until Mr. Hale examined her…
and decided she was innocent to witchcraft.
但也可能他会在赛伦镇 发现魔鬼的踪迹…
But it-it may well be that in Salem…
he will find signs of Lucifer, and if so…
you may be sure he will hunt him down.
Let us turn our hearts…
to Psalm 73…
“sure God is good to Israel. ”
你别再这样了! 贝蒂!
You will stop this now! Betty!
– 我们该怎么办? 他们都在谈论魔法! – 她想要说出一切
What will we do? The whole country’s talking witchcraft!
我们必须说出一切 否则会被当成女巫的
She means to tell.
We’ve got to tell, or they’ll be calling us witches!
女巫会受绞刑的 就像两年前们在波斯顿做的
Witchery’s a hanging error…
like they done in Boston two year ago.
施法祈求男孩子 和跳舞 只会受到很轻的处罚 最多是两鞭子
You’ll only be whipped for trying to conjure the boys and the dancing.
Now, listen to me, Betty dear.
我已经跟你♥爸♥爸谈过了 也告诉了他一切
I’ve talked to your papa, and I’ve told him everything…
so there’s nothing to be feared anymore.
I want my mama.
你妈妈已经死了 也被埋了!
Your mama’s dead and buried!
I’ll fly to her! Let me fly!
– 让我飞! – 别这样!
Stop it! Betty, come here!
– 贝蒂,过来! – 妈妈! 妈妈! 不!
Mama! No! Mama!
你干嘛要这样? 我已经告诉他了 他全都知道了
Why are you doing this?
I’ve told him. He knows now.
你有喝血,爱比! 你没告诉他这个吧!
You drank blood, Abby. You didn’t tell him that!
You never say that again!
你喝了符咒 是想害死约翰普洛特-加龙省的妻子!
You drank a charm to kill John Proctor’s wife.
– 不,爱比. – 你喝了符咒 是想害死普洛特-加龙省大妈!
No, Abby.
You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!
Shut up!
– 她就快死了! – 现在,听着,你们!
Is she going to die?
Now, look, you- all of you.
我们跳舞. 就只有这样
We danced.
That is all. And mark this-
Let anyone breathe a word…
or the edge of a word about the other things…
and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night…
…在月黑风高的晚上 带着刀来跟你算帐…
and I will bring with me a pointy reckoning that will shudder you…
你们都知道 我说到做到
and you know I can do it.
印地安人就当着我面前 打碎了我父母的头颅…
I saw Indians smash my dear parent’s head on the pillow next to mine…
…我也看见过 午夜的腥红谋杀
and I have seen some reddish work done at night…
and I can make you wish you never saw the sun go down.
– 妈妈! – 不,贝蒂!
– Mama! – No, Betty!
Mama! Mama! Mama!
– 妈妈! 妈妈! – 别动,你这小魔鬼!
– Mama! – Keep still, you little devil!
– 贝蒂! – 魔鬼来了!
Betty! Oh, Betty!
当她一听到圣歌♥ 她就冲向了窗户
It’s when she heard the psalm. She run straight for the window.
帕瑞斯先生 这就是一种征兆. 我妈妈告诉我的
“Mark it for a sign, Mr. Parris”.
My mother told me that.
这里有人病得很重 吉莱斯,请保持安静
There is hard sickness here, Giles Corey.
So please to keep the quiet.
我一个字也没说 没人能证明我说过
I’ve not said a word. Nobody can testify I’ve said a word.
Rebecca, I fear we’re lost.
她不能忍♥受 听到上帝的名号♥!
She cannot bear to hear the Lord’s name.
That’s a notorious sign of witchcraft afoot, Rebecca.
Mama. Mama.
What have you done?
看护大妈,你能去看看鲁思 把她叫醒吗?
Goody Nurse, will you go to our Ruth…
and see if you can wake her?
我想等她自己玩腻了 就会醒过来了
I think she’ll wake when she tires of it.
I am 26 times a grandma.
他们会有各种傻理由 来蒙你
They can run you bowlegged in their silly seasons.
所以你已经请 比佛力的霍尔教士来这里了?
So you’ve sent for Reverend Hale of Beverly, Mr. Parris?
只有确定魔鬼并不在这里 大家才会满意的
Only to satisfy all that the devil’s not among us.
– 普洛特-加龙省先生. – 约翰,过来帮帮我们
– Mr. Proctor. – Ah, John, come help us.
We are all at sea.
在你决定猎杀魔鬼之前 为什么不先开个会呢?
Why did you not call for a meeting before you decided to look for devils?
不经过开会同意 一个人♥大♥概都不许拔牙了
Man cannot pick his teeth without some sort of meeting in this society.
