♪ I know ♪
♪ I got my eye on you ♪
♪ You will find ♪
♪ Preacher man is waiting ♪
♪ Folks are congregating ♪
♪ Da da ♪
♪ There may be streets ♪
♪ That have their sorrow ♪
♪ A smile today ♪
♪ A tear tomorrow ♪
♪ But there’s a street ♪
♪ That lives in glory ♪
♪ It always tells the same ♪
♪ Old story ♪
♪ Don’t bring a frown ♪
♪ To old Broadway ♪
♪ You’ve got to clown ♪
♪ On Broadway ♪
♪ Your troubles there ♪
♪ Are out of style
♪ For Broadway always ♪
♪ Wear a smile ♪
♪ A million lights ♪
♪ They flicker there ♪
♪ A million hearts ♪
♪ Beat quicker there ♪
♪ No skies of gray ♪
♪ On the Great White Way ♪
♪ That’s the Broadway melody ♪
♪ Don’t bring a frown ♪
♪ To old Broadway ♪
♪ You’ve got to clown ♪
♪ On Broadway ♪
♪ Your troubles there ♪
♪ Are out of style ♪
♪ For Broadway always ♪
♪ Wears a smile ♪
♪ A million lights ♪
♪ They flicker there ♪
♪ A million hearts ♪
♪ Beat quicker there ♪
♪ No skies of gray ♪
♪ On the Great White Way ♪
♪ That’s the Broadway ♪
♪ Melody ♪
♪ Don’t bring a frown to old Broadway ♪
♪ You’ve got to clown on Broadway ♪
♪ Your troubles there are out of style ♪
♪ For Broadway always wears a smile ♪
♪ A million lights, they flicker there ♪
♪ A million hearts beat quicker there ♪
♪ No skies of gray on the Great White Way ♪
♪ That’s the Broadway melody ♪
♪ Don’t bring a frown to old Broadway ♪
♪ You’ve got to clown on Broadway ♪
♪ Your troubles there are out of style ♪
♪ For Broadway always wears a smile ♪
♪ A million lights, they flicker there ♪
♪ A million hearts beat quicker there ♪
♪ No skies of gray on the Great White Way ♪
♪ That’s the Broadway melody ♪
♪ Oh, we’re two harmony babies ♪
♪ From Melody Lane ♪
♪ Harmony babies, together… ♪
♪ We can do more with our… ♪
♪ Than Mr. Rockefeller can with all of his dough ♪
♪ And plenty of… ♪
♪ From Romberg and Gershwin and Irving Berlin ♪
♪ Oh, we’re a… ♪
♪ Oh, we’re a whang, we’re a wallop, we’re a wham ♪
布告栏 总彩排
公♥司♥全体人员 星期四晚上十点半 准时开始
舞台监督 迪伦
♪ Broadway, you magic street ♪
♪ River of humanity ♪
♪ I have trudged my weary feet down your gay White Way ♪
♪ Dreaming a million dreams of fame ♪
♪ Yearning for you to know my name ♪
♪ Broadway, you have heard the story ♪
♪ Of a lot of tears and glory ♪
♪ But you’ve always been the same ♪
♪ Always played in the game ♪
♪ Noisy, hurried, with your bustle ♪
♪ Scrambling, dizzy, full of hustle ♪
♪ Jazzy, frilly, brassy, silly ♪
♪ Broadway singing, Broadway music ♪
♪ Broadway melody ♪
I Don’t bring a frown to old Broadway ♪
♪ You’ve got to clown on Broadway ♪
♪ Your troubles there are out of style I
♪ For Broadway always wears a smile ♪
♪ A million lights, they flicker there ♪
♪ A million hearts beat quicker there ♪
♪ No skies of gray on the Great White Way ♪
♪ That’s the Broadway melody ♪
♪ Don’t bring a frown to old Broadway ♪
♪ You’ve got to clown on Broadway ♪
♪ Your troubles there are out of style ♪
♪ For Broadway always wears a smile ♪
♪ A million lights, they flicker there ♪
♪ A million hearts beat quicker there ♪
♪ No skies of gray on the Great White Way ♪
♪ That’s the Broadway melody ♪
♪ No skies of gray on the Great White Way ♪
♪ That’s the Broadway melody ♪
♪ Sail along, my love boat ♪
♪ Sail ♪
♪ Plowing through the seas ♪
♪ Laughing in the breeze ♪
♪ You’ll soon find bittersweet ♪
♪ One day now ♪
♪ When you’ll have eyes to see my heart ♪
♪ With a blue slw above ♪
♪ The color of love ♪
♪ Sail on… ♪
♪ Sail on… ♪
♪ Love boat ♪
姐妹的公♥寓♥ 两周后
♪ Life was a song ♪
♪ You came along ♪
♪ I laid awake the whole night through ♪
♪ If I but dared ♪
♪ To think you cared ♪
♪ This is what I’d say to you♪
♪ You were meant for me ♪
♪ I was meant for you ♪
♪ Nature patterned you, and when she was done ♪
♪ You were all the sweet things rolled up in one ♪
♪ You’re like a plaintive melody ♪
♪ That never lets me be ♪
