奈杰尔 嗯
Nigel? Hmm?
奈杰尔 奈杰尔
Nigel, Nigel.
I don’t know what you expect me to do.
这里的衣服 六号♥穿不下的
There’s nothing in this whole closet that’ll fit a size six.
I can guarantee you.
这里都是样品尺寸 二号♥和四号♥
These are all sample sizes… two and four.
好吧 这个给你 还有 披风
All right. We’re doing this for you. And… A poncho?
你收下我给你的 你会喜欢的
You’ll take what I give you and you’ll like it.
还有这个 Docle 嗯
We’re doing this Dolce for you. Hmm!
Docle 就是前面提到的D&G意大利时尚品牌
And shoes.
吉米·周 嗯
Jimmy Choo’s. Hmm.
布朗尼克 哇
Manolo Blahnik. Wow.
南茜·港渣勒兹 我喜欢
Nancy Gonzalez. Love that.
南茜·港渣勒兹 Nancy Gonzalez 皮包品牌
娜西索·洛吉杰斯 我们要这个
Okay, Narciso Rodriguez. This we love.
娜西索·洛吉杰斯 Narciso Rodriguez 时尚品牌
呃 或许合身 什么
Uh, it might fit. It might. What?
好了 现在你非常需要香奈儿 亲爱的 走吧
Okay. Now, Chanel. You’re in desperate need of Chanel. Darling, shall we?
我们还要去美容部 老天知道那要多久才够
We have to get to the beauty department, and God knows how long that’s going to take.
I mean, I have no idea why Miranda hired her.
我也是 有天我们在美容部
Me neither. The other day, we were in the beauty department.
她拿起植村秀的眉毛卷毛器 她问”这是什么”
She held up the Shu Uemura eyelash curler and said, “What is this?”
I just knew from the moment I saw her…
she was going to be a complete and utter disas…
Miranda Priestly’s office.
不 她现在没空 要留口信吗
No, actually, she’s not available, but I’ll leave word.
好的 谢谢 再见
Okay, thanks. Bye.
How did…
你穿的是 香奈儿的靴子
Are you wearing the… The Chanel boots?
Yeah, I am.
You look good.
哦 天哪 怎么了
Oh, God. What?
是真的 哦 闭嘴 赛琳娜
She does. Oh, shut up, Serena.
明天见 晚安 伙计 当心点
See you guys tomorrow. Good night, man. Take it easy.
Take care of that finger, huh?
So, what do you think?
Uh, I think we better get out of here…
before my girlfriend sees me.
The gowns are fabulous.
嗯 还要勃艮第红酒
Mm-hmm. We’re gonna use the burgundy.
Gotta find…
So we spent a whole semester on potatoes alone.
You take the fry and squeeze it.
能吃得饱吗 嘿 抱歉我迟到了
See how firm that is? Hey. Oh, I’m so sorry I’m late.
There was a crisis in the accessories department.
我得找条蛇皮头巾 蛇皮现在火着呢
I needed to find a python headband. Pythors hot right now.
I have exciting presents for all of you.
Are you ready?
那是什么 B&O 的电♥话♥
What is that? It’s a Bang & Olufsen phone.
B&O 丹麦一家高档电子公♥司♥
Charlie Rose sent it to Miranda for her birthday.
我上动♥*♥态♥*♥网♥查了下 一千一百美金
I looked it up on line. It’s $1,100.
什么 厉害
What? Wow!
还有一些其他产品 梅森·皮尔森的梳子
And I have some products. Mason Pearson hairbrushes.
一些倩碧 哦
A little Clinique. Ooh!
倩碧 美容品牌
该死 我爱死你的工作了 哦 还有一个
Oh, damn it. I love your job. Oh! One more.
A little thing.
你想要吗 想要 哦 给我 给我 给我
Do you want it? You want… Oh. Gimme! Gimme, gimme, gimme!
我想她会喜欢的 我的天 这是新的 MJ
I think she likes it. Oh, my God! This is the new MarcJacobs!
MJ MarcJacobs 皮包品牌
这个皮包到处都脱销了 你怎么得到的
This is sold out everywhere. Where did you get this?
马琳达不想要这个 所以
Miranda didn’t want it, so…
不 不 不 这包值一千九百美金 我不能收下
No, no, no, no, no. This bag is, like, $1,900. I cannot take this from you.
Yeah, you can.
女人要这么多包做什么 闭嘴
Why do women need so many bags? Shut up.
一个包就够了 把东西都放进去不就得了
You have one. You put all your junk in it, and that’s it. You’re done.
Fashion is not about utility.
An accessory is merely a piece of iconography…
used to express individual identity.
