♪ ‘Cause karma is the thunder rattling your ground ♪
♪ 因果报应就像是赏金猎人追寻着你的踪迹 ♪
♪ Karma’s on your scent like a bounty hunter ♪
♪ 因果报应会与你形影不离 ♪
♪ Karma’s gonna track you down ♪
♪ 一步一步地前行 追着你流连于各个城市之间 ♪
♪ Step by step from town to town ♪
♪ 甜蜜是公道 因果报应是女王的化身 ♪
♪ Sweet like justice karma is a queen ♪
♪ 因果报应指引我的朋友勇攀高峰 ♪
♪ Karma takes all my friends to the summit ♪
♪ 因果报应就是出现在荧屏上的那个男孩 ♪
♪ Karma is the guy on the screen ♪
♪ 直接回家去见我 ♪
♪ Comin’ straight home to me ♪
♪ 因为因果报应就是我的男友 因果报应就是神明 ♪
♪ ‘Cause karma is my boyfriend karma is a god ♪
♪ 因果报应就像是周末的时候 吹拂着我的秀发的微风 ♪
♪ Karma is the breeze in my hair on the weekend ♪
♪ 周末时光 ♪
♪ Weekend ♪
♪ 因果报应就是令人愉悦的想法 ♪
♪ Karma’s a relaxing thought ♪
♪ 难道你不羡慕吗 因为对你而言 因果报应不会如蜂蜜那般甘甜 ♪
♪ Aren’t you envious that for you it’s not sweet like honey ♪
♪ 因果报应就像是宠物猫 在我腿上发出咕噜声 因为它非常爱我 ♪
♪ Karma is a cat purring in my lap ’cause it loves me ♪
♪ 像杂技演员一样游刃有余 随机应变 ♪
♪ flexing like a goddamn acrobat ♪
♪ 我和因果报应相处融洽 ♪
♪ Me and karma vibe like that ♪
♪ 因果报应就是我的男友 因果报应就是神明 ♪
♪ karma is my boyfriend karma is a god ♪
♪ 因果报应就是令人愉悦的想法 ♪
♪ Karma’s a relaxing thought ♪
洛杉矶的朋友 这个舞台上的每个人都非常爱你们
L.A., every single person on this stage loves you so much.
So will you please show that love right back
to my amazing dancers!
现在 请为我们杰出的伴唱歌♥手鼓掌!
And now, please make some noise for my extraordinary backing vocalists!
And will you please direct your attention to the main stage
and give it up for my phenomenal band!
额 外 表 演
Song 41:《The Archer》
♪ 征战 ♪
♪ Combat ♪
♪ 我已然全副武装 ♪
♪ I’m ready for combat ♪
♪ 我承认这实属无奈 但不甘一次又何妨 ♪
♪ I say I don’t want that but what if I do ♪
♪ 因为电影里总是心狠手辣的一方会赢 ♪
♪ ‘Cause cruelty wins in the movies ♪
♪ 纵然我向你们费劲口舌 澄清数次 ♪
♪ I’ve got a hundred thrown out speeches I almost said to you ♪
♪ 唾手易得的美好终是稍纵即逝 ♪
♪ Easy they come easy they go ♪
♪ 跳下疾驰的列车 我孤独启程 ♪
♪ I jump from the train I ride off alone ♪
♪ 我不曾蜕变成熟 这已是老生常谈 ♪
♪ I never grew up it’s getting so old ♪
♪ 帮帮我 留住你 ♪
♪ Help me hold onto you ♪
♪ 我曾主动出击 也曾为爱牺牲 ♪
♪ I’ve been the archer I’ve been the prey ♪
♪ 谁曾决然离我而去 亲爱的 ♪
♪ Who could ever leave me darling ♪
♪ 而谁又会选择坚守 ♪
♪ But who could stay ♪
♪ 黑暗 我搜寻着你心底不为人知的黑暗角落 ♪
♪ Dark side I search for your dark side ♪
♪ 若我已身处这黑暗之中 我还能否全身而退 ♪
♪ But what if I’m all right right right right here ♪
