用以丈量童年的是听觉 嗅觉以及视觉”
穿 条 纹 睡 衣 的 男 孩
快! 快!
Move! Move it!
It’s me home.
-再见 布鲁诺! -再见 布鲁诺!
– Bye, Bruno! – Bye, Bruno!
-你好 亲爱的 -妈妈 怎么回事?
– Hello, sweetheart. – Mum, what’s going on?
-我们要庆祝一下 -庆祝?
– We’re celebrating. – Celebrating?
Your father’s been given a promotion.
-就是说工作更好了 -我知道升官什么意思
– That means a better job. – I know what promotion is.
So we’re having a little party to celebrate.
可他还是一名士兵 对吗?
He’s still going to be a soldier though, isn’t he?
是的 小羔羊 不过现在地位更高了
Yes, my love. Yes, just a more important one now.
There’s some even more exciting news…
but I think Dad wanted to tell you about that himself.
-搬家? 去哪里? -乡下
– Moving? Where to? – To the countryside.
离这儿很远 卡尔 里昂和马丁他们怎么办?
That’s miles away. What about Karl and Leon and Martin?
亲爱的 我知道你舍不得
Sweetheart, I know it’s hard…
但我们暂时 得和这里说再见了
but we’re all having to say good-bye to our friends for the time being.
反正会交到新朋友 不是吗?
Anyway, we’ll make new ones where we’re going. Won’t we?
那当然了 你们会有很多新朋友
Of course you are. You’ll make lots of new friends.
布鲁诺 明早走之前 你可以邀请夥伴们来玩玩
Bruno, you can have your friends around in the morning before we go.
就当作是一次探险 像你有本书里讲的那样
Think of it as an adventure, like in one of your books.
But this is the best house ever.
你怎么知道 我们要搬去的那座房♥子也许更好
Well, you never know. The house we’re going to might be even better.
Dad says it’s got a garden.
听着 问题是 布鲁诺 作为一名士兵
Look, the thing is, Bruno, the thing about being a soldier…
你的人生便不是关乎选择 而是关乎责任
is that life is not so much about choice, it’s more about duty…
如果你的国家派你去某个地方 你就得去
so if your country needs you to go somewhere, you’ll go.
当然了 如果有家人陪伴同行的话
Now, of course, going somewhere else is much easier…
when you know that your family are so delighted to go with you.
布鲁诺! 每次见到你你都长高了
Bruno! You’re getting bigger every time I see you.
才过了一个礼拜 娜塔丽
It’s only been a week, Nathalie.
Well, perhaps it’s me that’s getting smaller.
So, you two…
觉得怎么样? 要离开柏林了?
well, what do you think of all this? Moving out of Berlin?
爸妈说这是件好事 所以我觉得错不了
Well, Mummy and Daddy say it’s a good thing, so I suppose it must be.
孩子们 去帮帮忙 好么? 递些吃的给大家
Children, be angels, will you? Pass some food around.
Heil Hitler!
-他看上去很棒吧? -当然
– Doesn’t he look wonderful? – Absolutely.
我真为你感到自豪 孩子
I’m so proud of you, my boy.
哦 亲爱的 我有时想这是不是我一手造成的
Oh, dear. I sometimes wonder if this is all down to me,
打小我就给你做 各式各样的戏服
making you those costumes for your little plays when you were tiny.
-你那时就很喜欢盛装登场 -娜塔丽…
– You used to adore all that dressing up. – Nathalie.
现在还觉得高人一等吧 亲爱的拉尔夫?
Does it still make you feel special, Ralf dear?
穿着这硬挺的衣服 想着它的涵义?
The uniform and what it stands for?
母亲 今天是聚会 别坏了大家的心情
Mother, it’s a party. Let’s not spoil things.
我 坏大家心情?
Me, spoil things?
You should be careful.
在公众场合这样口无遮拦 会惹上麻烦的
Airing your views so publicly could land you in trouble.
You know that.
那么 你们要离开多久 孩子?
So, how long are we losing you for, my boy?
-直到我们赢得战争 -那不会太久了
– Until the war is won, I would think. – Well, not so long then.
道别之际 请点亮笑容
Got to smile when you say good-bye.
扬起嘴角 看岁月峥嵘
Got to smile as the day goes by.
光阴一去不返 你却难以忘怀
And all the time that go away, I’m thinking of you.
我将夜夜书写 对你的依赖
I write to say from day to day, how much I love you.
