昨天 你穿着一件黑色蕾丝装饰的红色连衣裙
Yesterday, you were wearing a red dress trimmed in black lace.
是的 -还有一顶黄色的帽子 那是残暴的
Yes. -And a yellow hat, and it was atrocious.
哦 是吗? -每个人本身都没事 请注意…
Oh, indeed? -Each was all right in itself, mind you…
…but the combination….
而上个星期天 你穿着一件蓝色的礼服和一顶兰花帽
And last Sunday, you were wearing a blue gown and an orchid hat.
嗯 是 -你又错了
Well, yes. -And you were wrong again.
好吧 我们不是观察者吗?
Well, aren’t we the observer?
Do you always check the right combinations for women?
总是适合美丽的女人 哦 那很好 谢谢你
Always for beautiful women. -Oh, well, that’s nice. Thank you.
我今天看起来怎么样? 好吧 我不喜欢你的帽子
How do I look today? -Well, I don’t like your hat.
它遮住你的眼睛 我喜欢你的眼睛 -谢谢
It shades your eyes, and I like your eyes. -Thank you.
他应该整理自己的衣服 而不要选择你的衣服
He ought to be packing his own clothes instead of selecting yours.
来吧 露丝 我们得走了 -是的 好吧 再见
Come on, Ruth, we’ve got to go. -Yes. Well, goodbye, then.
我会在地面上见你 -是的 好吧 不是在星期六之后 你就不会
I’ll be seeing you around the grounds. -Yes. Well, not after Saturday, you won’t.
那家伙比林斯 让我生气 -是的?
That fella Billings makes me mad. -Yes?
Even that music from his Little Egypt drives me crazy.
你将不必再听多长时间 等一下
You won’t have to listen to it much longer. Wait a minute.
快走 五个星期以来 你一直在碰运气 因为那只大象
Come away. For five weeks you’ve been touching that elephant for luck…
…现在五天内 我们被淘汰了
…and now in five days, we get put out.
我知道这是迷信 但是一位老印度教♥徒♥告诉我…
I know it’s superstition, but an old Hindu told me…
…如果你触摸大象的鼻子 然后大象举起它 一切都会好起来的
…that if you touch an elephant’s trunk, and he raises it, everything will be all right.
等等 我们知道 如果没有那只大象告诉我们 我们会很不幸
Wait, wait. We know we got hard luck without that elephant should tell us.
说 我知道怎么回事了 你应该碰他 你是吸引点
Say, I know what’s wrong. You should touch him. You’re the attraction.
我? -当然 继续
Me? -Sure. Go on, go ahead.
听起来很傻 但是好的 我会做的
It sounds silly, but all right, I’ll do it.
看 弗洛伦茨 他会替我做吗? 大桑多
Look, Florenz, would he do that for me? The Great Sandow.
那就是你所说的好运 是吗?
So that’s what you call good luck, yeah?
你看 桑多 你一定要期待着阳光的小雨
Look, Sandow, you’ve got to expect a little rain with the sunshine.
弗洛伦茨 这真令人尴尬
That was very embarrassing, Florenz, very embarrassing.
Don’t get your dander up. Who knows?
Maybe that little shower will bring us oodles of luck.
好吧 我希望它能给我们带来 很多像小埃及这样的生意
Well, I hope it brings us so much business like that Little Egypt.
看看那些民族 他们是如何挤进来的 看到那个女人在摆动…
Look at those peoples, how they crowd in to see that woman make wiggles…
…但是他们不会来找我举重 这是世界上其他任何人都无法做到的
…when yet they wouldn’t come to see me lift weights no other man in the world can.
桑多 恐怕你的麻烦是 你练出了错误的肌肉
Sandow, I’m afraid your trouble is you developed the wrong muscles.
你说什么? 桑多身体上的所有肌肉都发达了…
What you say? Every muscle in Sandow’s body is developed…
…even the toes, like that.
只用一只胳膊 我的全身跳得比那个小埃及人还要好
With one arm I make a better dance than that Little Egypt with the whole body.
