I hadn’t anything to do with it.
是圣诞老人 他带来了一切
It was Santa Claus. He brought everything.
是的 我知道 但是圣诞老人太奢侈了
Yes, I know, but Santa Claus was far too extravagant.
You should take some of it back.
哦 妈妈 我不希望圣诞老人收回我的任何礼物
Oh, Mama, I don’t want Santa Claus to take back any of my presents.
不用担心 他不会
Don’t worry, he won’t.
不 他也不会收回你妈妈的任何礼物
No, and he won’t take back any of your mama’s either.
如果他把我的马戏团还给我 我会哭的
I’d cry if he took my circus back.
你会? -为什么 亲爱的?
You would? -Why, darling?
相比于其他礼物你更喜欢它吗? -但我希望那是一个真实的现场马戏团
You like it better than your other presents? -But I wish it was a real, live circus.
好吧 我想你不得不做一个马戏团了 弗洛
Well, I guess you’ll have to do a circus, Flo.
爸爸 可以吗?
Could you, Daddy?
好吧 我不知道 让我们来看看
Well, I don’t know. Let’s see.
I’ve never had any experience with circuses.
But I can try.
我会告诉你的 让我们在这两辆马车前面合唱
I’ll tell you what. Let’s make a chorus in front of these two wagons.
这个家伙是谁? 那就是表演指导员 应该在中间的表演指导员
Who’s this fellow? That’s the ringmaster in the center, where a ringmaster should be.
现在 我们将这两个杂技演员放在他旁边…
Now, we’ll put these two acrobats up next to him…
…然后我们把这个蒂罗尔人放在那里 把小丑放在他旁边
…then we’ll put this Tyrollean fellow there. Put the clown next to him.
他是一个有趣的家伙 而且有驯狮师
He’s a funny fellow, and there’s the lion-tamer.
天哪 我敢打赌他也是个勇敢的家伙 还有鼓手
Gosh, I bet he’s a brave fellow too. And there’s the drum major.
这是强人 我们称他为桑多
And here is the strongman. We’ll call him Sandow.
这是谁? -嗯 那是…
And who is this? -Well, that’s….
哦! 当然 那就是哈里特·霍克特
Oh! Of course. That’s little Harriet Hoctor.
I’ve always wanted to give her a chance.
我会告诉你的 现在 你抱住她一分钟 稍后我们将带她来 现在…
I’ll tell you what. Now, you hold her for a minute, and we’ll bring her on later. Now…
…就像我在剧院里一样 把所有东西都放到幕布后面
…let’s put it all back of a curtain, just as I do in the theater.
现在 这就是帷幕
Now, this is the curtain.
笑什么 杰克? -关于齐格飞的这篇文章
What’s the laugh, Jack? -This article on Ziegfeld.
说他破产了 不能从任何银行借钱
Says he’s broke and can’t borrow a nickel from any bank.
如果他商业化了 他就不必借钱了
He wouldn’t have to borrow if he’d commercialized.
He’d never send out a number two company.
He wanted the public to see his best production.
他为什么不坚持自己的弗里斯? 那场秀真可怕
Why doesn’t he stick to his Follies? That other show is terrible.
看来那个老男孩江郎才尽了 他的节目水平已经持续滑落好几年了
Guess the old boy’s washed-up. -He’s been slipping for years.
怀特和卡洛尔都为他着迷 -鲍勃…
White and Carroll have got it all over him. -Bob….
请给我一条冷毛巾 好吗?
Let me have a cold towel, will you?
好吧 那家伙正在变老
Well, the guy’s getting old.
是的 没钱了 他不会再对百老汇有任何冲击
Yeah, and broke. He won’t have another hit on Broadway.
不是有人在替他排节目吗? -是的 这将是他的纪念碑
Isn’t someone making a theater for him? -Yeah. It’s to be his monument.
是时候了 他可以用这个纪念碑了
It’s about time. He could use a monument.
我不认识你们 -你对我来说一无所有 我不认识你
I don’t know you fellows. -You got nothing on me. I don’t know you.
你应该 你已经在五分钟内把我埋了 我是齐格飞 你是对的
You ought to. You’ve been burying me for five minutes. I’m Ziegfeld. You’re right.
我不会再在百老汇有什么大戏 因为我要上四出
I’m not gonna have another hit on Broadway. I’m gonna have four.
一次四出大戏 你明白了吗? 四出!
Four at one time. You get that? Four!
And all hits.
哦 齐格飞先生!
Oh, Mr. Ziegfeld!
You forgot your tie.
他将有四出大戏 而且他还没有系领带
He’s gonna have four hits, and he hasn’t got a tie left.
你为什么上楼不打招呼? 你想躲开我吗?
Why did you come upstairs without saying hello? Are you trying to elude me?
好吧 我感觉不太舒服 亲爱的
Well, I’m not feeling very well, dear.
可怜的宝贝 你真累
Poor darling. You’re just tired.
Where’s your tie?
