Don’t you think it’s about time that you and I split 50-50 in something?
我很想 杰克
I’d love to, Jack.
But it’ll take a lot of money.
我从来没有拒绝过你 对吗?
I’ve never refused you before, have I?
不是 但…
No, but…
…that was all in the dark ages.
Before the Depression, I mean.
我听说股市搞垮你了 -我? 为什么 我… 别傻了
I heard that the market got you. -Me? Why, I…. Don’t be silly.
I’m too smart for any stock market.
哦 我输了几千左右 但我及时跑了
Oh, I lost a couple of thousand or so, but I got out in time.
真的? -是的
Really? -Yeah.
你呢? 亏钱了吗?
How about you? Did it get you?
哦不 不 我…
Oh, no. No, I….
I never played the market.
哦 我可能跌了几百 也许…
Oh, I may have dropped a few hundred, maybe…
…but nothing to speak of.
好吧 你想花多少钱 齐格飞?
Well, how much money do you suppose it’ll take, Ziggy?
几十万 -几十万?
A couple of hundred thousand. -A couple of hundred thousand?
好吧 说定了
Well, okay, it’s a deal.
振作起来 好起来 我会给你钱
Pull yourself together, get well, and I’ll give you money.
齐格飞先生 那不是很棒吗? 先生 这有没有让你感觉好些?
Isn’t that wonderful, Mr. Ziegfeld? Doesn’t that make you feel better, sir?
是的 那让我感觉好多了
Yes, that makes me feel much better.
…you’re a real person.
是的 嗯 你是…
Yeah, well, you’re….
齐格飞 你也还不错
You’re not a bad sort yourself, Ziggy.
好吧 我明天就去
Well, I’ll drop in tomorrow.
是的 去吧
Yes. Do that.
而且 齐格飞 如果你全神贯注 我想你会在一个星期内康复
And, Ziggy, if you just put your mind to it, I think you’ll be up and around in a week.
不要让我催你 因为当你在这里疗养时…
Don’t let me rush you, because while you’re here convalescing…
…I’ll be picking out the gals for the new show.
好吧 他对我很好 西德尼 -毫无疑问 他会的 先生
Well, he looks all right to me, Sidney. -Undoubtedly he will be, sir.
Thanks to you.
I hope so.
照顾好他 西德尼
Take good care of him, Sidney.
因为如果齐格飞发生任何事情 我…
Because if anything happened to Ziggy, I….
好吧 好好照顾他
Well, take good care of him.
Mr. Ziegfeld.
Mr. Ziegfeld.
先生 如果我是你 我不会逞能
I wouldn’t tax my strength if I were you, sir.
…I’ve got things to do.
我必须找到康托尔 比尔·罗杰斯和比尔·菲尔兹
I must get Cantor, Bill Rogers, Bill Fields.
They must come back to me!
我将把所有的老星们聚集在一起 进行一场精彩的表演
I’ll have all my old stars together in one great show.
I must do the biggest Follies of my whole life!
哦 西德尼 我好难受
Oh, Sidney, I’m so terribly broke.
但是 比林斯先生 先生 他不是要帮助你吗?
But Mr. Billings, sir, isn’t he going to help you?
西德尼 他一分钱都没有
Sidney, he hasn’t a nickel.
他对我撒谎 只是为了让我感觉好些
He was lying to me just to make me feel better.
We’re both broke.
先生 我不用担心
I wouldn’t worry about that, sir.
先生 你以前也经常破产
You’ve been broke before, sir.
是的 我知道 我一直为此自嘲
Yes, I know. I’ve always laughed about it.
但是现在我再也笑不出来了 西德尼…
But I can’t laugh anymore, Sidney…
…because I’ve been wrong.
I’ve got nothing.
Nothing to leave anyone.
没了吗先生 你给他们留下了回忆…
Nothing, sir? You leave them the memories…
…of the finest things ever done on the stage, sir.
你给他们起了一个 他们将会为此骄傲终生的名字
You’ll leave them a name that they can be proud of all their lives.
You’ll soon feel better…
…然后 先生 你可以做比以前更了不起的事情
…and then you can do more beautiful things than ever before, sir.
你真好 西德尼 你说这些真好
It’s nice of you, Sidney, to say that.
先生 我现在必须再次打电♥话♥给夫人 现在已经过10点了
I must call madam again now, sir. It’s after 1 0.
The memories…
…of the finest things ever done on the stage.
菊苣 51 61
Chicory 51 61 .
你好? 请帮我接伯克小姐的更衣室
Hello? Get me Miss Burke’s dressing room, please.
哦 伯克小姐 他似乎在安详地休息
Oh, Miss Burke. He seems to be resting comfortably.
是的 我以为你想知道
Yes, I thought you’d like to know.
是的 伯克小姐 是的 我会给你带话
Yes, Miss Burke. Yes, I’ll deliver your message.
Mr. Ziegfeld.
Mr. Z–
你好 请问哈瑟尔医生还在大楼里吗?
Hello. Is Dr. Hassel still in the building, please?
Would you ask him to come up to Mr. Ziegfeld’s apartment at once?
是的 快点
Yes. Hurry, please.
I’ve got to have more steps.
I need more steps.
I’ve got to get higher.