-我是来解决问题的 -哦 看在上帝的份上
– and I’m to sort it out – Oh, for heaven’s sake.
很好 给个结果 我就走
Good. Result, then. I’ll be off.
嘿 过来吧
Hey, hey, come on.
领养不会改变任何事 你知道的
Adoption don’t change anything, you know.
不是领养的事 爸爸
It’s not the adoption, Dad.

听着 你这么担心我真好 爸爸 但不必
Look, it’s sweet of you to worry, Dad, but don’t.
好吧… 那一定有什么人可以让你倾诉
Well… Well, there must be someone you can talk to.
-也许有的 -对
– Maybe there is. – Yeah.
Who are you?
嗯 呃 查莉在吗?
Erm, er, is Charlie in?
有趣的头发 就像莫伊拉 · 斯图尔特
Ee, funny hair. It’s like Moira Stuart.
菲利斯 · 伊顿最近做了子♥宫♥切除手术 你听说了吗?
Phyllis Eaton’s had a hysterectomy, did you hear?
不 她没有 奶奶 别告诉别人了 她都离了婚了
No, she hasn’t, Nan, stop telling people that. She’s gone ex-directory.
你们玩得开心吗? 很开心
Are you all having a nice time? Yes.
给你 亲爱的
There you are, love.
他们给我插了导管 拿出一品脱黑色的东西
Well, they put a catheter in me and took out a pint of black stuff.
-一品脱?黑色! -是血吗?
– A pint? Black! – Were it blood?
-欢迎来到我的世界 -我不这么认为
– Welcome to my world. – Don’t think so.
是的 好多了
Yes, it’s a lot better.
噢 你找到我们了
Oh. You found us all right?
Followed the noise.
噢 你吃过了
Oh, you’ve… eaten.
之前吃了 我很抱歉 要我给你点些什么?
Earlier. I’m so sorry, shall I order something for you to…?
噢 不 不用 不 我吃过午饭了
Oh, no, no. Er… No, I’ve had my lunch.
我去给你拿杯喝的 Old Murkle啤酒是给客人喝的
I’ll get you a drink. Old Murkle’s the guest ale.
Erm… vodka and tonic for me, please.
所以 你就是李奥的小秘密咯?
So, you’re Leo’s little secret, then?
~ 都是因为我逃走了
~ And all because I ran away
~ 脚步迅捷 跟从他的路途
~ Fast of feet and on his way
~ 我可以一直跳舞跳到夜色尽褪
~ I could dance the night away
~ 当我欢悦之时
~ When I’m feeling frisky ~
跟他们在一起 唤起了我好多回忆
Bring a lot of memories back with them.
I think I’m pregnant.
~ 噢 我的
~ Oh, my… ~
-对不起 大家! -~ 离去…
– Sorry, everyone! – ~ Getting away… ~
-你怀孕多久了? -一两个月 也许有三个月
– How late are you? – A month or two. Three, maybe.
~某个炎热的地方 那里永远不会下雨
~ Somewhere baking hot, where the rain never falls… ~
Does Paul know?
我说过 我现在只是怀疑
Like I said, it’s only maybe I am.
There’s only one way to find out.
呃 你别走开
Erm… don’t go anywhere.
~ 她常常会阳光灿烂
~ She’ll often be sunny
~ 她从来不凄风苦雨
~ She’ll never get windy
~ 当玛姬逃走的时候
~ When Maggie’s run away ~
I think that’s what’s got to me more than anything,
because it feels like a sort of deceit.
如果我有机会过另一种生活 我可能会在哪里
That and where I might have been, had I had the chance to live that other life.
-难怪我一事无成 -我不会这么说
– No wonder I never achieved anything. – I wouldn’t say that.
不是说奶奶没有做好 而是我被夺走了什么东西
Not that Nan’s not done her best, but what’s mine’s been taken away from me
我却从来不曾有过发言权 这是不对的
and I never had any say in it and that’s not right.
我至少应该有个选择 应该有人告诉我
I should have at least had the choice. I should have been told.
我是说 那个本该生下我的女人在哪里?
I mean, where is this woman who’s supposed to have given birth to me?
她看起来像我吗? 因为我一点也不像奶奶 我现在明白了
Does she look like me? Because I’m nothing like Nan, I can see that now.
我看起来像另一个女人吗? 我在街上能认出她吗?
So do I look like this other woman? Would I recognise her in the street?
她抛弃我的时候是什么感觉? 她想我吗?
What did she feel when she gave me up? Does she miss me?
Does she carry a little photo in her purse with her?
So are you going to take it any further?
就只是 我的脑海里一遍遍地想
Just goes round and round in my head –
我想做什么 我应该做什么 它们是一回事吗?
what do I want to do, and what should I do, and are they the same thing?
