The tragedy of our existence is that we’re an infant species.
我们存在的悲剧在于 我们还是一个处于萌芽状态的物种
Not only are we hastening the conditions for our own demise…
…we’re taking down… According to the United Nations Environment Programme…
…50 to 55,000 species a year are going extinct because of us.
每年50至55000个物种 因我们而灭绝
The tragedy is not the imminent or potential extinction of humankind…
悲剧不在于即将到来的 或潜在的人类灭绝的危机
…but the enormous extinction crisis that we’re causing right now.
而在于我们造成的 大量的物种灭绝
And I think there is potential for a Dark Age.
One of the problems that I see…
…is that so many people who have to individually accept…
…the cost of the transition, are unaware that it’s coming.
这种转变带来的代价 却没有意识到它的到来
Most of our citizens wake up in the morning…
…and worry about the morning commute…
…and getting the kids to school, and paying the mortgage…
送孩子上学 交贷款
…and thinking about a new car or a vacation or whatever.
This is too narrow a scale of thinking to address the problems that we have.
想找到真正的问题 这种担心实在太狭隘了
We need people to be aware of the global forces that affect their lives…
我们想让人们意识到 影响他们生活的全球力量
…and that will increasingly affect their lives in the future.
而且在未来会给他们的生活 造成越来越大的影响
If this awareness doesn’t develop, I’m afraid the transition will be wrenching.
如果没有越来越多的人意识到这点 恐怕这种转变会夭折
What we risk…
我们面临的风险是 人类社会的毁灭
is the destruction of civilization. Everything we fought for. This fragile little craft…
和我们为之奋斗的一切 这个脆弱娇小的工程
…that’s navigated the centuries and the millennia…
…to come to this particular point.
It will have been undone in a flash of consumption…
…and bad judgment, and violence, and injustice.
错误的决定 暴♥力♥ 或不公正 都会让它毁于一旦
Is the caring capacity for a happy and healthy human population…
对于幸福和健康的人类 环境的承载力
…in a future going away? Absolutely.
在未来是不是会下降? 当然
And it’s not about saving the planet.
It’s about saving a caring capacity…
…a system upon which humans can live in the pursuit of happiness.
拯救人类在追求幸福时 能够生存下去的系统
That’s what’s at stake.
So if you step back and you take an Earth perspective rather than human perspective…
如果你退一步 站在地球的立场而不是人类的地场
…it can’t be an 11 th hour for the Earth.
It can be an extinction crisis for the Earth.
这对地球来说可能是 物种灭绝危机
And it can be a harmony crisis for the Earth.
这对地球来说 可能是平衡危机
Because we now see that one species…
…is taking over so much of the resources of the Earth…
…that it’s leaving very little for other creatures to live with it.
So we find ourselves on the brink.
It is clear humans have had a devastating impact…
…on our planet’s ecological web of life.
Because we have waited…
…because we’ve turned our backs on nature’s warning signs…
因为我们背叛了 自然给我们的警示
…and because our political and corporate leaders…
因为我们的政♥治♥领导和 大公♥司♥的领导..
…have consistently ignored the overwhelming scientific evidence…
一直以来都对这些惊人的科学证据 置若罔闻
…the challenges we face are that much more difficult.
We are in the environmental age whether we like it or not.
不管我们愿意不愿意 我们生活在环境时代
So what does the future look like?
We know the United States, the world’s greatest consumer and source of waste…
我们知道美国这个 世界上最大的消费者
… needs to make a transition to a greener future.
和垃圾制♥造♥者 为了更绿色的未来需要转变
But will our pivotal generation create a sustainable world in time?
但我们这关键的一代能不能 及时创造出能支撑发展的世界?
What will guide this massive change?
Does nature hold the answers we need to help restore our planet’s resources…
自然是否掌握着这些答案 帮助我们重建地球上的资源
…protect our atmosphere and, therefore, help all life survive?
保护大气层 从而保护地球上的生命呢?
All these forces sweeping over the planet are the forces created by human beings.
这些横扫地球的力量 都是人类制♥造♥的
If human beings are the source of the problem…
…we can be the foundation of the solution.
Some people suggest that to live sustainably…
有人建议 如果想可持续地发展下去
…we have to go out in the woods and put on animal skins…
我们得回到丛林中 穿上动物皮
…and live on roots and berries.
And the simple reality is that we do have technology.
有个很显见的事实 我们掌握着技术
The question is:
How can we use our understanding of science and technology…
…along with our understanding of culture and how culture changes…
和我们对于文化 及文化改革方向的理解
…to create a culture that will interact with science…
来创造出一种能于科学 和周围的世界…
…and with the world around us in a sustainable fashion?
The great thing about the dilemma we’re in…
我们身处的这进退两难的局面 它的优点在于
…is that we get to reimagine every single thing we do.
