当然 你会提供明星
Of course, you’d furnish the star.
哦 这不是给安娜的 安娜的表演已经准备好了
Oh, this isn’t for Anna. Anna’s show is all set.
不 在这个…
No, in this one…
我想包装那些女孩们 -别傻
…I want to star the girls. -Don’t be ridiculous.
没有个性 你就没有机会
Without personalities, you haven’t got a chance.
我会拥有个性 好吧 他们的情节
I’ll have personalities, all right, Iots of them.
But they’ll mostly be blonds and brunettes.
What are you going to call this opera?
我将其称为 齐格飞 弗里斯
I’m going to call it the Ziegfeld Follies.
愚蠢 愚蠢 好吧
Follies. Follies, all right.
什么事? 那是一个很好的标题
What’s the matter? That’s a good title.
那些女孩的秀有什么不寻常的地方? 我们现在有很多
What’s so unusual about a girl show? We’ve got plenty now.
我不是那种意思 她们已经过时了
I don’t mean that kind. They’re way out-of-date.
你使用的是与20年前相同的风景 木制的机翼和公♥寓♥
You’re using the same scenery you used 20 years ago, wood wings and flats.
我想用丝绸窗帘 花边 漂亮的女孩表演
I want to do a show with silk drapes, with lace, with beautiful girls.
I won’t dress them for the men in the front…
…but for the women in the back.
我想在她们周围散发出迷人的光彩 美化她们
I want to surround them with glamour, glitter. Glorify them.
杰克 有一个好词 “美化”
There’s a good word, Jack. “Glorify.”
如果你知道这是什么意思 那就没问题了
Sounds all right if you know what it means.
It’ll look all right too.
“Glorifying the American Girl.”
Where you gonna find these beautiful girls?
我要从家里 杂货店 商店中带走她们
I’ll take them from homes, from stores, from shops–
From offices.
请再说一遍 埃兰格先生现在想见你
I beg your pardon. Mr. Erlanger would like to see you now.
Oh, all right.
是的 那会的 德雷克小姐 -是的先生
Yes, well, that’ll do, Miss Drake. -Yes, sir.
现在 听 齐格飞 不是她 她是我有过的最好的速记员
Now, listen, Ziggy, not her. She’s the best stenographer I ever had.
好的 杰克 -这儿这儿
All right, Jack. -Here, here.
你会嗡嗡叫这个小巨人吗? -我会告诉他…
You will buzz the little giant? -I’ll tell him…
但是我怀疑他会感兴趣 他错过了一个好机会
…but I doubt he’ll be interested. -He’s missing a great opportunity.
是的 我知道
Yes, I know.
但是 好吧 我会就此给你打个电♥话♥ 也许明天
But, well, I’ll drop you a line about it. Perhaps tomorrow.
联♥系♥我 好吗?
Wire me, will you?
好吧 如果你想早点听到这个不幸的消息 我会通知你的
Well, if you’d rather hear the sad news sooner, I’ll wire.
那是什么? 他们会不会给我们 我们应得的利润?
What’s that? They won’t give us our share of the profits?
好的! 在波士顿打开…
All right! Open him in Boston…
…将他跳到新奥尔良 然后是弗里斯科
…jump him to New Orleans, and then on to Frisco.
有趣的事情 比林斯 你总是对某些人不友好
Funny thing, Billings. You just can’t be nice to some people.
是的 这就是我的想法 齐格飞就在这里
Yes, that’s what I was thinking. Ziegfeld was just here.
What did he want?
还记得他从我的眼皮子底下 偷走了安娜·海尔德吗?
Remember when he stole Anna Held right from under my nose?
所以我无法让她回来 他嫁给了她 退休了
Then, so I couldn’t get her back, he married her and made enough to retire.
现在他回来了 又破产了…
Now he comes back, broke again…
…asking me to ask you for the money to put on a new show!
好吧 那很烦 你想让我做什么?
Well, that’s nerve. What do you want me to do?
Give him the money.
康托尔和威尔·罗杰斯! -50美元一双!
Cantor and Will Rogers! -$50 a pair!
镇上最好的表演! -门票 男孩? 先生们?
Best show in town! -Tickets, boys? And gentlemen?
Standing room only.
来吧 女孩们 来吧 来吧! 站起来吧! 来吧!
Come on, girls, come on, come on! Get up those steps! Come on!
You realize this is opening night?
You take that brace and put it down here! What is it?
我只有两分钟 你准备好走这些台阶了吗?
I’ve only got two minutes. You ready to go in with those steps?
我为齐格飞建了那么多台阶 她们是可以走的
I’ve built so many steps for Ziegfeld, they go in by themselves.
这个数字后面是什么? -这
What follows this number? -The–
我知道 格雷格·威廉姆斯 大结局服装到了吗?
I know, Greg Williams. Have the finale costumes arrived?
Mr. Sampston’s talking to the costumer now.
哦 我明白了 再次麻烦
Oh, I see. Trouble again.
你做不到! 这是闻所未闻的过程!
You can’t do this! It’s an unheard-of procedure!
桑普斯顿先生 我很抱歉 我要我的钱
I’m very sorry, Mr. Sampston, I want my money.
太荒谬了! 荒谬的!
It’s preposterous! Ridiculous!
没有钱 没有结局服装 -这是一个阻碍! 哦你好
No money, no finale costumes. -It’s a holdup! Oh, hello.
你不能对齐格飞先生这样 在这里等一下
You can’t do this to Mr. Ziegfeld. Wait here a minute.
艾伦! -是的先生
Allen! -Yes, sir.
