Brand: Go, get out of here.
小心 噢 窗户
Be careful! Brand: Watch it… oh, the window. Mikey: Go out the window.
你们看到他了吗 -小胖在哪里
Data: Did you see him, guys? Mouth: Where’s chunk?
他去找警♥察♥了 -快走 佛瑞特利一家在这里
Brand: He went to get the police. – Go, the fratellis are there.
他去找警♥察♥了 快走
He’s getting the police. Move!
看吧 妈 没什么好担心的
Francis: See, ma? There was nothing to worry about.
Mama: I knew he couldn’t break them chains.
Get the body.
我们已经走了很久 到底还有多远
We’ve been walking forever. How much further is it?
大嘴 你踩到我的脚了
Mouth, you stepped on my foot.
现在我弄丢我的眼镜了 我什么都看不到
Now I dropped my glasses. I can’t see a thing.
噢 我的天啊
Oh, my god.
我找到你的眼镜了 对不起 -你弄破了
I found your glasses. Sorry. You broke them.
You broke my glasses!
听着 我是最大的 所以我来指挥 首先 我们要
Listen, I’m the oldest, so I’m in charge. First, we’ll…
戴塔 你有灯吗
Data, do you have a light?
我说我来指挥 戴塔 你有灯吗
I said I was in charge. Data, do you have a light? A light.
当然 各位 退后 退后
Sure, guys. Back up, back up.
Bully blinders!
很好 戴塔 噢 -这不是很棒吗
Brand: All right, data… ow! “Isn’t that neat?
有一天我这样走路回家 有两个大个人挡住我
One day I was walking home with it, and two big guys stopped me…
是谁啊 噢 史戴夫 是你啊 小心 戴塔
Mouth: Who is that? Oh, Stef, that’s you. Watch out. Data!
好了 关掉
Mikey: Come on, turn it off.
戴塔 唯一的问题就是电池不持久
Oh, data. The only problem is the batteries don’t last so long.
各位 前面有灯光 也许我们可以从那边出去 我们走
There’s a light up ahead. Maybe we can get out that way. Let’s go.
我不怕黒 我喜欢黒 我爱黒
I’m not afraid of the dark. I like the dark I love it.
但我恨大自然 我恨大自然
But I hate nature. I hate nature!
等一下 等等
Wait a sec! Hold it!
停车 我只是小孩
Stop! I’m just a kid!
有什么问题吗 -先生 可以载我一程吗
Man: What seems to be the problem? – Mister, I need a ride.
My friends and I had a run-in with disgusting people.
你可能有听过他们 佛瑞特利一家 我们发现他们的藏身处
You might’ve heard of them, the fratellis. We found their hideout.
你可以带我去找警长吗 我可以描述他们三个人
Could you take me to the sheriff? I can describe all three of them.
Francis: Will you…?
怎么回事 他只是个孩子 你连孩子都应付不了吗
Jake: What the hell? He’s only a kid. Can’t you handle a kid, even?
有用吗 各位 -好
Does it work, guys? Yeah!
我什么都看不到 大嘴 你父亲是水管工 这管子是什么
I can’t see. Mouth, your father’s a plumber. What are these pipes?
看起来好像水管 各位
These look like water pipes, guys.
(Gas pipes.
排水管 也许 等一下 安静一下
Drainage. Maybe… wait a minute. Shut up for a minute!
这些管子一定通往一个建筑物之类的 一个地基
These pipes must lead to a building or something. A foundation.
所以也许我们够用力敲它们 如果我们发出够大的噪音
So maybe if we bang on them hard enough, if we make enough noise…
你好吗 杜克
How are you, Duke?
嘿 吉尼 你好吗 -很好
Hey, gene, how are you? – Great.
Reverse pressure!
让我们 -离开
Let’s… – Get out of…
这里 -就是现在
Herel – I ike now!
走 走 走
Go, go, go!
首先 我们从小胖指头开始
Mama: First, we start with the pudgy little fingers.
Then the plump little hands.
Then the fleshy arms.
现在 告诉我你的朋友在哪里
Now, tell me where your friends are.
In the fireplace.
Don’t lie to me!
说真的 我们在米基的爸爸那里找到一张地图
Honestly. We found a map over at Mikey’s dad’s place…
That said there was buried treasure under here.
Don’t give us none of your bullshit stories, huh?
说实话 告诉我们一切
Hey, kid. Spill your guts. Tell us everything.
好吧 我说
Everything. Okay, I’ll talk.
三年级 我在历史考试作弊
In 3rd grade, I cheated on my history exam.
四年级 我偷了我叔叔的假发 并且粘在我的脸上
In 4th grade, I stole my uncle’s toupee and glued it on my face…
When I played Moses in my Hebrew school play.
五年级 我把我妹妹撞下楼梯 还让我们的狗替我顶罪
In 5th grade, I knocked my sister down the stairs, and I blamed our dog.
