我不是你真正的好朋友 -你是说你不再喜欢我了?
I’m not really your fellow. -You mean you don’t like me anymore?
我不仅喜欢你 我爱你
I not only like you, I love you.
但是你知道 我是最有趣的一种人 我爱所有的女孩
But you know, I’m the funniest kind of a fellow. I love all the girls.
你该怎么做? 他们让你吗?
How can you do that? Do they let you?
好吧 亲爱的 你不太明白我的意思
Well, you didn’t quite understand what I mean, darling.
Some people like beautiful paintings.
喜欢那个吗? -像那个
Like that one? -Like that one.
Some people love beautiful flowers.
喜欢吗? -像那些
Like those? -Like those.
现在 我喜欢这样漂亮的小女孩
Now, I love beautiful little girls like this one.
你知道我有一天要做什么吗? -什么?
You know what I’m going to do someday? -What?
I’m going to take all the beautiful little girls like you…
…and I’m going to put them together and make pictures with them.
我会在照片里吗? 好吧 我应该说你会的
Will I be in a picture? -Well, I should say you will.
但是与此同时 我认为我们应该解除我们婚约
But in the meantime, I think that we ought to break our engagement.
为什么? -好吧 因为…
Why? -Well, because…
…there are going to be lots of boys…
…who want to take you out and buy you sodas.
如果你与我订婚 你将无法与他们约会
If you’re engaged to me, you can’t go with them.
我为什么不能呢? -因为如果你嫁给我…
Why can’t I? -Because if you’re married to me…
…我不会让你和其他男孩到处乱跑 我不能忍♥受
…I’m not going to have you running around with other boys. I couldn’t stand for that.
你不能吗? -好吧 我当然不能
You couldn’t? -Well, of course I couldn’t.
嗯 你在笑什么? -你在吃醋
Well, what are you laughing at? -At you, you’re jealous.
好吧 你可以打赌我是在吃醋
Well, you can just bet I’m jealous.
好吧 现在我必须继续前进
Well, now I’ve got to run along.
你今晚会回家吃晚饭吗? 是的爸爸
Will you be home to dinner tonight? -Yes, Dad.
好吧 那我见
Well, I’ll see you then.
同时 儿子 请记住
And in the meantime, son, remember:
无论你做什么 祝你好运
Anything you do, I wish you luck.
I knew you would.
齐格飞先生 等一下
Hold it, Mr. Ziegfeld.
谢谢你 谢谢你
Thank you. Thank you.
你好 旧金山问候…
Greetings. Greetings to San Francisco…
…来自我的团队 包括世界上最强的男人桑多
…from my troupe, including the strongest man in the world, Sandow.
Humane Society?
你告诉我 我在报纸中读到的关于狮子和熊的内容是什么?
Say, what’s this I read in the papers about a lion and a bear?
Is your society going to tolerate such an atrocity?
你是否要用动物的鲜血 洒在旧金山的名誉之上?
Are you going to spill the blood of animals over the good name of San Francisco?
好吧 我不认为你会允许这样的残酷行为
Well, I didn’t think you’d permit such cruelty.
为什么 送一只可怜的灰熊
Why, it would be a crime to send a poor grizzly bear…
…和一个会吃人的狮子一起放入笼子里 是犯罪行为
…into a cage with a man-eating lion. Crime.
什么事这么好笑? -哦 你不会明白的…
What’s so funny? -Oh, you wouldn’t understand…
…因为你不认识齐格飞 警♥察♥在跟踪他…
…because you don’t know Ziegfeld. Police are after him…
…而且本文是两周前的 所以他现在可能已经入狱了
…and this paper’s two weeks old, so he’s probably in jail by now.
杰克 你认识他吗? 哦 是的 他是我的好朋友
But do you know him, Jack? -Oh, yeah, he’s a pal of mine.
好 杰克 这是一个惊喜 -是的
Well, Jack, this is a surprise. -Yes.
很高兴见到你 -是的 我很高兴我
Certainly glad to see you aboard. -Yes, well, I’m glad I–
对不起 我会在几分钟后回来 亲爱的
Pardon me, I’ll be back in a few minutes, darling.
I thought perhaps you were–
嘿 她是谁? -你永远不会知道的
Hey, who is she? -You’ll never know.
弗里斯科发生了什么? 你是否真的将桑多送给狮子了?
What happened in Frisco? Did you really send Sandow in against a lion?
当然可以 但是狮子不会打架
Sure, but the lion wouldn’t fight.
Wouldn’t or couldn’t?
杰克 实话实说 我没有留下深刻的印象
To tell you the truth, Jack, I didn’t stay for the finish.
我是这样想的 -是的 我知道
I sort of thought that…. -Yes, I know.
好吧 桑多现在在哪里?
Well, where is Sandow now?
他在纽约 他正走向合法
He’s in New York. He’s going into the legitimate.
他在 随你喜欢 就和莉莉安·罗素在一起 -是的 我想我不喜欢
He’s with Lillian Russell in As You Like It. -Yeah, well, I don’t think I’d like it.
你要去欧洲做什么 另一个强人?
What are you going to Europe for, another strongman?
哦 不 不 只是一个小假期
Oh, no, no. Just a little vacation.
