一个手链? -不 四大罐牛奶
A bracelet? -No. Four big cans of milk.
牛奶 -20加仑
Milk. -Twenty gallons.
20加仑的牛奶? -20加仑牛奶
Twenty gallons of milk? -Twenty gallons of milk.
住口! -20加仑牛奶
Shut up! -Twenty gallons of milk.
哦拜托 -不
Oh, please. -No.
我很抱歉 打扰一下
I’m so sorry. Excuse me.
好吧 那天晚上我对弗洛说 我的意思是齐格飞先生
Well, that night I say to Flo– I mean, Mr. Ziegfeld:
“弗洛 你为什么给我送这么多牛奶?”
“Flo, why do you send me so much milk?”
他只是笑着说 “安娜 那是个好主意
And he just laughs and says, “Anna, that’s a great idea.
你从现在开始每天都得到它” “每天有20加仑牛奶?”
You get it from now on every day.” “Every day, 20 gallons of milk?”
我说 “弗洛 谁可以喝这么多牛奶?” 而且你知道他在说什么吗?
I say, “Flo, who can drink so much milk?” And do you know what he says?
“不要喝 拿它们去洗澡 你将会取得巨大的成功”
“Don’t drink it, bathe in it. And you will be a big success.”
不! -我被气得无语了
No! -Well, I’m too angry to speak.
在巴黎 我取得了巨大的成功 因为他们喜欢我的声音
In Paris, I was a big success because they liked my voice.
在伦敦 他们喜欢我的歌♥声
In London, because they liked my singing.
但是在美国 要取得巨大成功 我需要20加仑的牛奶 必须坐在里面!
But in America, to be a big success, I need 20 gallons of milk and must sit in it!
夫人 你在里面洗澡吗? -不 当然没有
Well, do you bathe in it, madame? -No, of course not.
但是每天 我们都拿牛奶 然后拿来喝
But every day, we get the milk and take it in…
…because Monsieur Ziegfeld says we must carry out his idea.
发生什么了? 你今天早上读过报纸吗?
And what happened? Did you read this morning, the paper?
不 夫人 -请
No, madame. -Please.
-“齐格飞因安娜·海尔德的牛奶账单被起诉” -在头版上
“Ziegfeld is sued for Anna Held’s milk bill.” -On the front page.
20加仑牛奶 哦 我很惭愧
Twenty gallons of milk. -Oh, I’m so ashamed.
玛丽 请再打给他
Marie, please call him again.
如果他不在那 请留言
If he’s not there, leave the message.
告诉他 我不希望他再给我任何牛奶
Tell him I do not want one can more of milk from him.
And I don’t want the orchids either.
你好? 哦 那些记者又来了
Hello? -Oh, those reporters again.
告诉他们不行 我不想和他们说话
Tell them no. I do not want to speak to them.
夫人 是齐格飞先生
Madame, it is Monsieur Ziegfeld.
我也不想和他说话 我再也不想和他说话了
I don’t want to speak to him either. I never wish to speak to him again.
Where is he?
夫人 在楼下的大厅
Downstairs in the lobby, madame.
Tell him to come up.
但是 如果他带了其中一位记者 请不要让他进来
But if he brings one of those reporters, don’t let him in.
不 皮埃尔 让他们在楼下 我希望他在那里见他们
No, Pierre. Let them on the floor. I want him to see them there.
我让他接他们 他让我难堪 我让他难堪
I make him pick them up. He embarrasses me, I embarrass him.
夫人 如果你接受我的建议 你将不会显得那么兴奋
Madame, if you will take my advice, you will not appear so excited.
是的 你是对的 皮埃尔
Yes, you are right, Pierre.
皮埃尔 弹 快弹 我为你唱歌♥ 是的 就像他不在这里一样
Pierre, play. Play. I sing for you, yes. Just like he’s not here.
我们让他等到我完成为止 来吧 弹 弹 弹
We’ll let him wait till I’m finished. Come on, play, play, play.
玛丽 你的小姐今天的声音真好 -对 先生 你会看见
Your missus is in lovely voice today, Marie. -Oui, monsieur. You will see.
玛丽 显然有人洒了兰花
Marie, someone has apparently spilled the orchids.
现在 你能给我打电♥话♥给西德尼吗? 请他立即再送一束
Now, will you phone Sidney for me? Have him send up another dozen immediately.
好吧? 为什么不捡这些呢?
Well? Why do you not pick these up?
亲爱的 因为落花就像落星一样
Because fallen flowers, my dear, are like fallen stars.
They soon lose their luster.
玛丽 接他们
Marie, pick them up.
不 我今天不能唱歌♥ 我太生气了
No, I cannot sing today. I’m much too angry to sing.
我讨厌看着你 像我一样翻白眼
I’m sick of watching you roll your eyes like I do.
请回家 我给你你的留言
Please go home. I give you your notes.
Please take them. Go home, yes?

所以我是一颗流星 是吗? 我没有光泽 不是吗?
So I’m a fallen star, yes? I have no luster, no?
