十分钟后新年大球就要落下了 我们要错过了 奇基
The ball’s dropping in ten minutes. We’re gonna miss it, Chick.
别担心 汤姆 明年还会有的
Don’t worry about it, Tommy. It’ll drop again next year!
对 但我从没见过
Yeah, but I’ve never seen it.
-你没见过大球落下? -只在电视上看过
-You’ve never seen the ball drop? -Only on TV.
我发誓 奇基 我从没看过现场 我只想能目睹一次现场
I swear. I’ve never seen it live, Chick. Just once I wanna be there live.
好的 来 我们走
All right, come on. Let’s go!
Goddamn it.
可怜的米诺格 他以前人最好了
Poor Minogue. He was the best.
别用过去式形容他 失踪不意味着死亡
Don’t say “was.” MIA doesn’t mean dead.
要说谁能在战场上活下来 那一定是汤姆
If anyone can survive out there, it’s Tommy.
He and his brothers, they got those street smarts, you know?
Look at these scumbags.
嘿…LBJ 你今天杀死了多少个孩子?
Hey, hey, LBJ! How many kids did you kill today?
嘿 等等 你干什么?
Hey. What are you doing?
Go home! Go home, you commie bastards.
嘿 停下 你在做什么?
Hey, man! Stop, man! What are you doing?
Those candles represent soldiers who were killed in Vietnam!
噢 抱歉 我以为是和平蜡烛
Sorry. I thought they were peace candles.
怎么 你对和平有意见?
What, you got a problem with peace?
我是对你有意见 大嘴巴
I got a problem with you, mouth!
These demonstrations are hurting our troops!
对 你们为什么不一直游♥行♥到加拿大去
Yeah, why don’t you just keep marching right up to Canada
and lock the key behind you?
走吧 奇基 我们离开这里
Come on, Chickie. Let’s get outta here.
What the hell?
How many kids did you kill today?
嘿…LBJ 你今天杀死了多少个孩子?
Hey, hey, LBJ! How many kids did you kill today?
嘿 我们走
Hey! Let’s go.
go of me!
What the hell are you doing? Go home now!
你在丢自己的脸 丢我们家的脸
You’re embarrassing yourself, and you’re embarrassing your family!
试图拯救更多英伍德的孩子 让他们不白白送命是丢我的脸?
Trying to save more Inwood kids from dying is embarrassing myself?
没错 因为这帮不了任何人
That’s right. Because this ain’t helping nobody.
At least I’m trying to get ’em home alive.
每个人都在出力 而你什么都没做
Everyone’s doing something, and you’re doing nothing.
Doing nothing?
我曾服役四年 18岁时就开始了
I served four years in uniform, starting when I was 18 years old.
You were playing poker in a military base in Massachusetts.
你从未躲避过枪林弹雨 你只会躲避酒吧账单
You weren’t dodging bullets, you were dodging bar tabs.
So quit acting like you’ve been there!
得了吧 去你的
Come on. You know what? Screw you!
Now, let’s go.
I’m not going anywhere with you!
我每天都会来这里 直到战争结束
I’m gonna be here every day until this war’s over,
because this war is immoral!
别和我们讲道德不道德 好吗?
Don’t tell us about immoral, all right?
我们明天要埋葬强尼科诺普 汤姆米诺格失踪中
We’re burying Johnny Knopf tomorrow, and Tommy Minogue’s MIA,
and you’re out here marching with the enemy?
-汤姆? -我们回家吧 好吗?
-Tommy? -Let’s just go home, please?
Don’t tarnish Johnny’s memory like this.
“Tarnish his memory”?
我这么做是为了纪念他 你这只蠢驴
I’m doing this to honor his memory, you dumb shit!
I don’t wanna see no more kids die for nothing!
白白送命?他们是为了 保护我们不被共♥产♥主义侵蚀才死去
For nothing? They died to save us from communism!
这场战争与阻止共♥产♥主义无关 它是为了散播帝♥国♥主♥义♥
This war isn’t about stopping communism, it’s about spreading imperialism!
嘿 潮男 给我闭嘴
Hey, cool-breeze. Shut the fuck up!
-你闭嘴 -是 别逼我们为你打仗
-You shut up! -Yeah. Don’t push us into your war.
-法♥西♥斯♥猪 -你才是问题
-Fascist pig! -You’re the problem, man!
What the– My war?
我在这里是为了维护我的朋友 顺提一句
I’m just here looking out for my friends, who, by the way,
-他们正在为你们作战 -没错
-are over there fighting for you! -Exactly!
We don’t need your friends killing for us, man!
婴儿杀手 这样吧 我们俩一决高下
You know what, baby killer? You and me, let’s go!
