where I’ve always wanted to go and you’ve never let me.
And now you’ve done it again
而我被困在这里 去不了该死的任何地方
and I’m stuck here and I can’t bloody go anywhere.
最重要的是 我还有你 有你把客厅弄得乱七八糟
And to top it all, I’ve got you cluttering up the lounge
and I can’t even watch telly in peace.
It is enough to drive you…
They eat frogs’ legs in France.
我得说 你是逃过了一劫
You’re well out of it, I should say.
I’m going out.
You’re not even my real mother.
They gave him a lamb.
He took it to t’butchers to be jointed up.
但他们并未拿回 他们本应做的事
But they never got back what they should’ve done.
-我过错了人生 -什么?
– I’m in the wrong life. – I’m sorry?
33年来我都以为我是南希 · 赫斯基斯的女儿
33 years I thought I was Nancy Hesketh’s daughter,
and now she tells me I’m not.
我是领养的 我是别人的孩子
I’m adopted. I’m someone else’s.
就好像我的整个人生都被毁了 我不知道自己是谁了
It’s like me whole life’s been blown apart and I don’t know who I am any more.
And I can’t get a thing out of Mum.
我不停地问她 但她只是茫然地看着我
I ask her and ask her but she just gives me blank looks.
有一部分的我 仅仅只想抓着她摇晃
And part of me just wants to shake her,
因为如果她一直知道 她为什么不告诉我?
because if she knows, why can’t she tell me?
我感觉糟透了 因为她太脆弱了
And then I feel terrible because she’s so bloody frail
and she’s obviously upset about it all herself.
有一部分的我 感觉我才是该为此道歉的人
And part of me feels like I’m to blame for the falling,
and the fact that she’s laid up is some sort of punishment.
-我很肯定不是 -因为 我现在不能离开她
– I’m sure it’s not. – Because… I can’t leave her now.
I can’t go to Paris.

It must be really difficult for you.

I don’t suppose you’re free Sunday lunch time.
没什么 我们一帮人会去The Feathers酒店
Only, there’s a group of us go to The Feathers.
我们通常一大早就去散步 然后坐下来吃个派 喝杯啤酒
We usually go for a walk first thing and then settle in for a pie and a pint.
抱歉 时机不对
Sorry. Bad moment.
Can you forget I ever said anything?

不用 继续说吧
No. Go on, then.
好 我会去的
Yeah, I will.
-它可能会帮我忘记一些事情 -对
– It might take me mind off things. – Yeah.
非法理意义的 有秘密的奶奶 挺酷的
lllegitimate and with a mystery granny, it’s pretty cool.
所以你现在就是她的 小孙…混♥蛋♥
So that must make you a grand… bastard.
Talkin’ of which.
-你俩完了? -完得不得了
– Is it over? – So over.
你知道他跟珍妮特 · 派珀有一腿吗?
You know he was shagging Jeanette Piper?
那个狗人? 查莉 你分得漂亮
That dog? Charlie, you’re well rid.
-你们星期天下午有什么安排? -问这个干嘛?
– What are you doing Sunday afternoon? – Why?
来帮个忙 我得去给奶奶捧场
I need a favour, I’ve got to sit for me nan.
-噢 天哪 不要 -严格地说 她是别人的奶奶
– Oh, my God, no way. – Technically, she’s someone else’s nan.
Stop messing with me head.
她带了几个朋友过来 听她收藏的乔治·福姆比78转
So she’s having some mates round to listen to her George Formby 78s.
-什么? -78转
– What? – 78s.
是唱片 就跟CD一样 只不过大一点
Records? Like CDs, only bigger.
听着想给她买♥♥个OAP-pod 是吧
You wanna get her an OAP-pod. Doesn’t she?
-所以你们来吗? 精神支持 -哦 才不
– So will you come? Moral support. – Yeah, right.
I’ll come.
额 嗯…
Er… erm…
-我挺喜欢乔治·福姆比的歌♥ -你刚才在做什么?
– I quite like George Formby. – What are you doing there?
我刚才在假装我也在跟你们谈话 我们是一起的
I was pretending to be part of your conversation.
I don’t know anyone else.
对 你也不认识我们
Yeah, well, you don’t know us either.
She’s had a bad week.
Haven’t we all?
She were too young.
She didn’t know what she were doing.
我说 “你不用烦恼 我会处理好的”
I said, “You mustn’t fret. I’ll take care of it. ”

Fuck it.
哦 真棒呵
Well, that’s nice.
-花 -不是吧 夏洛克
– Flowers. – No shit, Sherlock.
还有… 巧克力
And… chocolate,
它富含抗氧化剂和铁 能增强你的免疫系统
which is full of antioxidants and iron and will boost your immune system
-舒张你的动脉壁 -哦 是吗?
– and relax your arterial walls. – Oh, yeah?
还有 额 通过神经递质 5- 羟色胺的神秘力量
And, erm, plus through the mystic power of the neurotransmitter serotonin,
它会提升你的心情 让你不再是个脾气暴躁的旧袋子
it will lift your mood and make you less of a grumpy old bag.