哦 不 亲爱的 你有
Oh, yes, you have, my dear.
但是你知道它是怎么来的吗? -我不在乎
But do you know what it comes from? -I don’t care.
牛奶浴 或至少那是你必须告诉记者的
Milk baths. Or at least that’s what you must tell the reporters.
我好伤心 报纸的头条说你因我的账户被起诉
I’m so hurt. The front page of the paper says you are sued on my account.
如果你送我牛奶 为什么不付钱呢?
If you send milk, why don’t you pay for it?
如果我这样做了 那将不会出现在报纸上
If I did, it wouldn’t be in the papers.
你不能告诉他们 我只是在没有购买♥♥的情况下使用了牛奶吗?
Can’t you tell them I just used the milk without buying it and being sued for it?
他们不会相信 现在 这是一个信用记录问题
They wouldn’t believe it. Now it’s a matter of record.
此外 他们不在乎我是否付账单
Besides, they don’t care whether I ever pay the bill.
他们唯一感兴趣的是 在两个月内 你使用了1200加仑的牛奶
All that interests them is that in two months, you’ve used 1 200 gallons of milk.
This is terrible.
请记者出来 -不要做任何事情
Ask the reporters to come up. -Do nothing of the kind.
安娜 你一定不能侮辱新闻界
Anna, you must not insult the press.
如果他们出现 我说实话
If they come up, I tell the truth.
不 起初什么都不要告诉他们
No, at first, tell them nothing.
Desk, please.
Pretend embarrassment.
假装吗? 我从未如此羞愧
Pretend it? I was never so ashamed.
Are the gentlemen of the press still waiting for Miss Held?
What are you doing?
哦 是的 请
Oh, yes, if you will, please.
I will say I never in my life took a milk bath.
我会告诉他们 这都是新闻报道
I will tell them it is all a press story.
I will go back to France.
玛丽 收拾东西 快的
Marie, pack the things. Quick.
This time I mean it!
You cannot make a circus of me.
I’m not a strongman like Sandow.
我是一个真正的艺术家 我永远也不会说
I’m a real artist, and I never, never, never will say that.
是的? 哦 请他们马上过来
Yes? Oh, ask them to come right up, please.
安娜 难道你没有意识到 如果我们把这个故事讲完…
Anna, don’t you realize that if we put this story over…
…your name will be in headlines from coast to coast?
Every woman in the country will be talking about you.
I don’t care.
I do not have to be a cow to be a success.
在我自欺欺人之前 我撕毁了与你的合同 所以…
And before I make such a fool of myself, I tear up my contract with you. So…
…where is it?
还有 除了
And besides– Besides–
此外 你什么也不做 就像我喜欢的那样
And besides, you do nothing as I like to have it.
It must always be your way.
我告诉了你1000次 我要穿着像莉莉安·罗素这样的服装
I ask you 1 000 times to have costumes like Lillian Russell.
她不必洗牛奶就能取得成功 她很漂亮
She has not to take milk baths to be a success. She is beautiful.
但是 不 我不能拥有像她这样的礼服 就是现在
But, no, I cannot have gowns like her. There now.
Tell the reporters about that!
安娜 -我是认真的 我打定主意了
Anna. -I mean it. I’m determined.
你让记者出来 是吗? 好吧 我告诉他们一切
You let the reporters come up, yes? All right, I tell them everything.
好吧 我应该告诉他们 不是吗?
Well, I should tell them, no?

现在 按你的要求做 亲爱的…
Now, you do what I ask you to, darling…
…and I’ll do whatever you wish.
你的意思是 你会让我穿像莉莉安·罗素这样的礼服吗?
You mean, you’ll let me have gowns like Lillian Russell?
哦 不 亲爱的 你不是她的类型
Oh, no, darling. You’re not her type.
但是我会告诉你我会怎么做 -什么?
But I’ll tell you what I will do. -What?
I’ll put eight Lillian Russells on the stage behind you.
Isn’t Anna beautiful?
我不知道洗牛奶浴 是否真的使她的皮肤这么好看
I wonder if the milk baths really make her skin so nice.
哦 牛奶浴当然可以 我洗很久了
Oh, they most certainly do. I’ve been taking them for a long time.
哦 玛丽 他们今晚不好玩吗?
Oh, Marie, were they not wonderful tonight?
还有女孩! 他们看起来不漂亮吗?
And the girls! Don’t they look gorgeous?
看 我的弗洛给的
Look. From my Flo.
哦 我的弗洛
Oh, my Flo.
哦 玛丽! 玛丽! 你读读他写的
Oh, Marie! Marie! You read what he says.
对 女士
Oui, madame.
Read it to me, quick!
What does it say?
“My darling.
I never knew that one long year could seem like one short moment.
你太棒了 我的妻子 弗洛”
You are magnificent, my wife. Flo.”
Oh, Marie.
玛丽 你听到了吗? -我看到了 夫人
Marie, did you hear that? -I just read it, madame.
不 不 你听到他说的话了吗?
No, no. Did you hear what he says?