女士们 先生们 请踏上平台
Step right up to the platform, ladies and gentlemen.
You will see the greatest show on the midway for only 50 cents.
这些小女士们现在正在取悦你 但是片刻之内…
These little ladies are entertaining you now, but in just a moment…
…Little Egypt will turn on her stuff.
She has danced before all the crown heads of Europe.
She makes blue blood turn into red.
女士们先生们 加紧努力…
Ladies and gentlemen, step right up…
…and buy your tickets for Sandow, the strongest man in the world.
他杂耍钢琴 他用弹子弹大理石
He juggles pianos. He plays marbles with cannonballs.
He lifts 10 times his own weight with one arm.
He can even raise his own salary.
现在 伙计们 就这样走吧
Now, folks, step right this way.
You are looking at the sensation of the fair, the eighth Wonder of the World.
女士们 先生们 这种方式 这条路
Ladies and gentlemen, this way. This way.
This little lady has wiggled herself…
…from the desert to the shores of Lake Michigan.
And she’s about to give you an exhibition absolutely free.
女士们 先生们 这不是小埃及在里面做的舞蹈…
Ladies and gentlemen, this is not the dance that Little Egypt does inside…
…但是为了证明我们的慷慨 我们将进行示范…
…but to prove our generosity, we’re going to give a demonstration…
那个著名的舞蹈 埃及 摆动
…of that famous dance, the hootchy-kootch. Egypt, wiggle.
这样就足够了 现在 女士们先生们
That’s sufficient. Now, ladies and gentlemen–
He’s a masterpiece of manhood.
赶紧去票房♥排队并购买♥♥门票 该节目即将开始
Step up to the box office and buy your tickets. The show’s about to begin.
现象级啊 女士们 先生们
phenomenon. Ladies and gentlemen, this–
好吧 生意怎么样? 齐格飞
Well, how’s business, Ziggy?
现在 女士们 先生们 桑多结束了这次表演…
And now, ladies and gentlemen, Sandow concludes this performance…
…by lifting, with Herculean strength, the largest dumbbell in the world.
女士们先生们 这是不寻常的壮举…
An unusual feat, ladies and gentlemen…
…在这个巨大的哑铃里面 还有其他东西
…for inside this huge dumbbell, there are other dumbbells.
女士们 先生们 请看
Ladies and gentlemen, look.
你在这 他们不是很美吗? 他们不是很棒吗?
There you are. Aren’t they beautiful? Aren’t they glorious?
A total weight of 750 pounds.
这不是很好吗? 是不是很棒? 让我们为他们鼓掌
Isn’t it wonderful? Isn’t it marvelous? Let’s give him a big hand.
What made you bring me to a show of this kind?
好吧 你不会让我看到小埃及
Well, you wouldn’t let me see Little Egypt.
我以一头小母牛和一头母马打赌 重量绝对没达标
I’ll bet a heifer against a mare the weights ain’t on the level.
Seven hundred and fifty pounds, my foot.
我不知道她的总体重是多少 哦 比尔? -是的 先生
I wonder what her total weight is. Oh, Bill? -Yes, sir.
打开窗帘 好吗? -打开那些窗帘
Open the curtains, will you? -Open up those curtains.
嘿 比尔 你知道 在我看来 这个平台
Hey, Bill, you know, it seems to me that this platform–
哦 你好 宝贝 想要一些糖果 简 是吗?
Oh, hello, baby. Want some candy, Jane, huh?
比尔 我们应该将这个平台建得更高
Bill, we ought to have this platform built higher.
应该有更多的台阶 后排的人几乎看不见
There ought to be more steps. The people in the back row can hardly see.
但是 齐格飞先生 后排再也没有人了
But, Mr. Ziegfeld, there’s never anybody in the back rows.
好吧 不过 我希望这个更高 应该有更多的台阶
Well, nevertheless, I want this higher. There ought to be a lot more steps.
好的 齐格飞先生
Okay, Mr. Ziegfeld.