♪ For I’m content, the angels must have sent you ♪
♪ And they meant you ♪
♪ Just for me ♪
姐妹公♥寓♥处 生日派对
♪ Truthful Parson Brown ♪
♪ Living in a Southern town ♪
♪ For doin’ good and talkin’ good ♪
♪ He was known around ♪
♪ He had a most peculiar way ♪
♪ Of preaching on the Sabbath day ♪
♪ On an organ, soft and low ♪
♪ He would sing and play ♪
♪ Brothers and sisters ♪
♪ Listen to truthful Parson Brown ♪
♪ You’ll never get ahead ♪
♪ If you try to keep your brother down ♪
♪ I said your brother down ♪
♪ Too much highs, too much wine ♪
♪ That’s the only Satan we have got to keep behind ♪
♪ Stop squirmin’ ♪
♪ Pay more attention to my syncopated sermon ♪
♪ Brothers and sisters ♪
♪ Listen to truthful Parson Brown ♪
♪ A lot of talkin’ ♪
♪ Will never win that crown ♪
♪ Now we’ll practice just what he preached ♪
♪ We’re gonna give the sermon without speech ♪
♪ You were meant for me ♪
♪ I was meant for you ♪
♪ It’s a holiday ♪
♪ Today’s the wedding of the painted doll ♪
♪ It’s a jolly day ♪
♪ The news is spreading all around the hall ♪
♪ Red Riding Hood and Buster Brown ♪
♪ The Jumping Jack jumped into town ♪
♪ From far and near, they’re coming here ♪
♪ Church bells ringing, ringing ♪
♪ All the little dollies from the follies ♪
♪ With the painted cheeks ♪
♪ Little Mama doll has passed around for weeks and weeks ♪
♪ Shoo the blues ♪
♪ No time to lose ♪
♪ Rice and shoes ♪
♪ Will spread the news ♪
♪ That it’s a holiday ♪
♪ Today’s the wedding of the little painted doll ♪
♪ Here come the bridesmaids ♪
♪ Look at them in their places ♪
♪ Look at the fancy laces ♪
♪ Look at them as they smile ♪
♪ All sorrow away ♪
♪ Here comes the bride now ♪
♪ Look at the little cutie ♪
♪ Look at the little beauty ♪
♪ Look at the little doll ♪
♪ It’s her wedding day ♪
♪ Here’s the preacher man, oh, look ♪
♪ As he takes his little book ♪
♪ He is sure he knows his stuff ♪
♪ ‘Cause he’s done it oft enough ♪
♪ Here comes the bridegroom ♪
♪ Ready for the service ♪
♪ Just a little nervous ♪
♪ Now the preacher says ♪
♪ “You’re married to stay” ♪
♪ It’s a holiday ♪
♪ Today’s the wedding of the painted doll ♪
♪ It’s a jolly day ♪
♪ The news is spreading all around the hall ♪
♪ Red Riding Hood and Buster Brown ♪
♪ The Jumping Jack jumped into town ♪
♪ From far and near, they’re coming here ♪
♪ Church bells ringing, ringing ♪
♪ All the little dollies from the follies ♪
♪ With the painted cheeks ♪
♪ Little Mama doll has passed around for weeks and weeks ♪
♪ Shoo the blues ♪
♪ No time to lose ♪
♪ Rice and shoes ♪
♪ Will spread the news ♪
♪ That it’s a holiday ♪
♪ Today’s the wedding of the little painted doll ♪
♪ Curly hair, baby fair ♪
♪ I’ll say that he’s debonair ♪
♪ He’s cute, he’s coy ♪
♪ He’s a boy friend ♪
♪ Clear the decks when he’s next ♪
♪ There’s no other in his sight ♪
♪ He’s Cupid’s toy ♪
♪ He’s a boy friend ♪
♪ If he’ll say, “Come my way” ♪
♪ I’m ready now ♪
♪ I’ll obey everything ♪
♪ He’s the king and how ♪
♪ He is hot, he got what? ♪
♪ Just a great big hotty-tot ♪
♪ Oh, gee, oh, joy ♪
♪ He’s a boy friend ♪
我们一起参观你的新公♥寓♥ — 乔克
♪ Oh, we’re two harmony babies ♪
♪ From Melody Lane ♪
♪ Harmony babies with jazz on our brain ♪
♪ We can do more with our vodeo- do’s ♪
♪ Than Mr. Rockefeller can with all of his dough ♪
♪ We play plenty of song hits and plenty of tunes ♪
♪ From Robert and Gershwin and Irving Berlin ♪
♪ Oh, we’re a whang, we’re a wallop ♪
♪ We’re a whang, we’re a whop ♪
♪ With our rat-tat-tat-tats and our vodeo-do ♪
♪ Oh, we’re two harmony babies ♪
♪ From Melody Lane ♪
给你 赫伯 一节主歌♥ 两节副歌♥
There it is, Herb. One verse and two choruses.
艾迪 这首歌♥好听吗?- 好听 赫伯
Is this a good song, Eddie? – It’s a good song, Herb.
Just as good as the doll dance number.
先跳过主歌♥ 直接从副歌♥唱起
Skip the verse, do the chorus, tempo.
早安 – 你好 吉米