“你太棒了 我的妻子”
“You are magnificent, my wife.”
哦 夫人 你看! 看!
Oh, madame, look! Look!
来吧 救救我
Come on, help me.
哦 不是很漂亮吗?
Oh, isn’t it gorgeous?
哦 夫人 看 看! 这是另一个!
Oh, madame, look, look! Here’s another one!
哦 玛丽!
Oh, Marie!
哦 那让我内心如此的…
Oh, that makes me so much inside. Here.
Much too much.
首先 他给了我世界上所有的花朵
First, he gives me all the flowers in the world…
…and now he takes the stars from the heavens, just for me.
“你太棒了 我的妻子”
“You’re magnificent, my wife.”
我很棒吗 玛丽? -对 女士
Am I magnificent, Marie? -Oui, madame.
不不不 是他很棒 不是我
No, no, no. He’s magnificent, not I.
玛丽 我必须把它们展示给女孩们!
Marie, I must show them to the girls!
I come back immediately!
当齐格飞先生到来时 请告诉他等我一下!
And when Mr. Ziegfeld comes, please tell him he shall wait!
女孩们 你想看点奇妙的东西吗?
Girls, would you like to see something wonderful?
哦 那是什么?
Oh, what is it?
看! 还有这个! -钻石!
Look! And this! -Diamonds!
我老公给的! -我可以试试手镯吗?
From my husband! -May I try the bracelet?
是的 太好了
Yes, sure. -That’s gorgeous.
奥黛丽 你对我的礼物不感兴趣吗?
Audrey, are you not interested in my presents?
如果它们是我的话 我会的
I would be if they were mine.
但是 奥黛丽 总有一天你也会有的
But, Audrey, you will have many of them someday.
也许你需要多工作 多吃苦
Maybe you have to work a little, to suffer a little.
那是什么? 我会工作 但我不会吃苦
But what is that? -I’ll work, but I won’t suffer.
亲爱的 你在这里 -谢谢
Here you are, dear. -Thank you.
奥黛丽 是不是很漂亮?
Isn’t it beautiful, Audrey?
我会说是的 我愿意献出自己的灵魂来换得一个
I’ll say it is. I’d give my soul for one like it.
奥黛丽 这是非常糟糕的比喻
That would be a very bad bargain, Audrey.
好吧 那很好! 系紧它!
All right, that’s fine! Tie it off!
You’re better with your feet than your broom.
齐格飞先生 你认为是吗?
Mr. Ziegfeld, you think so?
希望你能给我机会 我有才华
I wish you’d give me a chance. I’ve got talent.
I’d like to get away from shifting scenery and moving props.
你在房♥地♥产♥行业工作多久了? -5年 但是我的内心还没有沉浸其中
How long have you been a property boy? -Five years. But my heart hasn’t been in it.
You’ve been working a long time without your heart.
表演很诱惑你吗? -是的
That tickle you? -It does.
而每周的回报让我更加心痒 看 利润5,000美元
And this weekly return tickles me more. Look, a profit of $5000.
如果你只是保守一点 我的意思是 过上合理的生活
If you’ll just be conservative, I mean, live reasonably.
不要承担任何新的债务 忘记你的账户会被扣款…
Don’t incur any fresh obligations, forget you have charge accounts…
你很快就会 你是对的
…and you’ll soon– -You’re right.
我将会 -亲爱的!
I will. -Darling!
哦 安娜
Oh, Anna.
You’re the sweetest husband in the whole world.
Mr. Sampston!

来自我丈夫 在我们的周年纪念日
From my husband. On our anniversary.
这个和这个 他们是不是非常华丽的钻石?
This and this. Are they not gorgeous diamonds?
是的 的确 海尔德小姐 很美
Yes, indeed, Miss Held, gorgeous.
晚安 齐格飞先生
Good night, Mr. Ziegfeld.
晚安 桑普斯顿
Good night, Sampston.
他对我的礼物似乎不太满意 对吗?
He didn’t seem very happy about my presents, oui?
安娜 那些读书的人永远不会很幸福
Anna, men who keep books are never very happy.
玛丽 你出去一会儿 今晚他是我的女仆 走吧 走吧
Marie, you go out for a while. He is my maid tonight. Go, go, go, go.
哦 是吗? -是的 你是
Oh, I am, am I? -Yes, you are.
后来 我数了一下手镯和项链上的钻石 并为亲吻了每颗钻石
Later, I count the diamonds in the bracelet and necklace and kiss you for each one.
兰花呢? 我没有给它们任何东西吗?
What about the orchids? Don’t I get anything for them?
对于每朵兰花的每片花瓣 都要给一个吻 所以…
For each petal of each orchid, another kiss extra. So….
Take off my stocking, please.
你知道 这可能会成为一种习惯
You know, this might get to be a habit.
弗洛 你真棒 你知道吗?
