She’s drunk.
当她喝醉时 你总是这样做吗?
Do you always do that when she’s drunk?
The members of your company must enjoy that very much.
哦 安娜 不要那么说
Oh, Anna, don’t say that.
亲爱的 你不明白吗? 当我的一个姑娘
Don’t you understand, dear? When one of my girls–
可怜的弗洛 你和你的姑娘们有这么多的问题吗?
Poor Flo. You have so much trouble with your girls, oui?
先生 你不是要吃西柚吗?
Aren’t you going to eat your grapefruit, sir?
不 没什么 西德尼
No, nothing, Sidney.
好吧 我们现在知道她为什么昨晚不回家
Well, we know now why she didn’t come home last night.
I’m sorry, sir.
你送花了吗? 我知道地址那会
Did you send the flowers? -The minute I learned the address.
像往常一样12朵兰花 -好的
A dozen orchids as usual. -Good.
桑普斯顿先生再次致电 先生
Mr. Sampston called again, sir.
He says the bank positively refuses to increase your loans.
谢谢你 西德尼 -是的先生
Thank you, Sidney. -Yes, sir.
戴恩小姐 先生 -这里?
Miss Dane, sir. -Here?
先生 她无疑是在读报纸
Undoubtedly she’s read the paper, sir.
带她过来 西德尼
Show her in, Sidney.
好吧 弗洛 恭喜
Well, Flo, congratulations.
什么? -我刚看到标题
On what? -I just saw the headline.
我不应该祝贺我 奥黛丽
I don’t think I’m to be congratulated, Audrey.
Little Audrey is speaking out of turn again.
昨晚我也是一个坏女孩 我不认为你应该来这里
And I was a bad girl last night too. -I don’t think you should have come here.
So that’s how you feel.
今晚要去大西洋城吗? -不
Going to Atlantic City tonight? -No.
演出明天不在那儿开幕吗? -不
Isn’t the show opening there tomorrow? -No.
Broke again?
是的 又破产了
Yes, broke again.
请不要转动大象 奥黛丽 -害怕我会坏你的运气吗?
Please don’t turn the elephant, Audrey. -Afraid I’ll spoil your luck?
…nobody thinks enough of your new star to loan you money.
I don’t blame them.
你为什么没在节目中给我注视? 你 带着你的所有诺​​言
Why didn’t you star me in the show? You, with all your promises.
“奥黛丽 如果你表现得很好 我将把你的名字写在百老汇上”
“Audrey, if you’ll just behave yourself, I’ll put your name on Broadway.”
“奥黛丽 如果你只停止喝酒 我会为你写很多精彩的节目”
“Audrey, if you’ll only stop drinking, I’ll have great shows written for you.”
Why didn’t you make me a great star?
我不能像依靠她那样依靠你 -是的!
I couldn’t depend on you, as I could on– -Yes!
好吧 好吧 现在靠她吧
Well, all right. Depend on her now.
继续 盯着她 对她做任何你喜欢的事
Go on, star her. Do anything you like with her.
我恨你! 我再也见不到你了
I hate you! I’m never gonna see you again.
我要退出你和你的表演 希望你没有钱去排新戏
I’m quitting you and your show. I hope you don’t get the money to open it.
如果你有钱 我希望你的新戏会失败! 那就是我对你的感觉!
And if you do, I hope it’s a flop! That’s how I feel about you!
And this is how I feel about your elephant!
西德尼? -是的先生?
Sidney? -Yes, sir?
Take a wire to Mr. Billings.
比林斯先生 这就是全部吗?
Will that be all, Mr. Billings?
是的 就这些 谢谢
Yes, that’ll be all, thank you.
琼斯小姐 马上照顾好这些 -是的先生
Miss Jones, take care of that right away. -Yes, sir.
我从齐格飞那收到另一封电报 除非我们帮助他 否则他无法排演新戏
I got another telegram from Ziegfeld. He can’t open his show unless we help him.
我们不会帮助他的 我昨天告诉过他
We won’t help him. I told him so yesterday.
我没有兴趣 我连5美分都不会借给他
I’m not interested, and I won’t loan him 5 cents.
给他回电 -我刚做完
Send him a wire– -I just did.
做了什么? -给他汇钱
Did what? -Wired him the money.
Isn’t that Mr. Ziegfeld?
说 弗洛 你为什么不♥穿♥上服装…
Say, Flo, why don’t you go put on the costume…
并融入舞蹈的精神 -我累了 吉恩
…and get into the spirit of the dance. -I’m tired, Gene.
来吧弗洛 不要对一切失去兴趣
Come on, Flo. Don’t lose interest in everything.
不 我要回家 晚安
No, I’m going home. Good night.
让我拿那个扩音器 亲爱的 -是的先生
Let me have that megaphone, honey. -Yes, sir.
威利 -弗洛 你别走
Willie. -Flo, you’re not leaving.
我是 -我们正在里面搞保罗·琼斯…
Yes, I am. -We’re starting a Paul Jones inside…
…我保证每当你有一个漂亮女孩时 我都会吹口哨
…and I promise whenever you get a pretty girl, I’ll blow the whistle.
今晚不行 威利
Not tonight, Willie.
说 那位有着靓丽红发的女孩是谁?
Say, who is that girl with the gorgeous red hair?
怎么了 那是比利·伯克
Why, that’s Billie Burke.
谢谢 威利
Thanks, Willie.
