♪ 22 ♪
♪ 耶 耶 耶 ♪
♪ Yeah yeah yeah ♪
♪ 又是一个这样的夜晚 ♪
♪ It feels like one of those nights ♪
♪ 我们忘乎所以 ♪
♪ We ditch the whole scene ♪
♪ 又是一个这样的夜晚 ♪
♪ It feels like one of those nights ♪
♪ 我们夜不能寐 ♪
♪ We won’t be sleeping ♪
♪ 又是一个这样的夜晚 ♪
♪ It feels like one of those nights ♪
♪ 你不会安分守己 ♪
♪ You look like bad news ♪
♪ 我要得到你 ♪
♪ I gotta have you ♪
♪ 我要得到你 ♪
♪ I gotta have you ♪
Song 19:《We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together》
♪ 我记得我们第一次分手的时候 ♪
♪ I remember when we broke up the first time ♪
♪ 我说 我受够了这些 结束吧 ♪
♪ Saying “This is it I’ve had enough” ’cause like ♪
♪ 因为那时候我们一个月都没见面了 ♪
♪ We hadn’t seen each other in a month ♪
♪ 因为你说你需要空间 ♪
♪ When you said you needed space ♪
♪ 什么 ♪
♪ What ♪
♪ 然后你又回到我身边 你说 ♪
♪ Then you come around again and say ♪
♪ 宝贝我想你 我发誓 我会改 你相信我 ♪
♪ “Baby I miss you and I swear I’m gonna change trust me” ♪
♪ 记得么那只持续了一天 ♪
♪ Remember how that lasted for a day ♪
♪ 我说 我讨厌你 我们又分手了 你打电♥话♥说 我爱你 ♪
♪ I say “I hate you” we break up you call me I love you ♪
♪ 哦-哦-哦-哦-哦 ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
♪ 在昨晚我们又上演分手戏码 ♪
♪ We called it off again last night but ♪
♪ 哦-哦-哦-哦-哦 ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
♪ 但这一次我告诉你 但这一次我告诉你 ♪
♪ This time I’m telling you I’m telling you ♪
♪ 我们再也再也不可能在一起了 ♪
♪ We are never ever ever getting back together ♪
♪ 我们再也再也不可能在一起了 ♪
♪ We are never ever ever getting back together ♪
♪ 你让你的朋友劝我的朋友来劝我 ♪
♪ You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me ♪
♪ 但我们永远永远 ♪
♪ But we are never ever ever ever ♪
♪ 都不可能再在一起了 ♪
♪ Getting back together ♪
♪ 永远…如此 ♪
♪ Like ever ♪
♪ 我偶尔会想起你我之间的那点小争执 ♪
♪ I’m really gonna miss you picking fights ♪
♪ 我曾大声告诉你我并没有做错什么 ♪
♪ And me falling for it screaming that I’m right ♪
♪ 然后你逃避 你躲在你的那些 ♪
♪ And you would hide away and find your peace of mind ♪
♪ 显然比我好多了的独♥立♥音乐里 寻找着你自己 ♪
♪ With some indie record that’s much cooler than mine ♪
♪ 哦-哦-哦-哦-哦 ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
♪ 今晚你又一次打了我的电♥话♥ ♪
♪ You called me up again tonight but ♪
♪ 哦-哦-哦-哦-哦 ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
♪ 但这一次我告诉你 但这一次我告诉你 ♪
♪ This time I’m telling you I’m telling you ♪
♪ 我们 ♪
♪ We ♪
♪ 永远 都不会再在一起了 ♪
♪ Are never ever ever getting back together ♪
♪ 我们再也再也不可能在一起了 ♪
♪ We are never ever ever getting back together ♪
♪ 你让你的朋友劝我的朋友来劝我 ♪
♪ You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me ♪