我不想打架 哥们 这是关于和平的游♥行♥
I don’t wanna fight, man. This march is about peace.
带着你的和平去死吧 来啊 你和我 来真的
To hell with your peace! Come on. You and me, let’s go!
-我不会和你打架 -别吵了
-I’m not gonna fight you. -Stop it.
由不得你 我三秒后就揍你
You don’t have a choice! I’m gonna hit you in about three seconds.
But I’ll give you the first crack.
来啊 用尽全力
Go ahead, give it your best shot.
What are you doing?
奇基 别打 不要
Don’t you do it, Chickie, don’t!
-混♥蛋♥ -住手…
-You asshole! -Stop! Stop it!
嘿 后退…
Hey! Back off! Back off!
别动 嘿 后退
Stay there! Hey! Back off!
嘿 克莉丝汀
Hey, Christine!
Take a shower!
这些怂包人多 我们两个打他们十个 但还是痛扁他们
Those pussies had us outnumbered 10-to-2, and we still kicked their asses!
So how’d your cheek get all swelled up?
我揍了某个臭嬉皮 所以才闹起来
Sucker-punch. Some hippie. That’s what started it.
那些白♥痴♥抗♥议♥者不知道 我们的士兵会在电视上看到这些事
Do these dumbass protesters not know that our soldiers see that bullshit on TV
and that it’s broadcast all over the world?
And this is exactly what the enemy wants.
To see us divided. Fighting.
If Americans can’t agree,
看起来他们就是正确的一方 我们是错误的一方
it makes it look like they’re right, and we’re wrong.
I just wish our guys could see
that the vast minority of the country’s behind them.
-你是说大多数吧? -不是 我实事求是
-You mean vast majority? -Well, no. I wouldn’t go that far.
我觉得大部分人支持他们 当然
I think most people are behind them, yeah, sure.
But not everyone.
You know what I’d like to do? I’d like to go over to Vietnam
找到雷诺兹、柯林斯 帕帕斯、杜根、米诺格
and track down Reynolds, Collins, Pappas, Duggan, Minogue.
You know, all the boys in the neighborhood.
然后给他们一罐啤酒 知道吗?表示感谢
And just give them a beer, you know? To say thank you.
To the boys!
-敬兄弟们 -兄弟们
-To the boys! -The boys!
I could do that.
Do what?
Bring ’em beer.
我可以申请在前往越南的船打工 送些啤酒过去
I could sign up for a ship headed to ‘Nam. Drop off a few brews.
Are there even boats going over there with the wars going on?
当然了 要不然谁给他们送补给品?
Hell yeah. Who do you think’s bringing ’em supplies?
奇基 你是认真的?
Are you serious, Chick?
你可以就这样跳上某艘商船 开船过去那里?
You can just hop on a merchant marine ship and drive over there?
他当然不是认真的 他喝醉了 瞧他这样子
Of course he’s not serious. He’s hammered. Look at him.
他清醒得很 那可能是 他的第五罐啤酒 顶多了
The man’s stone sober. That’s his fifth beer, maybe, tops.
奇基 你别逗我们 你真的能做到吗?
Don’t bullshit us, Chick. Could you really pull this off?
能、会、一定 这是我的承诺
Could, would, and will. That’s a promise.
我要让他们知道 我们街区和我们的国家仍支持他们
I’m gonna show ’em that this neighborhood and this country is still behind ’em.
What Chickie’s saying is important.
It’s very important.
It’ll prop our boys up.
Maybe a good ol’ American beer will remind them
what they’re fightin’ for.
Thank God someone knows.
你用这个装 这样他们就知道 这是我们大家的心意
You bring it to ’em in this. That way they know it’s from all of us.
We’re bringing the boys beer.
嘿 奇基…别这样 告诉他们你乱说的
Hey, Chickie? Chickie, don’t do this. Tell ’em you’re full of shit.
-早点坦白更容易 -好的
-It’s always harder afterwards. -Okay.
把每个人的名字和所在的部队 给我列张清单 好吗?
Get me a list of all the guys and the units that they’re in, okay?
因为我会去越南 我要给他们送啤酒
Because I’m going to Vietnam, and I’m bringing them beer!
-好 -好 我们来吧
-Yeah! -Yeah! Let’s go!
上帝保佑你 奇基
God bless you, Chickie.
那帮混♥蛋♥在英勇作战 为了祖国抗争、就义
Those brave bastards over there, fighting and dying for this country.
我们则无所事事 除了你
We’re sitting on our asses doing nothing. Except for you.
是 我还什么都没做呢
Yeah. Well, I ain’t done nothing yet.
The hard part’s gonna be finding a ship.
然后 到了那边后我要怎么找到他们?
Then, once I get over there, how am I even gonna track ’em down?
