Lionel Richie!
莱昂纳尔·里奇! -莱昂纳尔·里奇
Lionel Richie! -Lionel Richie.
莱昂纳尔·里奇 -莱昂纳尔·里奇!
Lionel Richie. -Lionel Richie!
莱昂纳尔·里奇 -《你好》
Lionel Richie. -“Hello.”
我记得那晚我赢了六个奖项 同时我还要主持
I think I won six awards that night while hosting.
I forgot, I’m working here.
回到后台时 他一直在说《四海一家》的事
When he was backstage, he was talking about “We Are the World.”
可你只有30秒 就得重回舞台上去了
But you only got 30 seconds. Gotta be back on the stage.
1984 saw her explode into a solo career
with her new album, The Glamorous Life.
Just wait till you see Sheila E.!
当时 我在参加《紫雨》的巡演
At that time, I was on the Purple Rain Tour.
It was nonstop.
等我赶到全美音乐奖上时 我已经累迷糊了
By the time I got to the AMAs, I… I was delirious.
Sing it!
And I was nervous as heck.
我看了观众一眼 这样做真是大错特错
I looked into the audience, which is the wrong thing to do,
因为当你看到都是谁坐在前五排 你心里想:“我的天!”
’cause you look at the first five rows, you’re like, “Oh my God!”
来吧 大家 一起唱!
Come on, everybody, sing it!
I remember Lionel telling me, “After the AMAs,
大家都要去录一首歌♥ 我想让你唱其中的一段主歌♥”
everyone’s gonna go sing this song, and I want you to sing one of the verses.”
于是我说:“噢 当然了”
And so I was like, “Oh, absolutely.”
莱昂纳尔说 他希望普林斯也能唱一段主歌♥
Lionel had said he was hoping Prince would also sing a verse.
我说:“行啊 不过 你知道的 那得按照他的时间表来才行”
I was like, “Cool, but, you know, he’s gonna do it on his own time.”
接下来 让我们看看 哪首歌♥将成为最受欢迎的黑人单曲
And now, let’s see what record will make it as Favorite Black Single.
被提名的是普林斯《白鸽哭泣之时》 迈克尔·杰克逊 《惊悚片》
Nominees are Prince, “When Doves Cry,” Michael Jackson, “Thriller.”
在其他几个类别中 也是普林斯对迈克尔
In a couple categories, it was Prince versus Michael.
The rivalry was real.
要是迈克尔和普林斯能一起唱 那就太好了
It would be great if Michael and Prince were together singing.
那会传达出一个很棒的信息 即便是这两个人
It was a great statement to make, that even these two guys,
为了拯救生命 我们能团结起来做这件事
“For saving lives, we can come together to do this.”
“When Doves Cry,” Prince.
普林斯 他的保镖叫奇克
Prince, his bodyguard’s name was Chick,
and Chick was scarier than hell!
He was just a massively huge person,
普林斯得奖时 奇克会和他一起走上台去
and when Prince would win an award, Chick would walk up onstage with him.
No one’s gonna attack him walking up on stage!
好吧 或许现在时代不同了
Well, maybe that’s different nowadays.
普林斯赢下了好几个大奖 迈克尔没有
Prince won those big awards. Michael didn’t.
当然他也没在场 他在A&M录音棚里 忙他自己的事
Michael wasn’t there of course. He was at A&M Studios doin’ his thing.
迈克尔? -嗯?
Michael? – Yes?
“我们正在做的选择 是在救自己的性命”
“There’s a choice we’re making. We’re saving our own lives.”
Could you just leave that line out of the chorus, please?
把“我们正在做”这句去掉? 谁能给我一份歌♥词吗?
So leave out “There’s a choice…”? Can somebody bring me a lyric?
我会去掉的 但我怕我忘了
I’ll leave it out, but I… I just might forget.
第一个到场的人 是迈克尔·杰克逊
The first person who showed up here was Michael Jackson.
让他站在房♥间的正中♥央♥ 我们用的是C12麦克风
Put him right in the middle of that room. We’re using a C12 microphone.
Can we take one?
He got himself
that he felt that he was in sync with the music.
我们能不能先把均衡调好了 再开始让他唱?
Could we just have balance before he holds the note from there?
先不加伴奏? -好的
Without the track? -Sure.
I was here, adjusting some lights,
and Michael Jackson is listening,
突然 他唱了起来
and he suddenly sings…
This is the most remarkable voice, I have ever heard in my life.
我没唱“更美好” 我一直都在唱“更明亮” 我忘了
I didn’t say “better.” I kept on saying “brighter” and “brighter.” I forgot.
When I was asked to write this by Quincy
about, you know, for world hunger,
I put my heart and my soul into it.
