teem 英 [tiːm] 美 [tiːm]



  • Airport bookshops teem with guides that promise to teach executives the secrets of success.
  • “This conference must not be viewed by the teeming masses of the world as a universal social charter seeking to impose adultery, abortion, sex education and other such matters on individuals, societies and religions, which have their own social ethos,” she said.


[verb] be full of or swarming with
[动词] 充满或挤满


Teem 这个单词比较好记,它与 meet 正好对称,就像小站之前推的 loot 与 tool 一样(参见:同音异义 | Loot & Lute)。

Teem 又和小站之前发过的 founder 一样,是一个同形异义词(参见:熟词僻义 | founder 有风险,创业需谨慎)。一是源于古英语 teman/tieman (孕育、生出、产生、传播),常接 with 构成 teem with something 表示“充满、充足、多产”,多指四处移动的人或动物,比如:

  • 这条河多产鱼。
    This river teems with fish.
  • 这个地区游人如织。
    This area is teeming with tourists.
  • 这篇文章错误百出。
    This article teems with blunders. (参见:小词详解 | blunder)

二是源自古挪威语 toema (清空),现在主要表示“雨、水等倾注、倾泻”,也可以表示“把钢水等注入模具”,比如:

  • 大雨如注。
    It was teeming with rain.
  • 把熔化了的金属注入模子
    teem molten metal into a mould


Construction of Xiongan New Area is progressing, Tianjin Port is booming, Beijing’s sub-center is thriving, grasslands in Inner Mongolia are splendid, the Hexi Corridor, after thousands of years, is teeming with new life.



teem (rhymes with beam) This verb meaning “abounding” or “swarming with” is often used of the crowds on city streets but can work equally well for nature’s bounty in a rural setting.

  • On Thanksgiving Day in New York the sidewalks are teeming with children and adults, clad in parkas and mufflers against the cold, patiently waiting for the bands and colorful floats of the annual parade.
  • While Gary waited patiently with his family for the annual Thanksgiving Day parade, his mind wandered to thoughts of his childhood home in upstate New York where the vistas were endless and where the rivers and lakes, not yet frozen over, were teeming with fish.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • 在纽约的感恩节,人行道上挤满了孩子和成年人,他们穿着派克大衣和消音器抵御寒冷,耐心地等待一年一度游行的乐队和五颜六色的花车
  • 当加里和家人耐心地等待一年一度的感恩节游行时,他想起了他童年时在纽约州北部的家,那里的景色一望无际,河流和湖泊还没有结冰,到处都是鱼



teem” 是一个动词,通常用来指大量、密集地涌现、充满或充斥,特指在某个区域或某个事物上,形成大量的存在或活动。

以下是包含 “teem” 这个词的 50 个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. teem with life – 充满生机
  2. teem with activity – 活跃不断
  3. teem with people – 人山人海
  4. teem with ideas – 思维丰富
  5. teem with creativity – 创意涌现
  6. teem with energy – 充满能量
  7. teem with excitement – 激情洋溢
  8. teem with possibilities – 充满可能性
  9. teem with diversity – 多样性丰富
  10. teem with opportunities – 机会多多
  11. teem with wildlife – 野生动物众多
  12. teem with tourists – 游客如织
  13. teem with rain – 大雨倾盆
  14. teem with fish – 鱼类繁衍
  15. teem with insects – 昆虫密布
  16. teem with flowers – 鲜花盛开
  17. teem with cars – 车流不息
  18. teem with shoppers – 购物者如云
  19. teem with information – 信息丰富
  20. teem with opportunities – 机会多多
  21. teem with enthusiasm – 充满热情
  22. teem with challenges – 充满挑战
  23. teem with wildlife – 野生动物众多
  24. teem with energy – 活力充沛
  25. teem with new ideas – 新点子涌现
  26. teem with activity – 活动不断
  27. teem with excitement – 兴奋不已
  28. teem with possibilities – 机会多多
  29. teem with diversity – 多样性丰富
  30. teem with life – 充满生机
  31. teem with creativity – 创意丰富
  32. teem with challenges – 挑战层出不穷
  33. teem with energy – 充满活力
  34. teem with enthusiasm – 热情洋溢
  35. teem with potential – 潜力无限
  36. teem with opportunities – 机遇多多
  37. teem with activity – 活动不断
  38. teem with excitement – 兴奋不已
  39. teem with life – 生机勃勃
  40. teem with ideas – 思维丰富
  41. teem with possibilities – 机会多多
  42. teem with energy – 充满能量
  43. teem with innovation – 创新涌现
  44. teem with activity – 活力四射
  45. teem with wildlife – 野生动物繁多
  46. teem with rain – 大雨滂沱
  47. teem with life – 充满生机
  48. teem with creativity – 创造力涌现
  49. teem with possibilities – 机会多多
  50. teem with energy – 充满活力

这些短语应该有助于你更好地理解 “teem” 这个词在描述充满、涌现、丰富等方面的不同应用。


  • brim: be full to the point of overflowing
  • swarm: (of a place) be crowded or overrun with (moving people or things)
  • alive: swarming or teeming with
