Because if it can happen to Natalia, the greatest ever,
it can happen to anybody at any time.
After Natalia’s accident,
‎我开始意识到 ‎自♥由♥潜水可能比我想象的更危险
I began to realize that it could be dangerous.
I was going deeper and deeper.
‎很黑 深不见底 ‎感觉自己有点被困住了
It’s black. It’s dark. You feel locked inside.
You can see things that don’t exist.
I was too scared.
‎我想要回头 游回水面
I wanted to turn around and go back.
I didn’t feel safe.
Stephen had an idea
‎他可以利用自己 ‎作为安全潜水员的经验
that he could use his own experience as a safety diver
to open this center for free diving.
Stephen and his friends saved some money.
They built a premises on the seafront in Dahab.
Here, uh… in front of my free diving shop.
‎(达哈卜自♥由♥潜水者 潜水中心)
This is where I’m working.
He was very proud to tell me
he was finally making a success of his business,
following his dream.
I was so proud of him.
He finally had this purpose.
‎嘿 史蒂芬 嗨!
Hey, Steve. Hi!
Hello, hello!
‎达哈卜自♥由♥潜水者 ‎今天真是个放松而美好夜晚
It’s a nice, chilled evening in Dahab free divers.
When I first met him, I was super intimidated.
‎(莉莉·克莱斯皮 自♥由♥潜水员)
‎作为安全潜水员 他名声在外
He had this massive reputation as the best safety diver.
I heard about the famous rescue he did for Alexey.
I was looking for a place to teach free diving.
‎他们问我想不想加入 ‎我说:“当然可以啊”
They asked if I wanted to join the team. I said, “Yes, sure.”
I was in charge of social media.
‎史蒂芬不是那种 ‎会主动吸引他人关注的人
And Steve’s not the type to put himself in the limelight.
‎但对我来说 这显而易见
But for me, it was obvious.
‎“史蒂芬 拜托 ‎你在自♥由♥潜水界是个大名人”
“Steve, come on! Like, you’re super famous in the community.”
“You have to start promoting yourself.”
Because Stephen knew all the free divers,
they were able to invite all these big names,
like Alexey Molchanov, to give workshops.
And this attracted a lot of free divers.
The school became super famous.
‎对你来说 成功的人生意味着什么?
For you, what is success in life?
‎我认为成功 ‎就是实现你的抱负、目标和梦想
I suppose success is fulfilling your aspirations, goals, dreams.
‎我目前在埃及生活 ‎经营着一家自♥由♥潜中心
I’m currently living in Egypt, where I run a free diving center.
‎我觉得在这方面 ‎我很幸福 我喜欢我的工作
I guess I’m happy in that respect. I like what I do.
Other parts of my life are not so successful, I guess.
‎很可惜 我已经38岁了 还没有孩子
Unfortunately, I’m a 38-year-old man, and I don’t have any kids.
‎我觉得人们会说 ‎这是我还没有成功的方面
I suppose that’s, people say, something that I haven’t quite fulfilled.
He had some relationships in Dahab, but, uh,
nothing that lasted.
He would’ve liked to, like, fall in love
and have a long-term relationship and kids.
Part of him was missing that side.
He needed to meet a super special person.
Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me,
and for all the listeners of the show too.
‎谢谢 很荣幸能参与节目
Thank you. It’s a major pleasure.
Do you think you push too hard sometimes
in search of records?
‎我想在较年轻的运动员中 ‎这是更加普遍的情况
I guess that’s, uh, maybe more typical of younger athletes.
‎是啊 也许吧 没错
Yeah, maybe, sure.
‎我们根本不知道 ‎她一直想要打破世界纪录
We had no idea she was after the world record.
‎她不喜欢让我们担心 ‎所以就不告诉我们
She doesn’t like to worry us, so she wouldn’t tell us.
What would you like to accomplish in the next few months?
I would like to go deeper.
I would like to do the world record.
That’s my goal.
When is your next competition?
Vertical Blue.
