I never see the devil in my life.
但是我跳舞还挺熟练的 我退一步
But I can dance as fast backwards as I can forwards!
坐下 我警告你!
Sit down, I tell you. Sit! Sit her down!
– 让她坐下! – 放开我!
你别再胡闹了 你必须停止编故事
Let go of me! You must stop your funning.
You must give up your stories.
你带给我伤害了! 你听见了吗 你已经伤害到我了!
You bring me to harm.
Do you hear me? You bring me to harm.
Oh! Stop hurting me, Goody Osborne!
Help me, judge Danforth!
– 你对这些女孩子们做了什么? – 是你嘴理念的咒 让他们生病的吗?
What are you doing to these girls?
What do you mumble to make them so sick?
我在念戒律. 我总可以念自己的戒律吧!
I was only-only saying my Commandments.
I hope I may say my Commandments.
Pray, let her recite her Commandments.
谢谢你们的好心 出了这法庭的门 我才想念
Your Grace, I may only say my Commandments outdoor.
摩西的十诫 你会念几条?
There are ten Commandments.
Do you know any?
You have lied to the court.
我说你一直在对法庭撒谎 难道不是吗?
I say, you have lied to the court. Have you not?
我不是女巫 魔鬼都知道!
I’m innocent to witch. The devil knows that!
“Then Nebuchadnezzar the King was astonished…
…他急忙站起来 …
“and rose up in haste and spake and…
“said unto his counselors…
‘我们不会把那三个人 扔进火堆里去了吧?’
‘Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire-J…
She’s been to the court.
Get out of my garden, you filthy beast! Whose goat is this?
别碰我的羊! 收回你那些刻毒的话!
Take your hands off my goat, woman! And curb your wicked tongue!
带着你的羊 滚出去!
Take your goat! Get out of my garden!
你们都被魔鬼迷住啦! 你们都会下地狱!
The devil take you all! All of you be damned!
因为有施行巫术的嫌疑 你被捕了
Mary Sibber, you are arrested on suspicion of witchcraft.
Any compact you have made with the devil you must now confess.
This man is full of spite!
我不是女巫! 他的羊吃掉了我的食物!
I am no witch! His goats were eating my food!
These girls are mad!
I warned you once before, Proctor!
那些木材是我的. 你们在我的土地上!
That’s my lumber! You’re in my bounds!
从树林的边界起 就是我家的土地 我可没卖♥♥掉它们
My land’s always run up through the forest, and I haven’t sold any, Putnam.
在我祖父的遗嘱里 写得清清楚楚的
It is clear in my grandfather’s will. My land-
你祖父该死的遗嘱 侵占了我家北边的草地!
Your grandfather damn near willed away my north pasture!
他再敢这样 我不打断他的手才怪
But he knew I’d break his arm if he tried it. Go on!
早安! 早啊,普南先生
Good morning! Morning, Mr. Putnam!
鲁思普南 你上次看到雅各布布先生 是在什么时候?
Now, Ruth Putnam, when did you last see Mr. Jacobs?
前两天 他连续两晚上来到我的床边
He come to me two night past…
鲁思 你搞错啦
when I was abed.
Ruth, you are mistaken.
你认识我的呀 我是雅各布布先生 你的邻居
You know me. I am Mr. Jacobs, your neighbor.
我有600亩地 就紧挨着他家的
I have 600 acres next to theirs.
She has known me all her life.
他从窗户爬进来 然后压在我身上
He come through my window.
Then he lay down upon me.
I could not take breath.
His body crush heavy upon me…
and he say in my ear…
“鲁思普南,如果你敢在法庭指证我 我就要你的命.”
“Ruth Putnam, I will have your life if you testify against me in court. ”
雅各布布先生 对这个指控 你有何话说?
What say you to this charge, Mr. Jacobs?
但 法官大人…
But… Your Honor…
I must have these sticks to walk with.
How may I come through a window?
But you could have sent out your spirit through a window, could you not?
但我的灵魂要怎样 才能脱窍呀?
But how may my spirit go out of my body?
有一个黑衣人 正在他身后跟他耳语
There’s a black man, whispering at his shoulder.
Ruth Putnam has informed me that there is a black man…
whispering in your ear at this very instant.
他在那里! 他正在说话 我看见了!
He’s there. He’s whispering. I see him!
