…the very shadow of his tomb as our meeting place?
好吧 我个人并不了解这位将军 但是我有一个他会赞成的想法
Well, I never knew the general personally, but I have an idea he’d approve.
我不知道 似乎没有其他人 至少 弗罗曼先生没有
I don’t know. Nobody else seems to. At least, Mr. Frohman doesn’t.
And why not?
为什么我们不能在自己喜欢的地方见面? 去我们想要的地方?
Why can’t we meet where we like? Go where we want?
Just because he has you under contract…
…is no reason he should dictate your personal life.
我在这里 -是的 我也是
I’m here. -Yes, and so am I.
But it must seem like kindergarten to you.
The great Mr. Ziegfeld, producer of the Follies…
…surrounded by hundreds of beautiful women…
坐在长凳上 手牵着手
…sitting on a bench, holding hands…
…watching the riverboats go back and forth.
听起来有点像你 不是吗? -不 不是
Doesn’t sound a bit like you, does it? -No, it doesn’t.
但是我在这里 坐在长椅上…
But here I am, sitting on a bench…
…牵着手 看着河上的船只来回游走
…holding hands and watching the riverboats go back and forth.
很遗憾 多年来我一直不认识你
And regretting all the years I haven’t known you.
Didn’t Anna Held take up a few of those years?
是的 比利 她做到了
Yes, Billie, she did.
She was truly a wonderful woman.
I love you for saying that.
看 还有另一艘渡船驶向帕勒塞德斯
Look, there’s another ferryboat going across to the Palisades.
当我告诉你一些事情时 你会一直注意吗?
Will you keep your eyes on it while I tell you something?
Must I look at a ferryboat to listen to you?
是的 否则我将无法告诉你
Yes, or I won’t be able to tell you.
You mean the great lady’s man is bashful?
在你的面前 他看起来很奇怪
Strange as it may seem, in your presence, he is.
好吧 我在找
All right, I’m looking.
我爱你 比利
I love you, Billie.
The ferryboat.
我没有什么可为你提供的 因为你似乎没有什么真正需要的
I haven’t anything to offer you, because there’s nothing you really seem to need.
你已经充分利用了自己的协助 这真是太好了
You’ve made the most of yourself unassisted, and that’s grand.
你已经是一位伟大的明星 所以我无能为力
You’re a great star already, so there’s little I can offer you.
除了我的爱 我什么也不能给你
Nothing I can give you, except my love.
That isn’t enough.
我希望你的一部分野心 你的一半麻烦…
I’d expect part of your ambition, half of your trouble…
…two-thirds of your worries and all of your respect.
夫人 这是你的药
Here’s your medicine, madame.
不 谢谢你 玛丽 我对此感到厌倦
No, thank you, Marie. I’m tired of it.
但是 夫人 -不 不 不 不
But, madame…. -No, no, no, no.
Perhaps you would like to go to Paris?
不 我太累了 无法去任何地方做任何事情
No, I’m too tired to go anywhere and to do anything.
Look at the paper…
…and tell me where did they go on their honeymoon?
但是 夫人 他们哪也去不了
But they couldn’t go anywhere, madame.
Miss Burke is appearing in a play here.
We saw her only two weeks ago.
夫人 你坚持要坚持 你记得
You insisted, madame. You remember.
对 我知道 我们也非常喜欢它
Oui, I know. And we enjoyed it very much too.
她是一个可爱的女演员 玛丽 对吗?
She’s a lovely actress, Marie, oui?
She has such twinkling eyes…
…and such a funny little twitter when she speaks.
是的 我完全可以想象弗洛爱上了她
Yes, I can well imagine Flo being in love with her.
打电♥话♥给他的办公室 我会祝贺他
Call his office. I will congratulate him.
你好? 请接布莱恩3093
Hello? Brian 3093, please.
我应该祝他好运 对吗?
I should wish him luck, oui?
是的 -拜托 齐格飞先生
Oui, I should. -Mr. Ziegfeld, please.
安娜小姐 -不 玛丽 挂断电♥话♥!
Miss Anna Held speaking. -No, Marie, hang up!
我今天不能和他说话! -齐格飞先生?
I cannot speak with him today! -Mr. Ziegfeld?
夫人 他正在线上
He’s on the telephone, madame.
He is?
你好 弗洛
Hello, Flo.
是的 这是安娜
Yes, here’s Anna.
I’m so happy for you today.