道别之际 请点亮笑容
Got to smile when you say good-bye.
云卷云舒 也不要伤痛
You got to smile till the clouds roll by.
在说再见之前 记住我的侧脸
So til we meet again, saw what you are and then.
在道别之前 就用笑容纪念
I will smile when you say good-bye.
好了 布鲁诺 该说再见了
All right, Bruno. Time to say good-bye.
-再见 -再见!
– Bye-bye. – Bye-bye!
“安睡时分即将来临 感谢吾主 庇护生灵”
“Time has come for me to sleep Lord, I thank Thee for Thy keep
“令此夜晚风平浪静 祈祷吾主 教吾虔信”
Watch this night well over me And teach me, Lord, to trust in Thee
“汝爱惠及老弱病幼 恳请吾主 赐福护佑”
Care for children, sick and poor Grant them, Lord, Thy blessing more
“以父之名声声祷告 愿主降福 举家安好”
And this I pray in Jesus’ name Care for my family just the same”
孩子们 看 看! 我们的新家
Children, look. Look! Our new home.
我有些事要办 待会儿再见
I have some business to take care of. I’ll see you shortly.
Well, what do we think?
别这样 这里多好啊
Come on. It’s lovely.
你们俩去挑自己的房♥间 我叫玛丽娅上来
You two choose your rooms. I’ll have Maria come…
and help you unpack.
你觉得怎么样 玛丽娅? 新房♥子
What do you think of it, Maria? The new house.
It’s not for me to say.
但是要布置得像个家 才会有那种温馨 不是吗?
But it won’t feel like home until we make it feel like home, will it?
Is he already up?
Who was that?
One of your father’s soldiers, I suppose.
-他看上去真凶 -这些人都这样 不是吗?
– He looked very serious. – Well, they are, aren’t they?
-我们干嘛要小声说话? -我不知道
– Why are we whispering? – I don’t know.
-和谁玩? -农场里的孩子
– And play with who? – The children over on the farm.
农场? 我怎么没看见 那个也给我
Farm? I didn’t see a farm. And that one, too.
You can only see it from my room.
And are some children there?
-是的 不少呢 -很好
– Yes, quite a few. – That’s good.
-那么 我可以和他们一起玩了 -我看没啥问题
– So, I’ll be able to play with them. – I don’t see why not.
我还是再等等 先弄清楚他们是什么人
I’ll wait a little bit, just to see what they’re like…
-因为他们看上有点怪 -那些小孩?
– because they look a bit strange. – The children do?
-还有那些农民 -怪在哪里?
– Well, and the farmers. – What sort of strange?
I’m sorry.
布鲁诺 你的东西都放好了吗?
Bruno, have you unpacked everything?
Because I think you should go back upstairs and finish off.
谢谢 夫人
Thank you, ma’am.
-我说过他们很奇怪 -谁?
– I told you they were strange. – Who?
那里的农民 他们穿条纹睡衣
The farmers. They wear pajamas.
布鲁诺 我刚要找你
Bruno, I was just coming to look for you.
谢谢你了 很有帮助
Well, thank you for that. That was extremely useful.
-我等下再去找你 -遵命 司令官
– I’ll be over to see you later. – Of course, Herr Kommandant.
Come in.
坐下 坐下
Sit down, sit down.
Well, what do you think?
嗯? 亲爱的
Oh, dear.
I want to go home.
你就在家里 布鲁诺 家人在哪里 家就在哪里
You are home, Bruno. Home is where the family is.
Isn’t that right?
布鲁诺 你至少要给这个地方一个机会
Bruno, you have to at least give the place a chance.
我向你保证 过不了多久你就会…
I promise you, it won’t be long before you-
Why do the farmers wear pajamas?
I can see them from my window.
事实是 布鲁诺 那些人…
The thing is, Bruno, those people-
你瞧 他们根本不算是人
Well, you see, they’re not really people at all.
布鲁诺 谁告诉你那是个农场?
Bruno, who told you it was a farm?
-是玛丽娅么? -不是
– Was it Maria? – No.
那就是个农场 对吗?
It is a farm, isn’t it?
Is it to do with your new job?
关于我在这里的工作 布鲁诺 你要知道的就是
All you need to know about my work here, Bruno…
它对于我们的国家 对于你们都很重要
is that it’s very important to our country and to you.
We’re working very hard to make this world a better place…
for you to grow up in.
可您不是农民 您是军人
But you’re not a farmer. You’re a soldier.
