Closed casket?
That’s right.
告诉大家在你因为用椅子 痛打一个体育老师
So tell anybody up at Deerfield…
Before you got kicked out for whaling on a gym teacher with a chair.
You had an uncle met his demise like that?
I got a question.
How fucked up are you?
嗨 亲爱的
Hi, Darlene.
有什么好消息吗 参谋警官 用不了多久你就能当上警官了
What you got, staff sergeant? In no time you made sergeant.
特别调查组 很牛吧 太好了
SIU. What a country. – Perfect.
Hey, I don’t mind going it alone.
如果你偶尔也独闯的话 可能有机会出头
You know, if you went alone once in a while you might get somewhere.
我们是警♥察♥ 这不是出人投地
We’re cops, all right? This isn’t somewhere.
我知道你很努力 也许我能帮你一把
All right, lookit, I know you’re a worker. Maybe I can do something for you.
You got any suits, or do you like…
还是你就喜欢 穿得跟要进攻波兰一样
…coming to work dressed like you’re gonna invade Poland?
小子 你家族可不简单啊 你另一个叔叔
You got quite the family tree. That maggot uncle of yours…
汤米·科斯提根也是个傻子 他因为
…Tommy Costigan, is another goof. He gets busted selling guns…
贩卖♥♥枪♥支♥给联邦警♥察♥而被捕 这只是他众多傻事中的一件
…to federal officers, among many, many, many other departures…
…from our normative behavior. – And what’s this got to do with me?
Why are you pretending to be a cop?
这是个新部门 你们也都是新人
This unit is new, and you are the newest members of it.
You have been selected for it on the basis of intelligence and aptitude.
This is an elite unit.
我们的工作就是粉碎 或者说小规模地折腾一下
Our job is to smash or marginally disrupt…
…organized crime in this city…
…by enanced cooperation with the FBI…
…represented here today by Agent Frank Lazio.
And we will do it.
城里有组织的犯罪团体 你们知道我们指的是谁
And by organized crime in this city, you know who we mean.
杰西·科斯提根 这张是他的旧照
That’s Jackie Costigan. That’s an old picture.
Jackie met his demise.
Last known photograph.
Costello uses three key guys.
菲兹 疯子移♥民♥ 和他妈一起住在德拉大街上
That’s Fitzy. Off-the-boat psycho, lives in Brockton with his mother.
She’s straight out of Going My Way.
德拉亨特 外号♥肌肉男
Delahunt, muscle.
法国佬 他的头号♥大将 当然 还有你们都知道的我们的头号♥明星
French, the number one. But of course, the rock star, you-know-who.
我们已经作了一份简报 读一读 有任何提议就告诉我
We’ve done a briefing book, so read up. I want all ideas…
…so I can pass them off as my own.
只要你们好好干 就会很快升迁的
Work hard, you’ll rise fast. You’re in the best possible position…
现在就是你们最好的机会 开始干活吧
…in the department. Let’s go to work.
Your old man was a fucking hump from Southie.
机场的行李搬运工 是吧
Baggage handler at the airport, right?
除了你老爸 你家其他人都是罪犯吧
Family’s all criminals except for the old man, huh?
还有个牧师呢 看上去你无所不知呢
And one priest, since you seem to know everything.
我还听说他和一个12岁的小男孩结了婚 一起住在泰国的海滨呢
Last I heard he was married to a 12-year-old boy, living on a beach in Thailand.
Fucking family’s dug into the Southie projects like ticks.
最多住着三层房♥子 而你
Three-decker men at best. You, however, grew up…
却在北岸长大 对吗 真♥他♥妈♥的
…on the North Shore, huh? Well, la-di-fucking-da.
You were kind of a double kid, I bet, right?
和你老爸在一起时一个样 和你老妈在一起时另一个样
One kid with your old man, one kid with your mother.
你平时以中产阶级自居 到了周末
You’re upper-middle class during the weeks, then you’re hanging…
…in the Southie projects with your daddy, the fucking donkey…
…on the weekends. I got that right?
Yup. You have different accents?
你有 是不是 你♥他♥妈♥这个小骗子
You did, didn’t you, you little fucking snake?
你就是两面派 你是精神分♥析♥师
You were like different people. – You a psychiatrist?
如果我是的话 我会问你为何甘愿做州警领这区区3万元
If I was, I’d ask you why you’re a statie making 30 grand a year.
就算我他妈是弗洛伊德的话 我也不知道答案
And I think if I was Sigmund fucking Freud I wouldn’t get an answer.
你告诉我 像你这样的混♥蛋♥ 在州警队里干什么
Tell me, what’s a lace-curtain motherfucker like you doing in the staties?
美国家庭总是起起落落 对吗
Well, families are always rising or falling in America, am I right?
这话是谁说的 霍桑
Who said that? – Hawthorne.
你♥他♥妈♥怎么了 就不会说点莎士比亚的吗
What’s the matter, smart-ass, you don’t know any fucking Shakespeare?
