But when Stevie says, “I’ll call you back,”
你就只能等他主动打给你 不知道要等到什么时候
you just wait for him to call you back on whatever timetable it’s going to be.
在那之后 我给昆西打了个电♥话♥
And after that, I had Quincy on the phone.
He says, “Well, I’ll see Michael tomorrow.”
“我去问问他 看他怎么想”
“I’ll run it by him, see what he thinks.”
他的专辑《惊悚片》 刚刚成为…
The man whose record, Thriller, has just become
the biggest-selling album ever,
他今年获得的格莱美奖提名 比历史上的任何人都要多
who earned more Grammy nominations this year than anyone in history.
Michael Jackson is the man of the ’80s.
女士们 先生们 迈克尔·杰克逊
Ladies and gentlemen, Michael Jackson!
Michael and I go back to the early Stone Age days.
We were brought up in Motown,
身为海军准将的主唱 和杰克逊五兄弟的主唱
and, as lead singer of the Commodores and lead singer of the Jacksons,
we bonded right away.
I’ve been working on this…
你一直躲躲藏藏的 我早知道你在搞这个了
Been hidin’ out. That’s what you been doin’, I know you have.
When he first learned how to drive,
the first place he drove was over to my house.
但他不敢在高速公路上开 因为他很害怕上高速
But he couldn’t drive on the freeway because he was scared to death,
so he knew every backstreet in the world to get to my house.
But Stevie wouldn’t call me back,
所以迈克尔和我必须 在没有史蒂夫的情况下开始创作了
so Michael and I needed to start writing without Stevie.
I said to Michael,
“我可以单独把这首歌♥写出来” “你也可以单独把这首歌♥写出来”
“I can write the song by myself. You can write the song by yourself.”
“但如果我们 要跟昆西·琼斯一起合作 这首歌♥必须不一般”
“But if we gonna do this together with Quincy Jones, it has to be huge.”
This is my first time in the Jackson household.
那时候你就得去维加斯了 对吧?
That’s when you do Vegas?
我意识到 我们从未一起写过任何东西
I realized we’d never written anything together,
and we’ve never spent time together.
你想怎么来都行 -我无所谓
However you wanna do it. – Doesn’t bother.
得做个选择 我明白
There’s a choice. – I’ve got ’em.
这是桑尼与雪儿搭档的 你听听看
This is the Sonny & Cher team, hear this.
我意识到他不会乐器 所以每一部分都是他哼的
I realize he can’t play, so he hums every part,
tapes and tapes of “dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum…”
有没有搞错? 就只有一层又一层的他的哼唱
Excuse me? I mean, it’s just layered and layered of him humming.
It was pretty… amazing.
我们必须立刻决定 我们想要哪种类型的歌♥
We had to identify right away what kind of song do we want.
你想要这种歌♥吗? 还是要来一首庄严的团歌♥?
Do you want one of those? Or do you want an anthem?
不 这不是我们想要的
No. That’s not what we were looking for.
找到了 这就是你的模板
There it is. There’s your template.
等你定好了这个后 接下来要在上头加什么呢?
And once you have that, now what are we gonna put on top of it?
我们写了好多首歌♥ 我们都觉得只是“香肠”而已
We went through various songs we thought were just sausage.
His line was, “Where’s the jelly?”
He called me “Lion-el.”
“莱昂奈尔 我想让你去看看…”
“Lion-el, I want you to check out
Bubbles the chimp.”
But I don’t wanna hold the chimp.
与此同时 楼下正在进行一场激烈的战斗
Meanwhile, there’s a full-on fight going on downstairs.
“Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.”
“Shut up! Shut up!”
“厨房♥里发生了什么事 迈克尔?”
“What’s happening in the kitchen, Michael?”
他说:“哦 八哥瑞奇在跟狗吵架”
He says, “Ah, yeah, Ricky the mynah bird is having a fight with the dog.”
因为鸟会说话 而狗在生鸟的气
‘Cause the bird can talk, and the dog is mad at the bird.
与此同时 又有人给我打电♥话♥来
Meanwhile, I’ve got someone calling on the phone.
“莱昂纳尔 他们要把 全美音乐奖的剧本发过来”
“Lionel, they’re sending a script over for the American Music Awards.”
而迈克尔呢 当然在写他自己的歌♥
Michael’s, of course, working on his songs,
我们其实没有那么认真 因为这事可以以后再说嘛
and we’re really not taking it that serious, because we’ll get to it.
有一些方法 能使这件事越来越大
There are ways to make this thing bigger and bigger and bigger
我是说它带来的影响力 然后…
in terms of what it can generate, and, um…
我们没有写好歌♥ 也没有定好日期
We didn’t have a song, and we didn’t have a date,
但因为我们有 史蒂夫、莱昂纳尔、迈克尔和昆西
but, because we had Stevie, Lionel, Michael, and Quincy,
肯意识到有了这个重磅炸♥弹♥ 他们就谁都叫得动
Ken realized that they had dynamite, and they could call anybody.