等等 我什么都看不到 我踩到了什么
Stef: Walt, I can’t see a thing. What am I stepping on?
噢 天啊
Oh, brother.
看 一盏灯 有人一定比我们先到这里
Mikey: Look, a lantern. Somebody must have been here before us.
也许他们还在这里 -我希望没有
Data: Maybe they’re still here. – I hope not.
Look at these cigarettes.
十分钟前 特洛伊向下看我的衬衫 谁在乎 有什么不对呢
Ten minutes ago, Troy was looking down my shirt. Who cares? It’s not wrong.
如果我聪明 他还在看
If I’d been smart, he’d still be looking.
听她说的话 -她怎么了
Brand: Listen to her. Data: What’s the matter with her?
安蒂 没关系 -她还好吗
Brand: Andy, it’s okay. Data: Is she all right? Andy. Andy.
我应该让他看我的身体 我不是有很美的身体吗
I should’ve let him look at my body. Don’t I have a beautiful body?
You’ve got a great body.
在我变胖之前还有多少年 在我的头发掉光之前
How many years do I have before I get fat? Before my hair falls out?
Before I look like him?
Then my mom sent me to a summer camp for fat kids.
然后 有一次在吃午饭时 我发疯了 我大吃特吃
Then, once during lunch, I got nuts and I pigged out…
And they kicked me out!
看看他 -别碰 各位
Look at him. – Don’t touch it, guys.
这是你的把戏之一 对吧 独眼威利
This is one of your tricks, isn’t it, one-eyed Willy?
你一定藏了什么 才要设计这些麻烦
You must be really hiding something to go through all this trouble.
没什么好担心的 -你不懂
There’s nothing to worry about. You don’t understand!
Don’t be afraid.
他一定是死了 我想他是贾斯特考伯派
He’s dead for sure. I think he’s Chester copperpot.
贾斯特什么 -谁
Chester who? “Who?
你不记得阁楼的东西吗 那篇新闻
Don’t you remember from the attic? The news article?
The last guy to look for the rich stuff…
他进来了 但他永远没出去
He went in, but he never came back out
that was back in 1935.
天啊 如果他没成功 他又是专家 那我们会怎么样呢
Oh, god. If he didn’t make it out and he was an expert, what about us?
How will we get out?
别担心 冷静下来 -你确定吗
Don’t worry about it. Calm down. You sure?
我很肯定 -我们要怎么出去
I’m positive. – How will we get out?
We can’t be sure it’s him.
I know it’s him.
我赌他的身分证在他皮夹里 大嘴 拿他的皮夹
I bet his ID is in his wallet. Mouth, get his wallet.
Lou gehrig?
你去拿 米基 -米基 去拿
You get it, Mikey! – Mikey, get it.
It is Chester copperpot.
噢 天啊 不会吧 -你看 我告诉过你们
Oh, god. Come on. – You see? I told you.
We’re gonna get killed too.
嘿 看这个
Hey, look at this.
他们要杀了我们 我们死定了 -你要去哪里
They’re gonna kill us. We’re dead. – Where are you going?
我要去设水井 -陷阱
I’m setting Booty traps. – Booby traps.
我就是这个意思 我要去设陷阱 以防有人跟踪我们
That’s what I said. I’ll set booby traps in case anyone follows us…
比如佛瑞特利一家 好让我们可以听到他们来
Like the fratellis. We’ll hear them coming.
好吧 快点 -好主意
Okay, hurry up. – Good idea.
你要去哪里 -设水井
Where you going? – To set Booty traps.
你是说陷阱 -我就是这个意思 陷阱
You mean booby traps. – That’s what I said. Booby traps!
天啊 这些人
God, these guys…
各位 看这个 看起来像独眼威利的骨头之类的
Guys, look. It looks like a skeleton of one-eyed Willy or something.
拿给我 把这东西给我
Give me that. Give me this thing.
噢 天啊 这里没有出路
Andy: Oh, god! There’s no way out of here.
不 不要 不要 不要 布莱登
Mouth: No, don’t, don’t, don’t, Brandon.
嘿 各位 既然我们有
Hey, guys, now that we’ve got…
看这个 看我找到什么
I ook at this. See what I found?
各位 停住 不要动
Guys, freeze. Don’t move.
别动 各位 那边别动 不要动
Don’t move. You guys, don’t move back there! Don’t move!
什么 -别动
What? Mikey: Freeze!
跑 各位 快跑
Run, you guys, run!
Holy s-h-I-t! That was close.
天啊 真的好险
Man, that was close.
等等 注意听 听起来好像下面有人
Walt, listen. Sounds like somebody’s down there.
Shut up and listen.
也许是出路 -或是佛瑞特利一家
Maybe it’s a way out. Or the fratellis.
或是小胖找来了警♥察♥ -或是威利的陷阱之一
