
tergiversate (ter JIV er sayt) Literally, to turn one’s back (Latin tergum) on—to leave—a cause formerly supported. It can also be used to refer to speaking evasively, hoping to disguise one’s meaning. One linguist puts it well in saying the word applies whether one is “ducking or weaving.”

  • In Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities, the unreliable character John Barsad fears he will be apprehended in France despite “his utmost tergiversation.”
  • Pres. George H. W. Bush is remembered for his clever phrase, “Read my lips. No new taxes,” but not everyone remembers that he later tergiversated on that issue.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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tergiversate(ter JIV er sayt)字面意思是,背弃(拉丁语tergum)离开——这是一项以前支持的事业。它也可以用来指代含糊其辞,希望掩饰自己的意思。一位语言学家很好地说,无论是“躲避还是编织”,这个词都适用

  • 在狄更斯的《双城记》中,不可靠的角色约翰·巴萨德担心自己会在法国被捕,尽管他“竭尽全力”
  • 乔治·H·W·布什总统因其聪明的一句话而被人们铭记,“读我的嘴唇。没有新税”,但并不是每个人都记得他后来在这个问题上发表过演讲




  1. Politician tergiversated on their promises – 政治家背弃了他们的承诺
  2. Company tergiversated on their ethical commitments – 公司在道德承诺上变节了
  3. Leader tergiversated on their principles – 领导人在原则上变节了
  4. Public figure tergiversated on their stance – 公众人物在立场上变节了
  5. Government tergiversated on their policy – 政府在政策上变节了
  6. Party tergiversated on their ideology – 党派在意识形态上变节了
  7. Individual tergiversated on their beliefs – 个人在信仰上变节了
  8. Community tergiversated on their values – 社区在价值观上变节了
  9. Witness tergiversated during the trial – 证人在庭审中变节了
  10. Organization tergiversated on their mission – 组织在使命上变节了


  1. Political tergiversation – 政治变卦
  2. Corporate tergiversation – 企业变卦
  3. Ethical tergiversation – 道德变卦
  4. Principled tergiversation – 原则变卦
  5. Public tergiversation – 公众变卦
  6. Policy tergiversation – 政策变卦
  7. Ideological tergiversation – 意识形态变卦
  8. Belief tergiversation – 信仰变卦
  9. Value tergiversation – 价值观变卦
  10. Legal tergiversation – 法律变卦


  1. Flip-flop on the issue – 在问题上反复无常
  2. Change positions – 改变立场
  3. Waver in their commitment – 在承诺中犹豫不决
  4. Vacillate on important matters – 在重要问题上摇摆不定
  5. Swing back and forth – 来回摆动
  6. Shift allegiance – 转变忠诚
  7. Sway with public opinion – 随公众舆论摇摆
  8. Lose credibility – 失去信誉
  9. Betray one’s principles – 背叛自己的原则
  10. Engage in double-dealing – 进行两面派行为
  11. Play both sides – 两面讨好
  12. Indecisive and inconsistent – 优柔寡断和矛盾
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