齐格飞在哪里? -在10分钟内没有见过他
Where’s Ziegfeld? -Haven’t seen him in 1 0 minutes.
看看他在不在前面 -是的先生
See if he’s in the front. -Yes, sir.
不 不 我去 不 不 你走
No, no, I’ll go. No, no, you go.
不 不 派别人去 -是的先生 乔!
No, no, send somebody else. -Yes, sir. Joe!
告诉他我必须立即见到他 节目成功与否取决于它
Tell him I must see him immediately. The show depends on it.
这将是我的死期 太厉害了
This is going to be the death of me. This is awful.
在这里等我 你会等吗?
Wait here for me. You will wait?
你敢打赌 我会的
You bet I will.
你好 山姆 大家好吗? -先生 罗杰斯?
Hello, Sam. How are y’all? -Mr. Rogers?
你看起来有点担心 山姆 你在想什么?
You look kind of worried. What’s on your mind, Sam?
I was looking for Mr. Ziegfeld.
等一下 山姆
Just a minute, Sam.
齐格飞先生 这非常重要 客户的…
Mr. Ziegfeld, it’s very important. The costumer’s–
Will, the audiences love to hear you talk.
好吧 嘘 弗洛 我说的最多
Well, shucks, Flo. I can’t talk any more than I do.
一定要弄懂绳子的招数 不是吗?
Gotta get the rope tricks in, don’t I?
I think they like to hear your wisecracks better.
也许他们会 但是我要说些什么呢? 我无话可说
Perhaps they do, but what will I talk about? I ain’t got anything to say that’s funny.
齐格飞先生 -萨姆 请稍等
Mr. Ziegfeld– -Now wait a minute, Sam.
Your wife tells me you keep her laughing all the time…
…just about things you read in the papers.
我赶上 贝蒂一直在努力解决这个问题 对吧?
I catch on. Betty’s been putting you up to this, huh?
好吧 我有一种习惯告诉她 我所知道的就是我在报纸上读到的东西…
Well, I got a sort of a habit of telling her all I know is what I read in the papers…
…and she says that’s what I ought to tell the audience.
Just sort of be kind of a running gag item.
她是对的 -哦 可以 贝蒂永远是对的
She’s right. -Oh, sure, Betty’s always right.
但是她不必站在舞台上 去摘那些过熟的西红柿
But she don’t have to stand on the stage and catch those overripe tomatoes…
如果堵住您的嘴都不起作用 -齐格飞先生 我必须打扰你
…if the gag don’t work. -Mr. Ziegfeld, I must interrupt you.
大结局服装在这里 哦 很好
The finale costumes are here. -Oh, good.
你会做吗? -我可能
Will you do it? -I might.
他们没有钱就不会离开 -给他们一张支票
They won’t leave without the money. -Give them a check.
你今晚会做吗? -他们要现金
Will you do it tonight? -They want the cash.
They sent the costumes for this show COD?
不 先生 不是这个节目 他们想要上一场演出的钱
No, sir, not this show. They want some money on the last show.
Reckon you got your shows mixed up?
好吧 我认为 一点
Well, I reckon. A little.
如果我可以在所有事情上为你提供帮助 为什么 请告诉我
If I can help you out on anything, why, let me know.
谢谢 比尔 我没事
Thanks, Bill. I’m all right.
好吧 告诉我是否可以
Well, tell me if I can.
当然 我不认为这有很大的不同 因为…
Of course, I don’t suppose it makes a lot of difference, because…
…即使穿着戏服 这个节目中的女孩…
…even with the costumes on, girls in this show…
…ain’t exactly overdressed.
比尔 你可以为观众省钱
You save your wisecracks for the audience, Bill.
嗨朋友! 嘿! -是的?
Hey, buddy! Hey! -Yes?
你的开幕之夜 巨大的机会 以及你仍在移♥动♥布景吗?
Your opening night, your big chance, and you’re still moving scenery?
齐格飞先生 我无能为力 它融入我的血液
I can’t help it, Mr. Ziegfeld. It gets in the blood.
此外 我不知道今晚我该如何度过
Besides, I don’t know how I’m gonna go over tonight.
在我确定对方之前 我不想失去工作
I don’t wanna lose a job till I’m sure of the other.
当我雇用你担任演员时 作为舞台演员我解雇了你
When I hired you as an actor, I fired you as a stagehand.
更好地做好 你会发现自己不是在做任何工作
Better make good. You’ll find yourself without any job.
嗯 这似乎有什么麻烦? -我希望没有麻烦 除了…
Well, what seems to be the trouble? -No trouble, I hope, except–
Except he’s holding us up!
他拒绝给我们演出服 -除非 除非他给我钱 否则他是对的
He refuses to leave the costumes unless– -Unless he gets some money, and he’s right.
Let me see them first.
齐格飞先生 打开篮子
At once, Mr. Ziegfeld. Open up the basket.
齐格飞先生 我告诉你 这些裙子真是太好了
I tell you, Mr. Ziegfeld, these dresses are wonderful.
我做过的最好的活 齐格飞先生 你看 这不令人惊讶吗?
The finest work I have ever done. Look, Mr. Ziegfeld, isn’t it stunning?
也许你犯了一个错误 这不是给我的
Perhaps you made a mistake. This isn’t for me.
哦 是的 齐格飞先生是结局那场戏的
Oh, yes, Mr. Ziegfeld, for the finale.
Not my finale.
舒茨先生 这是新阿姆斯特丹剧院
Mr. Schutz, this is the New Amsterdam Theatre.