晚上好 杰克 -你好吗? 来吧
Good evening, Jack. -How do you do? Come on.
是的 弗洛? -我要一个保罗·琼斯
Yes, Flo? -I’m staying for the Paul Jones.
每当你和伯克小姐见到我时 请吹口哨
Whenever you see me with Miss Burke, blow the whistle.
代替保罗·琼斯 每个人
Take your places for the Paul Jones, everybody.
The Paul Jones!
嗯 你认为我们应该这样做吗? 我 哦 是的 我爱保罗·琼斯
Well, do you think we ought to? I– -Oh, yes. I love the Paul Jones.
也许我们俩可以走同样的路 不 我们不能那样做!
Perhaps we could both go the same way. -No, we can’t do that!
哦 我…
Oh, Well, I….
Miss Burke.
It doesn’t matter.
哦 不 我应该 -我必须 -我们不是
Oh, no, I’m supposed to– I’ve got to– We’re not–
哦 不 这是我们的舞蹈 -哦 是吗?
Oh, no, this is our dance. -Oh, is it?
伯克小姐 -我们再见面 先生…?
Miss Burke. -We meet again, Mister…?
It still doesn’t matter.
Won’t you tell me?
告诉你什么? -你的名字
Tell you what? -Your name.
为什么不问比林斯先生 -我会的 如果我能找到他的话
Why don’t you ask Mr. Billings. -I will, if I can find him.
But you seem to stand in with the whistle.
哦 是的 当我还是一个小男孩的时候 就喜欢吹口哨…
Oh, yes, when I was a little boy, I used to love to whistle…
…and a whistle never forgets.
你不觉得无聊吗? -不 你是?
Aren’t you getting bored? -No. Are you?
恐怕没有 -累了?
I’m afraid not. -Tired?
你是? -不 但是我宁愿只是谈谈
Are you? -No, but I’d much rather just talk.
你会介意的? -不
Would you mind? -No.
Don’t you love the lights of New York?
对我来说 它们比任何风景都更美丽
For me, they’re more beautiful than any landscape.
比西部的山更美吗? -是的 我想是这样
More beautiful than the mountains? -Yes, I think so.
你在这里太冷了吗? -不 的确如此 我很喜欢
Are you too cold out here? -No, indeed. I’m enjoying it.
That is, I….
我的意思是 霓虹灯令我着迷
I mean, the electric signs fascinate me.
“箭牌的口香糖 弗莱施曼的酵母 齐格飞的愚蠢”
“Wrigley’s Chewing Gum, Fleischmann’s Yeast, Ziegfeld’s Follies.”
你知道齐格飞吗? -不 我不想
Do you know Ziegfeld? -No, I don’t want to.
我知道他是一个可怕的人 -可怕?
I understand he’s a horrible person. -Horrible?
是的 他们说他有着可怕的女人缘 好吧 我想这是可以原谅的
Yes, they say he’s a terrible lady’s man. Well, I suppose that’s forgivable.
He’s surrounded by so many beautiful women.
是的是的 奇怪的是你从未见过他
Yes, yes. Strange you’ve never met him.
我不想 我喜欢他的表演
I don’t want to. I love his shows.
它们是如此美丽 品位也极佳 我怕见到他会让我失望
They’re so beautiful and in such good taste. It would disappoint me to meet him…
…会发现他是个胖胖 矮胖 肚子大的人
…and find him to be a fat, pudgy man with a big stomach.
他并不胖 也不是那么矮胖
He’s not fat and not really so pudgy.
不? 你认识他吗? -哦是的
No? You know him? -Oh, yes.
是的 他想要你
Yes. He would like you.
你怎么知道? 你不是说他很有品位吗?
How do you know? -Didn’t you just say he had good taste?
好吧 你本人就是女人缘很好 不是吗?
Well, you’re sort of a lady’s man yourself, aren’t you?
我想如果是你这种女人 我可以让齐格飞也显得很业余
I think with you as the lady, I could make Ziegfeld look like an amateur.
你还没告诉我你的名字 -如果你不介意的话 齐格飞先生…
You haven’t told me your name yet. -If you don’t mind, Mr. Ziegfeld…
…伯克小姐 在她的制♥作♥人的允许下…
…Miss Burke, with the permission of her producer…
…came here with me tonight.
如果你没有异议 我想跳一支舞
And if you’ve no objection, I’d like to have one dance.
齐格飞先生? 好吧 你是对的 他不是矮胖的
Mr. Ziegfeld? Well, you were right. He isn’t pudgy.
我们进去好吗? -是的!
Shall we go in? -Yes!
我不能再跳一支舞了吗? -恐怕不行
Don’t I get one more dance? -I’m afraid not.
我想你真的很害怕弗罗曼先生 不是吗?
I imagine it’s Mr. Frohman you’re really afraid of, isn’t it?
哦 -也许吧
Oh, I’m…. -Perhaps.
He doesn’t want you to appear too much socially.
坦白说 不 -她不喜欢
Frankly, no, he doesn’t.
而且你还是不太喜欢我 对吗?
And you don’t like me very well anyway, do you?
坦白说 不 我不知道 -不 她没有!
Frankly, no, I don’t. -No. She doesn’t!
你把他晾在那了 哈哈
You put him in his place, all right.
格兰特将军会怎么想呢 如果他知道我们正在用…
What would Gen. Grant think if he knew we were using…