…start paying for that pollution through a polluter pay system on climate change.
让制♥造♥污染的人 为自己的行为买♥♥单
So we lower income taxes…
如果降低 收入所得税
…and raise taxes on gasoline, for example, taxes on burning coal.
We could probably do it all with a carbon tax.
We’re not changing the level of taxes. We’re reducing income taxes…
税收并没有改变 只是降低了收入所得税
…and offsetting it with an increase in energy taxes, in effect.
A tax on fossil fuels.
When we break our addiction to fossil fuels…
…you see money flowing to industries that represent the vitality of the economy:
你可以看到流向工业的资金 显示出经济的活力
Media, high-tech, services.
媒体 高科技业 服务业
Taking action on climate change is good for jobs and the economy.
用行动应对气候变化 会给经济和就业带来好处
If we retrofitted…
…all government buildings built pre-1950…
…and we created tax environments to help cities and municipalities…
如果创造一个税收环境 支持城市和市政当局,
…and states and the federal government to retrofit those buildings…
各州和联邦政♥府♥ 翻新这些大楼…
…we could create 3 million industrial jobs.
Plus we could import much less oil from the Middle East.
同时可以大量减少 从中东进口的石油
But more importantly, we’d be having a much cleaner environment.
更重要的是 会创造一个更干净的环境
If we move from the rigged game we have now in energy…
如果现在我们放弃 争夺能源的那些丑恶把戏
…to a level playing field, competition between dirty fuels and clean fuels…
让污染燃料和环保燃料 公平竞争
…I have no doubt the clean fuels will win.
Once we send the right signal to the marketplace…
…that the two guys in the garage who created Hewlett-Packard…
在车♥库♥里创立惠普公♥司♥的 那两个家伙
Those two guys today, I want them working on clean energy.
I want them to know we fixed our public policies…
我想让他们知道 我们调整了政策
…so they’ll be rewarded when they come up with a killer app to defeat Big Oil.
如果他们制♥造♥打败石油巨头的东西 他们会得到嘉奖
That’s what we need to do.
Once we do, we’ll see a relatively quick transition…I think…to cleaner energy.
一旦这么做 我们会更快地转向清洁能源
People need to realize they can do things in their everyday lives.
人们应该学会自己在日常生活中 可以做些什么
Keeping tire pressure at the right level…
…putting in compact fluorescent light bulbs. Personal action is important.
使用节能的荧光灯 个人行为非常重要
This problem of global warming is huge and tremendous…
…and it may seem inconsequential to take your personal action…
个人的行为 看起来也许没有意义
…but it is important for many reasons. Because everybody making a change…
但这很重要 从很多方面来说 如果每个人改变一点
…adds up to something meaningful.
Because shifting the way we act and live is part of the solution, long-term.
改变我们日常的一些习惯 这是长♥期♥解决方法的一部分
Because if we act in that way, we will demonstrate to our leaders that we do care.
如果我们做出了改变 就等于告诉领导人我们在乎
And that’s what we need from individuals…
…as the next step beyond that, is to build a political will for taking action.
那之后的下一步 是建立起政♥治♥意愿
You can also vote.
And I don’t mean voting at a voting booth.
我指的并不是 去投票棚投票
Anybody of any age can vote.
任何人 不管男女老幼 都可以投票
Because you vote every day that you pay for something.
你每天在买♥♥东西的时候 就是在投票
Every time you lay money down on a counter to buy something…
…you are saying that, “I approve of this object.
就是在说 “我认可这件商品
I approve of how it was made, the materials that are in it…
我认可它的生产方式 它的生产材料”
…and what’s going to happen to it when I no longer need it and throw it away.”
我认可当我不需要它扔掉它时 它会带来的影响”
Life creates the conditions that are conducive to life.
生活会创造出 有利于生命的条件
So our technology, our cities, our schools…
…what we make, what we wear, what we eat, all of that…
…if it is oriented around that one principle…
…that one life principle…
…then we will be here for a long, long time in an extraordinary world.
人类就能够在这个美好的世界里 长久地生存下去
The question is, what does it take for humankind to change its ways?
问题是人类作出这些改变 需要付出怎样的代价?
And I am really encouraged by Deepak Chopra’s statement…
迪帕克.查伯说的话 真的很让我感动
…that people are really doing the best they can given their level of awareness.
鉴于人的认知程度 其实人们已经做得很多了
So to me, winning this battle that we’re in…
对于我来说 要赢得这场…
…to change people’s minds and hearts…
…is a matter of lifting levels of awareness. Always raising.
其实就是提高认识 不断提高
And there’s always a higher level of awareness for any of us.
We need to be slower, and we need to be smarter.
我们应该慢一点 明智一点
Slow movement means disengaging from consumerism…
…as the main avenue of experience.