你对那个怎么想的? 我…
What do you think of that? I….
I must have left it in the barbershop this afternoon.
从那时起 你就一直没有戴它?
And you’ve been around without it ever since?
亲爱的 那不像你
Darling, that isn’t like you.
怎么了 弗洛?
What’s wrong, Flo?
比利 我受够了
Billie, I’m all through.
为什么? -一切 我江郎才尽了 我…
Through with what? -Everything. I’m slipping. I’m…
…getting old.
And who told you that?
在理发店里的三个人 -这就是为什么你忘了领带
Three men in the barbershop. -That’s why you forgot your tie.
是的 我一生中从未做过这样的事情
Yes, I’ve never done anything like that in my whole life.
那不是个悲剧吗? 在你漫长的职业生涯中 第一次忘记了领带
Isn’t that tragic? For the first time in your long career, you forgot a tie.
It’s a calamity.
那些人是谁 弗洛? -我不知道 我从没见过他们
Who were those men, Flo? -I don’t know. I never saw them before.
They said I’d never produce another hit.
And what did you say?
I told them I’d have four on Broadway at the same time.
听起来更像你 -是的 但这只是虚张声势
Sounds more like you. -Yeah, but it was only a bluff.
抱歉 亲爱的 我不是要担心你
I’m sorry, dear. I don’t mean to worry you.
Where’s Patricia?
She’s having her dinner.
亲爱的 你很晚才回家 -是的亲爱的 对不起 我…
You came home very late, dear. -Yes, dear. I’m sorry. I….
I’ve been so worried.
The play is such a terrible failure.
不是的 亲爱的
But you’re not, darling.
Afraid I am.
好吧 我们可以吃晚饭吗? -弗洛
Well, shall we have some dinner? -Flo.
I’m disappointed in you.
I didn’t think you’d ever lose confidence in yourself.
但是我一定是失败者 而你不是
But I must be the failure, not you.
哦 比利 不 我是认真的 亲爱的
Oh, Billie. -No, I mean it, darling.
Before we were married…
…即使你破产了 你也从未想过失败
…you never thought of failure even when you were broke.
比起别的什么 这更是你的崇高优势
It was your sublime superiority more than anything else…
…让我非常佩服你 请不要变 弗洛
…that made me admire you so much. Please don’t change, Flo.
Don’t let Patricia and me become a worry to you.
We don’t expect you to reduce your life to just us.
I want you to go right on being just as you always were.
I would never be jealous…
…由于对美的热爱 你永远不会廉价或平凡
…because with your love of beauty, you could never be cheap or common.
So in whatever you do…
…you need never fear me.
And what is more important…
…don’t be afraid of yourself.
我不会害怕的 比利
I’m not gonna be afraid, Billie.
好吧 小伙子 我会给你一个机会来证明这一点
All right, young man. I’ll give you a chance to prove it.
在我的保险库中 有你曾经给我的所有珠宝
In my vault, I have all the jewelry you’ve ever given me…
…even the queen’s crown…
…and some very good bonds.
They’re all yours…
…on one condition.
你信守对这三个人的承诺 并在百老汇获得了四次巨大的成功
That you keep your promise to those three men and have four hits on Broadway.
讨价还价吗? -哦 比利
Is that a bargain? -Oh, Billie.
Mr. Ziegfeld.
Just a minute.
齐格飞先生 是警♥察♥督察道尔 他说这很重要
Mr. Ziegfeld, it’s Police Inspector Doyle. He says it’s important.
你为什么不这么说? 让他进来 -好
Why didn’t you say so? Send him in. -All right.
好吧 道尔先生
All right, Mr. Doyle.
Mr. Ziegfeld.
你好 督察
Hello, inspector.
我们买♥♥到票了 没事 -真的吗? 太好了
We got them, all right. -You did? That’s wonderful.
有了你给我们的描述 这真是太好了
It is wonderful, with the descriptions you gave us.
他们在哪? -外面
Where are they? -Right outside.
把他们带进来 -好的 先生
Bring them in. -All right, sir.
Bring those birds in here.
他们来了 -到底是怎么回事?
Here they are. -What’s going on?
安静 安静 -对这些人有何指控?
Pipe down, pipe down. -What’s the charge against these men?
谋杀 -谋杀?
Murder. -Murder?
是的 谋杀
Yes, murder.
大约一年前 这三位先生杀死了我 并把我埋葬了
About a year ago, these three gentlemen killed me and buried me.
杀了? 埋了吗 -是的 在时代广场的一家理发店
Killed? Buried? -Yes. In a Times Square barbershop.
记住? -哦 是的 我记得 你不是吗?
Remember? -Oh, yes, I remember. Don’t you?
现在 我将给大家一个包厢 以展示我的所有四场演出
Now, I’m going to give each of you a box to all four of my shows.
Four hits, all in one season.
然后我想让你告诉我 你是否仍然认为我江郎才尽
And then I want you to tell me whether or not you still think I’m washed-up.