这是 弗里斯
This is the Follies.
齐格飞先生 我知道 这是压轴戏的服装
I know, Mr. Ziegfeld, and this is the costume for the finale.
好吧 不是我的表演
Well, not for my show.
为什么? 我不能让我的女孩出现在这上 太恐怖了!
Why, I couldn’t let my girls appear in a thing like that. That’s horrible!
哦 拿走
Oh, take it away.
但是 齐格飞先生 它们是根据你自己的设计师的草图制成的
But, Mr. Ziegfeld, they were made from the sketches of your own designer.
给我订单时 你自己对草图进行了更改
You yourself made the changes on the sketches when you gave me the order.
我从未下令 太糟糕了! 把它拿走 把它带出我的剧院!
I never ordered that. That’s terrible! Take it away, take it out of my theater!
但是 齐格飞先生 我在这些衣服上花了三个多星期
But, Mr. Ziegfeld, I worked over three weeks on these dresses.
I have plenty of money invested in them.
很抱歉 但我无能为力 你想让我做什么? 让我丢人吗?
I’m sorry, but I can’t help that. What do you want to do? Disgrace me?
不 不 齐格飞先生 但是请不要让我难堪
No, no, Mr. Ziegfeld. But please do not disgrace me.
我的意思是 齐格飞先生 请让你的女孩今晚穿上我的服装
I mean, Mr. Ziegfeld, please let your girls wear my costumes tonight.
不 我不会羞辱她们
No, I wouldn’t humiliate them.
如果你不满意 我会根据你的意愿来弥补 但是请不要让我把它们带回去
If you aren’t satisfied, I’ll make it up to you, but please don’t make me take them back.
好的 不过就这一次 将它们发送到更衣室
All right, but just this once. Send them up to the dressing rooms.
See me in my office next week.
下个月 -下个月
Next month. -Next month.
齐格飞先生 非常感谢
Thank you very much, Mr. Ziegfeld.
很漂亮 不是吗? -太贵了
They are beautiful, aren’t they? -Awfully expensive.
好的 女孩 旋律编号♥的地方!
All right, girls, places for the melody number!
齐格飞先生 他今晚唱得很好
He’s singing very well tonight, Mr. Ziegfeld.
他很好 但是太白了
He’s all right, but there’s too much white.
梅尔夫 他太白了 带上粉红色的脚步灯
Merv, he’s too white. Bring up the pink in your footlights.
齐格飞先生 这次的台阶对你来说足够高了吗?
Are the steps high enough for you this time, Mr. Ziegfeld?
不 我不这么认为 我们可以使用更多 更多
No, I don’t think so. We could use more, a lot more.
我希望看到它们更高 -怎么样 齐格飞先生?
I’d like to see them higher. -How’s that, Mr. Ziegfeld?
现在太完美了 其余编号♥也保持这种方式
That’s perfect now. Keep it that way the rest of the number.
那不是吗 你不喜欢你的花吗 亲爱的羊羔吗?
Ain’t that something? Don’t you like your flowers, honey lamb?
他们好美 有卡片吗? -行 可以 这里是
They’re beautiful. Was there a card? -Oh, sure. Here it is.
还有一个包装 我为你做了包装
And there was a package too. I done unwrapped it for you.
我想你也已经看过了 哦 不 亲爱的羊羔 我从不
You’ve done looked at it too, I suppose. -Oh, no, honey lamb, I never.
给我喝一杯 弗罗西 -其他? 你们不是都忘记了吗…
Pour me a drink, Flossie. -Another? Ain’t you all forgetting…
…you got a midnight show to do on the roof tonight?
And ain’t you all forgetting to pour that drink?
好吧 妈妈咪啊 亲爱的 是钻石还是星星?
Well, scratch my back, honey. Is them diamonds, or is them stars?
谁送给你的 亲爱的羊羔? -你认为是谁?
Who sent them to you, honey lamb? -Who do you think?
我知道 他们来自齐格飞先生
I know. They’s from Mr. Zieg–
他在这里 -告诉他进来
Here he is. -Tell him to come in.
你今晚很美 -谢谢
You were beautiful tonight. -Thank you.
弗洛西 给我们倒一杯
Flossie, pour us a drink.
不 不 不 请 亲爱的 不 我只是来告诉你…
No, no, no, please, dear, no. I just came to tell you–
有人也认为你很漂亮 对?
Somebody else thought you were beautiful too, oui?
From an old friend.
Not too old, I hope.
奥黛丽 多么漂亮的手镯
What a beautiful bracelet, Audrey.
Is this from your old friend too?
你喜欢它? 是的 很迷人!
Do you like it? -Yes, it’s charming!
你知道 你的朋友一定很有品位…
You know, your friend must have very good taste…
…because this is just the sort of jewelry Flo would like.
我之前告诉过你 你会有很多钻石 不是吗?
I told you someday you will have lots of diamonds, didn’t I?
是的 你做到了
Yes, you did.
我告诉过你我不会受苦的 还记得吗?
And I told you I wouldn’t suffer, remember?
…I do.
好吧 再次恭喜 奥黛丽
Well, congratulations again, Audrey.
待会我会来看你 在屋顶上吗?
I’ll see you later. On the roof, oui?
