钻石吉姆 布雷迪 莉莉安·罗素
“Diamond Jim” Brady, Lillian Russell.
莉莉安·罗素? -是的
Lillian Russell? -Yes.
哦 我非常想见她 -当然
Oh, I would so much like to see her. -Well.
不 首先 你必须谈谈这笔钱 因为现在我有很多邀约
No. First you must speak about the money because I have so many offers now.
I’ll meet your biggest offer.
好吧 那对你很好
Well, that is very nice of you.
但是也许当你听到多少钱时 你就认为我不那么值了
But maybe when you hear how much it is, you don’t think I’m worth so much.
How much is it?
他们给的都不低 但是最高的是比林斯先生
They are all very good, but the highest one is that of Mr. Billings.
他说除了我的薪水外 他还将给我50,000法郎 这是一笔非常多的…
He says he will give me 50,000 francs besides my salary, which is very big…
…只是签订合同 那是多少美元?
…just to sign the contract. That is how much in American money?
10,000美元 夫人 -10,000美元 先生
$ 1 0,000, madame. -$ 1 0,000, monsieur.
10,000美元 -对 那是一笔很大的数字
Ten thousand dollars. -Oui, that’s a very big amount.
即使你愿意给我10,000美元 我也要与你签字…
And even if you would give me the $ 1 0,000 and I sign with you…
…you still would have to wait till I finished my London engagement.
I couldn’t do that.
You couldn’t even wait for me?
I couldn’t even give you the $ 1 0,000.
你觉得太多了吧? -我认为这还不够
You think it’s too much, huh? -I think it isn’t enough.
But I haven’t it.
什么 你希望我应该与你签订美国演出的合同
What, you expect I should sign a contract for America with you…
而你甚至没有10,000美元? -我连1,000都没有
…and you don’t even have $ 1 0,000? -I haven’t even 1 000.
在停靠蒙特卡洛之前 我确实有过 但是现在 我连100块钱都没了
I did have before I stopped at Monte Carlo, but right now, I haven’t even 1 00.
但是我会把你的名字散布开 够了!
But I’ll spread your name all over– -It is enough!
You’re just trying to make the fool of me.
你是冒名顶替者 你不是绅士
You are the impostor. You are no gentleman.
Please go.
玛丽 开门
Marie, open the door.
Monsieur Ziegfeld.
Come back, please.
Sit down.
你知道 你很诚实
You know, you’re very honest.
I like you very much.
范德比尔特先生的马车 范·伦斯勒先生的马车
Mr. Vanderbilt’s carriage. Mr. Van Rensselaer’s carriage.
她的眼睛大 -但是我听不懂她说的一句话
She has big eyes. -But I couldn’t understand a word she said.
我带莉莉安·罗素 -先生 阿斯特的马车
I’ll take Lillian Russell. -Mr. Astor’s carriage.
你喜欢她吗? -可爱的 你注意到空座位了吗?
Did you like her? -Cute. Did you notice the empty seats?
Miss Russell’s carriage.
我觉得她很迷人 -为什么有莉莉安·罗素
I think she’s charming. -Why, there’s Lillian Russell.
Mr. Thaw’s carriage.
没关系 我不要马车
Never mind, I don’t want a carriage.
如果他们有美国明星的话 节目就可以了
The show’s all right if they had an American star.
哈里曼太太的马车 斯图韦森特先生的马车
Mrs. Harriman’s carriage. Mr. Stuyvesant’s carriage.
吉姆 你打赌不好
You made a bad bet, Jim.
布雷迪先生 我可以叫你的马车吗? -是的
May I have your carriage called, Mr. Brady? -Yes.
哦 齐格飞
Oh, Ziggy.
Stanford and I just made a little wager.
他赌我5,000美元 我收不回你借的10,000美元…
He bet me 5000 that I wouldn’t get back the 1 0,000 you borrowed…
把安娜带到这里 -先生 布雷迪的马车
…to bring Anna over here. -Mr. Brady’s carriage.
怀特先生 我将与你五五分
I’ll split your end 50-50 with you, Mr. White.
我已经告诉过你了 我已经告诉过你了
I told you so. I told you so.
好吧 反正几千美元呢?
Well, what’s a few thousand dollars anyway?
钱德勒先生的马车 萨克斯先生的马车
Mr. Chandler’s carriage. Mr. Saks’ carriage.
Balcony 22.
好吧 桑普斯顿 这周损失了多少钱?
Well, Sampston, what’s the loss this week?
The show earned a profit of $ 1 340.32.
You drew $2550…
…which gives us a loss of $ 1 209.68.
太糟糕了 我们不能让演出继续亏损
That’s terrible. We can’t keep the show running with losses.
说 萨奇在哪里? -楼上
Say, where’s Sage? -Upstairs.
哎 还广♥告♥宣传呢 永远不在
What a press agent, never around.
Take a wire to him.
但是他只是在办公室的楼上 -我知道 无论如何都要发电报
But he’s just upstairs in his office. -I know it. Take a wire anyway.
