If you cry words against my wife…
it will be the end of you.
I will not have her condemned!
I am but God’s finger John.
如果上帝想要伊莉萨白被指控 那她就会被指控
If He would condemn Elizabeth…
– she will be condemned. – You know me.
If she is condemned, it will be the end of you.
只要她被指控 你准没命
山谬 我知道有些时候你并不同意我
Samuel, I believe you are sometimes…
not entirely content with us.
Am I correct?
我必须说 托马斯
I must tell you, Thomas…
我真不希望 我们的证据全都只是孩子们的说词
I had not expected so much of our evidence…
to come from children. Had you?
– 你说呢? – 我也不希望如此
I had not, but you cannot doubt…
但你无法怀疑 那些孩子们受到痛苦的攻击
the children are painfully attacked.
No. I see that plainly.
Recall the Gospel, Samuel.
“From the mouths of babes shall come the truth. ”
Aye. Aye.
But it is also this Putnam woman.
我怀疑 是因为她死了好几个孩子 让她丧失心智了
I wonder if losing her children…
而普南先生一直以来 又跟他的邻居有土地纠纷
has not distracted her mind.
And Mr. Putnam- I learn he’s in constant disputation…
with his neighbors over his boundaries…
有人告诉我 他一向就不老实
and then there are some who tell me he’s not honest.
Dear friend…
no court can wait for saints to provide evidence.
I shall be scrupulously just.
Surely you will rest on that.
我可不是多疑 托马斯
I never doubted that, Thomas.
– 霍尔先生. – 普洛特-加龙省
– Mr. Hale. – Proctor.
晚上好呀 先生
Evening to you, sir.
– 你是普洛特-加龙省太太? – 是的 伊莉萨白
You are Good-wife Proctor?
Aye, sir. Elizabeth.
你知道你太太的名字 也在法庭上被提到了吗?
I know not if you’re aware…
我们家的玛丽华伦 已经告诉我们了 我们完全惊呆了
your wife’s name is mentioned in the court.
Our Mary Warren told us. We’re entirely amazed.
I am a stranger here, as you know…
对这些被指控的人的素行 所知有限
and I find it hard to draw clear opinion…
of them that are accused…
所以我今晚挨家挨户的拜访 我刚从罗贝卡诺斯加里出来
so I go tonight from house to house.
I come now from Rebecca Nurse’s house.
Rebecca’s charged?
上帝也不能接受 这样的人会被指控 但她的确被人说到了
Well, God forbid that such a one be charged…
but she is mentioned somewhat.
Mr. Hale…
你永远别信 罗贝卡会跟魔鬼有任何牵连
I hope that you will never believe…
that Rebecca trafficked with the devil.
普洛特-加龙省太太 这时代真的很怪异
Goody Proctor, this is a strange time.
竟然没有人♥质♥疑 黑暗是否真有这样强的力量 来攻击这个小镇
None can any longer doubt…
that powers of darkness are attacking this village.
We have no knowledge in that line, Mr. Hale.
我有些问题 想要询问这屋子里的基♥督♥徒…
I thought, sir…
to put some questions as to the Christian character of this house…
if you’ll permit me.
我们不担心被询问 请进
We have no fear of questions, sir. Come in.
In the Book of Record Mr. Parris keeps…
…17个月以来 星期天的礼拜 你只去了26次?
I note that you are come to Sabbath meeting…
but 26 time in 17 month.
请坐 霍尔先生
Sit down, Mr. Hale.
I’ll be straight with you.
从没有牧师 会像帕瑞斯这样 要求把借给牧师住的宿舍 转给他私人
No minister before Parris ever demanded the deed to the house we lend him.
教堂讲坛上 一直用的是白蜡烛台
Since we built the meetinghouse, there were pewter candlesticks…
帕瑞斯牧师一来小镇 就要求换成黄金的
upon the pulpit… But Mr. Parris came, week after week.
Preached nothing but golden candlesticks until he had them.
作礼拜时 当我仰望天堂 只看见我们的血汗钱 在他手肘旁边燃烧着
I’ll not deny it, sir. When I look to heaven…
and see my money glaring at his elbows, it hurt my prayer, sir.
It hurt my prayer.
And your children… How comes it the last is not baptized?
因为帕瑞斯先生不肯 把手放在我孩子的头上 在他身上 我领会不到神的旨意
I like it not that Mr. Parris lay his hand upon my baby.
I’ll not conceal it. I see no light of God in that man.
但既然他被任命了 神的旨意就在他身上
The man’s ordained. Therefore, the light of God is in him.
