Of course, Stevie was, “Oh, okay,” you know?
♪ It’s true we make a brighter day… ♪
你能清楚看到他脸上的震惊 “怎么都没人告诉我?”
You could see the shock was, “How come somebody didn’t tell me?”
呃 我们告诉过你了 三周前
Well, yeah, we did. We… Three weeks, you know?
但到了那一刻 这个婴孩马上要诞生了
But, at that moment, the baby was about to get born.
Tomorrow, we gotta get lead sheets, a letter,
和所有的磁带 寄给艺术家们
and the cassettes out to all the artists.
我们周一能收到吗? -噢 当然了
Can I get it Monday sometime? – Of course.
我必须在明天前拿到带子 这至关重要
I must have my tape by tomorrow. It’s imperative.
I got a stack of 50 cassette tapes
that went to managers.
Some of them went directly to artists.
那段时间挺有意思的 我们刚刚出完我们的第一张热门唱片
It was an interesting time. We had just had our first big hit record,
我收到了录音带 那时候还是磁带
and I received the tape, the cassette tape in those days,
这首歌♥的带子 还有邀请函
of the song and the invitation,
and I played the demo in my car.
I’d never met Lionel or Michael,
so, you know, it was just an amazing invite to get.
我记得我当时就想:“噢 这首歌♥肯定会火的”
And then, I remember thinking, “Oh yeah, this… this is gonna be a hit.”
我记得我是这么听说的 因为莱昂纳尔给我打了电♥话♥
I remember how I heard about it ’cause Lionel called me.
Lionel was my brother-brother.
我当时就答应了 凭这一点就足够了
So that was it. That was enough for me.
I didn’t have to be coaxed or anything like that.
Quincy’s office sent me a copy.
我听了好几遍 副歌♥确实挺让人印象深刻的
I listened to it a couple of times, and it definitely had a memorable chorus.
我第一次听到的时候 我觉得这首歌♥非常笼统
When I first heard it, I thought it was very broad, you know,
as music that’s gonna carry
要有这么多歌♥声来唱 通常也只能这样
all those voices usually has to be,
于是我说:“好吧 挺好的”
so I said, “Okay, that’s… that’s cool.”
在寄出的信中 有一行被涂黑了
In the letter that was sent out, one of the lines was blacked out.
那是录制的地点 上面写着A&M录影棚
That was where it was. It says that A&M studios…
肯说:“不 你不能让任何人知道在那里录”
Ken said, “No, you can’t let anybody know it’s there, man.”
For him to give me details at that time would be… unnecessary.
我像许多我认识的艺术家一样 根本什么也记不得
I, like many artists that I know, don’t remember shit.
Quincy called me,
他说:“我们要录一首新歌♥ 我想让你来负责声乐”
and he said, “We’re gonna do a new song, but I want you to handle the voices.”
他说:“快过来 我想跟你谈谈 因为我们的时间不多了”
He said “Come on over. I wanna talk to you about it. We haven’t got much time.”
Quincy and I met back in 1973.
我是一个 在黑人福音教会长大的白人男孩
I was a white boy raised in a Black gospel church.
昆西听到了 我为莎拉·沃恩做的一些编曲
Quincy heard some arrangements that I had done for Sarah Vaughan,
and he invited me to his home,
他走到前门来 打量了我一番 说:
and he came to the front door, and he looks up, and he goes,
“You’re not white.”
And that started us off.
我们在艺术上坠入了爱河 成为了好兄弟
We artistically fell in love and became brothers,
but Quincy was the general.
We ended up at my house.
汤姆·贝勒也来了 跟昆西一起
Tom Bahler was there, with Quincy,
and they’re in my living room.
They had a fan.
上面是所有艺术家的名字 全摆在地上
They had names of all of the artists on the floor.
接下来 我们必须进行声乐编曲
Now, we have to go through the process of the arrangement of the vocals.
We had to select who’s gonna do the solos,
which only have a half a line to sing,
而且在这半句之中 彰显得出你的音色、风格和音域
and it has to be your sound, your style, your key in a half a line.
I started listening to every artist that was gonna sing a solo…
…looking for differences, contrasts.
The Boss has a dirty sound.
And I thought of Kenny Loggins next.
Kenny has a clean sound
that was perfect after Springsteen.
Bahler was studying people’s vocal ranges
because he wanted to make sure they would be really comfortable
with what they had to sing.
Having worked with Tina before,
我把她放在了低声部 因为她的低音非常温暖
I put her very low because she’s got such warmth down there.