你如何在没有宣传的情况下开展业务? 停顿
How can you do business without publicity? Stop.
安娜·海尔德轰动了欧洲 停顿
Anna Held was the sensation of Europe. Stop.
出现在国王和王后之前 停顿
Appeared before kings and queens. Stop.
但是 你在报纸中一无所获 停顿
Yet you get nothing in the papers. Stop.
你毁了我 停顿
You’re ruining me. Stop.
如果你是广♥告♥宣传 我就是克利夫兰总统
If you’re a press agent, I’m President Cleveland.
停顿 请问你说什么
Stop. Beg your pardon.
对不起 女士 不是 欢乐 是快乐
Pardon, madame. It is not jolie. It is jolly.
欢乐 就是我所说的 欢乐
Jolie, that’s what I said, jolie.
对不起 是我的错 我的意思是快乐
Pardon, it’s my mistake. I mean jolly.
快乐 好的
Jolly. Good.
请让我们重新开始 快乐
Please, let’s start again. Jolly.
不不不 我今天不唱歌♥
No, no, no. I won’t sing today.
I can’t sing today.
I’m much too much inside here.
Much too much.
It’s so silly for Anna Held to take singing lessons.
But Ziegfeld did not ask me to teach you.
I simply want to help madame to lose her French accent.
但是你的口音比我的口音重得多 我也不想失去我的口音
But your accent is much more than my accent, and I don’t want to lose my accent.
玛丽 你试过再找齐格飞先生吗?
Marie, did you try to get Monsieur Ziegfeld again?
夫人 他不在家 -请再试一次
He is not home, madame. -Please try it again.
记者呢? -他们还在大厅
And the reporters? -They are still in the lobby.
告诉他们走开 告诉酒店把他们赶出去
Tell them to go away. Tell the hotel to push them out.
Tell them we are going back to France.
那就是我们要做的 我们要回到巴黎
That’s what we will do. We are going back to Paris.
闭嘴 皮埃尔 -我太高兴了 夫人
Shut up, Pierre. -I’m too happy, madame.
对什么感到高兴? -我们要去巴黎了
Happy about what? -We are sailing for Paris.
不 -不?
No. -No?
不 我改变了主意
No, I changed my mind.
玛丽 去整理我的东西
Marie, go unpack my things.
你知道的 这是真的 -这不是
You see, it’s true. -It is not.
这是 -不
It is. -No.
什么是正确的 什么是不正确的?
What is true and what is not true?
皮埃尔说 夫人爱上了齐格飞先生
Pierre says madame is in love with Monsieur Ziegfeld.
皮埃尔 你说过吗?
Did you say that, Pierre?
你为什么这么说 皮埃尔? -因为我怕这是真的
Why did you say that, Pierre? -Because I’m afraid it’s true.
你为什么害怕? 你不喜欢齐格飞先生吗?
Why are you afraid? Don’t you like Monsieur Ziegfeld?
对 夫人 -那就麻烦了
Oui, madame, that’s the trouble.
每个人都喜欢他 尤其是女士们
Everybody likes him, especially the ladies.
噢 夫人 你永远不会对他感到满意
Oh, madame, you’d never be happy with him.
You’d never be able to hold him.
为什么 他吸引女人 就像花吸引蜜蜂一样
Why, he attracts women like the flowers attract bees.
Like the flypaper attract the flies.
好吧 那很好 我看过苍蝇在苍蝇纸上
Well, that’s all right. I’ve seen the flies on the flypaper…
…在我看来 它们粘得很好
…and it seems to me they stick very well.
但是 夫人 请皮埃尔
But, madame– -Pierre, please.
我怎么能爱一个把如此可怕的东西 登在报纸上的人?
How can I love someone who puts terrible things in the newspaper…
…has millions of reporters annoying me?
对不起 夫人 但是报纸对你很好
Pardon, madame, but the newspapers have been very nice to you.
Why don’t you want to see the reporters?
Because I know exactly what they want to ask me.
你不明白 是吗? -坦率地说 不 夫人
You do not understand, no? -Frankly, no, madame.
哦 那我告诉你发生了什么
Oh, then I will tell you what happened.
两个月前 齐格飞先生说
Two months ago, Monsieur Ziegfeld says:
“安娜 从现在开始 我每天都会寄给你一件大礼”
“Anna, from now on, I’m going to send you, every day, a big present.”
我说 “非常感谢你 弗洛 ”
I say, “Thank you so much, Flo–”
我的意思是 “齐格飞先生
I mean, “Mr. Ziegfeld.
But already you send me orchids every morning.”
Those are from him.
但是他说 “不 安娜 这很重要”
But he says, “No, Anna, this is something much more important.”
很自然地 我迫不及待地想看看他寄给我的东西
So naturally, I cannot wait to see what he sends me.
第二天 你认为我会得到什么?
And the next day, what do you think I get?
钻石戒指? -不
A diamond ring? -No.