
…or I shoot him, and I shoot all you motherfuckers.
不然我一枪毙了他 然后再把你们这些鸟人通通毙了
And then we take it. Your choice, bitches.
然后我们再拿钱走人 你们自己选吧 贱♥人♥
Give him the money, Stu. Okay.
把钱给他 斯图 好
It’s all there. Let him go.
全在这儿 放人
All right, take it easy. Take it easy.
好的 放松点
Is this some kind ofjoke? Who the hell is this?
你玩我啊 这人是谁啊
That is not Doug.
What you talking about, Willis? That him.
威廉斯 你说什么啊 就是他啊
No, I’m sorry, Mr. Chow. That’s not our friend.
周先生 不好意思 这不是我们朋友
He… That’s… The Doug we’re looking for is a white.
Ah! I told you you had the wrong guy, little boy.
我都跟你说你抓错人了 兔崽子
Damn, Alan, what the fuck you got me into?
见鬼 艾伦 你把我搅进了什么鸟事里啊
You know him? This is the guy that sold me the bad drugs.
你认识他 是啊 这是卖♥♥给我那些嗨药的人
How you doing? I didn’t sell you no fucking bad drugs.
你怎样 我他妈没有卖♥♥给你什么嗨药
Wait. He sold you the Ruphylin? Ruphylin? I sold you that Ru…? Wha…?
等等 是他把飞魂卖♥♥给你的? 飞魂? 我卖♥♥个你的是飞.. 什么
Who gives a shit? Where is Doug? I am Doug.
管他呢 道格在哪儿 我就是道格
Your name’s Doug? Yes, I’m Doug.
你叫道格? 是啊 我叫道格
His name’s Doug too. Ha. Classic mix-up.
他也叫道格 这真♥他♥妈♥的太经典了
Come on.
Hey, Chow. You gave us the wrong Doug. Not my problem.
姓周的 你给我们的是假道格 不关我事
No, fuck that shit. Now, you give us our 80 grand back and take him with you!
我♥操♥ 你把八万美金还来 把人带走
No. Come on. I’ll be your Doug. Oh, yeah, okay. Oh, I take him back.
不 别这样嘛兄弟 我就当你们的道格 行啊 没问题 我会把他带走
Right after you suck on these little Chinese nuts.
Ah. That’s nasty. Mmm. How that sound?
噢 你真下流 这建议如何
So long, gay boys. Wait a second.
基佬们 再见啦 等一下
He’s a nasty little motherfucker.
Did you ever get any ecstasy?
No, I ain’t got no fucking ecstasy.
Goddamn it! Gosh darn it!
天哪 该死 神哪 倒霉
Shit! Shoot!
我靠 妈的
Hello? Ahem, Tracy, it’s Phil.
喂 崔西 我是菲尔
Phil, where the hell are you guys? I’m freaking out.
菲尔 你们到底在哪 我要抓狂了
Yeah, listen.
We fucked up.
Thanks for the lift back to town.
I got a question for you. What’s up?
我想问你个问题 什么
How did you wind up in Chow’s car?
That crazy asshole kidnapped me yesterday.
Okay, but why? I mean, why you?
为什么呢 我是说 为什么是你呢
He thought I was with you guys because we were hanging over at the Bellagio.
因为他以为我是和你们一起的 因为我们昨晚都在百乐宫玩
What? We were at the Bellagio?
什么 我们昨晚都在百乐宫玩
We were shooting craps. You don’t remember?
是啊 我们在那儿玩色子了 不记得了?
No. No, we don’t remember.
Because some dick drug dealer sold him Ruphylin and told him it was ecstasy.
因为有个鸡♥巴♥毒贩子 卖♥♥飞魂给他还骗他说是摇♥头♥丸♥
Ruphylin. There you go with that word. Ruphylin. What the hell is a Ruphylin?
飞魂 你刚刚说的那个词 飞魂 飞魂到底是什么
Wow, you are the world’s shittiest drug dealer.