伦敦? 嗯 首先是蒙特卡洛
London? -Well, Monte Carlo first.
你将失去在桑多身上赚的所有钱 是吗?
You’re gonna lose all the money you made on Sandow, huh?
不 我要加倍 -哦是的
No, I’m going to double it. -Oh, yes.
你要去哪里 另一个小埃及?
What are you going for, another Little Egypt?
哦 不 休息一下 当然 如果我看到任何非凡的才华 我会尽力而为
Oh, no, just a rest. Of course, if I see any exceptional talent, I’ll pick it up.
好吧 自然 我也一样
Well, naturally. So will I.
哦 你在想任何人吗?
Oh, you got anybody in mind?
不 不 为什么啊
No, no. Why, have you?
不 不
No, no.
只有欧洲最伟大的艺术家 仅此而已
Only the greatest artist in Europe, that’s all.
告诉我 那是谁?
Say, who’s that?
如果我告诉过你 你在我们越过大海之前就已经穿越了我
If I told you, you’d cross me before we crossed the ocean.
先生 请原谅
Beg pardon, sir.
Miss Carlisle wishes to know whether there will be three for tea or just two.
两杯 是的 两杯就够了
Just two. Yes, just two.
卡莱尔小姐 对吗? -是的先生
Miss Carlisle, huh? -Yes, sir.
Oh, thank you.
你是比林斯先生的男人 对吗? -是的先生
You’re Mr. Billings’ man, are you? -Yes, sir.
好吧 你非常有效率
Well, you’re very efficient.
你叫什么名字? -西德尼 先生
What is your name? -Sidney, sir.
西德尼 比林斯先生付给你多少钱 西德尼?
Sidney. How much does Mr. Billings pay you, Sidney?
先生 一个月100美元
One hundred a month, sir.
只是 嗯 那不是很多 对吗?
Only– Well, that’s not very much, is it?
先生 我没想到
I hadn’t thought of it, sir.
好吧 想想吧 西德尼
Well, think of it, Sidney.
伦敦晚报 伦敦晚报
London Evening News. London Evening News.
哦 保管好行李 好吗? 并给门童西德尼小费
Oh, take care of the luggage, will you? And tip the doorman, Sidney.
Yes, sir.
You have a reservation for Florenz Ziegfeld Jr.?
是的先生 请你填写一下好嘛? -没问题
Yes, sir. Will you register, please? -Surely.
Is Mr. Billings still here?
是的 先生 在你的地板上 -哦是的
Yes, sir, on your floor. -Oh, yes.
男生 325和326号♥房♥
Boy. Rooms 325 and 26.
Thank you.
西德尼 好啊 你跑了!
Sidney. Well, you ingrate, you deserter–
是的先生 谢谢你 先生
Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
好吧 你为什么不告诉我你不满? 我
Well, why didn’t you tell me you were dissatisfied? I–
你是海盗 -等一下 杰克
You pirate. -Now wait a minute, Jack.
Gentlemen don’t quarrel over gentlemen’s gentlemen.
哦 你 让我告诉你整个故事
Oh, you– -Let me tell you the whole story.
如果你仍然生气 西德尼可以和你一起回去
If you’re still angry, Sidney can go back with you.
哦 我 看 杰克 就是这样
Oh, I– -Look, Jack, it was this way.
我一直很羡慕你 你的着装 风格和外观
I’ve always envied you. Your dress, your style, the way you look.
这样 当我看到你的侍者时 我意识到…
So that when I saw your valet, and I realized…
…that it was he who took such magnificent care of you…
…好吧 我就是忍♥不住雇他
…well, I just couldn’t resist the temptation of hiring him for myself.
你的意思是 你想看起来像我吗?
You mean, you wanted to look like me?
好吧 对了 杰克 我想看起来像你
Well, that’s right, Jack. I wanted to look just like you.
You faker.
你在这里做什么? 我以为你已经好几个星期不去伦敦了
What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t going to be in London for weeks.
好吧 这是一个漫长的故事
Well, that’s a long story.
你知道 我打算在蒙特卡洛赢一笔
You know, I was going to break the bank at Monte Carlo.
是的 我知道 但是你输惨了吧?
Yes, I know. But the bank broke you, huh?
你输了什么? -50,000美元
What did you lose? -Fifty-thousand dollars.
你还剩下什么? -50美分
What have you got left? -Fifty cents.
50美分 好吧 我一会儿见
Fifty cents. Well, I’ll see you later.
但是 杰克 请稍等
But, Jack, wait a minute.
借给我5,000美元 行吗?
Lend me 5000, will you?
好吧 你会吗?
Well, would you–?
Would you make it 2500?
如果我给你2,500美元 当你给六个侍者小费时 你会再次破产
If I gave you $2500, by the time you tipped six bellboys, you’d be broke again.
你看 杰克 我真的很需要
Look, Jack, I really need it.
I’ll tell you what.
如果你乘下一班船返回纽约 我会给你500美元
I’ll give you $500 if you’ll catch the next boat back to New York.
早晚有一个人要离开 很公平?
There’s one leaving in the morning. Fair enough?
这是公平的 但还不够 你愿意和我一起走吗?
It’s fair, but not enough. Will you sail with me?