这对其他人公平吗? 这关他们什么事? 然后…
And is it fair on everyone else? Is it any of their business, anyway? And then…
You should do what’s best for you.
I just end up doing nothing.
I’m paralysed.
It’s hopeless.
My round.
只要打开它 在棍子上撒尿
Just open it, er, wee on the stick,
and the level of hormones in your urine will just…
呃 那我就不打扰你上厕所了?
Er, I’ll just let you go to the loo, then, shall I?
还有 两包花生 谢谢
Oh, and, er… two packets of peanuts, ta.
.. but I think you have to go to Manchester.
曼彻斯特有个地方 我有彭德尔山的地图
And there’s a place in Manchester, get a map of Pendle Hill
在那个区域 你知道 所以…
and around that area, you know, so…
-抱歉 我去下洗手间 -好的
– Sorry, I’m just gonna go to the loo. – OK.
你可以勇敢地承认 你知道
You can break out of it, you know.
It’s nothing to be ashamed of.
-戴安娜王妃有饮食失调症 -你误会我了
– Princess Diana had an eating disorder. – You’ve got me wrong.
Admitting it’s the first step.
Good luck.
测试并不总是准确的 那种事
They’re not always right, those things.
How often are they wrong?
百分之一吧… 最多
One per cent… at most.
我感觉不舒服 我该怎么办?
I feel sick. What am I gonna do?
不知道你为什么这么生我的气 又不是我让你怀孕的
Dunno why you’re so cross with me. I’m not the one who got you pregnant.
我很喜欢 希望老家伙们不会让你觉得吵闹
Enjoyed that. Hope the old crowd weren’t too rowdy for you.
~ 走 走!
~ Go, go!
~ 总是被你的咒语欺骗
~ Always deceived by your spell ~
哦 卡拉OK? 天啊
Oh, karaoke? Blimey.
Only you’d have a proper hankie.
听着 现在你确定了 你应该和你妈妈谈谈
Listen, now you know for sure, you should speak to your mum.
I think she’ll understand what you’re going through.
让她来帮你考虑 好吗?
Let her be the sensible one, all right?
Must be something you ate.
Come on.
哦 亲爱的 呃 有一点沾到了你的
Oh dear, er, you’ve got a bit on your, erm…
呃 不然你把我的雨衣穿上吧?
Er, why don’t you borrow my spare cagoule?
我一直带着的 你可以明早还给我
I always carry one. You can give it me back in the morning.
How was the date?
哦 上帝
Oh, God.
-我能和你谈谈吗? -我到底怎么了?
– Can I talk to you? – What’s wrong with me?
-这件事很重要 -他是个很可爱的人
– It’s quite important. – He’s a really lovely man,
有漂亮的房♥子 没有领带 再好不过了
nice house, no ties, couldn’t have been kinder,
and I end up…
-说真的 妈妈… -天啊
– Seriously, Mum… – Oh, my God.
而那之前 我一直喋喋不休地谈论我的母亲不是我的母亲
Before that, all I did was drone on about me mother who’s not me mother.
-妈妈… -我要怎么在学校面对他?
– Mum… – How am I gonna face him at school?
By not being so bloody self-obsessed.
-你说什么? -你总是谈论你自己 你 你
– Excuse me? – Well, it’s always you, you, you.
别这样 夏洛特 至少现在不行
Oh, don’t do this, Charlotte, not now.
为什么? 现在有什么特别的?
Why not? Why is now any different?
你总是按照你的计划表来 你还觉得我自私?
It’s always to your timescale. You think I’m selfish?
-很明显我是从哪儿学来的 -我说了别这样
– It’s pretty clear where I get it from. – I said don’t do this.
怎么了 你又胖了半磅吗?
What’s the matter? Have you put on half a pound again?
妈妈 我需要知道你爱我
Mum, I need to know that you love me.
That it’s unconditional.
Of course I do.
但是我的亲生母亲把我送走了 她抛弃了我
But me own mother gave me away. She got rid of me.
How could someone do that?
你不知道她的感受 她的想法
Well, you don’t know how she felt, what she were thinking.
-也许她太年轻了 -我那时也太年轻了 但是我坚持下去了
– Maybe she were too young. – I was too young, but I got on with it.
哦 我们又回到你身上了
Oh, we’re back on you again.
Maybe you’d understand things better
if you ever thought about anyone but yourself.
Have I done anything else for the past 17 years?
好吧 如果考虑别人让你这么辛苦 那你放弃算了
Well, if it was such a struggle, maybe you shouldn’t of bothered.
“Have” bothered. “Have” bothered.
