tether 英 [ˈteðə(r)] 美 [ˈteðər]



  • What tethers reserve managers to the dollar is not quite as sinister.
  • While Prince William, as the elder brother, has been tethered to the notion that he will succeed his father on the throne, Harry has had to find another path.


[verb] tie (an animal) with a rope or chain so as to restrict its movement
[动词] 用绳子或链条把(动物)拴起来以限制其活动


Tether 一词原本是个名词,指“(拴牛、马等牲畜的)拴绳、拴链”,比如:

  • 我给母牛拴上拴绳。
    I put the cow on a tether.
  • 我用绳拴住我的母牛。
    I put a tether on my cow.

牲畜一旦被拴上绳链后,就只能在拴绳或拴链的长度范围之内活动,因此 tether 就被引申用于表示“(能力、行动、办法等的)限度、范围”,比如:

  • 这是我力所不及的。
    This is beyond my tether.

小站曾在 习语荟萃 | 如何用英语地道表达“同意”? 一文中提到 I’ve reached the end of my tether (我已经无计可施了)这个表达。试想一下,到达能力范围的最外沿时,没办法再往前进一步,可不就是无计可施了嘛。所以习语 at the end of one’s tether 即表示“山穷水尽、走投无路、一筹莫展”,比如:

  • 她既忌妒又感到屈辱,感情上已经到了崩溃的边缘。
    She was jealous, humiliated, and emotionally at the end of her tether.
  • 他失业了,身无分文,到了山穷水尽的境地。
    He was out of work and broke, and he was at the end of his tether.

用作动词时, tether 自然表示“(用绳、链等)拴”或“限制、约束”,比如:

  • 军官下了马,把它拴到一棵树上。
    The officer dismounted, tethering his horse to a tree.
  • 她摆脱不了自己不再爱的男人。
    She was tethered to a man whom she no longer loved.


Nae man can tether time or tide.

出自英国著名作家、布道家约翰·班扬(John Bunyan,1628年11月28日-1688年8月31日)。其著作《天路历程》(The Pilgrim’s Progress)可谓是最著名的基督教寓言文学出版物。



以下是包含单词 “tether” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. tethered drone – 被拴系的无人机
  2. tethered connection – 拴系连接
  3. tethered device – 拴系设备
  4. tethered shooting – 拴系拍摄
  5. tethered capture – 拴系捕捉
  6. tethered cable – 拴系电缆
  7. tethering options – 拴系选项
  8. tethering software – 拴系软件
  9. Wireless tethering – 无线拴系
  10. tether management – 拴系管理
  11. tethering solution – 拴系解决方案
  12. tethered mode – 拴系模式
  13. tethering capability – 拴系能力
  14. tethering kit – 拴系套件
  15. tethered data – 拴系数据
  16. tether anchor – 拴系锚点
  17. tether length – 拴系长度
  18. tether point – 拴系点
  19. tethered launch – 拴系发射
  20. tethered satellite – 拴系卫星
  21. tethered docking – 拴系对接
  22. tethered flight – 拴系飞行
  23. tethered station – 拴系站
  24. tethered camera – 拴系相机
  25. tethered observation – 拴系观测
  26. tethered control – 拴系控制
  27. tethered locomotion – 拴系运动
  28. tethered mobility – 拴系机动性
  29. tethered operation – 拴系操作
  30. tethered system – 拴系系统
  31. tethered connection – 拴系连接
  32. tethered deployment – 拴系部署
  33. tethering technology – 拴系技术
  34. tethering mode – 拴系模式
  35. tethered sensor – 拴系传感器
  36. tethered design – 拴系设计
  37. tethered balloon – 拴系气球
  38. tethered terminal – 拴系终端
  39. tethered experiment – 拴系实验
  40. tethered observation – 拴系观测
  41. tethering strategy – 拴系策略
  42. tethered buoy – 拴系浮标
  43. tethered probe – 拴系探针
  44. tethered connection – 拴系连接
  45. tethered operation – 拴系操作
  46. tethered deployment – 拴系部署
  47. tethered network – 拴系网络
  48. tethered arrangement – 拴系布局
  49. tethered experiment – 拴系实验
  50. tethered stability – 拴系稳定性


  • hitch: fasten or tether with a rope
  • bind: tie or fasten (something) tightly
  • fetter: restrain with chains or manacles, typically around the ankles
