谢谢你 上校
Thank you, Colonel!
抱歉 嘿 借过 让一让…
Sorry. Hey, come on. Coming through! Coming through!
-这是你的 -我的意思是
-That’s for you. -All I’m saying is,
我不记得奇基上一次 给啤酒钱是什么时候了
I can’t remember the last time Chickie paid for a beer.
等一下 你是说我小气?
Wait, are you calling me cheap?
不 他是说你蹭酒喝 找回来的钱呢?
No, he’s calling you a freeloader. Now, where’s my change?
Thank you.
Are you shittin’ me?
嘿 面条
Hey, Noodle.
我赚得盆满钵满下船后 谁请喝酒的次数比我多?
When I get off a ship flushed with cash, who picks up more tabs than me?
-没有谁 -可不是
-No one. -Bingo.
但你三个月没上船做工了 你自己算
But you haven’t been on a ship in three months. Do the math.
连先令酒吧都不能进 因为他还赊着账
Can’t even go to the Shilling no more, ’cause he ain’t paid his tab!
嘿 胡说什么 我不能进先令酒吧
Hey, that’s bullshit! I can’t go to the Shilling no more,
because that’s where the Keenan brothers hang out.
They still mad about you and their sister?
不知道 我也不想知道
I don’t know. And I don’t wanna find out.
嘿 谁点了这首烂歌♥?
Hey, who put this shit on?
我点的 我爱这首歌♥
I did. I love this song!
I love this song too.
-这歌♥真垃圾 -是不太好
-This song sucks. -It’s not great.
嘿 上校 再来一轮
Hey, Colonel! One more round!
想都别想 唐纳修 你已经欠了三周的啤酒钱了
Forget it, Donohue. You’re three weeks behind on your tab.
这次不算在我的账上 布伦登给钱
This ain’t on me! It’s on Brendan!
Lucky boy!
And keep ’em comin’!

懒虫 快起床 快点
Get your ass out of bed, you lazy bum! Come on.
-该死 我起来了 -你没起来
-Fuck. I’m up. -You’re not up!
11点30分的弥散十分钟前就开始了 看在老…快给我起来 奇基
11:30 mass began ten minutes ago, for Chris– Get the hell up, Chick!
I went there five o’clock last night.
胡说 你母亲和我去了5点的弥撒
Bullshit. Your mother and I were at the five.
瞧瞧你 大白天睡觉 浪费生命
Look at you, sleeping your life away.
I’ll stay awake when I’m dead.
看在老天份上 奇基 弥撒已经开始了
For God sake’s, Chickie. Church started already!
Get up!
-奇基 你今晚有什么活动? -你觉得他有什么活动?
-What are you doing tonight, Chickie? -What do you think he’s doing?
It’s the same every night with him.
一杯接着一杯 蒙头大睡一整天 他是 “欢乐时光奇基” 羡慕这人生啊
He’s off on a toot. He sleeps all day. He’s “Good Time Chickie.” Must be fun.
噢 天…又开始了
Oh, my– Here we go again.
你要知道 商船船员的日子 并不是游手好闲 好吗?
You know, being a merchant mariner ain’t no pleasure cruise, okay?
-是 -是辛苦劳作
-Yeah. -It’s backbreaking work.
奇基 好可怜
Boohoo, Chickie.
So this is my time to kick back and relax a little,
like a professor on summer break.
对 你的确是教授 你的祖母还是美国小姐呢
Oh, yeah. You’re a professor, and your grandmother’s Miss America.
别这样 又要吵这个吗?
Come on. Do we gotta start this again?
这是我的房♥子 他就得按我的规矩来
You know what? It’s my house. He’s gonna live by my rules!
他要是想每天酗酒、睡觉 那就自己找个地方住
He wants to be a drunk and sleep all day. Maybe he should get his own place!
行啊 我搬出去
Fine. I’ll move out.
奇基 那太浪费钱了
That’s a waste of money, Chickie.
You’re out to sea more than half the year.
凯瑟琳 你不能再溺爱他了
Catherine, you gotta stop babying the boy.
我像你这么大时 有两份工作 三个孩子 还有个妻子
When I was your age, I had two jobs. I had three kids. I had a wife.
So it’s my fault you knocked up Ma in high school?
-嘿 -奇基
-Hey! -Chickie!
We got pregnant after we were married!