We have a question.
你是真想做警♥察♥ 还是想看上去像个警♥察♥
Do you wanna be a cop, or do you wanna appear to be a cop?
It’s an honest question.
很多人只是觉得当警♥察♥很酷 佩枪 警徽 像电视上一样
Lot of guys want to appear to be cops. Gun, badge, pretend they’re on TV.
A lot of them just wanna slam a nigger through a window…
I’m set without your own personal job application, sergeant.
你说什么 小子 你们到底想让我♥干♥什么
What did you say? – Sir, what do you want from me?
嗨 混♥蛋♥ 他帮不了你
Hey, he can’t help you.
我知道你是什么人 我知道你是什么人
I know what you are. I know what you are…
…and I know what you’re not.
我是最了解你的人 而且我要告诉你 混♥蛋♥
I’m the best friend you have and I’m gonna help you understand something.
You’re no fucking cop.
他说的没错 我们这里调查的是外面那些人
He’s right. We deal in deception here.
What we do not deal with is self-deception.
从现在起5年内 你可以成为任何人
Five years from now you could be anything else in the world.
But you will not be a Massachusetts state trooper.
你确定吗 我确定
Are you sure of that? – I’m sure of that.
你大学入学考试得了1400分 这分够当宇航员的了 还当什么警♥察♥
You had 1400 on your SATs, kid. You’re an astronaut, not a statie.
You don’t have much family.
I don’t have any family.
听斯蒂芬尼说你要当上警♥察♥了 这是怎么回事
What’s this I hear from Stephanie about you becoming a policeman?
你说的是那个唯一来参加 我爸葬礼的
Stephanie, who was the only one who came to my father’s funeral?
那个斯蒂芬尼 对 那个斯蒂芬尼
That Stephanie? – Yeah, that Stephanie.
没什么好说的 爱德华叔叔 你想证明什么给你家人看吗
Nothing much to it, Uncle Edward. – Trying to prove something to the family?
你说家人 你指的是谁 你吗
When you say “the family,” who do you mean exactly? You?
你总是要置疑一切 是吗
You always have to question everything, don’t you?
Maybe it would’ve done you some good to have some questions from time to time.
我是混♥蛋♥吗 我的孩子很糟糕吗
“Am I an asshole? Are my kids a mess?
我老婆是不是个贪财的婊♥子♥ 这些都是问题 对吧
Is my wife a money-grubbing whore?” I mean, those are questions, right?
我是否好好对待过我垂死的姐姐 还是我现在只是假装这样
“Have I ever been good to my dying sister, or am I just now pretending to be?”
Do you need some money for the funeral?
我妈妈去世后 我们就再无瓜葛
When my mother dies, we don’t have any more connection.
这房♥子很漂亮 天花板很高 木地板 浴室也很大
It’s lovely. You get the high ceilings, the parquet floors. Bathroom is massive.
The fridge has got an alarm in it in case you have…
以防你吃饭噎着 开玩笑的 其实不是很好笑
…eating issues, which is a joke. Not a very funny one.
这里看市政厅 灯塔山也是一目了然
Well, there’s a great view of the State House. Beacon Hill, you can see it.
你要是搬进来的话 马上就能成马萨诸塞州的上流阶级
I mean, you move in, you’re upper-class by about Tuesday.
那么你是警♥察♥了 州警探
So you’re a cop. – A state-police detective.
A state-police detective.
And are you a married state-police detective?
这房♥子 一个人住有点大了
Because this is kind of a… Sort of a big place and…
I have a co-signer.
那不错 你有客人会来 很好
Oh, cool. Yeah, you intend to have a houseguest. That’s cool. Good.
嗯 把合同给我
Yeah, it’s got… – Just give me the papers.

主啊 请赋予她永恒的安宁 让光明永照其身
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her.
阿门 愿她安息 阿门
Amen. – May she rest in peace. Amen.
May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed…
…through the mercy of God rest in peace.
So what do I do?
这个行动有资金支持 我们不会像普通警♥察♥那样付你工资
There’s money behind this operation. You won’t be paid as a regular cop…
…but there’s a bonus involved.
我们无法隐瞒你曾是警校学员的事实 你要去犯罪
We can’t conceal that you were a trainee. You’ll be convicted of a crime.
我们想有恶性伤人案底的警♥察♥ 可能会比较可信
We’re thinking a guilty plea to assault and battery would make sense.
Given your nature.
你要在牢里呆段时间 好叫别人相信这一切都不是圈套
You’ll do enough jail time to convince anyone this is no setup.
之后你会被假释 看法庭指定的心理医生
You’ll be on probation, see a court-ordered shrink…
…the whole nine yards.
你想为国家效力 这是个好机会
You wanna serve the Commonwealth, this is your chance.
我们需要你 老兄
We need you, pal.
You’ve already pretended to be a Costigan from South Boston.
只有每个周末才是 警官 好极了
Every weekend, sergeant. – Perfect.