你的想法 未必就能左右所有人
I’m sick of meetings.
Society will not be a bag to swing around your head, Mr. Putnam.
普洛特-加龙省先生,这是截至目前 对全镇人比较好的作法…
Peace! Peace!
Dear friends-Mr. Parris, I think you’d best send…
帕瑞斯先生,我觉得你应该尽快将 霍尔教士送回去.别让他来了
Reverend Hale back as soon as he come.
否则会令我们的社会 再度陷入争议的
This will set us all to arguing again in the society.
我们宁可多检讨自己 也别把责任推到魔鬼身上
Let us rather blame ourselves than the devil.
Blame ourselves?
How can we blame ourselves?
光我就有八个兄弟. 在这个省里 普南家族的人可多了
I’m one of nine sons.
The Putnam seed have peopled this province.
八个孩子死了七个 我们就只剩下这个了
And we have but one child left of eight.
安大妈 碰到这种事情 我们也只能祈求上帝了
Goody Ann, we can only go to God for the cause of that.
上帝?! 你觉得这就是上帝的旨意…
God? You think it be God’s work…
…让你从没死过一个孩子 而我却死得只剩这一个?
that you have never lost a child or grandchild either and I bury all but one?
谁又能决定什么是 或什么不是上帝的旨意呢? 普南大妈
And who will give us leave to decide what is God’s work, Goody Putnam, and what is not?
上帝从没在我耳边说过话. 我也不认为任何人 有过这样的荣宠
God never spoke in my ear. I can’t think of anyone else He done the favor.
Your pardon, Rebecca.
Is this your mischief, huh?
我听说 那些小孩还会飞起来
I hear the child goes flying through the air.
Oh, she never flew.
我们在树林里跳舞.被我叔叔逮到了 她被吓到了 就只是这样
We were dancing in the woods.
My uncle leaped in on us.
She took fright is all.
在你20岁以前 大概就要去坐牢了
You’ll be clapped in the stocks before you are 20.
Oh, John. Give me a soft word.
– 不,爱比,我话说完了. – 我每晚都在等你
No, Abby. That’s done with.
– I am waiting for you every night. – You cannot.
别这么说 我可从没给过你这样的期望
I never gave you hope to wait for me.
我会比期望的更好 我觉得
I have something better than hope, I think.
– 你怎么能说我是孩子呢? – 你断了念头吧
How do you call me child?
Wipe it out of mind- you must.
I’ll not be coming for you more.
You’re surely sporting with me.
You know me better.
每当我接近你 我知道你就会满身是汗
I know how you sweated like a stallion whenever I’d come near you.
当她赶我出来 我看见你的神情 我知道你是爱我的…
I saw your face when she put me out.
You loved me then, and you do now.
Abby, I may think of you softly from time to time…
但在我再次触摸你之前 我会先砍断我的双手
but I will cut off my hand before I reach for you again.
We never touched.

but we did.
我很惊讶 你这么个强壮的男人 竟会娶个病殃殃的妻子…
Oh, I marvel how a strong man may let such a sickly wife-
– 不要说到伊丽莎白. – 她抹黑了我的名誉!
Speak not. You’ll speak nothing of Elizabeth.
She is blackening my name in the village, telling lies about me.
She’s a cold, sniveling woman, and you bend to her.
– 她是个冷血的女人 你还袒护她! – 你找抽 是吧?
You look for whipping.
我找的是约翰普洛特-加龙省, 这个教会我知识的人
I look for John Proctor, who put knowledge in my heart.
我从没料到 赛伦镇是这么伪善
I never knew what pretense Salem was…
with its Christian women and their covenanted men…
and all of their boiling and lust.
现在你倒要我忘掉 你教会我的一切?
And now you bid me go dead to all you taught me?
我了解你,约翰 普洛特-加龙省!
I know you, John Proctor.
You love me.
不论是不是有罪 但你是爱我的
Whatever sin it is, you love me yet.
为什么魔鬼会来这里呢? 我们都很崇敬上帝呀
– Give the man some peace. – That’s Mr. Hale, John.
– 这是霍尔先生,约翰. – 我知道他是谁. 要我帮你吗?
I know who it is.
– Can I help you? – Why, thank you.
Heavy books.
那是一定的 越重越有权威性呀
Well, they must be. They’re weighted with authority.
I’m John Proctor, Mr. Hale.
You have afflicted children?
My children are as healthy as bull calves, sir…
like all the other children in this village.
木柴呢? 合同里可是有规定 要璧炉永远烧着的呀
Where is my wood?
My contract provides I be supplied with all of my firewood.