How come you’ve even heard of George Formby?
He’s one of my dad’s favourites.
Now that was truly scary.
-听着 你♥爸♥是个医生 对吗? -嗯嗯
– Listen, your dad’s a doctor, isn’t he? – Mm-hm.
呃我想想 对 我有…
What it is, right, I’ve got this…
有一个朋友 觉得她可能怀孕了
this friend, who thinks she might be pregnant.
你能问问你♥爸♥ 怀孕有哪些症状吗?
Could you ask him what are the symptoms?
额 很难一概而论啊 真的
Well, it’s hard to generalise, really.
她可能会觉得恶心 但也可能不会
She might feel queasy, but she might not.
额 会非常饥饿
Erm, very hungry.
额 她甚至可能会感到性♥欲♥十足
Er, she might even feel quite sexually aroused.
Was he looking?
-告诉我 -嗯
– Tell me. – Erm…
呃 我还是走吧
Well, I’ll be going, then.
噢 丹尼尔
Oi, Daniel.
星期天 一点钟 戴尔山9号♥
Sunday, one o’clock, 9 Dale Hill.
我妈有个约会 神奇吧 所以那里只会有你 我 以及20个退休老人
Mum’s got a date, amazingly, so it’ll just be you, me, George and 20 pensioners.
I’ll see you then.
Come on!
哇哦 你看起来很好
Ho-ho. You look good.
我感觉可不好 我觉得自己一文不名
Well, I don’t feel good. I feel like nobody.
I’ve no identity any more.
所有我以为属于我的东西 现在都不对劲
All the things I thought were mine, I don’t feel right in ’em now,
就像是借了别人的鞋穿 还不合脚
like I’ve borrowed someone else’s shoes and they don’t fit.
因为当最基本的东西 比如你来自哪里
Because when something as basic as where you come from
都证明是捏造的 那么一切都分崩离析
turns out to be a fabrication, it throws everything up in the air.
你开始环顾四周 质疑一切
You start to look around and question everything.
你的整个自我认知 都不得不重组
Your entire identity becomes something you have to restructure.
Can you imagine what that feels like?
-能吗? -你的头发很漂亮
– Can you? – Your hair’s nice.
噢 算了吧
Oh, forget it.
-听着 我很担心夏洛特 -为什么? 怎么了?
– Listen, I’m worried about Charlotte. – Why? What’s up?
和我现在脑内空空一样 她也心不在焉
Like I’ve nothing else on me mind right now, she’s gone sort of absent,
not herself.
She’s brooding about something.
哦 是吗? 是因为那个叫保罗 · 本特姆的小杂种吗?
Oh, aye? Is it that little gobshite Paul Benthem?
这样吧 如果你想 我就去那边
Tell you what, I’ll go round there, if you like.
对 把他解决掉 给他一个终身难忘的教训
Yeah. Sort him out. Teach him a lesson he won’t forget.
哦 拜托
Oh, please.
听着 我要去约会了
Listen, I’m off on a date.
Might even have sex.
跟某个上唇没有胡须的男人 显然
With someone without a tache, obviously.
她要去见教堂的丹 我只想让你试着跟她谈谈
She’s meeting Dan from church. All I want you to do is try and get her to talk,
看看她会不会说 不过别告诉她是我让你找她谈的 小心点
see if she’ll give, but don’t tell her I put you up to it. Be subtle.
45 minutes it’s taken us to do a ten-minute walk.
We bumped into Little Jim by the post office
然后是艾琳 · 塞登 然后是牧师罗兰先生
and then it was Irene Seddon, and then Mr Rowland the vicar.
他是个好人 可不像带着吉他和手鼓的尚克林先生
He’s a good man. Not like Mr Shanklin with his guitars and tambourines.
Clapping in church!
他最后去了外乡 对吗?
He went off somewhere foreign in t’end, didn’t he?
那是萨里 奶奶 你告诉过我
It was Surrey, Nan. You told me that.

-你在这里做什么? -你妈妈告诉我出事了
– What are you doing here? – Your mother told me something’s up
