不顺心的时候 你可以像疯狗一样发狂
You can be as mad as a mad dog at the way things went.
可以破口大骂 诅咒命运
You could swear, curse the Fates.
But when it comes to the end,
you have to let go.
那天 1328人离开了人间
Thirteen hundred and twenty eight men died that day.
I said my goodbyes to the Cherokee, Dennis Smith.
和约翰·格林道别–他猜得没错 他最后还是死在那儿了
John Grimm, who was right, he was gonna die there.
我把普莱森特·柯蒂斯的钱 寄给了他妻子
I sent Pleasant Curtis’ wife his money.
I said goodbye to the twin, Vic Brody,
and to Mike Clark, captain of the tugboat Chelsea.
I said goodbye to all the other men who had dreams of their own,
all the men who wanted to be insurance salesmen
有的想当医生 律师 甚至是部落酋长
or doctors or lawyers or Indian chiefs.
This don’t get fixed.
在那儿 死亡不再是自然发生的了
Out here, death didn’t seem natural.
I’d never seen a hummingbird that far out to sea.
无论是之前 还是此后
Before or since.
1945年5月 我26岁
And in May of 1945, when I was 26 years old,
I came home.
我准备好了! 准备好了!
I’m ready! I’m ready!
I’m coming!
-我准备好了! -这就来了 阿法莉娜
-I’m ready! -All right, I’m coming, Miss Alfalina.
-奎尼? -嗯?
-Queenie? -Yes?
老天爷! 你回来了! 神啊 你回来了!
Sweet Jesus! Oh, you’re home! Oh, Lord, you came back!
-快让我瞧瞧 -他是谁呀 妈妈?
-Let me look at you. -Who’s that, Mama?
-孩子啊 这是你哥哥 本杰明 -我都不知道我还有哥哥
-Child, it’s your brother, Benjamin. -I didn’t know he was my brother.
你不知道的事情多了去了 小丫头
There’s a shitload of things you don’t know, child.
Get on out there and finish sweeping.
再把手洗洗来帮我摆餐桌 快去
Come here, wash your hands, help me with the table. Go on, now.
转过来 你看起来跟重生了一样!
Turn around. You look like you’ve been born again.
Younger than the springtime.
要我说 那牧师施法的时候 肯定是又给了你一条命
I think that preacher laid hands on you gave you a second life.
那会我看着你就知道 你跟别人不一样
I knew it that moment I saw you, you were special.
知道嘛 我的膝盖现在都酸
I tell you what, my knees are sore,
因为我每天晚上都跪着 求上帝保佑
’cause I’ve been on them every night asking the Lord,
求他”上帝啊 我只要他平安回家”
I said, “God, just bring him home safely.”
Remember what I told you?
“你永远都猜不到 以后的生活是啥样子”
“You never know what’s coming for you”?
没错 快坐下
That’s right. Sit down.
这几年 有碰上什么有趣儿的事吗?
Well, you learn anything worth repeating?
-当然了 -你尝过了苦头
-I sure saw some things. -Oh, you seen some pain.
-也尝过甜头? -嗯
-Some joy, too? -Sure. Sure, I did.
我就是想听你亲口说这些 瞧瞧你呀
Yeah, that’s what I want to hear. Look at you.
-蒂奇上哪儿去了? -哦 孩子
-Where’s Tizzy? -Oh, baby.
韦瑟斯走了 上个月 睡觉的时候去的
Mr. Weathers died in his sleep one night last April.
-妈妈 您节哀 -别操心我了 孩子
-Mama, I’m so sorry. -Don’t you worry about that, baby.
Yeah, well, it’s only one or two of them left now.
They all just about new.
他们应该和别人一样 也都在等着那一天吧
Guess they’re waiting their turn like everybody else, huh?
你能回家陪我 我就知足了!
I’m so glad you’re back home with me!
咱得赶紧给你找个媳妇 再找个工作 就这么定了!
Now, we’re gonna have to find you a wife and a new job! That’s right.
快进来 帮我摆桌子
Come on in here, help me with this table.
别费劲了 她全聋了
You’re wasting your time, baby. She’s stone deaf.
Oh, and you’ll be staying in what was Mrs. DeSeroux’s old room.
你太大个了 再和别人挤一间可不像话
You’re too big to be rooming with anybody else.
回家的感觉 很奇妙
It’s a funny thing about coming home.
一切看起来都是一样的 闻起来也是 摸起来也是
Looks the same, smells the same, feels the same.
我说没说过 我被闪电击中过七次?
Did I ever tell you I’ve been struck by lightning seven times?
有一次我就那么好端端地开着车 心里想着自己的事
Once when I was sitting in my truck, just minding my own business.
我才意识到 其实变的 只有你自己
You realize what’s changed is you.
And late one morning, not long after I’d been back…
Thank you.
-请问 奎尼在吗? -黛西?