♪ 跟我谈也好 ♪
♪ Talk to me ♪
♪ 但我们永远永远 ♪
♪ But we are never ever ever ever ♪
♪ 都不可能再在一起了 ♪
♪ Getting back together ♪
♪ 哦-哦-哦-哦-哦 ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
♪ 耶 ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ 哦-哦-哦-哦-哦 ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
♪ 哦-哦-哦-哦-哦 ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
♪ 哦-哦-哦 ♪
♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
♪ 我曾经以为 我们会地久天长 ♪
♪ I used to think that we were forever ever ♪
♪ 我曾经说过 永远不要说分离 ♪
♪ And I used to say “Never say never” ♪
♪ 所以说 他打电♥话♥给我 然后他说着我还爱你 ♪
♪ Ugh so he calls me up and he’s like “I still love you” ♪
♪ 然后我就说 我太累了 你知道的 ♪
♪ And I’m like “I’m just I mean this is exhausting you know ♪
♪ 我们永远 都不会再在一起了 ♪
♪ Like we are never getting back together like ever” ♪
♪ 不 ♪
♪ No ♪
♪ 我们再也再也不可能在一起了 ♪
♪ We are never ever ever getting back together ♪
♪ 我们再也再也 ♪
♪ We are never ever ever ♪
♪ 都不可能再在一起了 ♪
♪ Getting back together ♪
♪ 你让你的朋友劝我的朋友来劝我 ♪
♪ You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me ♪
♪ 但我们永远永远 ♪
♪ But we are never ever ever ever ♪
♪ 都不可能再在一起了 ♪
♪ Getting back together ♪
♪ 哦-哦-哦-哦-哦-哦-哦-哦 ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
♪ 都不可能再在一起了 ♪
♪ Getting back together ♪
♪ 哦-哦-哦-哦-哦-哦-哦-哦 ♪
♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh oh oh ♪
♪ 都不可能再在一起了 ♪
♪ Getting back together ♪
♪ 你让你的朋友劝我的朋友来劝我 ♪
♪ You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me ♪
♪ 跟我谈也好 ♪
♪ Talk to me ♪
♪ 但我们永远永远 ♪
♪ But we are never ever ever ever ♪
♪ 都不可能再在一起了 ♪
♪ Getting back together ♪
Song 20:《I Knew You Were Trouble》
♪ 曾几何时 当一切都无容置疑的时候 ♪
♪ Once upon a time a few mistakes ago ♪
♪ 我出现在你的视线里 只身一人 ♪
♪ I was in your sights you got me alone ♪
♪ 你找到了我 你找到了我 ♪
♪ You found me you found me you found me ♪
♪ 我猜你不在乎 这是我喜欢上你的理由 ♪
♪ I guess you didn’t care and I guess I liked that ♪
♪ 我深陷了爱河 而你却不是原地等我而是往后退步 ♪
♪ And when I fell hard you took a step back ♪
♪ 离我而去 没错 你离我而去 ♪
♪ Without me without me without me ♪
♪ 他的心永不属我 千里之外 即使他不过近在咫尺 ♪
♪ And he’s long gone when he’s next to me ♪
♪ 我暮然忆起 所有问题的差错在于我身上 ♪
♪ And I realize the blame is on me ♪
♪ 当你降临于我的生活时 我就知道你是我无法躲避的劫难 ♪
♪ ‘Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in ♪
♪ 现在只能深深地埋怨自己 ♪
♪ So shame on me now ♪
♪ 你带我私奔 流亡到一个我未曾落足的边际 ♪
♪ Flew me to places I’d never been ♪
♪ 直至你狠狠地将我推下沼泽 ♪
