哦 不 齐格飞先生 我在伦敦经商
Oh, no, Mr. Ziegfeld, I have business in London.
哦 你还没有世界上最伟大的艺术家吗?
Oh, haven’t you got the world’s greatest artist yet?
不 还没有 但是我会的
No, not yet, but I will have.
是谁 杰克?
Who is it, Jack?
继续 你现在可以告诉我 我破产了
Go on, you can tell me now. I’m broke.
在虚线上写下她的名字之前 我不会告诉你
I won’t tell you till I have her name on the dotted line.
是她 对吗?
It’s a her, is it?
是的 她也很漂亮 她今晚要签合同
Yes, and a beautiful her too, and she’s signing the contract tonight.
再见 齐格飞先生 -再见 比林斯先生
Goodbye, Mr. Ziegfeld. -Goodbye, Mr. Billings.
我说 门童 比林斯先生出来了吗?
I say, doorman, did Mr. Billings come out?
Just this moment drove away.
I’ve got a very important message for him.
你知道他去了哪里吗? -宫殿音乐厅
Do you know where he went? -Palace music hall.
演出很好吗? -不是很好 先生
Is it a good show? -Not so much, sir.
除了法国女演员 她真是太好了
Except for the French actress. She’s truly wonderful.
先生 她的眼睛那么大
She has eyes this big, sir.
先生 每次她对你眨眼时 你都会眨眨眼
Every time she blinks them at you, you jolly well blink yourself, sir.
先生 你看到安娜·海尔德了吗? -不 不 我没有 但我今晚会
Have you seen Anna Held, sir? -No, no, I haven’t, but I will tonight.
谢谢你 先生
Thank you, sir.
我说 先生 你知道你给了我5镑吗?
I say, sir, do you realize you gave me ??
是的 我正在尝试减肥
Yes, I’m trying to lose weight.
Isn’t it magnificent?
对我来说 玛丽?
For me, Marie?
From whom?
Whoever gathered all the orchids in the world just for me?
我不知道 但是他们一定要花几千法郎
I do not know, but they must’ve cost thousands of francs.
没有贺卡吗? 哦 有的
Was no card with it? Oh, yes.
玛丽 这很奇怪 -什么 夫人?
Marie, this is very strange. -What, madame?
我学会了英语单词 我唱歌♥英语 但我看不懂英语
I learned the English words, I sing the English songs, yet I cannot read English.
那是什么意思? 请给我读
What shall that mean? Please read it to me.
“亲爱的海尔德小姐 这对你的未来非常重要…
“My dear Miss Held, it is very important to your future…
…that you see me before signing any contracts.
表演结束后 我将在舞台入口处等待
I shall be waiting at the stage entrance immediately after your performance.
Florenz Ziegfeld Jr.”
这位小弗洛伦茨·齐格飞先生是谁? -我不知道 夫人
Who’s this Florenz Ziegfeld Jr.? -I do not know, madame.
为什么他名字里有小? 他是小男孩吗? -我不知道 夫人
And why is it junior? Is he a little boy? -I do not know, madame.
I will not see this Mr. Ziegfeld Jr.
你会看到比林斯先生 对?
You will see Monsieur Billings, oui?
哦 玛丽 这些花真好
Oh, Marie, these flowers are very nice.
我觉得我很有礼貌 去见这位小齐格飞先生
I think I am polite and see this Monsieur Junior Ziegfeld.
但是 比林斯即将就大美国巡演与你谈谈
But Billings is coming to talk to you about the great American tour.
Has madame forgotten his cables?
哦 是的 没关系 但是这些花非常漂亮
Oh, yes, that’s all right, but these flowers are very beautiful.
好吧 杰克 她很好
Well, Jack, she’s all right.
是的 我知道她没有你告诉我
Yeah, I know she is without you telling me.
我希望你不要一直跟着我 -好的
I wish you wouldn’t keep following me. -All right.
那晚安啦 -晚安
Well, good night. -Good night.
我希望你不会惹恼我 海尔德小姐在等我
I wish you wouldn’t annoy me. Miss Held is expecting me.
我今晚要签合同 -这太棒了
I’m going to sign the contract tonight. -That’s great.
你敢打赌 -我说是
You bet it is. -I said it was.
是的 晚安 -晚安
Yes, well, good night. -Good night.
Will you stop shadowing me?
我没有跟踪你 我只是碰巧按你的方式行事
I’m not following you. I just happen to be going your way.
You’ve got a date with a chorus girl, I suppose.
You’re going to spend that $500.
我不能再花了 我已经花光了
I can’t spend it. I’ve spent it.
哦 你已经花光了 -好 晚安 -晚安
Oh, you’ve spent– Well, good night. -Good night.
先生 请你原谅 但是
I beg your pardon, sir, but–
I have an appointment with Miss Held.
齐格飞先生在外面吗? -不好
Is Mr. Ziegfeld out here? -Oh, no–
是的亲爱的 我是齐格飞先生
Yes, my dear. I’m Mr. Ziegfeld.
