The mycelial network that infuses all land masses in the world…
…is a supportive membrane upon which life proliferates…
是生命繁殖和多样化发展 的支持膜
…and further diversifies. Mushrooms also have a very bizarre property…
…of hyper-accumulating heavy metals.
Forests are thousands of acres…
…so fungi that produce mushrooms grow to thousands of acres in size.
于是制♥造♥蘑菇的真菌 也在这数千亩地里生长着
This gives us a ready ability…
…to tap into this powerful inherent resource that mushroom mycelium has…
接进蘑菇菌丝体拥有的 这种天生的强大的资源
…to remediate environments, prevent downstream pollution…
重新调整环境 阻止微生物,病毒…
…from microbes, from viruses, including bacteria and protozoa…
包括细菌和原生动物 造成的下游污染
…and also for breaking down a wide assortment of pollutants.
And this is one of the pedestals of mycorestoration.
Using mushroom mycelium in order to heal environments…
…because these are truly healing membranes.
因为它是真正有用的 治疗隔膜
There’s the model.
In nature, there is no waste. One organism’s waste is another’s food.
自然界里没有垃圾 一种生物的排泄物是另一种的食物
That’s the model for the industrial system that must eventually evolve.
A waste-free industrial system.
If we think about a tree as a design…
…it makes oxygen, sequesters carbon, fixes nitrogen, distills water…
它制♥造♥氧气 吸收碳 固定氮 过滤水
…provides habitat for hundreds of species, accrues solar energy…
为数百个物种提供生存地 增加太阳能…
…makes complex sugars and food, creates microclimates and self-replicates.
形成合成糖和食物 制♥造♥小气候进行自我复♥制♥
So what would it be like to design a building like a tree?
如果把一座建筑设计成树一样 那会怎样呢?
What would it be like to design a city like a forest?
把一座城市设计成一座森林 那会是怎样呢?
So what would a building be like if it were photosynthetic?
如果一座楼能进行光合作用 那会怎样呢?
What if it took solar energy and converted it…
如果它能吸收太阳能 并把它转换成…
…to productive and delightful use?
For example, if we combine our housing and our waste treatment…
比如如果把我们的住房♥ 垃圾处理
…and our food production and energy generation…
…all integrated, single whole systems…
…we can live beautifully on the planet…
…with one tenth or less the resources…
…that our current civilization uses.
Green building is essentially…
…the design and construction of buildings that are energy- and resource-efficient.
They produce healthy places to live and work.
If you take the fact that buildings account for a third of all energy use…
要知道 建筑物消耗了三分之一的资源
…it’s the single largest segment of energy use and greenhouse gas production.
它其实是最大的能源消耗者 和最大的温室气体制♥造♥者
What we can do with buildings…
运用现有的最简单的技术 能对建筑物做出的改进
…in just the simplest off-the-shelf technologies, is really stunning.
With existing technologies that we basically already have on the shelf…
With existing technologies that we basically already have on the shelf…
或者很短期内 就能开♥发♥出来的东西
…we could reduce the human footprint on planet Earth by 90 percent…
我们就能消除人类在地球上留下的 90%的印记
…which would be a huge shift in what we’re doing now.
那相比我们现在所做的是 将会是一个极大的改进
The direction to go is to decouple from our dependence on oil…
正确的发展方向是 通过更高效的运输方式
…through efficient transportation, better-insulated houses…
更独♥立♥的住房♥ 减轻我们对石油的依赖…
…and the development of renewable alternatives like solar, wind and biomass…
发展可再生的替代能源 例如太阳能 风能 生物能…
…and getting those to become the major part of the market…
…using efficiency as the transition.
It not gonna happen overnight, but it should’ve started 30 years ago.
这并不是一日之功 但其实30年前这就应该开始
We have right now, in the White House and many members of Congress…
就算是现在 白宫和国会里的一些人…
…trying to delay it further, which to me is ultimately irrational…
…both for our national security and our environmental protection.
这对国♥家♥安♥全♥和环境保护 都是不理智的选择
This country…
…can move awfully fast if it wants to.
Keep in mind that just after December 7th, 1941…
…Roosevelt went to Jimmy Byrnes and said:
“You’re my deputy president for mobilizing the economy.
If anybody crosses you, they cross me. Get to it.”
“妨碍你就是妨碍我 动手干吧”
Within six months, Detroit was completely retooled, not making cars anymore…
6个月内 底特律就完全重建了 不再生产汽车
…making military trucks, tanks, fighter aircraft.
而是生产军用卡车 坦克和战斗机
And in three years and eight months…
…from the beginning of that war, we had mobilized…
从二战开始算起 我们的经济调动起来了
…we had defeated imperial Japan, Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany…
和英国和盟军一起 我们打败了 日本帝国
…together with the British and our other allies, and begun demobilization.