It doesn’t reject any consumption, but it says:
这并不是抵♥制♥消费 而是说
“We’re not gonna live our lives mediated by the marketplace or what’s being sold.
“我们的生活不应该被市场引导 不应该被商品引导”
We won’t make our identities and meaning based on that.
Instead of the long commute, the bigger car, the bigger house…
不追求更大的车 更大的房♥子
…let’s enjoy the local produce, have time to ourselves…
让我们享受当地的产品 多留一点时间给自己
…understand that things are thieves of time.”
Because the more things you have, the more time you have to spend working…
东西越多 你花在工作上的时间就越多
…the more your life is chained to a rhythm to get those things.
你的生活受到物质束缚的 程度就越深
The other element is the smart element.
And there I think we have to reintroduce a term…
说到这里 我觉得应该提到一个词
…an old term before the industrial revolution, frugality.
工业革命前的老词 “节俭”
Frugality does not mean poverty.
Frugality means the wise use of resources.
As I said earlier on, the meaning of the industrial revolution was…
同说之间说过的那样 工业革命的意思就是
…that nature was turned into a resource that was considered endlessly abundant.
把自然被当成一种 取之不尽的资源
It’s not true.
Not only is it the 11 th hour, it’s 11:59 and 59 seconds.
这不仅是第11小时 这已经是11点59分59秒
And although prior people’s movements…
…have taken 30 to 40 years to build to a point where they had the power…
用了30到40年时间 才争取到了权力…
…to drive changes into the fundamental structure of governance…
…we don’t have 30 to 40 years.
It’s not just gonna be a matter of tweaking a policy here and there.
It’s gonna take a broad societal mobilization.
It’s gonna take involvement at all levels…
…from the government through industry and on down to our communities…
…and a welling up of involvement of citizens.
Winston Churchill had it right about us…he said:
温斯顿.丘吉尔 对我们的评价很正确
“The Americans always do the right thing…
…but unfortunately, it’s only after they’ve exhausted all other possibilities.”
“遗憾的是 总是在用尽所有可能性以后”
And we’ve been exhausting some fairly bad possibilities for a long time.
在很长的时间里 我们试过了很多失败的选择
I think maybe we’re finally ready to get it right.
People often ask me:
“What can I do? I wanna do something.”
“我能做什么? 我也想加入进来”
You made the first choice because you know you have to do something.
你已经走出了第一步 你知道自己该有所行动
For the rest, it’s a matter of looking deep into your own heart and your soul…
接下来要做的就是 深入自己的心灵和灵魂
…to understand what your gifts are, where your passions lie…
了解自己擅长什么 你的激♥情♥在哪里
…to do some research, educate yourself…
做一些研究 自学
…to find the people you’re comfortable with, and then get involved.
There are two things that can perhaps save the world.
两件事物 或许可以拯救地球
One would be the mastery of one’s kindness to oneself and a big heart.
And the other would be understanding your passion for place…
…for where you live, and really loving the place that you live in.
对自己生活的地方的热爱 了解你热爱你生活的这个地方
Environmentalism was once the project of a passionate few.
环保曾是 少数热血人士的事
Now, millions of people have responded to ecological destruction…
如今 数以百万的人 开始关心生态破坏的问题…
…and have created the groundwork for a sustainable and just world.
这为可持续发展的公平世界 奠定了基础
With the onset of global warming and other catastrophic events…
因为温室效应和 其它灾难性天气
…environmentalism has become today a broader unifying human issue.
环保已经成了 全人类关注的焦点
We as citizens, leaders, consumers and voters…
…have the opportunity to help integrate ecology…
…into governmental policy and everyday living standards.
融合到政♥府♥的政策 和日常生活标准里
During this critical period of human history…
…healing the damage of industrial civilization is the task of our generation.
修复工业社会带来的破坏 是我们这一代人的责任
Our response depends on the conscious evolution of our species…
我们的应对取决于 我们人类认识的不断提高
…and this response could very well save this unique blue planet…
我们的应对能够拯救 这颗唯一的蓝色星球
…for future generations.
So I see a world in the future…
我可以预见到 未来的世界
…in which we understand that all life is related to us…
那时人类认识到所有的生命 都和人类紧密相联
…and we treat that life with great humility and respect.
I see us, as well, as social creatures.
我把人类也当作 社会的产物
And when I began to look back and say:
“What is the fundamental bottom line for us as social creatures?”
“作为社会产物的人类 最基础的底线是什么?”
I couldn’t believe it because it seemed so hippie-dippie, but it was love.
答案让我难以相信 “爱”
Love is the force that makes us fully human.
Now, to me, the value…
…is the healing power that comes from getting…
拯救的力量很有价值 它是源于…
…that it’s not just global warming.
It’s not just fossil-fuel dependency.