齐格飞先生 海尔德小姐 请你进来
Mr. Ziegfeld, Miss Held would like you to come in, please.
Would you mind that for me?
好 晚安 杰克
Well, good night, Jack.
哦 齐格飞先生 你的兰花 它们是我见过的最美丽的兰花
Oh, Mr. Ziegfeld, your orchids. They are the most beautiful orchids I have ever seen.
齐格飞先生 你不进来吗?
Won’t you come in, Monsieur Ziegfeld?
你的花真漂亮 我忍♥不住要感谢你的诱惑
Your flowers are so beautiful. I could not resist the temptation to thank you.
海尔德小姐 你介意我告诉你…
Miss Held. Do you mind my telling you…
…that you should never wear so many jewels on your hands?
你是这样想的吗? -是的 是的
You think so? -Some women, yes.
但是你的手 没有
But your hands, no.
哦 这是一个很好的赞美
Oh, that’s a very nice compliment.
玛丽 你听到了吗?
Did you hear that, Marie?
你不坐下吗? -谢谢
Won’t you sit down? -Thank you.
I did not know Americans could be so gallant.
告诉我 齐格飞先生 你在剧院工作吗?
Tell me, Monsieur Ziegfeld, are you in the theater?
是的 我是制♥作♥人
Yes, I’m a producer.
玛丽 你听到了吗? 齐格飞先生是美国制♥作♥人
Did you hear that, Marie? Monsieur Ziegfeld is an American producer.
Do you know Monsieur Billings?
账单 -他也是美国制♥作♥人
Billings. -He’s American producer too.
哦 是吗?
Oh, is that so?
不 我从没听说过他 -不?
No, I’ve never heard of him. -No?
当然 不是在纽约
Of course, not in New York, that is.
America’s a big country.
We still have producers in the West putting on shows for the Indians.
印第安人? 你是说野蛮人吗? -是的
Indians? Do you mean the savages? -Yes.
玛丽 你听到了吗?
Did you hear that, Marie?
我不喜欢美国 哦 你会喜欢纽约的
I do not think I will like America. -Oh, you’ll love New York.
纽约会爱我吗? -我想是这样
Would New York love me? -I think so.
你只是这样想? 你不喜欢我的表演吗?
You only think so? Did you not like my performance?
是的 没有
Yes and no.
是的 是还是否? -嗯 都是
Yes and no. Does it mean yes or no? -Well, both.
你不在乎我的歌♥声吗? -是的
Did you not care for my singing, no? -Yes.
我想是小事 但是的
A trifle nasal, I thought, but yes.
And you did not like my costumes either?
我觉得只有一件衣服还行 但其余的都很一般
I thought one dress was very effective, but the rest, no.
齐格飞先生 我认为你很无礼
Monsieur Ziegfeld, I think you are very rude.
Please go.
玛丽 开门
Marie, open the door.
Monsieur Ziegfeld.
Come back, please.
Sit down.
你知道 你很诚实
You know, you are very honest.
I like you very much.
你的留言说 见你对我的未来很重要 这是为什么?
Your note says it is important to my future to see you. Why is that?
如果你想在纽约玩 那就去 -我现在有很多纽约邀约
If you want to play in New York, it is. -I have many offers for New York now.
我毫不怀疑 但其他许多人也一样
I’ve no doubt, but so have many others.
There’s foreign talent going into New York every day.
他们怎么了? -什么?
What happens to them? -What?
好吧 他们在托尼·帕斯特的剧院里演出 就如鱼得水
Well, they open at Tony Pastor’s theater, and they get the hook.
钩子 那是什么?
The hook, what is that?
钩子 你钓到的小东西 你知道 一个钩子
Hook, a little thing you catch fish with. You know, a hook.
现在 如果你成为我的艺人 我将把你带到百老汇
Now, if I take you over, I’ll present you on Broadway.
在一场精彩的演出中 在最好的剧院中 向最优秀的人们致敬
In a great show, in the best theater, to the best people.
I’ll exploit you from coast to coast.
开♥发♥? 那是什么?
Exploit? What is that?
我会把你交给我 我会卖♥♥掉你
I’ll put you over, I’ll sell you.
卖♥♥我? -卖♥♥给公众
Sell me? -To the public.
And I’ll make them pay for you.
And how much will you pay me?
I’ll advertise your name from every corner.
女人们将穿着 安娜·海尔德的帽子 鞋子 紧身胸衣
Women will be wearing Anna Held hats, shoes, corsets.
Even the children will know you.
But how much will you pay me?
More publicity than you’ve ever dreamed of.
是的 没关系 但是你会给我多少钱?
Yes, that’s all right. But how much money will you give me?
I’ll give you the greatest opening night that New York has ever had.
你将看到古尔德 阿斯特尔 范德比尔特
You’ll see the Goulds, the Astors, the Vanderbilts.