法♥西♥斯♥意大利和纳粹德国 并开始了复员
– Three years and eight months. – These are not technical issues…
–三年零八个月 –与其说这是技术问题…
…nearly as much as they are leadership issues.
How much time do we have? Well, not much.
我们还剩多少时间? 恐怕不多了
By my reckoning, we ought to be about the business as rapidly as possible.
依我的计算 越早着手这件事越好
And this means everybody…
Every citizen, every government level, every organization, every corporation.
每位公民 各级政♥府♥ 每个组织和每家公♥司♥
This is “all hands on deck” time.
So that in the future, 500 years out…let’s say…
…that people look back at this time, that this was our finest hour.
当人们回首此时 发会现此时就是最佳时刻
That humans at that time in that generation all across the planet…
那时人类会穿越地球… 那时人类会穿越地球…
…began to come together in a very different vision.
There are, on Earth today…
…over one million environmental…
…social justice and indigenous organizations present.
It is the fastest growing movement on Earth.
这是地球上 发展得最快的运动
And you’re starting to see them pull together…
你会开始看到 人们齐心协力…
…and close the loops and plug the leaks…
…of energy and water and food and finance and those things…
…to reimagine what it means to be…
…as I say, a human being in the 21st century…
作为生活在21世纪的人类 当生存系统开始衰落时
…when every living system is in decline, and learning how to reverse that.
应该做什么 学着如何反败为胜
It’s almost as if we had…
…distributed an ambition without ever having written it down.
没有签订任务协议 却有了共同的目标
So that people all over the world knew what they ought to be working on…
地球上所有的人已经知道 应该做什么
…and were working on it in their own way…
…knowing they only had one sort of pixel…
…in this incredible mosaic of an image of the future.
And that they could contribute that pixel to that mosaic…
…knowing that in the end…
…that incredibly beautiful image was a sustainable future.
最终拼成的美丽画面 将会是一个可持续发展的未来
The exciting thing is that we can see now what the new economy would look like.
激动人心的事是 现在我们能看到新经济的萌芽
Instead of being powered by fossil fuels, it’s powered by renewable energy.
替代石油 可再生资源开始作为动力
Instead of having an automobile-centered transportation system…
…it will have a much more diversified transport system.
Instead of a throwaway economy…
…it will be a reused economy, where everything is reused.
多次性经济 每种商品都可重复利用
Indeed, we see glimpses of it emerging here and there around the world.
事实上 我们会偶尔遇到 这样的情况
So we have technologies to build a new economy that will sustain economic progress.
我们拥有建立新经济 并支持经济发展的技术
We can see that new economy emerging.
我们可以看到这种新经济 正在繁荣
The challenge for our generation is to build that economy in the time that’s available.
我们这代人面临的挑战是 要用剩余的时间建立起这种经济
And I don’t think we have a lot of time left.
…have been encouraged in some way by the government.
实际上所有的 主要下部基础组织改造
…have been encouraged in some way by the federal government.
都受到了政♥府♥ 通过某种方式的支持
So I would think the way to deal…
…with this transition away from oil is…
…not to pretend energy operates in an unregulated free enterprise market.
不要假装 能源在操纵着自♥由♥市场
It does not. But to go ahead and, as affordably as possible…
这不是事实 而是进一步…
…give incentives to move toward these other fuels…
尽可能加大力度 刺♥激♥别的能源的发展
…and these minimal changes in infrastructure that make them possible.
这些基础结构的细小改动 就能让其变得可能
Energy is the key to everything else we do.
With abundant, affordable and clean energy, we can solve a lot of other problems.
有了充足的环保能源 很多问题就会迎刃而解
Without it, we not gonna be able to solve very many problems at all.
要是没有 很多问题无法从根本解决
The sun is the most plentiful, bountiful substitute there is.
最充足的替代能源 就是太阳能
There’s more than enough energy coming from the sun every day…
…to run every factory, every home, every automobile on Earth 13,000 times, I think is the number.
可以支持地球上每个工厂, 家庭每辆车 13000次消耗
We’re also finding that on the larger scale…
我们还发现 在更大的程度上…
…what we’d call the utility scale, wind energy has evolved to the point…
说起效用率 风能源已经发展到 说起效用率 风能源已经发展到
…where it can compete price-wise with our traditional fossil fuels…
完全可以同煤 石油 天然气 这些传统能源
…that is, coal and oil and natural gas…
…and produce large amounts of energy that can be distributed through the grid…
…which is the conventional way that we receive energy.
It’s important to see, as we make progress in the world…
认识到我们已经取得了一些进步 这是很重要的
…to have an economy that’s flexible, fluid and ready to make changes.
我们已建立了灵活的可流动的经济 为改革做了准备
How do we protect the atmosphere that belongs to us all?
One of the ways is we make people who are polluting…
有一种处理方法是 通过污染对气候影响赔付系统