Welcome to Vertical Blue in the Bahamas.
We have 42 competitors from all around the globe
who are announcing ten different national records.
‎蓝洞深度挑战赛 ‎就像是自♥由♥潜水界的温布尔登
Vertical Blue is like the Wimbledon of free diving.
‎今天会是美好的一天 ‎将要进行很多次非常棒的潜水
It’s gonna be a beautiful day. Lot of great dives going on today.
Only the best of the best are invited.
‎阿莱西娅·泽奇尼 我来自意大利
Alessia Zecchini, and I’m from Italy.
Within the competition,
there is an exceptional team of medics and safeties.
‎史蒂芬 想介绍一下安全团队吗?
Stephen, want to introduce the safety team?
‎我想确保安全团队 ‎和运动员之间保持良好的互动关系
I wanna make sure there’s a good dynamic between the safety team and athletes.
That’s vitally important to me.
‎史蒂芬 ‎是蓝洞深度挑战赛的安全负责人
Stephen was working as a chief of safety in Vertical Blue.
‎负责全世界 ‎最大规模的
Being responsible for the overall safety of this,
like, one of the biggest free diving events in the world.
‎每次潜水 ‎都会配备两名安全潜水员 一深一浅
There will be two safeties always to meet you, a deep and shallow.
The deep will meet you
‎会在20米至40米的深度等待 ‎取决于该次自♥由♥潜水的深度
between anywhere from 20 to 40 meters, depending on the dive.
We take safety very seriously at Vertical Blue.
One of the only incidents,
‎(威廉·特鲁布里奇 ‎蓝洞深度挑战赛创始人)
fatal incidents that’s happened in competition,
‎就发生在一名 ‎叫尼克·梅沃利的美国运动员身上
was a death here of an American athlete, Nick Mevoli.
Never take a dive for granted.
You don’t know what…
‎(尼克·梅沃利 自♥由♥潜水员)
you don’t know what dive is gonna be your last.
‎尼克很久以来 ‎一直都会把自己逼得太紧
Nick had a long history of pushing a little bit too hard.
And things catastrophically went wrong.
Nick had a lung squeeze.
With the lung squeeze,
the blood vessels inside your lungs can burst
and leak blood into your air spaces.
We’re talking about tissue that is torn
and then scarred.
‎如果持续地让自己受伤 会积累起来
If you are consistently injuring yourself, it’s cumulative.
‎最后 就导致尼克 ‎出现了非常严重的肺挤压伤
And ultimately, that led to Nick getting a very bad squeeze.
And we… we couldn’t save him.
‎当然 我们也请医护人员 ‎来给大家加油鼓劲
Of course, we have our medics who will be giving a pep talk as well.
‎好的 我速战速决
Okay, I’ll keep this pretty quick.
If we think someone might be in danger, we have the authority
‎我们有资格 ‎告知某位潜水员不得继续潜水
to tell a diver that they cannot dive any longer.
I always say to them, “I want you to go home.”
‎“我希望你能上飞机 ‎回家去和家人团聚”
“To be able to get on that plane and go home to your family.”
‎第二 我也不希望他们到40岁时
And secondly, I don’t ever want them to be
that diver that’s on oxygen at the age of 40
because they’ve messed up their lungs so terribly.
‎在比赛中 我们需要取一块
In competition, we have to retrieve a tag
attached to the bottom plate at target depth as a proof.
She’s reaching for her tag.
A white card is a 100% valid performance.
‎-耶! ‎-太好了!
Yeah! – Yes!
‎只要有人帮助了你 ‎或者是你失去了控制
As soon as somebody helps you, or you lose control,
‎即使是在水面上 ‎那都意味着本次成绩作废
even on the surface, that’s disqualification.
It’s a red card.
‎在为期两周多的比赛中 ‎每位运动员都有六次尝试机会
Over two weeks of competition, the athletes get six attempts each.
It’s very simple.
The deepest dive wins.
…is coming to meet you.
I want to do so much