让我们有机会重新设想 我们做的每一件事
In other words, there isn’t one single thing that we make…
换句话说 我们制♥造♥的每件东西
…or systems that we have that doesn’t require a complete remake.
每一个系统 都需要回炉再造
And so there’s two ways of looking at that.
One is, like, “Oh, my gosh. What a big burden.”
一种是: “我的天 好重的负担”
The other way to look at it, which is the way I prefer, is:
“What a great time to be born. What a great time to be alive.”
“生在这个时代多幸运 活在这个时代多幸运”
Because this generation gets to essentially completely change this world.
因为这一代将从本质上 彻底改变世界”
We’re at a point, with 6.4 billion of us…
在这个时刻 我们所有6♥4♥亿人
…that we have to imagine what it’d be like to redesign design itself…
…and see design as the first signal of human intention…
把设计当成是人类意图的 第一个信♥号♥♥
…and see we need new intentions, where materials are seen as highly valuable…
比如我们需要新的思考 把材料当成很宝贵的东西
…and need to go in closed cycles, “cradle to cradle” instead of “cradle to grave. ”
建立起一个完整的”摇篮到摇篮” 的循环 而不是”摇篮到坟墓”
And that energy needs to come from renewable sources, principally the sun…
能源需来自可再生资源 特别是太阳能…
…and water needs to be clean and healthy as it goes through a system…
当水进入这个系统的时候 必需是干净健康的
…and we have to treat each other with justice and fairness.
而且我们必须 公平公正地对待其它人
So the design itself changes…
…from mass production of things that are essentially destructive…
…to mass utilization of things that are inherently assets instead of liabilities.
Our project today, for a new generation of designers…
对于新一代的设计师来说 我们的计划
…is the welfare of all of life as a practical objective.
是一个实用的东西 是为所有生命造福的
It goes beyond ourselves to include the entire ecological realm.
它超越了人类 包含了整个生态领域
That all of life is actually a design project today.
所有的生命 其实上都是一个设计计划
That we have to design the capacity to sustain it in the long run.
我们需要设计出一种承受力 在长时间内能支撑发展
Whether we’re talking about the design of a factory or a building…
不管是工厂的设计 或是楼房♥的设计
…or a road or even a town…
或者是一条路 甚至是一座小镇
…it’s much easier to design in isolation…
…than superimpose a design on what exists.
在原有建筑的基础上再次设计 要简单许多
But if we were to follow nature’s operating instructions…
…it designs in exactly the opposite way.
It brings onto the palette, so to speak, all of the kingdoms of life…
它会拿出调色板 用生命王国里的所有生命
…and then works symphonically to create an end result…
…which might be a coral reef or might be a forest.
或许是一处珊瑚礁 或者是一座森林
Well, you know, the interesting thing about sustainable design…
关于要持续性设计 有趣的是…
…is that I don’t think it has to look in any particular way.
One of the things that we discovered in the last few years…
…is the new design is actually invisible. It’s not about a visual boundary.
新型设计其实是隐形的 它不是要建立一种可视的屏障
The form, in fact, could be anything.
It’s the structure and internal logic and intelligence…
要设计的其实是结构 内部逻辑
…and the performance that has to be designed.
How we make things…
…in, you know, our industrial processes…
…it’s 180 degrees different from how life makes things.
Look at the way we make, for instance, Kevlar…
看看我们制♥造♥东西的方式 比如纤维B
…which is our toughest material.
We take petroleum, we heat it up to about 1400 degrees Fahrenheit…
…and we bubble it in sulfuric acid…
…and then we pull it out under enormous pressures.
Now imagine an organism, us, making our bones or our teeth.
再设想一下有机体 比如我们 如何制♥造♥我们的骨头和牙齿
Imagine an abalone making a shell.
They can’t afford to heat it up to really high temperatures…
…or do pressures or chemical baths, so they found a different way.
也不能加压或化学洗涤 于是它们用了不同的方法
Now take the spider.
This beautiful orb-weaver spider is taking flies and crickets into the web…
这只美丽的圆蜘蛛 正用网捕捉飞虫和蟋蟀
…and transforming them with chemistry in water in the abdomen…
然后用它腹部的体液里的 化学物质转化它们
…and out comes this material…
…that’s five times stronger ounce for ounce than steel.
Silently, in water, at room temp. You know?
无声无息的 用水 在室温下
I mean, this is master chemistry.
This is the manufacturing of the future, hopefully.
There’s actually people…
…who are now trying to mimic the recipes of these organisms.
试图在模仿 这些有机体的制♥造♥方式
Fungi are the molecular disassemblers, the organisms between life and death.
真菌是分子分解者 是生活在生命与死亡有机体
They generate soil. The entire food web of nature is based on these fungal filaments.
它们生产了土壤 自然中的整个食物网都基于真菌丝