我不禁打电♥话♥给你 并向你表示祝贺
I could not help but call on you and congratulate you.
太好了 弗洛 在我的一生中再也没有比这更好的了
Wonderful, Flo. Never better in my whole life.
我对我的新计划感到非常兴奋 我要去巴黎
I’m so excited about my new plans. I’m going to Paris.
是的 有几个星期 然后我可以回来…
Yes, for a few weeks, and then I can get back…
然后我正在做一个新节目 我…
…and then I’m doing a new show, and I–
对 这真是太好了 我感到很开心
Oui, it’s all so wonderful. I’m so happy.
是的 我也希望你也开心
Yes, and I hope you are happy too.
弗洛 我为你感到高兴
I’m so glad for you, Flo.
前夫和前妻互相告诉对方他们有多幸福 这听起来很可笑
It sounds funny for ex-husband and ex-wife to tell each other how happy they are, oui?
是的 弗洛
Yes, Flo.
再见 弗洛
Goodbye, Flo.
如果你是如此爱他 为什么要与他离婚?
If you love him so much, why did you divorce him?
Because I thought it would bring him back to me.
I was sure that it would bring him back to me.
天哪 天哪 天哪! 这就是我的全部吗?
Goody, goody, goody! Is that all for me?
那肯定是 所有都是你的 这还不是全部 西德尼
That certainly is, every bit for you. And that isn’t all. Sidney?
Yes, sir?
现在 如果你不喜欢这边的风景…
Now, if you don’t like the view from this side…
然后 -我不知道
…then– -I don’t.
那是圣诞老人从烟囱掉下来了 -是的!
That’s the chimney Santa came down. -Yes!
那是驯鹿停下来的地方 我不知道他们如何避免滑落
That’s where the reindeer stopped. -I wonder how they kept from sliding off.
Probably the bricks stopped them.
妈咪 我进去的空间差不多够大了
See, Mommy, it’s almost big enough for me to get in.
它是! -几乎所有人都可以进入
It is! -It’s almost big enough for us all to get in.
哦是的! 西德尼 -是的 先生?
Oh, yes! Sidney…. -Yes, sir?
Hasn’t Santa Claus brought the elephant yet?
先生 还没有 但是他 她… 先生 随时都可能在这里
Not yet, sir, but he, she– It may be here at any moment, sir.
你没买♥♥大象吗? 我做到了
You didn’t buy an elephant? -I did.
活着的大象 爸爸? -一头活生生的大象
A live elephant, Daddy? -A great big, live elephant.
先生 女士 请你原谅
I beg your pardon, sir, madam.
代表所有仆人 并作为他们的发言人…
In behalf of the help, and as their spokesman…
…I wish to express our thanks for your thoughtfulness and generosity…
…and to wish you a very merry Christmas.
谢谢 -很好 西德尼
Thank you. -That’s very nice, Sidney.
And may we wish a very merry Christmas to all of you.
谢谢你 先生 谢谢夫人 圣诞节快乐
Thank you, sir. Thank you, madam. Merry Christmas.
还有你 帕特里夏小姐
And to you, Miss Patricia.
西德尼 你也一样
Same to you, Sidney.
现在 打开礼物怎么样?
Now, how about opening your presents?
尽管有这么多铺张浪费 我还是有点害怕
With all this extravagance, I’m a little afraid to.
废话 亲爱的 那是圣诞节的目的
Nonsense, darling, that’s what Christmas is for.
Come on, now.
哦 弗洛 -现在
Oh, Flo. -Now.
这不全是我的吗? 嗯 还有谁呢?
This isn’t all for me? -Well, who else?
我不知道先打开哪个 -好吧 假设你尝试这个
I don’t know which one to open first. -Well, suppose you try this one.
哦 弗洛!
Oh, Flo!
A crown of diamonds.
How beautiful.
This proves that America is not a republic.
因为你是王后 所以王后总是戴王冠
Because you are the queen, and queens always wear crowns.
A bracelet for the regal wrist.
A pendant for the royal throat.
然后… -弗洛!
And…. -Flo!
A cloak for Her Majesty’s shoulders.
亲爱的! -和…
Darling! -And….
哦 不 弗洛 没有其他的! -是的
Oh, no, Flo. Nothing else! -Yes.
A kiss from her most humble subject.
哦 一切都那么可爱
Oh, everything’s so lovely.
但是你不应该做那么多 -哦 我…
But you shouldn’t have done so much. -Oh, well, I….