♪ 我执迷不悟的选择委屈求全 却不得善终 ♪
♪ And I cut off my nose just to spite my face ♪
♪ 日复一日地重蹈覆辙 我讨厌那样的自己 ♪
♪ Then I hate my reflection for years and years ♪
♪ 黑夜中醒来 如幽灵般踱步 ♪
♪ I wake in the night I pace like a ghost ♪
♪ 房♥间里早已是战火燎燃 硝烟弥漫 ♪
♪ The room is on fire invisible smoke ♪
♪ 为我奋不顾身的勇士们已英勇献身 ♪
♪ And all of my heroes die all alone ♪
♪ 帮帮我 留住你 ♪
♪ Help me hold onto you ♪
♪ 我曾主动出击 也曾为爱牺牲 ♪
♪ I’ve been the archer I’ve been the prey ♪
♪ 哭喊着 谁曾决然离我而去 亲爱的 ♪
♪ Screaming who could ever leave me darling ♪
♪ 而谁又会选择坚守 ♪
♪ But who could stay ♪
♪ 只因他们能将我一眼看穿 ♪
♪ ‘Cause they see right through me ♪
♪ 他们能将我一眼看穿 ♪
♪ They see right through me ♪
♪ 他们能一眼看穿 ♪
♪ They see right through ♪
♪ 你是否能看清♥真♥实的我 ♪
♪ Can you see right through me ♪
♪ 他们能一眼看穿 ♪
♪ They see right through ♪
♪ 他们能将我一眼看穿 ♪
♪ They see right through me ♪
♪ 我熟悉真实的自我 ♪
♪ I see right through me ♪
♪ 我清楚真实的自己 ♪
♪ I see right through me ♪
♪ 即便是国王的战马 纵然是国王的勇士 ♪
♪ All the king’s horses all the king’s men ♪
♪ 也无法让我重新振作了 ♪
♪ Couldn’t put me together again ♪
♪ 难道我的那些仇敌一开始不是我的朋友吗 ♪
♪ ‘Cause all of my enemies started out friends ♪
♪ 帮帮我 留住你 ♪
♪ Help me hold onto you ♪
♪ 我曾主动出击 也曾为爱牺牲 ♪
♪ I’ve been the archer I’ve been the prey ♪
♪ 谁曾决然离我而去 亲爱的 ♪
♪ Who could ever leave me darling ♪
♪ 而谁又会选择坚守 ♪
♪ But who could stay ♪
♪ 谁又会选择坚守 ♪
♪ Who could stay ♪
♪ 谁又会选择坚守 ♪
♪ Who could stay ♪
♪ 谁又会选择坚守 ♪
♪ Who could stay ♪
♪ 你会永远坚守 ♪
♪ You could stay ♪
♪ 你会不离不弃 ♪
♪ You could stay ♪
♪ 征战 ♪
♪ Combat ♪
♪ 我已然全副武装 ♪
♪ I’m ready for combat ♪
Song 42:《Wildest Dreams》
♪ 他说走吧 我们一起逃离这座城 ♪
♪ He said let’s get out of this town ♪
♪ 逃离这座喧扰的城 远离纷扰的人群 ♪
♪ Drive out of the city away from the crowds ♪
♪ 料想即便是老天都爱莫能助 ♪
♪ I thought Heaven can’t help me now ♪
♪ 没有什么能永恒啊 ♪
♪ Nothing lasts forever ♪
♪ 而他却总是将我的防备击得粉碎 ♪
♪ But this is gonna take me down ♪
♪ 他高大帅气 气质不凡 ♪
♪ He’s so tall and handsome as hell ♪
♪ 他的坏跟他是那么的相得益彰 ♪
♪ He’s so bad but he does it so well ♪
♪ 一切才刚刚开始 我便能预知结局 ♪
♪ I can see the end as it begins ♪
♪ 而我唯一的条件就是 ♪
♪ My one condition is ♪
♪ 说你会记得我 ♪
♪ Say you’ll remember me ♪
♪ 穿着精致的华服 凝视着日落 ♪
♪ Standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset babe ♪
♪ 还有我的红唇粉颊 说你会与我重逢 ♪
♪ Red lips and rosy cheeks say you’ll see me again ♪
♪ 即便是在你狂野的梦中 ♪
♪ Even if it’s just in your ♪
♪ 不羁狂野的梦 ♪
♪ Wildest dreams aah ha ♪