Look, boss.
Good heavens!
你是强人桑多先生吗? -是的 夫人 这是大桑多
Are you Mr. Sandow, the strongman? -Yes, madam, this is the Great Sandow.
哦 看着那硕大的肩膀 他们是不是很棒啊?
Oh, look at those huge shoulders. Aren’t they marvelous?
是的 亲爱的 加油 -那个大胸脯
Yes, dear, come on. -And that big chest.
我以前从未见过这样的胸膛 -哦 来吧
I never saw a chest like that before. -Oh, come on.
而且他的腰围 哦 简直太棒了
And his waistline, oh, it’s simply magnificent.
宝贝 来吧 -等一下 亲爱的
Precious, come on. -Just a minute, dear.
桑多先生 我认为你的肌肉简直令人惊讶
Mr. Sandow, I think your muscles are simply astounding.
Perhaps madam would like to feel the muscles of Sandow.
哦 我很乐意 -桑多 你的胳膊
Oh, I’d love to. -Sandow, your arm.
弗洛伦茨 她死了吗? 不 她只是晕倒了
Florenz, is she dead? -No, she’s only fainted.
但是 哦 多好的主意 来吧! -什么? 等一下 怎么了?
But, oh, what an idea. Come on! -What? Wait a minute. What’s wrong?
你要去哪里? -报纸 到报社那
Where are you going? -The papers. To the newspapers.
我会把它们填满 女人们会争取见到你
I’ll fill them so full, women will fight to see you.
不是看着你举重 而是只是感觉自己的肌肉
Not to watch you lift weights, but simply to feel your muscles.
为什么 你的一只胳膊有更多的性吸引力…
Why, you’ve got more sex appeal in your one arm…
…than Little Egypt has in her whole–
桑多 现代大力神 力量的奇迹
Sandow, the modern Hercules. The miracle of strength.
观看他的肌肉在音乐节奏中颤抖 桑多 颤抖
Watch his muscles quiver in musical rhythm. Sandow, quiver.
现在 女士们 如果你想了解更多有关大桑多的信息 ​​
And now, ladies, if you want to see more of the Great Sandow…
…如果你的心足够强大 足以承受刺♥激♥…
…if your hearts are strong enough to stand the thrill…
…站起来买♥♥票 该节目将在五分钟内开始
…step up and buy your ticket. The show starts in five minutes.
伙计 这是演出 杰克 生意怎么样?
Folks, this is the show– -How’s business, Jack?
All right?
不是闪闪发光吗? 是的 不是吗?
Doesn’t it sparkle? -Yes, doesn’t it?
你喜欢它? 我当然知道
You like it? -I certainly do.
I’m glad.
齐格飞博士 -是的?
Dr. Ziegfeld. -Yeah?
我现在不能为你演奏我的曲子吗? 我对此感到厌烦…
Can’t I play my piece for you now? I get awful tired of this….
玛丽·露 我不怪你 我也是
I don’t blame you, Mary Lou. So do I.
那继续吧 继续 现在演奏你的小片段
Go ahead, then. Go on, play your little piece now.
齐格飞博士? -是的亲爱的
Dr. Ziegfeld? -Yes, dear.
你知道我生你儿子的气吗? -什么?
Do you know I was mad at your son? -What?
生气你最好的家伙? 哦 为什么呢?
Mad at your best fella? Oh, but why?
Because he left us for that old World’s Fair.
哦 亲爱的 你知道昨天的博览会闭幕了
Oh, well, darling, you know the fair closed yesterday.
And is he coming back here again?
好吧 我希望如此
Well, I hope so.
继续 你继续上课
Go on. You go on with your lesson.
齐格飞博士 -是的亲爱的
Dr. Ziegfeld. -Yes, dear.
Did you know I was going to marry your son?
好吧 这太突然了
Well, well, this is so sudden.
你是? -哦是的 我们几个月前就解决了
Are you? -Oh, yes. We got that settled months ago.
哦 是的 父亲 你不知道我和玛丽·露订婚了吗?