老妈 少来了
Come on, Ma.
你们1月结婚 杰拉德6月出生 日子对不上
You got married in January. Gerard was born in June. It don’t add up.
-那是个闰年 -什么年?
-It was a leap year. -A what?
What does that mean?
杰拉德是早产 所以日子对得上
Gerard came early. That’s how it adds up.
Very common in first deliveries.
Johnny Knopf’s dead.
-不 -我刚碰见朱蒂伯恩了
-No. -I just ran into Judy Byrne.
She’s best friends with his sister, Mo.
But he just got there.
他家人会感到自豪 那孩子死得光荣
Well, you know, the family can be proud. He died a hero, that boy.
How do you know?
How do I know?
因为他是为了祖国而死 所以我知道
Because he died for his country. That’s how I know.
For his country to do what?
嘿 克莉丝汀 现在不是吵这个的时候
Hey, Christine. This ain’t the time.
Well, when’s gonna be the time?
We don’t even know why we’re fightin’ over there.
拜托 你就没想过
For Chrissakes. Has it ever occurred to you
our country knows very well what they’re doing,
they just haven’t told you yet?
LBJ对我们说谎 他甚至不愿承认那是战争
LBJ’s lying to us! He won’t even admit it’s a war!
-是 每个人都在说谎 克莉丝汀 -的确是
-Yeah. Everybody’s lying, Christine. -They are lying!
克莉丝汀 够了
Christine, that’s enough.
对 妈 确实是够了
Yeah, Ma, it is enough.
Eight kids from this neighborhood are dead already.
How many’s it gonna take before you all wake up?
The young mother’s daughter was shot
while quietly riding a bicycle with her father.
On a public lane, in a little village.
In the warm sun on a beautiful day.
She will be dead in an hour
Knopf wasn’t even supposed to be there.
他和他爸签了免责书 好让他17岁就入伍
He and his old man signed a waiver so he could enlist at 17.
天啊 他干吗这么急着上战场?
Jesus. What the hell was his rush?
His rush was he was doing his patriotic duty.
You make a very good point.
真是乱来 他们不该在电视上播这个
This is bullshit. They should not be showing this on TV.
This would not fly back in my day.
There was no TV back in your day.
是 那可比现在好多了
Yeah. And we were better for it.
战争不是电视节目 它太真实了
War is not a TV show. It’s too real-life.
And the American people can’t handle real life?
是的 他们无法面对 也不该被迫面对
No, they can’t. And they shouldn’t have to.
Bringing dead soldiers, guys with no arms and legs,
into our living rooms
is not helping no one.
If they had showed the Battle of the Bulge on TV,
we’d have quit after three days.
而我们没有 我们坚守、反抗并取得胜利
We didn’t. We took our licks, but we pushed ’em back, and we won.
那是另一个年代 也是另一场战争 上校
It was a different time. It was a different war, Colonel.
面条 你是什么意思?你站他们那边吗?
What are you selling, Noodle? You saying you’re on their side?
I’ll throw you right the hell outta here.
老天 上校 你今天还真是一点就爆啊?
Jesus, Colonel. You got a short fuse today, huh?
我早就想爆了 只是你不知道 自己是什么时候把我惹毛的
I ain’t got a short fuse. You just don’t know when you lit it.
天 真讨厌这种事
God, I hate these things.
Why can’t they just have a funeral and get it over with?
他们非要弄得又臭又长 大家都不好受
This just drags it out and makes it worse for everyone.
守灵是为了他家人举♥行♥的 又不是为了你
The wake is for the family. It’s not about you.
It gives ’em time to grieve and shit before they put him in the dirt.
你说到重点了 我们需要守灵 守灵很重要
You hit it on the head. We need wakes. They’re important.
It’s very good for everyone to grieve.
我的天 丹尼 你就没办法 坚持一个观点不动摇吗?
Jesus, Danny. Don’t you ever have an opinion that you stick to?
-你真是墙头草啊 -不是
-You just blow with the wind, don’t you? -No.
我只是保持开放的思维 包容大家的意见
I just try to be open-minded to everybody’s point of view.
Like the way dogs are.
“Like the way dogs are”?
-他说什么呢? -我是说狗不会品头论足
-What’s he saying? -I’m just saying dogs don’t judge.
The Minogues got a telegram this morning.
Tommy’s MIA.
Come on.
Goddamn it.