噢 你是全世界最”牛B”的毒贩子
Ruphylin, for your information, is the date-rape drug. You sold Alan roofies.
魂飞 仅供你参考 就是约会强♥奸♥药 你卖♥♥飞魂给艾伦
Oh, shit. I must have mixed up the bags. My fault, Alan.
靠 一定是我不小心搞混了 我错
Damn, Marshall gonna be pissed off at me on that one.
见鬼 马萨一定会因此对我发飙
Whatever. It’s funny, because just the other day…
无所谓 这真搞笑 就在前几天
…me and my boy, we was wondering why they even call them roofies.
You know what I’m talking about? No. Don’t know.
你知道我在说什么吧 不知道
Why not floories, right? Because when you take them…
为什么不叫Floories(floor有地板的意思)呢 (地魂?) 因为当你吃了以后
…you’re more likely to end up on the floor than the roof.
What about groundies? That’s a good new name for them.
Groundies(ground有底层的意思)呢 也是个好名字 (底魂?)
Or, how about rapies?
Wait, what did you just say? Rapies.
等等 你刚刚说什么 Rapies
Not you. Doug, what did you say before? I said groundies.
没说你 道格 你刚才说什么了 我说Groundies
No, before that.
不是 再前面 你说…
You said, “You’re more likely to wind up on the floor than…”
Phil. Listen, Trace, I’m really sorry. L…
菲尔 听着 崔西 我真的很抱歉
Phil? Hello? Tracy, it’s Stu.
喂 崔西 我是斯图
Stu. Talk to me. What’s going on?
斯图 快跟我说 出什么事了
Uh, nothing. Don’t listen to Phil.
没事 别听菲尔的 他彻底神经了
He’s completely out of his mind. He’s probably still drunk from last night.
他彻底神经了 可能是昨晚的烂醉还没让他酒醒
Where’s Doug?
He is paying the bill. We just had a delicious brunch.
他在结账呢 我们刚吃完一顿美味的早午餐
We’re in a hurry to get back, so we gotta get going.
我们现在正急着回去 所以我们要走了
Okay, we’ll see you soon. Bye. Stu.
好了 一会儿见 斯图
Stu. Fuck.
斯图 我靠
What the fuck, man? I know where Doug is.
我靠 你干嘛呢 我知道道格在哪了
I don’t know, man. It just hit me.
我不知道 你吓着我了
You remember when we saw Doug’s mattress impaled on that statue?
Yeah, we threw it out the window. No, impossible.
嗯 那是因为我们把它从窗户扔出去了 恩 不可能
You can’t open windows in Vegas hotels. Well, then how did it get…?
你在维加斯酒店打不开窗户 那它怎么…
Oh, my God! Ha, ha, ha.
天哪 哈哈哈
Whoa, wait. What’s going on? Doug was trying to signal someone.
等等 怎么回事 是道格在向我们发出信♥号♥♥
Holy shit. Yes.
真的是 对啊
Wait. How did you figure that out? Doug made me realize it.
我靠 你怎么想到的? 道格让我想到的
Doug? Uh, not our Doug. Black Doug.
道格 不是我们的道格 是黑人道格
Hey, hey, easy with that shit. Come on. Sorry.
喂 这问题上别这么斤斤计较好吗 不好意思
Can someone tell me where white Doug is?
He’s on the roof, Alan. Yes.
他在屋顶 艾伦 是
He’s on the roof. We must have taken him up there as a prank…
正确 他在屋顶 一定是我们恶作剧把他放在床垫上抬上去了
…so he’d wake up on the roof. – Like that time in summer camp.
然后他就在房♥顶上醒来 就像当年在夏令营那样
We moved his sleeping bag out in the jetty at the lake?
Ha, ha, ha. Which was hilarious.
It’s not so funny now, though, because we forgot where we put him.
不过这次没那么好笑了 因为我们忘了把他放在哪儿了
You guys are retarded, you know that?
你们还真是他妈的反应迟钝 知道不?