抱歉 我发脾气了 弗洛伦茨…
I’m sorry I lost my temper, Florenz…
…but I am awful disappointed.
I hope you never get downright disgusted.
怎么了? 他们为什么不进来?
What is wrong? Why don’t they come in?
你是景点 你在问我吗?
You’re the attraction, and you’re asking me?
Maybe you would like to cancel my contract.
哦 不 桑多 当我签了合同 合同就是合同
Oh, no, Sandow. When I make a deal, it’s a deal.
我喜欢 我喜欢你
I like that. I like you.
好吧 我也喜欢你
Well, I like you too.
如果你想付我一些欠薪 我带你去吃饭 好吗?
If you want to pay me some of my back salary, I take you to dinner, yeah?
好吧 我不是很饿
Well, I’m not very hungry.
你不担心自己的钱 对吗?
You’re not worrying about your money, are you?
你以为我不会走过你吗? -不 不
You don’t think I’d ever walk out on you? -No, no.
Nobody do that to Sandow.
也许我最好带你去吃晚饭 -没事儿
Maybe I better take you to dinner. -That’s fine.
举起手来 先生 把我所有的钱都给我
Hands up, mister, and give me all your money.
好吧 亲爱的 我不能举起手来给你任何东西
Well, I can’t give you anything with my hands up, sweetheart.
好吧 新鲜的 为你准备的23种斯基多 我会帮助自己的
All right, fresh, 23 skidoo for you. I’ll help myself.
不好了 哦 我知道你有点惊讶
Oh, no. Oh, I see you got my little surprise.
今天早上 哎呀 不是肿吗?
This morning. Gee, ain’t it swell?
你真的感到惊讶吗? -好吧 不是吗?
Were you really surprised? -Well, wouldn’t you be?
是的 -如果你希望有钻石戒指
Yes. -If you expected a diamond ring.
哦 不要-告诉你我们会怎么做
Oh, don’t be– Tell you what we’ll do.
我们去小维也纳餐厅 哦 我想要那个
We’ll go to the Little Vienna Restaurant. -Oh, I’d like that.
电报 比林斯先生 -哦谢谢
Telegram, Mr. Billings. -Oh, thank you.
请稍等 可能会有答案 让我看看
Just wait a minute. There might be an answer. Let me see.
哦 我会的 -坏消息?
Oh, well, I’ll be. -Bad news?
不 来自齐格飞 他在中途
No, it’s from Ziegfeld. He’s across the midway.
他可以触摸我 但他必须发电报
He can touch me, but he has to send wires.
听着 “小埃及 你拥有博览会中最好的女性魅力
Listen, “ln Little Egypt, you have the best female attraction of the fair.
而桑多 有着最大的男性的吸引力
In Sandow, I have the greatest male attraction.
为什么不伪造浪漫史呢? 人们会把它吃光的
Why not fake a romance? The people will eat it up.
然后我们可以将它们一起展示 我愿意五五分”
Then we can show them together, and I’d be willing to split 50-50.”
听起来不错 -哦 是的 太好了
Well, that sounds like a great idea. -Oh, yes, great.
我卖♥♥完了每场演出 他将被淘汰
I’m selling out every performance, he’s going to be thrown out…
…而且他愿意五五分 给我你的铅笔
…and he’s willing to split 50-50. Give me your pencil.
I’ll answer this one.
杰克? -是的
Jack? -Yes.
齐格飞是你的好朋友吗? -哦 是的 我们已经好几年了
Is Ziegfeld a good friend of yours? -Oh, yes, we’ve been pals for years.
但是你不喜欢他 -不?
But you wouldn’t like him. -No?
不 他一天起床 第二天休息 如果他明天得到10,000美元…
No, he’s up one day and broke the next. If he got $ 1 0,000 tomorrow…
…he’d spend it on the girl he liked tomorrow night.
Wouldn’t want to waste your time meeting a fellow like that.
不是 如果我在正确的夜晚遇见了他 -在右侧 -? 哦 不是吗?
