Waffles are ordered in-house.
炸鸡配华夫饼! 带酱的炸鸡配华夫饼
Chicken and waffles! Smothered chicken and waffles!
大家都在点炸鸡配华夫饼 罗斯科餐厅的
Everybody was ordering chicken and waffles, you know, from Roscoe’s.
我从没见过 比莱昂纳尔·里奇更会吃鸡的人
And I never seen anybody who eats chicken better than Lionel Richie.
He eats the last little piece of bone.
他吃光了 把骨头吸了 然后把骨头一根一根放起来
He sucks it up, and he eats, and he puts them on top of the other one,
所以当他吃完后 所有骨头都整齐地摆放在一起
so when he finishes, he has all these little bones all layered properly.
我说:“兄弟 没人比你更会吃鸡的了”
I said, “Brother, there’s nobody that can eat chicken better than you.”
When that break came,
戴安娜拿着自己的乐谱 走到达利尔·豪尔前
Diana walks up to Daryl Hall with her music in her hands
说:“达利尔 我是你最忠实的粉丝”
and says, “Daryl, I’m your biggest fan.”
“Would you sign my music for me?”
我们都环顾四周 说:“我的天!要命了!”
And we all looked around and said, “Holy moly!”
她要完签名之后 整个房♥间都开始了
Soon as she did it, it just started happening all over the room.
看到辛迪·劳珀 在问莱昂纳尔和老大要
Seeing Cyndi Lauper asking Lionel or the Boss,
挺酷的 他们都想要彼此的签名
you know, that’s dope that they wanna get each other’s autograph.
然后有人过来找我要 我说:“竟然有人想要我的签名?”
And then, they come and ask me, and I’m like, “They want my autograph?”
“哇 这真是太酷了” 你知道吗?
Like, “Wow, that’s really cool,” you know?
于是我给普林斯打了个电♥话♥ 告诉他现在的情况
And so I called Prince to let him know how it was going.
I said, “I think maybe you should come.”
“这里挺酷的 大家都在一起
“It’s pretty cool, and, you know, everyone’s hanging out.”
“We’re having a great time.”
I’m now on the phone with Prince.
He’s at Carlos ‘n Charlie’s.
他说:“我要在另一个房♥间 弹一段吉他独奏”
He said, “I… I… I want… I wanna play a guitar solo.” “In another room.”
我说:“不 我们都在同一个房♥间里”
I said, “No, no, no, it’s… We’re all in the same room.”
“I need you to come and sing.”
He wants to put a guitar,
you know, and we just happen to not need guitar on it.
越来越晚了 我本来很期待…
It was getting late. I was looking forward
to singing one of the verses,
but they kept asking, “Well, do you think you can get Prince here?”
我心想:“哇 这样好奇怪”
I’m like, “Wow, this is weird.”
我开始觉得… 我觉得我是被利用了 我来这里
And I just started feeling like, “I feel like I’m being used, to be here,
because they want Prince to show up,
他们让我待在这里越久 普林斯就越可能过来
and the longer they keep me, maybe Prince will show up.”
I’m sure they were waiting for his limousine to pull up,
but he didn’t show up.
我早就知道他是不会来的 因为这里人太多了
I already knew he wasn’t gonna come, ’cause there was too many people,
and he would feel uncomfortable.
I told Lionel, I said, “I’m gonna go.”
他们从一开始就没打算 让我唱一段主歌♥
They never intended on having me sing a verse,
which was a little bit… heartbreaking.
我们已经唱完了钩子 所以接下来要录独唱了
We had done the hook, so we’re now going into the solos.
Your two lines.
Michael came to me and said, “Prince isn’t coming,
so we have a spot on the line that needs a soloist.”
“你推荐让谁来?” 我说:“休易·路易斯”
“Who do you recommend?” And I said, “Huey Lewis.”
Huey Lewis has a great solo voice.
有人轻拍我的肩膀 说:“昆西找你”
Somebody tapped me and said, “Quincy wants you.”
他们把我带去了昆西身边 他说:“臭臭 过来 叫迈克尔来”
They brought me to Quincy. He says, “Smelly, come over here. Get Michael.”
And he said, “Sing the line for Huey.”
这下我得唱普林斯的歌♥词了 这个班接的 那可真是责任重大啊
So now I get Prince’s line. I mean, those are pretty big shoes to fill!
很好! -我能走了吗?糟糕
Yeah! -Can I go now? Oh no.
从那一刻起 我紧张得都不会思考了
From that moment on, I was nervous out of my brain.