Flo, you’re wonderful. Do you know that?
I suspect it.
你向我保证的一切 你都做到了
Everything you promise me, you do.
你所说的一切都会发生 发生
Everything you say will happen, happens.
现在 感谢你 我在美国取得了巨大成功
And now I am a big success in America, thanks to you.
当我尝试对你说好话时 你为什么要这样做?
Why do you do that when I am trying to say nice things to you?
此外 你是一个非常糟糕的伴侣
Besides, you’re a very bad mate.
But I love you.
弗洛? -什么?
Flo? -What?
弗洛 你和我一样幸福吗?
Flo, are you as happy as I am?
开心一点 你为什么要问?
Happier. Why do you ask?
Because sometimes I think I am too happy.
Sometimes I get afraid it won’t be always like this…
…working only for you while you do the show just for me.
我不能在不破坏我们幸福的情况下 再表演一次吗?
Couldn’t I do another show without spoiling our happiness?
当然可以 别傻了
Of course you could. Don’t be silly.
Do you want to do another show?
好吧 亲爱的 既然你已经取得了如此巨大的成功…
Well, darling, now that you’ve made such a tremendous success…
…I have a little idea that I’d like to carry out.
Idea for a show?
最大的演出 -有音乐和女孩吗?
The biggest kind of a show. -With music and girls?
漂亮的女孩 -没有我 对吗?
Beautiful girls and– -And without me, oui?
好吧 亲爱的 你不能一次表演两个节目 对吗?
Well, darling, you couldn’t do two shows at once, could you?
现在 安娜
Now, Anna, see here.
假设我们去莱克特餐厅 庆祝我们的周年纪念日?
Suppose we go down to Rector’s and celebrate our anniversary?
不 我不 -就我们和一瓶红酒
No, I don’t– -Just us and a bottle of wine.
我不喜欢 -来吧 亲爱的
I don’t feel like it. -Come on, now, dear.
不 我好紧张 -对你有好处
No, I’m so nervous. -It’ll be good for you.
I’m so tired.
我对你感到失望 我可以尖叫!
I’m so disappointed in you I could scream!
现在 安娜 我是认真的
Now, Anna– -I mean it.
I thought you loved me more than anything in the world.
我以为我是你的理想 唯一的野心
I thought I am your one ideal, your only ambition.
安娜 没有
Anna– -No.
我只想念你 我想你只会想起我
I think only of you, and I thought you will only think of me.
但事实并非如此 没有我 你依然有个大计划
But it is not so. You have big plans without me.
你将进行一场大型表演 你会再次破产!
You will do a big show. You will go broke again!
安娜 你在吃醋
Anna, you’re jealous.
不 弗洛! -是的
No, Flo! -Yes.
不要这样说 不 不 不!
Don’t say that, no, no, no!
我讨厌嫉妒的人 但我不知道这是什么
I hate jealous people, and I don’t know what’s….
我很生气 希望你能走 拜托拜托
I’m angry, and I wish you would go. Please, please.
请离开 走! 走!
Please go. Go! Go!
早上好 比林斯先生 -早上好 德雷克小姐 留言吗?
Good morning, Mr. Billings. -Good morning, Miss Drake. Messages?
没什么重要的 除了埃尔兰格先生今天想见你
Nothing important, except Mr. Erlanger wants to see you today.
Mr. Ziegfeld is in your office.
好吧 为什么不在我的办公室里呢?
Well, why in my office instead of out here?
I thought he’d be more comfortable in there.
好吧 我… 哦 是的 我明白了
Well, I– Oh yes, I see.
齐格飞先生 怎么想起来光临寒舍了?
To what do I owe the honor of this visit, Mr. Ziegfeld?
比林斯先生 如果你曾帮我买♥♥过它 那你肯定为自己报仇了
Mr. Billings, if you’ve ever had it in for me, you’ve certainly avenged yourself.
这肯定是我一生中抽过的最差的雪茄 杰克 你好吗?
This is positively the worst cigar I’ve ever smoked in my life. How are you, Jack?
好的 你好吗? -从来没有更好的 坐吧
All right. How are you? -Never better. Sit, won’t you?
谢谢你 你真好
Thank you. Nice of you.
I’m here to do you a great favor.
对不起 我不能利用它 我破产了
I’m sorry, I can’t take advantage of it. I’m broke.
That’s why I’m hooked up with Erlanger.
哦 那对我很好 他就是我需要的人
Oh, well, that’s fine for me. He’s just the man I need.
杰克 我想做一个新的秀 一个大秀
Jack, I want to do a new show, a big show.
我愿意与厄兰格五五分 而他所要做的就是把钱存起来…
I’m willing to split it 50-50 with Erlanger, and all he has to do is put up the money…
并提供剧院 -哦 仅此而已?
…and furnish the theaters. -Oh, that’s all?
That’s all.