♪ Watched as you signed your name Marjorie ♪
♪ 你衣橱里积压着的梦想 ♪
♪ All your closets of backlogged dreams ♪
♪ 怎么都交给了我 ♪
♪ And how you left them all to me ♪
♪ 只是逝去的并不意味着不可追思 ♪
♪ What died didn’t stay dead ♪
♪ 只是已逝去的并非全都化为乌有 ♪
♪ What died didn’t stay dead ♪
♪ 你音容宛在 笑貌犹存 ♪
♪ You’re alive you’re alive in my head ♪
♪ 只是逝去的并不意味着不可追思 ♪
♪ What died didn’t stay dead ♪
♪ 只是已逝去的并非全都化为乌有 ♪
♪ What died didn’t stay dead ♪
♪ 你音容宛在 ♪
♪ You’re alive so alive ♪
♪ 若非我知道你已不在 ♪
♪ And if I didn’t know better ♪
♪ 我会以为你现在依然在对我唱歌♥ ♪
♪ I’d think you were singing to me now ♪
♪ 若非我知道你已不在 ♪
♪ If I didn’t know better ♪
♪ 我会以为你现在依然在我身旁 ♪
♪ I’d think you were still around ♪
♪ 我知道你已不在 ♪
♪ I know better ♪
♪ 但我还是感觉你在身旁 ♪
♪ But I still feel you all around ♪
♪ 我知道你已不在 ♪
♪ I know better ♪
♪ 但你依然在我身旁 ♪
♪ But you’re still around ♪
你们知道 这次…这次巡演
You know, this… this tour,
the fact that this is the last city on the U.S. tour…
It is…
这对我来说 意义重大 因为这是
It is so, so many things for me, because this has been
the most extraordinary experience of my entire life.
Being on this tour,
getting to share these moments with you.
I know you’re supposed to, like, play it cool.
You’re supposed to be like,
“哦 我有点喜欢你们”
“Oh, I like you guys a little bit.”
But genuinely,
这对我来说 比我一生中做过的任何事情
this has meant more to me than anything I’ve ever done
或参与的任何事情都更重要 这次巡演 所以…
or been a part of in my life. This tour. So…

你们知道 在这次巡演之前
And, you know, before this tour,
I would… I would go through this process where I’d make an album,
and I’d call the album something like
Redor Speak Nowor Fearlessor, you know.
And then I’d go,
然后我就会举办一场巡演 叫那张专辑的名字 对吧?
I’d put together a tour called the name of that album, right?
就像 1989世界巡回演唱会 爱的告白世界巡回演唱会
Like the 1989 tour, Speak Now tour.
And we’d do it like that.
我记得 就像
And I remember like,
为什么我要… 这是什么… ?
why am I just do… What is this…?
总之 这次巡演
Anyway, um, so with this tour,
I remember people would come up to me
and they’d be like, “So you’ve put out, like, five albums
that you haven’t done tours for”.
“所以你的计划是什么? 比如你打算怎么办?”
“So what’s your plan? Like, what are you going to do?”
“你要举办 一场演出
“You’re going to just, like, do a show
with, like, all the albums in it”
“and it’ll be like, what?”
“Like, a three-and-a-half hour long show?”
然后我就说”会的 它将…”
And I was like, “Yeah, it’s…
“it’s going to be called The Eras Tour. See you there.”
所以 我们现在处于《永恒故事》的时代…
So we are currently in the evermoreEra and, um…
and that was my second pandemic album that I made.
我记得… 有一首特别的歌♥
And I remember there was… There was one specific song
当我写完之后 我觉得 你知道吗
where after I wrote it I thought, you know,
that would be a really cathartic experience,
我当时确信 要在体育场里唱《香槟问题》你知道吗?
I’m sure, to get to sing Champagne Problemsin a stadium, you know?
So let’s do it.