要我用说的 很困难
…to say something because…
对我来说 通过歌♥声来表达要容易多了
…it’s so much easier for me to talk through the song.
That’s really my statement.
昆西 你觉不觉得…
Quincy, do you think…
我想问 你… 最后我应该唱 “你与我”还是“你跟我”?
Uh, I’m saying, “you…” Should I say, “you and me” or “you and I” at the end?
我喜欢“你与我” -好的
I like, “you and me.” – Okay.
听起来更深情 -对 深情 是的
It’s much more soulful. – More soulful, yeah.
是啊 -乡村
Yeah. – Country, man.
是 更有乡村的感觉 -我很喜欢
Yeah. Country. – Love it, man.
就该这个样子 哥们
That’s what it’s all about.
关于迈克尔 有一件事非常有意思
What was so interesting about Michael
最初 迈克尔只想写这首歌♥
is that, originally, Michael only wanted to write a song.
一开始 迈克尔不想唱的 也不想拍这个音乐录像
At first, Michael didn’t wanna sing or be on the video.
He thought it was overexposure at first.
I talked Michael into being on the thing, you know?
要是他没参加的话 会成为他职业生涯
That would’ve been one of the biggest mistakes of his career
if he hadn’t showed up.
但他最后参与了 不仅仅只是参与而已
But he was there, man. He was more than there.
听起来怎么样?听起来棒极了 伙计
How did it sound? – Sounds great, man.
太棒了 迈克
Fantastic, Mike.
稍后请尽情期待蒂娜·特纳 史蒂夫·旺达
Still to come, exciting performances by Tina Turner,
Cyndi Lauper, and Prince.
肯·克雷根也在节目现场 就坐在第一排
Kenny Kragen was at the show, in the first row,
and every time it went to commercial…
肯尼就会从座位上跳起来 跑到后台去
Kenny… Kenny leapt out the seat and ran backstage.
你坐着就好 宝贝 你坐着就好
You stay in your seat, babes. You stay in your seat.
我跑去找他 跟他说:“我们这儿出了点状况”
I went to him, and I said, “We have a situation happening here.”
Cyndi Lauper.
在后台 辛迪·劳珀过来跟我说:
Backstage, Cyndi Lauper came over to me and said,
“My boyfriend heard the song.”
“我没办法来了 因为他觉得这首歌♥不会火”
“I’m not gonna be able to come, because he doesn’t think it’s a hit.”
Well, nobody knew.
It certainly was a group of great people,
but I was so punch-drunk tired.
哎呦 今年可不得了 嗯?
Well, it’s some year, huh?
节目结束以后 他说:“好吧 至少你人要到场”
And after the show, it was like, “All right, you have to just go there.”
I said, “Cyndi,
这件事很重要 你要做出正确的决定”
it’s pretty important for you to make the right decision.”
“Don’t miss the session tonight.”
What a night!
What a night!
I said to the artists, “Don’t hang out here.”
“赶紧上路 去A&M录音棚”
“Hit the road and get to A&M Studios.”
你能谈谈 你对今晚录制的歌♥曲有什么感受吗?
Can you talk about your feelings about this record being made tonight?
I don’t know what’s happening.
昆西在那里咬指甲呢 我想赶紧过去看看怎么回事
Quincy’s over there biting his nails. I wanna get over there and find out.
嗯 -那名字呢?
I don’t know. Yeah. – And the name of it?
“We Are the World.”
有传言说普林斯和詹姆斯·布朗 也可能会参与其中
There’s a rumor that Prince and James Brown may be included in this.
无可奉告 -为什么?为什么不说啊?
No comment. – Why? Why not?
I’m not allowed to talk about it.
我们必须换下一个了 -谢谢
Ladies and gents, we have to move on. Thank you.
Thanks a lot, everyone.
当我离开全美音乐奖时 我只知道有一辆车在等我
When I left the AMAs, I just knew there was a car there for me.
And then we show up.
I had no clue who was gonna be there.
在到达洛杉矶之前 我对这个项目一无所知
I knew nothing about what the project was till I got to Los Angeles.
Quincy means an awful lot to people,
当他要做一个项目时 一定是很值得参与的
and when he’s doing a project, it’s something well worth being a part of.
Pretty much everything was ready to go.
昆西向我要了一张纸 他决定写下史上最棒的一句话
Quincy asked me for a piece of paper, and he decided to write the greatest line.
“Check your ego at the door.”
I was lucky enough to be one of the cameramen,
but I was just the rookie of the bunch.
I’d only moved out here three years before.
制片人说:“快到前面去 他们很快就要到了”
The producer said, “Go out front. They’re gonna start arriving pretty soon.”
问题是 到底最后谁会来
The question is who was actually gonna show up.