– 我看见他了 我看见他了. – 你看见了吗?
I see-I see him.
A black man. The devil is here!
– 你竟敢嘲弄她们,马莎柯瑞? – 这是傻子都会做的嘛!?
How dare you mock them, Martha Corey!
What else are fools good for?
你怎么还敢到镇上去, 我不是不让你去了吗?
How do you dare go to Salem again when I forbade you?
– Stay where you are! – No! Don’t hurt me!
I beg thee, hurt me not!
快进屋里去 快点
Get in the house. Go on!
普洛特-加龙省太太 这是我今天为你做的一个礼物
I made a gift for you today, Goody Proctor.
谢谢 好可爱的人偶
Well, thank you. ‘Tis a fair poppet.
在此刻 我们一定要彼此珍爱
We must all love each other now.
Go on in.
What ails you, child?
Oh, Mr. Jacobs will hang!
– 绞刑? – 对
– Hang? – Aye, and Goody Osborne too.
– 总督会同意吗? – 一定会的
The Deputy Governor will permit it?
He must… but not Sarah Good.
She will only sit in jail some time…
她只要坐一阵子牢 就能出来了 因为她忏悔认罪了
for Sarah Good confessed, you see?
你难道看不出来 我们的工作有重要吗
I am amazed you do not see…
the weighty work we do.
普洛特-加龙省先生 魔鬼已经在我们镇上横行了
The devil is loose in Salem, Mr. Proctor.
We must discover where he’s hiding.
所以这阵子 我每天都要去镇上
So I’ll be gone every day for some time.
– 我现在是法庭上正式的证人. – 我先把魔鬼从你体内驱逐出去吧!
I am an official of the court now.
I’ll thrash the devil out of you.
No! Aah! I saved her life tonight!
I am accused?
You were somewhat mentioned…
but I told the court I never seen no sign…
我从没见过你施展什么巫术 伤害过任何人…
you ever sent your spirit out to hurt no one, and they dismissed it.
…他们才放弃了. – 谁指控我的?
Who accused me?
I am bound by law. I cannot tell.
玛莉 你去睡吧
Go to bed, Mary.
我不会再听命于你 告诉我几时该上♥床♥
I’ll not be ordered to bed no more, Mr. Proctor.
我已经18岁了 而且是单身女性
I am eighteen and a woman… however single.
你喜欢熬夜? 那就熬吧
If you wish to sit up, then sit up.
I wish to go to bed.
– Good night then. – Good night.
The noose is up.
There will be no noose.
爱比恨不得要我的命 你是知道的
Abigail wants me dead John.
You know it.
谢谢你 亲爱的
Thank you, my dear.
上帝保佑你 孩子
God bless you, child.
我是来告诉你 你先想好该如何救你自己吧
I come to tell you to think on what to do to save yourself.
你要告诉他们 你再也看不见幽灵了
Say you are blind to spirits, you cannot see them anymore…
and you will never cry witchery again.
我知道你为什么要说这些 约翰 我很明白
I know you must speak so, John.
I understand…
but my spirit’s changed entirely.
I suffer now.
这是真的 你看
It’s the truth, John, look!
你太太伤害我的痕迹 还没消退呢
The bite your wife gave me is not yet healed.
– 我妻子? – 星期六晚上…
– My wife? – Saturday she come into my bed…
in the middle of the night and bited my breast.
我老婆这个月 就没出过家门
My wife has not left the house this month.
她为什么需要出家门呢? 她是派幽灵来伤害我的呀
Why must she leave the house to send her spirit on me?
乔治雅各布布刺伤我 也不必用他的拐杖呀?
Don’t George Jacobs come jabbing at me with his walking sticks?
昨晚他把我这里都弄肿了 你摸摸
Feel the lumps he give me only last night.
Oh- Ah!
George Jacobs is locked up in the jail.
And thank God he is!
They’re going to hang him, you know.
– 他不停的祈祷!在牢里! – 他能不祈祷吗?
– And he prays. He prays in jail – May he not pray?
他就是利用祈祷施法 来折磨我! 伪君子!
Then torture me at night while he’s praying in the jail like a hypocrite!
他们全都是. 幸亏主赐给了我力量 来洁净他们!
And they all are! And thank God I have the power to cleanse the town of them!
– Hear me. – Aah!
如果你敢装神弄鬼 指控我老婆 我会来要你的命!!