哦 太漂亮了 那个也是
Oh! And it’s pretty. That too.
没错 而且《天桥》不仅仅代表漂亮包包
Yeah. But the thing is, it turns out there is more to Runway than just fancy purses.
看 这里有杰·麦克伦尼的评论 裘安·迪迪昂的作品
Look, here’s an essay byJay Mclnerney, a piece byJoan Didion.
杰·麦克伦尼 裘安·迪迪昂 都是美国知名作家
Even an interview with Christiane Amanpour.
克里斯狄昂·阿曼普 CNN频道国际部的主编
某个人的嘴巴抹了蜜了 你怎么
Looks like someone’s been drinking the Kool-Aid. What do you…
在我这里 是 是女魔头
I got it. It’s… Yup, the Dragon Lady.
哦 马琳达 让我跟她说
Oh, Miranda? Let me talk to her.
我要接 我告诉她让她自己做炒鸡蛋
I need that. I’ll tell her to get her own scrambled eggs.
莉莉 别 把那东西翻起来 我要接那个电♥话♥
Lily, no, no, no! Put that thing up! I was gonna answer it!
不然会 把手♥机♥给我
It’s gonna make… Give me the… phone.
你好 马琳达
Hi, Miranda.
哦 嘘 没问题
Ooh. Shh. Absolutely.
嘘 嗯 我现在就去
Shh! Uh-huh. I’m leaving right now.
You know, you guys didn’t have to be such assholes.
呃 对不起
Um, excuse me.
I’m looking forJames Holt.
Um, that’s him right there.
哦 谢谢 没关系
Oh. Thanks. No problem.
我把东西放那儿 祈祷他们能有所改善 是吗
I put my stuff out there, and I pray they improve. Really?
打扰了 嗨
Excuse me. Hi.
我是安迪 我来取马琳达·皮斯里的东西
I’m Andy. I’m picking up for Miranda Priestly.
哦 是的 你就是新的艾米莉
Oh, yes. You must be the new Emily.
Nice to meet you.
让我看看那包 非常漂亮
Oh, let me see that bag. Very, very nice. Ah.
仿旧款式 铁钉皮革 手工缝合 金属撬边
Distressed, studded leather, pieced by hand, finished with a metallic fringe.
真是漂亮极了 这是哪位大♥师♥的杰作
Very nice, indeed. Who made that fantastic thing?

嗯 没错 这边请
Hmm. Duh. This way.

Uh, here we go.
It’s a sketch of Miranda’s dress for the benefit.
还有我春季设计的主打款式 高度机密
Also the centerpiece of my spring collection. Top secret stuff.
我会誓死护驾 拜托了
I’ll guard it with my life. Please do.
来 你现为马琳达·皮斯里工作
Come on. You’re working for Miranda Priestly now.
You must be in desperate need of hard liquor.
Excuse us, girls.
She’ll have the punch.
会让你神魂颠倒 好好享受
It’s deadly. Have fun.
他说得没错 什么
He’s right, you know. Hmm?
鸡尾酒 我在詹姆斯上次聚会时喝过
The punch. I drank it at James’s last party.
I woke up in Hoboken wearing nothing but a poncho and a cowboy hat.
你好 克里斯丁·汤普森
Uh, hi. Christian Thompson.
克里斯丁·汤普森 开玩笑
Christian Thompson? You’re kidding.
不是 你 你写的杂♥志♥我都很喜欢
No, you’re… You write for, like, every magazine I love.
事实上 我看过你在大学时写的稿子
I actually… I reviewed your collection of essays for my college newspaper.
有没有说我一表人才 英俊潇洒
Did you mention my good looks and my killer charm?
没有 但 你现在做什么
No, but… What do you do?
哦 我想在其他地方工作 像《纽约人》或者《都市生活》
Oh. Well, I want to work for somewhere like The New Yorker or Vanity Fair.
我也是个作家 是吗
I am a writer too. Is that right?
嗯 我该看看你写的东西 不如你寄些过来给我
Mm-hmm. I should read your stuff. Why don’t you send it over?
那真是 谢谢 真是太好了
That would be… Thank you. That would be great.
不过现在 我是马琳达·皮斯里的助理
But actually, right now, I’m working as Miranda Priestly’s assistant.
你开玩笑 那样太糟糕了
Oh, you’re kidding. Well, that’s too bad.
那 天哪 你肯定吃不消马琳达的
That’s… Whoa. You’ll never survive Miranda.
为什么 你看上去很善良 聪明
Excuse me? Well, you seem nice, smart.
You can’t do that job.
Gotta go.
非常非常荣幸认识你 马琳达女孩
Well, it was very, very nice to meet you, Miranda girl.
