很抱歉 但这是我可以找到你们的唯一方法
I’m sorry, but this is the only way I could locate you.
我知道 如果要找到你 道尔督察是唯一能做到这一点的人
I knew that if you were to be found at all, Inspector Doyle was the one to do it.
山姆 让高迪在他们希望的任何夜晚 保留他们的预订
Sam, have Goldie take their reservations for whatever nights they wish.
大家好 -这边请
Good day, gentlemen. -This way.
谢谢 -即使报仇 也是如此
Thank you. -That’s getting even with a vengeance.
对于一个恶作剧 这个结局还不坏 不是吗?
That’s not a bad ending for a practical joke, is it?
高迪 请记下这些先生们的名字和地址
Goldie, take these gentlemen’s names and addresses.
Don’t you realize what you may have let yourself in for?
什么? -他们可以起诉你虚假逮捕
What? -They can sue you for false arrest.
还有警♥察♥局 -你知不知道我们没有什么…
And the police department. -Don’t you realize we have nothing…
需要管的了吗? -希望如此
…to worry about anymore? -I hope so.
不用希望了 你知道我在做什么吗?
No need to hope. You know what I’ve been doing?
什么? -购买♥♥股票 我已经买♥♥了超过一百万
What? -Buying stocks. I’ve bought over a million.
一次性缴清吗? -不 保证金
Outright? -No, on margin.
But all solid securities.
当我付了钱后 我要再买♥♥一百万
When I’ve paid for them, I’m gonna buy another million and another.
山姆 我真的很富有 -我希望你是对的 先生
Sam, I’m going to be really rich. -I hope you’re right, sir.
But the market’s been behaving very queerly these last few days.
是的? -克罗伊登公♥司♥在电♥话♥上
Yes? -Croydon & Company on the phone.
穿上它们 -一直试图联♥系♥你
Put them on. -Been trying to get you.
他们是我的经纪人 你好? 请讲
They’re my broker. Hello? Speaking.
哦 好吧 发生了什么事?
Oh. Well, what happened?
Down 20 to 40 points?
How much?
三十万?! -什么?
Three hundred thousand?! -What is it?
哦 不 不 不! 不要那样做!
Oh, no, no, no! Don’t do that!
我会把钱还上的 我会在很短时间内把钱给你
I’ll cover. I’ll get the money to you in just a little while.
可以让霍洛韦接电♥话♥吗? -弗洛 这是什么?
Will you put Holloway on the phone? -Flo, what is it?
股市 山姆 它崩了
The market, Sam, it’s crashed.
I’ve got to get $300,000 in cash, immediately.
我们要怎么做? -我不知道
How are we gonna do it? -I don’t know.
也许我可以从银行借钱 -用什么?
Maybe I could borrow it from a bank. -On what?
On your shows.
为时已晚 我已经将秀抵押 好付股票的第一笔款
It’s too late. I’ve already mortgaged the shows for the first payments on the stock.
What’s that?
But you’ve got to locate him!
是的 我会还上钱的 过一会儿我会把钱给你的 不要挂断
Yes, I’ll cover. I’ll get the money to you in a while. Just hold the wire.
山姆 找比林斯 -是的先生
Sam, get Billings. -Yes, sir.
在所有地方找 他的房♥子 办公室 一定要找到比林斯!
Try his house, his office, anywhere, but get Billings!
纳格斯先生 我们尚未收到你的支票 而你的保证金已全部被平仓
Mr. Nagus, we haven’t received your check, and your margin’s wiped out.
你好 比林斯先生 我马上就跟你说 不 我们不能 纳格斯先生
Hello, Mr. Billings. I’ll be right with you. No, we can’t, Mr. Nagus.
抱歉 我们不能再持有你的股票了
I’m sorry, but we can’t hold your stocks any longer.
比林斯先生 我们也不得不把你的卖♥♥掉
Mr. Billings, we’ve had to sell you out too.
好吧 这使我回到第二个童年
Well, that takes me back to my second childhood consistently.
I was a poor kid when I started.
齐格飞先生在第6线上等你 -对不起 比林斯先生
Mr. Ziegfeld’s on number six for you. -Excuse me, Mr. Billings.
你好? 哦 是的 齐格飞先生
Hello? Oh, yes, Mr. Ziegfeld.
是的 我们不得不在半小时前 将你的股票卖♥♥光
Yes, we had to sell you out about half an hour ago.
我明白 我很抱歉
I know it is, and I’m terribly sorry.
我不知道齐格飞也在炒股 -是的 而且杠杆很重
I didn’t know Ziegfeld was in the market. -Yes, very heavy.
他会失去一切 -一切?
He’ll lose everything. -Everything?
好吧 这是他一次无法从我这里借到钱了
Well, this is one time he can’t get it from me.
是的夫人 是的夫人 是的
Yes, madam. Yes, madam, it is.
夫人 医生大约在10分钟前离开
The doctor left about 10 minutes ago, madam.
He seemed very happy about Mr. Ziegfeld.
Said he might stay up for a while longer.