We got a line and waiting here.
Parts, parts, all done.
By the time we really got down to do some solos,
some people were asking, “Why does he have that part?”
或是:“为什么让她唱这部分?” 答案是:“音域适合”
Or “Why does she have that part?” And the answer was, “It fits their range.”
从这一句开始 “让我们意识到…”
You’ve got that line here. “Let us realize…”
Quincy told me who I was gonna sing with,
我说:“威利·纳尔逊?嗯 有意思”
and I said, “Willie Nelson? Hmm. Interesting.”
I was certainly surprised.
我们都围在钢琴周围 史蒂夫·旺达在弹琴
We all gathered around the piano, and Stevie Wonder’s playing the song,
and we sang it acoustically.
史蒂夫·旺达 从他脸上看得出 他认得每个人的声音
And Stevie Wonder, you could see the different voices register in his face.
About halfway through, as he’s playing,
他说:“哇 这么多明星”
he’s going, “Wow. So many stars.”
The first run-through around the piano,
那时候我们才第一次听到 这首歌♥到底是怎么样的
that’s when we first heard what it was actually gonna sound like.
我永远也不会忘记 太美妙了
I’ll never forget. It was amazing.
To hear all those personalities on that thing
for the very first time on that song…
Hair stands up on my back just thinkin’ about it.
我们在地板上贴了胶带 写上了名字
We’d marked tape on the floor with the names,
so it was a big U shape.
从这里开始 一直到那边
It started here and went all the way around.
我记得我在检查时 我在一个个数 因为我…
I remember going through and counting them.
“好 这边有三个 这边两个”
“Okay, there’s gonna be three here, there’ll be two here.”
I’m looking at this list of names on the floor.
I’m like, “This is gonna be unbelievable.”
Springsteen was here.
测试 一、二
Testing, one, two.
I was right there.
迈克尔·杰克逊在这里 我就在迈克尔后面唱
Michael Jackson’s right here. I sing right after Michael.
别担心 有我们在呢
We got you covered.
你知道我怎么样的 对吧?
You know it’s with me, right?
That circle was the intimidating circle of life.
Quincy was right.
轮到你唱歌♥的时候 你必须拿出200%的努力来
When it’s time for your part to sing, you are going to give 200%
because the class is looking at you.
And to see everyone’s preparation and vulnerability
was pretty… amazing.
You were on your game at that point.
我们要做的是 我们面前就是麦克风
What we do is we have mics in front of us,
但我们要做的是 轮到自己时 向前一点
but what we’ll do is you lean in on your part.
然后 当轮到别人唱了
And then, when the other person comes in,
或是你要跟别人二重唱 无论如何
when you duet with someone, whatever the case is,
轮到你唱的时候 向前一点
when your part comes up, lean in.
别站在后面唱 不然我们永远也听不清你的词
Don’t sing back here. You sing back here, we’ll never know your words.
走近一步还是身体前倾? -来这边
Step in or lean? -No. Come on in.
不 尽管你的名字在后头…
Even though your name’s back here. – Do your regular thing.
明白了吗? -嗯
D’you follow? – Yeah.
这是在真录 只是…
This is real recording. It’s just…
名字在后头 但麦克风在这里
The names are back there, but the mics are up here.
Come to the microphone! – Are we ready to do it?
准备好了告诉我 -开唱吧 -准备好了
Let me know when you’re ready! – Ready!
Can we do it again? I messed my start.
Stevie says he’s messed up.
我跑调了 跑得很严重
Heh-heh! I was flat. I was so flat.
How flat is that?
史蒂夫搞砸了 怎么可能啊?
Stevie messed up. How did he do that? – Stevie.
合法吗? -绝不合法
Is that legal? – Never!
史蒂夫俏皮地搞砸了 只有史蒂夫能做到
Stevie screws it up playfully, as only Stevie can.
几乎是故意的 逗大家开心
Kinda almost on purpose, kinda having fun with it.
Stevie was not nervous.
不 我从来不会唱错音
Never! I never mess my note.
It’s my “thoat.”
昆西抬高了嗓门:“好了 我们必须开始录了”
Quincy raised his voice. “We gotta get you there!”
He screamed at us.
I’d never seen him like that.
昆西 嘿!
Quincy, Quincy, hey!
Quincy Jones was always very calm.
His only concern was time.
我们还有很多要做 还差得很远
We got a lot to do. Still a long way to go.
我能帮什么忙吗? -不 没事
Can I help? – It’s good!
挺困难的 因为离得挺远的
It’s tough because we’re… – I just get…