It would be epic.
那时候 我们没有科技
Back then, we had no technology.
We didn’t have cell phones.
Things didn’t move quickly.
谢天谢地 肯的名片夹很大
Thankfully, Ken’s Rolodex was massive.
我以前旅行的时候 要带着个大行李箱 里面全是名片夹
I used to travel with a gigantic suitcase that was just Rolodexes.
I said to Belafonte, “We oughtn’t just limit this to the Black artists.”
他说:“当然 好主意”
He said, “Sure. That’s a good idea.”
我说:“我代表肯尼·罗杰斯 他肯定会想也不想就答应的”
I said, “I represent Kenny Rogers who would, I think, do this in a minute.”
Kenny Rogers was a really big deal,
and we asked the other artists that we had on our roster,
like Kim Carnes and Lindsey Buckingham,
可是任何艺术家的时间表 都需要几个月的提前安排
but any artist schedule takes months of planning.
Everything is a logistical nightmare.
Monday, it’s the American Music Awards!
整整三小时的 最佳乡村、灵歌♥与摇滚
Three hot hours of the best of country, soul, and rock and roll!
Lionel Richie hosts the American Music Awards,
周一晚八点直播 中部七点
live, Monday at 8/7 Central.
Because Lionel was hosting the American Music Awards,
we looked at that date
and realized that would bring so many artists into Los Angeles,
费用全包 时间表也都已经安排好了
expenses paid, plotted already on their schedules.
That was the pivotal point
我问:“都有谁来参加 全美音乐奖啊 拉里·克莱因?”
where it was like, “Who’s coming to the American Music Awards, Larry Klein?”
想当年 全美音乐奖可他妈牛逼了
Back then, the American Music Awards was a big fuckin’ deal.
I had Diana Ross and Hall & Oates.
我把他们全订下了 普林斯、麦当娜还有辛迪·劳帕
I mean, I had these people booked. Prince was, Madonna was, and Cyndi Lauper.
I’m currently after Hall & Oates.
Ken Kragen called me.
He said, “I wanna put together a group of superstars,
人越多越好 一起唱一首歌♥”
as many people as I can get, to be on the song.”
可想要把这些人 安排到一个房♥间里一起录音
But to get these people in a room recording together,
就只能是全美音乐奖之夜 其他别无选择
it had to be the night of the AMAs. There was no choice.
只剩不到一个月了 我们看着榜单的前几名
It was less than a month. We were looking at the top charts
and saying, “Who could sell the most records?”
请欢迎最牛逼的王子 普林斯!
Please welcome his Royal Badness, Prince!
Prince was one that they wanted badly.
He had “Purple Rain.”
What are you looking forward to seeing in this film?
Anything more specific than that?
还有别的吗? -普林斯
And anything else? -Prince.
Prince was in love with Sheila E.
Sheila E!
她是他的鼓手 也是个非常棒的歌♥手
She was his percussionist, and she was also a great singer.
I think we needed a little bit of everything.
旅程乐队的主唱史蒂夫·佩里 有着销量第三高的单曲
Steve Perry, the lead singer of Journey, had the third-highest single.
I wanted Madonna.
“Material Girl” and all of the things she did
would bring a really different audience,
but Ken wanted Cyndi.
We had a fight about that.
Can you get my Barbie doll?
I felt, you know, it was an important thing to do.
I do believe that rock and roll can save the world.
Or we should try.
我下一个非常关键的行动 就是去找斯普林斯汀
The next really critical move I made was to go after Springsteen.
好的 这把椅子?
Okay. This chair?

1985年 我仿佛… 置身世界之巅
1985, I was… top of the world!
当时我们很受欢迎 我们的巡演很成功
Yeah, we were very popular, and we had a great tour.
斯普林斯汀简直就是一艘火箭船 可他并不会去参加全美音乐奖
Springsteen was a rocket ship, but he wasn’t going to the AMAs.
我们打了个电♥话♥给 斯普林斯汀的经纪人 乔恩·兰道
We called Springsteen’s manager, Jon Landau,
他对我说:“听着 他的巡演将在前一天晚上结束“
and he said to me, “Look, he’s finishing the tour the night before.”
“他从来不会 在演唱会后的第二天坐飞机”
“He never, ever flies the day after a concert.”
他说:“让我跟他谈谈 拭目以待吧”
He said, “Let me talk to him, and we’ll see.”
饥荒救济是很重要的 我知道这件事一直没解决
Famine relief was important. I knew it hadn’t been addressed, you know,