We got Kenny Rogers coming in.
当我到达录音室时 我才意识到 来的都是…
When I arrived at the studio, I realized it was the cream of the crop
of pop music for that time.
雷·查尔斯 车进来了 -我的天!
Ray Charles, car coming in. – Oh my God!
贝蒂·米德勒 -好像是的
Bette Midler. – I think it is.
克里斯蒂·布林克利来了 天啊! -有人看到比利·乔尔了吗?
Christie Brinkley. Oh my gosh! – Anyone have eyes on Billy Joel?
It was overwhelming.
Walkie-talkies is how we communicated.
Who was showing up? Who was here? Who just got here?
Kim Carnes just arriving.
有个家伙把车停在街对面 开着一辆老式的庞蒂克GTO
This guy pulls up across the street. in this old Pontiac GTO.
下车一看 原来是布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀 我心想:“哇 这是动真格啊”
Guy gets out and it’s Bruce Springsteen. I’m like, “Wow, it is on.”
那是雷 真的是他
“That’s Ray. That’s really him.”
That’s like the Statue of Liberty walking in.
对我来说 戴安娜·罗斯的到来:“哇 到了一个不同的级别”
To me, Diana Ross was like, “Whoa. We’ve hit a different echelon here.”
I almost felt like I was in a dream.
在我看来 每个人都是传奇
Everyone was a legend to me.
鲍勃·迪伦?我想我只是打了个招呼 然后就走开了 因为我很害怕
Bob Dylan? I mean, I think I just said hi and walked away ’cause I was scared.
除了艺术家本人 其他人都不能进入录音室
Nobody else was allowed in the studio
except the artists themselves, so nobody had assistants.
当然 这给了我们彼此交流的机会
And then, we get to interact with each other,
and that was really the thrill.
和那群人在一起 真是令人陶醉
It was intoxicating just to be around that group of people.
我感觉自己穿得不够正式 我很担心
I felt like I was underdressed. I was worried.
我认识比利·乔尔 所以我就径直去找他了
I knew Billy Joel, so I went right over to him.
每个人都感受到了这份魔力 你能想到的任何一个…
Everyone felt the magic. Everybody that you can think of
当时的演艺圈人士 都参加了那次录音
who was in show business at that time is at that recording.
We’re on the risers.
保罗站在底下的几级上 他抬头一看
Paul is on one of the lower steps, and he looks up,
他说道:“哇 如果有颗炸♥弹♥掉在这里 约翰·丹佛又要爬上榜首了”
and he goes, “Whoa. If a bomb lands on this place, John Denver’s back on top.”
美极了 这真是太美了
It’s beautiful. So beautiful, man. -Incredible, isn’t it?
We could feel the energy in the room was really high.
Ray and Willie are gonna do some singing.
但与此同时 在表面之下 是竞争的低吟
But at the same time, under it is a low hum of competition.
自负依然是存在的 我们不要假装不存在
The egos were still there. Let’s not pretend that they weren’t there.
Celebrities can be very difficult
当他们被经理 经纪人和化妆师围绕着时
when they’re surrounded by managers, agents, and glam squad,
but they were not in that environment.
音乐界最大牌的明星 觉得这样卸下了武装
The biggest stars in music found it disarming.
他们看上去 几乎有种胆怯的感觉
They seemed almost timid.
It was like first day of kindergarten.
好了 各位
Okay, guys.
我们能不能让大家都安静一下 这样我们就可以…
Can we have everybody clear out so we can make…

Hello. Hello. Hello.
听着 各位
Listen. Guys. Guys.
Quincy had to pull all of these kids together.
首先 我想让大家见见鲍勃·格尔多夫
First, I’d like you to meet Bob Geldof
who is really the inspiration for this whole thing.
This is the man who put Band Aid together.
Game on!
他刚从埃塞俄比亚回来 他想和大家谈一谈
And he just came back from Ethiopia, and he’d like to talk to you.
噢 我想吗?
Oh. Would I?
那个 或许…
Um… Well, maybe,
将自己的情绪调整到 与即将唱的这首歌♥同步
to put you in the mood of the song you’re about to sing,
which hopefully will save millions of lives,
我认为最好能记住 今年生命的代价是…
I think it’s best to remember that the price for life this year
is a piece of plastic seven inches wide with a hole in the middle.
我不知道尤其是我们这样的人 是否能想象出一无所有来
And I don’t know if we in particular can conceive of “nothing.”
But “nothing” is not having water.