And then you go to Steve Perry.
他的音域 可以说相当令人激动
His range, I mean, he’s electrifying in that place.
辛迪 她的声音很有力
Cyndi, her voice is forceful.
Even in “Girls Just Want to Have Fun.”
天啊 我爱休易
Oh God, I Love Huey,
but not every artist was gonna sing a solo.
另外 他也很担心的是 要安排谁站在谁的旁边
Also, he was worried about who they were gonna be standing next to,
and that led to some interesting discussions
about how people were gonna get combined.
我原以为我们录制的方式 是让大家都过来 然后
I thought what we were gonna do was have everybody come in,
一个一个 进到录音室来 唱自己那句
one by one, go in the booth, sing it.
昆西说:“不行 那样的话三周都录不完”
Quincy says, “No, no, no. We’ll be here for the next three weeks.”
“我们要在房♥间里 放上一整圈麦克风
“We’ll put a circle in the room of all mics,
and everyone will sing it looking at each other.”
Some of these artists are troublemakers.
里头有不少爱制♥造♥麻烦的人 辛迪·劳珀就是其中之一
There were people in there, troublemakers. Cyndi Lauper was one.
Stevie Wonder is another one.
我不是害怕 只是情况可能会很糟 哥们
I’m not afraid, but it’s just deep water, man.
Quincy said, “Let’s start at the beginning. What’s gonna happen
“他们走进录音室后 要怎么样?”
when they come in the studio?”
We need to be able to handle whoever comes in,
and we wanted no downtime.
必须要做得天衣无缝 因为如果我们停下哪怕一分钟
This has gotta be seamless because if we stop for a minute,
this thing’s gonna be chaos.
我看着这些名字 伟大的艺术家
I’m looking at these names. Great artists.
And I was one of them.
“What am I doing? What… What… And what on Earth
am I doing here?”
It’s pretty daunting.
接着 突然之间…
And then, all of a sudden…
it’s time.
莱昂纳尔清晨抵达时 我人正在圣殿礼堂
I was at the Shrine Auditorium when Lionel arrived in the early morning.
你负责的艺术家要主持 电视台黄金时段的最热门节目时
Your artist is hosting the biggest prime-time show on a network,
when network TV was the only thing that was happening.
We really worried about Lionel.
我老实告诉你 我这辈子都没念过这么多的独白
I tell you right now, there’s more dialog than I’ve ever handled before in my life.
不过很好玩 非常好玩 这个节目向来都很精彩
It’s fun though. Lot of fun. It’s always an exciting show,
and I’m looking forward to it.
If I can stay awake!
但与此同时 我们还要安排录音室的事
But also, we have the setup for the studio.
I got the call to volunteer to light it.
我成功地找到了 灯光业界中的几个朋友前去无偿帮忙
I was able to get some friends in the lighting industry to volunteer,
and I got the equipment for free.
老实说 我觉得他们都不知道到底会有谁来
To be honest with you, I don’t think they even knew who was actually gonna come.
对于不参加全美音乐奖的艺术家 我们非常不确定
There was a lot of questions about artists who didn’t come to the AMAs.
I was called by Quincy Jones.
All he said was, “You will be in Los Angeles tomorrow night,”
我说:“不 不会 我会在拉斯维加斯”
and I said, “No, I won’t. I’ll be in Las Vegas.”
活动当天的下午两点 史蒂夫还在费城
Stevie was in Philadelphia, two o’clock, the day of the event.
We’ll be seeing you in the summer!
布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀 刚刚结束了他在布法罗的巡演
Bruce Springsteen had just finished his tour in Buffalo.
我听说了那里的天气状况 所以我们很紧张
I’d heard what the weather was about back there. So we got nervous.
你意识到 你现在根本无法控制要发生什么事
You realize that you have no control of what’s happening right now.
那天晚上你只能… 你只能飘着
It was an evening where you just… you’re floating.
嗨 我是莱昂纳尔·里奇
Hi, I’m Lionel Richie.
今晚 我们又回到了
Tonight, we’re back at the Shrine Auditorium
in Los Angeles, California
for the American Music Awards!
小心点 今晚我们要大闹一场了!
Look out! We’re gonna be running with the night! Whoo!
莱昂纳尔 那天晚上 他有做主持人的责任
Lionel, that night, he had his responsibilities as a host.
He’s the leader of the show.
今夜之后 一切都将大不相同
Nothing! Nothing will ever be the same after tonight.
He performed twice,
and he swept the awards.