-Excuse me, is Queenie here? -Daisy?
-是我啊 本杰明 -本杰明?
-It’s me, Benjamin. -Benjamin?
哦 天!
Oh, my God!
真的是你! 本杰明!
Of course it’s you! Benjamin!
你过得怎么样? 咱们太久没见了!
How are you? It’s been such a long time.
我有好多事情要问你 你什么时候回来的?
There’s so much I want to know. When did you get back?
Well, I got back a few weeks ago.
我上次问奎尼 她说你还在打仗 说是在海上的哪儿
I spoke to Queenie, she said you were in the war, somewhere at sea.
-我们都担心死你了 -哦 我挺好的
-We were so, so worried about you. -Oh, I’m okay.
瞧瞧你啊 真是好看
Well, look at you. You’re so lovely.
You stopped writing.
“我离开的时候 她还只是个小女孩
“When I had left, she was a girl.
如今 却已出落成了窈窕淑女”
And a woman had taken her place.”
“她是我所见过的人中 最美的女子”
“She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.”
“The most beautiful.”
-你还记得富勒奶奶吗? -当然了 怎么了?
-You remember Grandma Fuller? -Why, sure I do.
-她过世了 -我听说了 节哀
-She passed. -I heard that. I’m sorry.
真不敢想 我们又见面了 这一定是缘分
I just can’t believe we’re both here. Must be fate.
不对不对 他们管这叫什么来着?
No, no, what do they call it?
你知道埃德加·西吗? 就是那个会通灵的?
Do you know about Edgar Cayce, the psychic?
I don’t believe I…
他说 万事万物都是注定的
He says that everything is predetermined,
but I like to think of it as fate.
虽然也搞不懂这到底是怎么回事 我还是很高兴咱们重逢了
I’m not sure how it works, but I’m glad it happened.
你去过曼哈顿吗? 就在我住的地方河对面
Have you been to Manhattan? It’s right across the river from me.
Now, I can see the Empire State Building
if I stand on my bed.
说说你吧? 你都去哪了?
What about you? Where have you been?
全都告诉我 上次你写信说 你去俄♥国♥了
Tell me everything. Last time you wrote, you said you’d been to Russia.
我一直想去那呢 那儿真像别人说的那么冷吗?
I’ve always wanted to go to Russia. Is it as cold as they say?
-冷多了 -我的天呀
-Twice as cold. -My goodness.
大家嘴上都说你不一样 我可是真的觉得你不是一般人
We always said you were different. But I think you really are.
你还说你遇上了你喜欢的人 最后有结果吗?
You wrote that you met somebody. Did it work out?
It ran its course.
嘿 还记得这个吗?
Hey, do you remember this?
“This is the picture of Old Man Kangaroo
下午五点 他终于会蹦蹦跳了”
“at 5:00 in the afternoon.”
Would you like to have dinner?
我有没有跟你说过 我跟着巴兰钦跳舞呀?
Did I tell you that I danced for Balanchine?
他可是个有名的编舞大♥师♥ 他说我的线条很完美
Oh, he’s a famous choreographer. He said that I had perfect line.
知道吗 有一个排练 有人摔倒
You know, in a rehearsal once, a dancer fell.
然后他…就把这个动作 编进舞蹈里去了!
And he just… He just put it right into the production.
你能想象那情形吗? 在一部…经典芭蕾舞剧里
I mean, can you imagine that? Like in a… In a classical ballet?
让一个演员 故意跌倒
You know, a dancer, intentionally falling.
如今形容舞蹈有个新词了 叫”抽象”
There’s a whole new word for dance now. It’s called “abstract.”
当然了 有名的大♥师♥不止他一个
No, he’s not the only one, though.
还有林肯·柯尔斯坦 露西亚·切斯 哦 对…
There’s Lincoln Kirstein and Lucia Chase, and oh, my…
Oh, there’s Agnes de Mille.
She’s just torn up all those conventions,
you know, all that straight-up-and-down stuff.
It’s not about the formality of the dance,
it’s about what the dancer’s feeling.
她跟我说的这些 就像是另一个全新的世界
As she told me about this big new world,
那些名字 对我来说 啥也不是
names that didn’t mean a thing to me,
其实她说什么 我也没怎么听进去
I didn’t really hear very much of what she was saying.
一切都是全新的 现代的 美式的!
It’s new and it’s modern and it’s American.
They understand our vigor and our physicality.
哦 天 我是不是说太多了呀
Oh, my God. I’ve just been talking and talking.
没有没有 我喜欢听你讲 我不知道你还抽烟
No, no, I’ve enjoyed listening. I didn’t know you smoked.
I’m old enough.
除了这个 还能做很多别的
I’m old enough for a lot of things.
在纽约那会 我们整晚刷夜
In New York, we stay up all night,
watch the sun come up over the warehouses.