Oh, yes, Father, didn’t you know Mary Lou and I are engaged?
好吧 我今天不接吻吗?
Well, don’t I get a kiss today?
Not even a smile?
好吧 父亲 你如何看待? 我未来的妻子甚至不会吻我
Well, Father, what do you think of that? My future wife won’t even kiss me…
我也给她带来了礼物 -什么?
…and I brought her a present too. -What?
先接吻 -不 先给礼物
Kiss first. -No, present first.
不 先接吻 我会告诉你的 我们同时 怎么样?
No, kiss first. I’ll tell you what. We’ll both give at the same time. How’s that?
我数三下 准备好了? 一
I’ll count three. Ready? One.
二 -记得 那一次
Two. -Same time, remember.

太感谢了 齐格飞博士 这是不是很可爱?
Thank you so much. Dr. Ziegfeld, isn’t it lovely?
好看极了 -我现在要打开它
Beautiful. -I’m going to open it right now.
马上 是的 -哦 很好 很好
Right now. Yes. -Oh, well, well, well.
好吧 弗洛伦茨 你决定做什么?
Well, Florenz, what have you decided to do?
好吧 爸爸 我明天要去纽约
Well, I’m going to New York tomorrow, Dad.
有了那个桑多 那个强人?
With that Sandow, that strongman?
父亲 我不是真的属于这里 不 我不喜欢它
Father, I don’t really belong here. No, I don’t like it.
你不喜欢它 是吗? 全国最大的音乐学院
You don’t like it, huh? The greatest music conservatory in the country.
我自己建造了这一切 来自世界各地的学生都来这里…
I built it all myself. Students from all over the world are coming here…
…and you– You don’t like it.
You realize that maybe somewhere in one of these rooms…
…we find a future Beethoven or Liszt?
而你 我自己的儿子 你想要的只是马戏团
And you, my own son, all you want is a circus.
A circus with a fellow that can throw cannonballs.
好吧 爸爸 别生气
Well, now, Dad, don’t be upset.
桑多是达到目的的手段 -是的 到你的结局
Sandow is a means to an end. -Yeah, to your end.
从那时起 当你还是一个小家伙时 我就对音乐和艺术进行了教育
When you was a little fellow, since then, I’ve educated you in music and art.
从你的母亲那里 你得到了精致 品味和文化
From your mother, you got the refinement, taste, culture.
这一切有什么好处? 你做了什么?
What good has it all done? What has it done you?
你现在是什么? 肌肉经理 牛肉参展商
What are you now anyhow? A muscle manager. A beef exhibitor.
然后你必须到外面去 然后你就必须…
Then you got to go on the outside, and you gotta be….
你得表现得像狗在外面 你像狗一样
You gotta act like a dog outside. You act like a dog.
等一下 狗是什么意思?
Wait a minute, what do you mean, a dog?
你知道我的意思 我不是说你是狗 我是说你
You know what I mean. I don’t mean you’re a dog, I mean you got–
你得到外面去当剥皮人 那是狗 不是吗?
You gotta go outside and be a barker. That’s a dog, ain’t it?
现在让我告诉你一些事情 如果你离开这里…
Now let me tell you something. If you go away from here…
…只要我活着 我就再也不会和你说话
…I’ll never speak to you again as long as I live.
哦 爸爸 你不是那个意思 -是的 我是认真的
Oh, Dad, you don’t mean that. -Yes, I do mean it.
我的意思是 我的意思就是我刚刚说的那些话
And I mean– I mean every word of it.
嘿 等一下
Hey, wait a minute here.
现在 你只要停止哭泣
Now, you just stop that crying.
现在 你告诉你的好朋友为什么哭
Now, you tell your fellow why you’re crying.
如果你是我的好朋友 为什么要离开?
If you’re my fellow, why are you going away?
现在看这里 你就坐在这里 我将告诉你所有事
Now look here, you sit right up here, and I’ll tell you all about it.
现在 我将对你坦诚相待
Now, I’ll be honest with you.