哦 他很喜欢与你和帕特里夏小姐一起吃饭
Oh, he did so enjoy sitting up to dinner with you and Miss Patricia.
不 夫人 -但不要让他熬得太久
No, madam. -But don’t let him stay up too long.
是的 我知道 但是他休息的时间越多 他就会越早康复
Yes, I know, but the more he rests, the sooner he’ll be well again.
And tell him I’ll be home immediately after the performance.
伯克小姐 是时候该入场了 -好的好的
It’s time for your entrance, Miss Burke. -Yes, yes.
西德尼 请确保在第二幕之后马上打电♥话♥给我
Sidney, be sure to call me right after the second act.
是的 大约10:05
Yes, about 1 0:05.
Yes, madam.
先生 夫人很为你高兴
Madam was very happy about you, sir.
哦 我可怜的比利
Oh, my poor Billie.
I wish she weren’t working.
但这确实有些帮助 西德尼
But it does help some, Sidney.
尽快将这些电报处理掉 -是的先生
Get those wires off as quickly as you can. -Yes, sir.
Were you able to reach Eddie Cantor by phone?
先生 洛杉矶那边已经尝试了一段时间
The Los Angeles operator’s been trying for some time, sir.
Tell her to keep on trying.
西德尼? -是的先生?
Sidney? -Yes, sir?
When you get him…
…tell him that I want him for a new show.
告诉他 我将在他离开那些电影的那一刻开始彩排
Tell him I’ll start rehearsals the instant he can get away from those pictures.
Tell him I need him.
两年来我还没有真正的演出 -是的先生
I haven’t had a real show in two years. -Yes, sir.
那是电♥话♥铃吗 西德尼? -是的先生
Wasn’t that the bell, Sidney? -Yes, sir.
好吧 为什么不回答呢
Well, why don’t you answer it.
Yes, sir.
先生 比林斯 -你好 西德尼
Mr. Billings. -Hello, Sidney.
How’s Mr. Ziegfeld?
好吧 先生 他好了很多 但是他很紧张
Well, he’s much improved, sir, but he’s very nervous.
先生 他会很高兴见到你
He will be glad to see you, sir.
先生 如果我们能请他排演一个新的秀
If we could get him started on a new show, sir.
是的 -我是说 如果他有钱 先生
Yeah. -I mean to say, if he had the money, sir.
是的 很好 我们会看到他明白了
Yes, well, we’ll see that he gets it.
我的侍者不像以前那样高效了 西德尼
My valet isn’t as efficient as you used to be, Sidney.
他让我忽略了事情 我可以见他吗?
He lets me neglect things. All right for me to see him?
是的先生 不会待太久吧 -不不不
Yes, sir. I wouldn’t stay too long. -No, no, no.
好 你好 齐格飞 你感觉怎么样?
Well, hello, Ziggy. How are you feeling?
你好 杰克
Hello, Jack.
I’m feeling much better.
谢谢 坐下吧 -是的
Thank you. Sit down, won’t you? -Yes.
Let me look at you.
我不认为你生病了 你只是在装死 这样你的债权人就找不到你
I don’t think you’ve been sick. Just playing possum so your creditors can’t find you.

No creditors.
不 没有债权人
No. No creditors.
你什么时候起床转转? -好吧…
When are you gonna be up and around? -Well…
我希望很快 -赶快
…pretty soon now, I hope. -Hurry up.
I’m expecting you to go to Europe with me.
哦 好吧 你什么时候走?
Oh. Well, when are you sailing?
在几周内 我们将在蒙特卡洛停靠
In a couple of weeks. We’ll stop off at Monte Carlo.
You can break the bank again.
然后我们去伦敦 也许我们可以一起发掘一些新人
And then we’ll go to London. Maybe we can find some new talent together.
Does it interest you?
是的 是的 我想去伦敦
Yes. Yes, I’d like to go to London.
是的? 为什么?
Yeah? Why?
你有想到什么人吗? -不
You got someone in mind? -No.
为什么呢? -不
Why, have you? -No.
但是我不会告诉你我是否想到了 即使你的病情是现在的10倍也不告诉你
But I wouldn’t tell you if I had, not if you were 1 0 times as sick as you are.
哦 那是过去的美好时光 杰克
Oh, those were great old days, Jack.
Remember the fair?
当然 小埃及
Do I. Little Egypt.
桑多 -是的 然后安娜·海尔德
Sandow. -Yeah, and then Anna Held.
哦 对不起 齐格飞
Oh, I’m sorry, Ziggy.
杰克 为什么在一个如此古老的世界里…
Why is it, Jack, that in a world so old…
…life must be so short?
短暂? 我觉得我来这里已有1000年了
Short? I feel as if I’d been here 1 000 years.
And I’m gonna stay 1 000 more.
如果你精挑细选并开始新的演出 你会有相同的感觉
And you’d feel the same way if you’d snap out of it and get a new show started.
是的 我想再做一个弗里斯
Yes, I’d like to do another Follies.
Why don’t you do it.