你的怀疑是什么? 我关上了教堂的大门!
What is your suspicion, Mr. Hale? I nailed the roof upon the church.
– 那是征兆之一 – 也许我们对帕瑞斯牧师太过苛求了
– I hung the door. – That’s a good sign.
Maybe we are too hard on Parris…
but sure we never loved the devil here.
Do you know your Commandments, Elizabeth?
I surely do.
我是受过洗的 您是不可能在我的 基♥督♥徒生活上 贴什么标签的
I’m covenanted, sir.
There be no mark upon my Christian life.
那你呢 先生?
And you, mister?
Aye, I am sure I do.
Let you repeat them, if you will.
– 我的戒律? – 对
My Commandments?
汝等不可杀戮 汝等不可偷盗
“Thou shall not kill. Thou shall not steal.
汝等不可觊觎邻人财物 汝等不可雕塑偶像
“Thou shall not covet thy neighbors’ goods…
汝等不可以神之名 名利熏心
“nor make unto thee any graven image.
“Thou shall not take the name of the Lord in vain.
“Thou shall have no other Gods before me.
“Thou shall remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy.
汝等应荣耀父母 汝等不得虚伪诈欺
“Thou shall honor thy father and mother.
Thou shall not bear false witness. ”
– 不得雕刻… – 这个你说过了
“Thou shall not make unto thee-
– You said that twice. – I know.
– 通奸,约翰. – 是
– Adultery, John. – Aye.
我们两个人加起来.就说全了 应该是很小的失误吧?
Aye, you see, between the two of us…
we do know them all- I think it be a small fault.
神学 …
Theology, sir…
is a fortress.
No crack in a fortress may be accounted small.
I bid you both good night then.
Mr. Hale!
Mr. Hale…
I know the children’s sickness had naught to do with witchcraft.
What’s that?
Mr. Parris-he discovered them sporting in the woods.
– 她们太惊恐了 所以装病. – 谁告诉你的?
They were startled and took sick.
– Who told you this? – Abigail Williams.
Abigail Williams told you it had naught to do with witchcraft?
– 就在您抵达小镇的那晚.她告诉我的 – 你为什么不说出来呢?
– She told me the night you came, sir. – Why did you keep this?
直到今晚以前 我不知道事态会演变到如此荒唐
I never knew till tonight the world has gone mad with all this nonsense.
我亲自查看过铁土巴 莎拉古德, 以及其他26个人…
Mister, I have myself examined Tituba, Sarah Good, and 26 others…
who have confessed to dealing with the devil-they’ve confessed it!
那当然,只要否认 就要被吊死 您没想到这一层吗?
And why not, when they must hang for denying it?
– You ever thought of that? – I have a rumor you do not believe…
我听说 你根本不相信世上有女巫. 是真的吗?
there are witches in the world- is that true?
Well, the Bible speaks of witches, so-
先生 我是个好女人
Sir, I am a good woman. I know it.
如果你以为我是白天装好人 晚上就偷偷崇拜撒旦的话…
If you believe that I may only do good work in the world…
and yet be secretly bound to Satan…
…那我必须告诉你 我不相信有女巫
then I must tell you, I do not believe it.
– You bewilder him. – But you do believe there are witches?
– 但你相信世界上是有女巫的吧? – 我想不出来 任何一个呀
If he think I am one, then I say there are none.
You surely do not fly against the Gospels.
去问爱比有关福音的事吧 不该是问我!
Question Abigail Williams about the Gospels, not myself!
John! John!
They’ve taken my Martha and Rebecca!
Taken Rebecca? On what charge?
以超自然方式 谋杀了普南家的婴儿!
For the supernatural murder of Goody Putnam’s babies!
罗贝卡谋杀了婴儿? 你能相信吗?
Rebecca Nurse have murdered children? Are you still believing this?
在魔鬼被驱逐出天堂的前一小时 上帝还认为它是美丽的呢!
Remember, until an hour before the devil fell…
God thought him beautiful in heaven.
I never harmed no one!
No! Never! I never harmed no one!
Dear Rebecca! We’ll soon have you free, Martha.
怜悯区佛吧! 他应该下地狱!
Pity Cheever, not us. He’s the one going to hell.
Good evening to you, Proctor. All.
– 我有你太太的逮捕状. – 我一无所知呀 是谁指控她的?
– I have a warrant for your wife. – I know nothing of this!
Who charged her?
什么罪名? 什么证据?
Why, Abigail Williams charged her.
For what crime? On what proof?
I like not to search a man’s house…