Not if I met him on the right night. -On the right–? Oh, don’t you–
住口! 就送这个 -是的 先生 我也会送这个的
Shut up! And just send that collect. -Yes, sir, and I’ll deliver it too, sir.
因为每次我给齐格飞先生送信时 他都会给我50美分
Because every time I take Mr. Ziegfeld a message, he gives me 50 cents.
哦 是的 是吗? -当然
Oh, he does, does he? -Sure.
是的 很好 这可能就是为什么他总是没钱的原因 过来 宝贝儿
Yes, well, that’s probably why he’s always broke. Come on, dear.
这种奶酪太坚固了 可能会走过去对你的咖啡打招呼
This cheese is so strong it could walk over and say hello to your coffee.
好吧 最好不要 这杯咖啡太弱了 无法回答
Well, it had better not. This coffee’s too weak to answer it.
弗洛伦茨 你真棒
Florenz, you’re wonderful.
即使你非常担心自己无法触摸自己的冷盘 也可以开玩笑
You make jokes even when you’re so worried you can’t touch your cold cuts.
I got no appetite neither.
给你的消息 齐格飞先生
Message for you, Mr. Ziegfeld.
他们告诉我 我会在这里找到你 -来自比林斯
They told me I’d find you here. -From Billings.
很快他就回答了? 他一定为你的提议而疯狂
So soon he answers? He must be crazy about your proposition.
是的 -给我读 弗洛 读
Yeah. -Read it to me, Flo. Read it.
“亲爱的齐格飞 你的主张使我感兴趣” 我说了什么
“Dear Ziggy, your proposition interests me.” What did I tell you?
“但是为什么要伪造 桑多和小埃及之间的恋情呢?
“But why fake a romance between Sandow and Little Egypt?
让我们让桑多嫁给小埃及人吧 我将把孩子们跟你五五分”
Let’s make Sandow marry Little Egypt, and I’ll split the children with you 50-50.”
That message was collect.
50美分 -你要换一美元吗?
Fifty cents. -Have you change for a dollar?
当然可以 但是你总是 -留着它
Sure, but you always…. -Keep it.
Gee, thanks.
弗洛伦茨 我爱你 我会为你打破枷锁的
Florenz, I love you. I will break chains for you…
…我将为你举起建筑物 但我不会为你生子
…I will lift buildings for you, but I will not have children for you.
但是 如果我有孩子 我不会分开他们
But if I have children, I will not split them.
哦 你好 齐格飞 我接了你的电♥话♥ 我也有你的
Oh, hello, Ziggy, I got your wire. -I just got yours too.
帕特森告诉我 他星期六要把你赶出去
Patterson tells me he’s putting you out Saturday.
他也告诉我 -你好吗 齐格飞先生?
He tells me too. -How do you do, Mr. Ziegfeld?
你怎么 -?
How do you–?
你好吗 小姐…? -是的 布莱尔 这是齐格飞先生
How do you do, Miss…? -Yes, Blair, this is Mr. Ziegfeld.
我很高兴认识你 布莱尔小姐 我很高兴见到你 齐格飞先生
I’m very happy to know you, Miss Blair. -I’m so happy to meet you, Mr. Ziegfeld.
这就是桑多先生 他是…中的最坚强的人
And this is Mr. Sandow, the strongest man in the–
The strongest man in the world.
Jack tells me the loveliest things about you.
哦 是的 我想
Oh, yes, I imagine.
我可以告诉你关于你的好事 -他只是遇见你而已…
I could tell you lovely things about you. -He’s only just met you…
…and he’s going to tell you all about yourself.
你不坐下吗? -谢谢
Won’t you sit down? -Thank you.
哦 不 我们有 -有一张桌子 我见过你很多次了…
Oh, but no, we’ve got– There’s a table– -I’ve seen you many times…
…on the midway.
宝贝 我敢打赌 你甚至都没有注意到我 -不 我有
Fibber. I bet you never even noticed me. -Yes, I have.