她真的很漂亮 弗洛 是吗?
She’s really quite beautiful, Flo, oui?
是的 不是吗? -你对她很感兴趣 对吗?
Yes, she is, isn’t she? -You’re very much interested in her, oui?
亲爱的 我对我所有的女孩都感兴趣
I’m interested in all my girls, dear.
但是 也许她身上还多一点点 是吗?
But maybe a tiny, little bit more in her, oui?
A lot more.
她很不寻常 -是的
She’s very unusual. -Yes.
如果她允许 我可以使她成为一颗伟大的明星
I could make a great star out of her, if she’d only let me.
女士们 先生们!
Ladies and gentlemen!
On behalf of the rest of the company, I’ve been asked to make a little speech.
好吧 你知道 我有一个表白
Well, you see, I have a confession to make.
Little Audrey is a wee bit tight tonight.
不 但是说真的 你真的不应该为我们所有人鼓掌…
No, but seriously, you really shouldn’t applaud all of us…
…因为我们所做的一切 都归功于弗洛
…because everything we’ve done we owe to Flo.
你看 当弗洛发现我时 我只是一个小合唱女孩
You see, I was just a little chorus girl when Flo discovered me.
He taught me how to walk and how to dress…
…and how to smile.
Here’s to Flo.
I am afraid you must forgive Miss Lane tonight.
She just passed through many weeks of very tedious rehearsals.
以及开幕之夜的紧张情绪 她不是真正的她自己
And the nervous strain of an opening night. She’s not really herself.
我要代表我的公♥司♥ 谢谢你
On behalf of my company, I want to thank you.
You’ve been very kind to my girls and my stars.
And speaking of stars…
…今晚有一位年轻女士 我认为…
…there’s a young lady here tonight who, in my opinion…
…is destined to reach the top of her profession.
她不在我身边工作 我很抱歉地说…
She doesn’t work for me, I’m sorry to say…
…但是我为她感到骄傲 今晚她和她的制♥作♥人 这个幸运的家伙在这里
…but I’m very proud of her. She’s here tonight with her producer, lucky fellow.
如果她愿意 我要请莎莉·曼内斯鞠躬
And if she will, I’m going to ask Sally Manners to take a bow.
Sally Manners.
他很高兴向我的明星致敬 不是吗?
Nice of him to pay my star a tribute, isn’t it?
是的 我希望你能和她签订长♥期♥合同
Yes, it is. I hope you’ve got her on a long contract.
齐格飞先生 你准备好了吗? -准备好了
Are you ready, Mr. Ziegfeld? -All ready.
现在 你将签署合同 但要看着镜头
Now, you’ll be signing the contract but look in the camera.
没有礼貌的微笑 这张照片是不对的
The picture wouldn’t be right without the Manners smile.
好的? 好吧 拍!
All right? All right, shoot!
Those things horrify me.
我认为我们俩都应该被祝贺 我觉得这是一个很好的机会
I think we’re both to be congratulated. -I feel it’s a great opportunity.
谢谢 -萨奇 如果你愿意接送礼仪小姐…
Thank you. -Sage, if you’ll take Miss Manners…
…然后男孩们进入你的办公室 我相信她会说些什么
…and the boys into your office, I’m sure she’ll have things to say.
我可以告诉他们我现在有多幸福 -我可以祝贺你吗?
I could tell them how happy I am now. -May I congratulate you?
谢谢 -就这样 曼尼斯小姐
Thank you. -Right this way, Miss Manners.
曼尼斯… -伙计们 快来吧
Ms. Manners…. -Come along now, boys.
你说的那个是我朋友的女孩在哪里? -我在这里
Where’s that girl you said was my friend? -Here I am.
I didn’t want to disturb you.
你告诉他们你是我的朋友 对吗?
You told them out there that you were a friend of mine, huh?
Yes, I did.
好吧 我明白了 只是为了进入我的办公室 是吗?
Well, I see. Just to get into my office, huh?
聪明的女孩儿 好吧 我是你的朋友
Smart girl. -Well, I am a friend of yours.
Have you forgotten me?
不 不 当然不是 我…
No, no, of course not. I….
I remember you very well.
Who am I?
好像我不知道 -你?
As if I didn’t know. -Do you?
当然 我一直记得时间 地点和女孩
Of course. I always remember the time, the place and the girl.
It was….
大西洋城 -没有
Atlantic City. -Nope.
不? -不
No? -No.
好吧 这很有趣 我似乎还记得木板路上的一把椅子
Well, that’s funny. I seem to remember a chair on a boardwalk…
你在我旁边… 你确定那不是大西洋城吗?
…you beside me and…. Are you sure it wasn’t Atlantic City?
可能是大西洋城 但不是我
It might have been Atlantic City, but it wasn’t me.
现在我想起来了! 为什么 就在这间办公室里
Now I remember! Why, it was right here in this office.
大约一年前 你来找我 哦 现在一切都回到我身上了
You came up to see me about a year ago. Oh, now it all comes back to me.
那 你好吗? 你去哪儿了?
Well, how are you? Where have you been?

不? -不 你似乎不记得了…
No? -No. You don’t seem to remember…
时间 地点或女孩
…the time, the place or the girl.
Perhaps this will help you.
Mary Lou!