(Champagne Problems 香槟问题: 是指有钱人或名人之间选择两件同样都是好事的问题)
Song 11:《Champagne Problems》
♪ 你定好计划 坐上夜班列车 ♪
♪ You booked the night train for a reason ♪
♪ 所以你才有机会坐在那里伤心难过 ♪
♪ So you could sit there in this hurt ♪
♪ 嘈杂的人群 或是安静的熟睡者 ♪
♪ Bustling crowds or silent sleepers ♪
♪ 你无法抉择哪里更加让你糟心 ♪
♪ You’re not sure which is worse ♪
♪ 因为我在跳舞的时候 甩开了你的手 ♪
♪ Because I dropped your hand while dancing ♪
♪ 把你丢在那里 ♪
♪ Left you out there standing ♪
♪ 让你垂头丧气 ♪
♪ Crestfallen on the landing ♪
♪ 小事一桩 ♪
♪ Champagne problems ♪
♪ 你妈妈的戒指在你的口袋里 ♪
♪ Your mom’s ring in your pocket ♪
♪ 我的照片在你的钱包里 ♪
♪ My picture in your wallet ♪
♪ 你那颗玻璃做的心 我摔得粉碎 ♪
♪ Your heart was glass I dropped it ♪
♪ 小事一桩 ♪
♪ Champagne problems ♪
♪ 你定好计划 提前告知了你的家人 ♪
♪ You told your family for a reason ♪
♪ 你没能守住秘密 ♪
♪ You couldn’t keep it in ♪
♪ 你的妹妹借着酒意全都说了出来 ♪
♪ Your sister splashed out on the bottle ♪
♪ 现在没有人有庆祝的心情 ♪
♪ Now no one’s celebrating ♪
♪ 唐·培里侬的香槟 你带来了一瓶 ♪
♪ Dom Perignon you brought it ♪
♪ 周围的朋友都不敢鼓掌 ♪
♪ No crowd of friends applauded ♪
♪ 你老家的多疑之人说这对你就是 ♪
♪ Your hometown skeptics called it ♪
♪ 小事一桩 ♪
♪ Champagne problems ♪
♪ 你准备好真情告白 现在却哑口无言 ♪
♪ You had a speech you’re speechless ♪
♪ 在你触碰到之前 爱早已消失不见 ♪
♪ Love slipped beyond your reaches ♪
♪ 而我也无法告知你原因 ♪
♪ And I couldn’t give a reason ♪
♪ 小事一桩 ♪
♪ Champagne problems ♪
♪ 你的点♥金♥神手与这扇旧车门并不相配 ♪
♪ Your Midas touch on the Chevy door ♪
♪ 十一月匆匆过去 你又找回了那个风度翩翩的自己 ♪
♪ November flush and your flannel cure ♪
♪ 这间宿舍以前是疯人院 ♪
♪ “This dorm was once a madhouse” ♪
♪ 我开了个玩笑说 专门为我而建 ♪
♪ I made a joke “well it’s made for me” ♪
♪ 如何长久相安无事 我们这群朋友 ♪
♪ How evergreen our group of friends ♪
♪ 不要担心我们会旧事重提 ♪
♪ Don’t think we’ll say that word again ♪
♪ 很快他们就会有勇气重新装饰大厅 ♪
♪ And soon they’ll have the nerve to deck the halls ♪
♪ 我们曾经一同走过那里 ♪
♪ That we once walked through ♪
♪ 有人说我为了金钱 有人说我为了作秀 这并非事实 ♪
♪ One for the money two for the show ♪
♪ 我没有准备好 所以只能看着你离去 ♪
♪ I never was ready so I watch you go ♪
♪ 有时你只是找不到答案 ♪
♪ Sometimes you just don’t know the answer ♪
♪ 直到有人跪在你面前 向你求情 ♪
♪ ‘Til someone’s on their knees and asks you ♪
♪ 她本该成为一位可爱的新娘 ♪
♪ “She would’ve made such a lovely bride ♪
♪ 多可惜啊 她真是神志不清 ♪
♪ What a shame she’s fucked in the head “they said ♪
♪ 但你会自己找到真正的爱情 ♪
♪ But you’ll find the real thing instead ♪
♪ 她会缝补好你那被我撕得粉碎的挂毯 ♪
♪ She’ll patch up your tapestry that I shred ♪
♪ 在跳舞时握住你的手 ♪
♪ And hold your hand while dancing ♪
♪ 永远不会把你丢下 ♪
♪ Never leave you standing ♪
♪ 让你垂头丧气地站在那里 ♪
♪ Crestfallen on the landing ♪
♪ 让你为一桩小事而伤心 ♪
♪ With champagne problems ♪
♪ 你妈妈的戒指在你的口袋里 ♪
♪ Your mom’s ring in your pocket ♪
♪ 她的照片在你的钱包里 ♪
♪ Her picture in your wallet ♪
♪ 而你不会记得我那些 ♪
♪ And you won’t remember all my ♪
♪ 不值一提的问题 ♪
♪ Champagne problems ♪
♪ 你不会记得我那些 ♪
♪ You won’t remember all my ♪
♪ 不值一提的问题 ♪
♪ Champagne problems ♪
对”某人”来说 这是一件非常慷慨的事
That’s a very generous thing to do for somebody.
Thank you so much.

Song 12:《Tolerate It》
♪ 我静静♥坐♥着 看着你低头读书的样子 ♪
♪ I sit and watch you reading with your head low ♪
♪ 我醒来 看着你双眸紧闭 平稳呼吸的样子 ♪
♪ I wake and watch you breathing with your eyes closed ♪
♪ 我静静♥坐♥着 注视着你 ♪
♪ I sit and watch you ♪
♪ 我注意到你选择做或不做的每件事 ♪
♪ I notice everything you do or don’t do ♪
♪ 你更加成熟 更加睿智 ♪
♪ You’re so much older and wiser and I ♪
♪ 我在门口等候 就像是天真无邪的孩子 ♪
♪ I wait by the door like I’m just a kid ♪
♪ 用我珍藏的颜料为你描绘画像 ♪
♪ Use my best colors for your portrait ♪
♪ 用五彩斑斓的小玩意装饰餐桌 ♪
♪ Lay the table with the fancy shit ♪
♪ 看着你无限容忍♥的样子 ♪
♪ And watch you tolerate it ♪
♪ 如果这全是我脑海里的幻想 请立刻告诉我 ♪
♪ If it’s all in my head tell me now ♪
♪ 无论如何 请指出我的错误 ♪
♪ Tell me I’ve got it wrong somehow ♪
♪ 我知道应该为我的爱庆祝 ♪
♪ I know my love should be celebrated ♪
♪ 但是你容忍♥这一切 ♪
♪ But you tolerate it ♪
♪ 当你在外面建造别的世界时 我身在何处 ♪
♪ While you were out building other worlds where was I ♪
♪ 那个将毛毯扔在我的铁丝网之上的人在哪里 ♪