♪ 不羁狂野的梦 ♪
♪ Wildest dreams aah ha ♪
♪ 事后你看清了我 ♪
♪ You’ll see me in hindsight ♪
♪ 那个我们整夜缠绵的夜晚 ♪
♪ Tangled up with you all night ♪
♪ 曾经的激♥情♥渐渐散去 ♪
♪ Burning it down ♪
♪ 有一天当你离开我时 ♪
♪ Someday when you leave me ♪
♪ 我敢说这些回忆 ♪
♪ I bet these memories ♪
♪ 依然对你如影随形 ♪
♪ Follow you around ♪
♪ 事后你看清了我 ♪
♪ You’ll see me in hindsight ♪
♪ 那个我们整夜缠绵的夜晚 ♪
♪ Tangled up with you all night ♪
♪ 曾经的激♥情♥渐渐散去 ♪
♪ Burning it down ♪
♪ 有一天当你离开我时 ♪
♪ Someday when you leave me ♪
♪ 我敢说这些回忆 ♪
♪ I bet these memories ♪
♪ 依然对你如影随形 ♪
♪ Follow you around ♪
♪ 事后你看清了我 那个我们整夜缠绵的夜晚 ♪
♪ You’ll see me in hindsight Tangled up with you all night ♪
♪ 曾经的激♥情♥渐渐散去 ♪
♪ Burning it down ♪
♪ 有一天当你离开我时 我敢说这些回忆 ♪
♪ Someday when you leave me I bet these memories ♪
♪ 依然对你如影随形 ♪
♪ Follow you around ♪
♪ 事后你看清了我 那个我们整夜缠绵的夜晚 ♪
♪ You’ll see me in hindsight Tangled up with you all night ♪
♪ 曾经的激♥情♥渐渐散去 ♪
♪ Burning it down ♪
♪ 有一天当你离开我时 我敢说这些回忆 ♪
♪ Someday when you leave me I bet these memories ♪
♪ 依然对你如影随形 ♪
♪ Follow you around ♪
♪ 依然对你如影随形 ♪
♪ Follow you around ♪
Song 43:《Long Live》
♪ 我一直在脑海中告诉自己 ♪
♪ I say,Remember this moment ♪
♪ 要记得那一刻 ♪
♪ In the back of my mind ♪
♪ 那时我们站在那 摇摆着手 ♪
♪ The time we stood with our shaking hands ♪
♪ 看台的人群 开始疯狂起来 ♪
♪ The crowds in stands went wild ♪
♪ 曾经我们是国王与王后 ♪
♪ We were the kings and the queens ♪
♪ 他们呼喊着我们的名字 ♪
♪ and they read off our names ♪
♪ 那一夜 你的舞步向我诉说着 ♪
♪ The night you danced like you knew our lives ♪
♪ 我们的生活会就此改写 ♪
♪ Would never be the same ♪
♪ 你如英雄般扬起头 ♪
♪ You held your head like a hero ♪
♪ 在史册的那页 ♪
♪ on a history book page ♪
♪ 这是个年代的结束 ♪
♪ It was the end of a decade ♪
♪ 却是个世纪的开端 ♪
♪ but the start of an age ♪
♪ 万岁 那些我们并肩穿越的困难艰险 ♪
♪ Long live the walls we crashed through ♪
♪ 王国里灯火辉煌 只为你和我 ♪
♪ All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you ♪
♪ 我大声呼喊 万岁 那些我们一起创造的奇迹 ♪
♪ I was screaming, “Long live all the magic we made” ♪
♪ 就让那些虚伪的人 冲我们来吧 ♪
♪ And bring on all the pretenders ♪
♪ 总有一天 我们会被世人铭记 ♪
♪ One day, we will be remembered ♪
♪ 我告诉自己 要记得这感受 ♪
♪ I said remember this feeling ♪
♪ 传阅着这些照片 ♪
♪ I passed the pictures around ♪
♪ 照片里的我们 站在角落里等待着 ♪
♪ Of all the years that we stood there on the sidelines ♪
♪ 祈祷着这一刻的来临 ♪
♪ Wishing for right now ♪
♪ 如今我们是世界的统治者 ♪
♪ We are the kings and the queens ♪