在有些营地中 你会看到15袋面粉27500个人分
On some of the camps, you’ll see 15 bags of flour for 27,500 people,
你会看到脑膜炎、 疟疾和伤寒
and you see meningitis and malaria and typhoid
buzzing around in the air,
and you see dead bodies lying side by side.
而我们来这里 就是为了这个
And it’s that that we’re here for,
and I assume that’s why we’re all here tonight.
And I don’t want to bring anybody down,
但或许最好的方式 是让你内心的真实感受
but maybe it’s the best way of making what you really feel,
你们今晚来这里的原因 通过这首歌♥表达出来
why you’re really here tonight, come out through this song.
所以 非常感谢各位 希望这首歌♥能够成功
So thanks a lot, everybody, and let’s hope it works.
Quincy is so savvy.
他利用了格尔多夫的演讲 让大家关注今晚是为了什么
He used the Geldof speech to get people to focus on what it was about.
“我们都聊得很开心 但是…
“We’re having a good time here, but, like,
我想让你们把真情实感 注入到这首歌♥中”
I want you to put what you feel into the song.”
我刚在全美音乐奖上表演完 大家都正开心着呢
I’d just performed at the AMAs. You know, everyone having a great time,
然后听他解释完现状 我们为什么来这里
and then the reality of him explaining why we’re here,
you just kinda go, “Wow.”
Everything sung in this room will be unison,
我们每录一次… 和声的部分也一样
on each take, on harmony parts and everything,
这样我们就不用 在这个房♥间里纠结和声了
so we don’t have to stumble with harmony inside the room.
我想做的第一件事 是先从副歌♥合唱开始 好吗?
The first thing I like to do is the lead to the choruses, okay?
Can we hear about four bars without… but without the track? Acapulco!
One, two…
请等一下 各位
Hold it, everybody, please.
请大家用膝盖打拍子 不要用脚打
If everybody could groove from their knees instead of their feet.
We’re getting an awful lot of feet pounding on those risers.
气氛还是很紧张的 因为…我们没有多少时间
The tension was there because we’re not gonna have a lot of time.
在技术上 我们必须非常同步 而且动作得非常快
Technically, we need to be really together, and we gotta move fast.
再来一遍 各位 谢谢
Once again, guys, please.
We had to learn the song.
你只有硬着头皮上 一遍又一遍地唱 当时就是那样的…
You know, you had to rough it out and go over it. And, uh, it was like that.
The pressure was on us, as the production group,
to make sure, when we let Springsteen go home,
让这帮家伙回家时歌♥录完了 对吧?
when we let all these guys go home, it’s done, right?
One night only
to get this right.
好 接下来 我们从头到尾唱一遍
Right, now, we’ll do that all the way through,
and up in the same octave as Michael’s singing it.
唱不了那么高的人 先别参加
Everybody that can’t sing it that high, just lay out.
只有高音歌♥手唱 这部分我不想要多声部
Just the high singers. I don’t wanna get octaves on this part.
We’re gonna do low octaves later.
如果对谁来说太高了的话 就先站在阶梯上休息一下
So, if it’s too high for anybody, they can just rest on the stack,
等下我们再回头录 好吗?
and then we’ll come back and put it away. Okay?

All right.
我们先回放一下 然后我们就得…
So we’ll play… We’ll make a playback, and we’ll start…
开始干苦力了 好吗?
we’ll start chopping wood, okay?
能让我听听吗 翁?
Can I hear it, Hum?
Everybody have cans?
Bob Dylan knows himself
he’s not a singer in the way that Stevie Wonder is.
所以迪伦可能 比在场的任何人
So Dylan was probably more uncomfortable
than any other person that was here.
还有人再唱低八度的 -是啊
Somebody’s still singing an octave.
听着 我们这一边不要唱多声部
The octaves… We really can’t do the octaves on this take.
只录他们的? -啊?
只录他们的? -对
Just for them? – Yes.
Some of the singers were saying, “That’s not in my range.”
你呢? -唱不了
How about you? – I can’t do it.
不行 对吧?
Can’t, right?
如果超出了你的音域 你心里会想
If it was out of your range, you’re trying to figure out,
“或许我能唱个和声” 可他们不想要你唱
“Well, maybe I can sing a harmony,” but they didn’t want any of that.
They just wanted that solid unison.
There’s a singers’ old saying, “Suck along quietly.”
在你的音域内 你就唱
Sing it while it’s in your range.
当歌♥超出了你的音域 停下来
When it gets out of your range, stop.
有这么多个人的声音 没人会发现少了你的
You know, there are so many voices. Nobody’s gonna miss you.
One, two, three.
There’s probably 60 or 70 people in the room.
It was getting pretty ripe.