♪ ‘Til you put me down oh ♪
♪ 当你走近我生活的那一刻 我就知道你是我无法逃避的陷阱 ♪
♪ I knew you were trouble when you walked in ♪
♪ 现在只能深深地埋怨自己 ♪
♪ So shame on me now ♪
♪ 你带我私奔 流亡到一个我未曾落足的边际 ♪
♪ Flew me to places I’d never been ♪
♪ 而此刻 我却只能将心贴在冰冷的地面 ♪
♪ Now I’m lying on the cold hard ground ♪
♪ 哦 哦-哦 ♪
♪ Oh oh-oh ♪
♪ 劫难 陷阱 无法躲避 ♪
♪ Trouble trouble trouble ♪
♪ 哦 哦-哦 ♪
♪ Oh oh-oh ♪
♪ 劫难 陷阱 无法躲避 ♪
♪ Trouble trouble trouble ♪
♪ 最悲伤的恐惧永无止尽地 ♪
♪ And the saddest fear ♪
♪ 蔓延在我的脑海里 ♪
♪ Comes creeping in ♪
♪ 你不曾爱过我 ♪
♪ That you never loved me ♪
♪ 也不曾爱过她 亦或是任何人 任何事情 ♪
♪ Or her or anyone or anything ♪
♪ 耶 ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ 当你走近我生活的那一刻 我就知道你是我无法逃避的陷阱 ♪
♪ I knew you were trouble when you walked in ♪
♪ 现在只能深深地埋怨自己 ♪
♪ So shame on me now ♪
♪ 你带我私奔 流亡到一个我未曾落足的边际 ♪
♪ Flew me to places I’d never been ♪
♪ 未曾落足 ♪
♪ Never been ♪
♪ 直至你狠狠地将我推下沼泽 ♪
♪ ‘Til you put me down oh ♪
♪ 当你走近我生活的那一刻 我就知道你是我无法逃避的陷阱 ♪
♪ I knew you were trouble when you walked in ♪
♪ 我就知道我无法逃避 ♪
♪ Knew it right there ♪
♪ 现在只能深深地埋怨自己 ♪
♪ So shame on me now ♪
♪ 你带我私奔 流亡到一个我未曾落足的边际 ♪
♪ Flew me to places I’d never been ♪
♪ 哦 ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
♪ 而此刻 我却只能将心贴在冰冷的地面 ♪
♪ Now I’m lying on the cold hard ground ♪
♪ 哦 哦-哦 ♪
♪ Oh oh-oh ♪
♪ 劫难 陷阱 无法躲避 ♪
♪ Trouble trouble trouble ♪
♪ 哦 ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ 哦 哦-哦 ♪
♪ Oh oh-oh ♪
♪ 劫难 陷阱 无法躲避 ♪
♪ Trouble trouble trouble ♪
♪ 当你走近我生活的那一刻 我就知道你是我无法逃避的陷阱 ♪
♪ I knew you were trouble when you walked in ♪
♪ 劫难 陷阱 无法躲避 ♪
♪ Trouble trouble trouble ♪
♪ 当你走近我生活的那一刻 我就知道你是我无法逃避的陷阱 ♪
♪ I knew you were trouble when you walked in ♪
♪ 劫难 陷阱 无法躲避 ♪
♪ Trouble trouble trouble ♪
洛杉矶的朋友 你们喜欢《红》的时代吗?
L.A., are you enjoying the RedEra so far?
很好 我很高兴听你这么说
Oh, good. I’m glad to hear it,
因为… 还有一首歌♥
’cause there… There is one more song
我想为你们演奏 它是《红》专辑里的…
that I was wanting to play you from the Redalbum…
If you happen to have about 10 minutes to spare?
Song 21:《All Too Well》
♪ 我们踏门而入的那天 ♪
♪ I walked through the door with you ♪
♪ 空气冰凉凉的 ♪
♪ The air was cold ♪
♪ 不知为何 我却感到无比温暖 ♪
♪ But somethin’ bout it felt like home somehow ♪
♪ 我无意间将自己的红色围巾 遗落在你姐姐家 ♪
♪ And I left my scarf there at your sister’s house ♪
♪ 直至现在 它仍放在你的抽屉里 ♪
♪ And you’ve still got it in your drawer even now ♪
♪ 目光追随着你的温柔甜蜜 ♪
♪ Oh your sweet disposition and my wide eyed gaze ♪
♪ 我们在车内高歌♥ 沉溺于北方之旅 ♪