♪ Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism ♪
♪ 一直伪装成总为别人着想的正派议员 ♪
♪ Like some kind of congressman ♪
♪ 犹如那古老的传说一样 ♪
♪ Tale as old as time ♪
♪ 我厉声尖叫 从梦中醒来 ♪
♪ I wake up screaming from dreaming ♪
♪ 我明白总有一天 我将目送你离去 ♪
♪ One day I’ll watch as you’re leaving ♪
♪ 而我生活的意义 也随之褪色 ♪
♪ And life will lose all its meaning ♪
♪ 哪怕是最后一次 ♪
♪ For the last time ♪
♪ 嗨 是我 我就是问题本身 ♪
♪ It’s me hi I’m the problem it’s me ♪
♪ 更是茶余饭后 众人议论的焦点 ♪
♪ At teatime everybody agrees ♪
♪ 我敢直面耀眼光芒 却无法直视镜子前的自己 ♪
♪ I’ll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror ♪
♪ 力挺反英雄 一定疲惫不堪吧 ♪
♪ It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero ♪
♪ 我曾幻想 因为遗产被儿媳谋杀 ♪
♪ I have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money ♪
♪ 她坚信我会把钱留给他们 ♪
♪ She thinks I left them in the will ♪
♪ 当整个家族齐聚一堂阅读遗嘱之时 突然传来尖叫呐喊 ♪
♪ The family gathers around and reads it and then someone screams out ♪
♪ “她在地狱嘲笑着我们啊” ♪
♪ “She’s laughing up at us from hell” ♪
♪ 这便是我 问题与麻烦的化身 ♪
♪ It’s me hi I’m the problem it’s me ♪
♪ 这正是我 动荡与混乱的合体 ♪
♪ It’s me hi I’m the problem it’s me ♪
♪ 不可否认 大家都同意 ♪
♪ It’s me hi everybody agrees ♪
♪ 大家都同意 ♪
♪ Everybody agrees ♪
♪ 嗨 是我 我就是问题本身 ♪
♪ It’s me hi I’m the problem it’s me (I’m the problem it’s me) ♪
♪ 茶点之余 众人议论的话题 ♪
♪ At teatime everybody agrees ♪
♪ 大家都同意 ♪
♪ Everybody agrees ♪
♪ 我敢直面耀眼光芒 却无法直视镜子前的自己 ♪
♪ I’ll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror ♪
♪ 力挺反英雄 一定心力交瘁吧 ♪
♪ It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero ♪
Song 36:《Midnight Rain》
♪ 夜雨 ♪
♪ Rain ♪
♪ 他向往安逸舒适 我渴望苦痛磨砺 ♪
♪ He wanted it comfortable I wanted that pain ♪
♪ 他憧憬婚姻殿堂 我追寻心中梦想 ♪
♪ He wanted a bride I was making my own name ♪
♪ 我疲于逐名追利 而他始终不改初心 ♪
♪ Chasing that fame he stayed the same ♪
♪ 伴随午夜钟声 我便华丽蜕变 ♪
♪ All of me changed like midnight ♪
♪ 我的家乡曾是贫瘠的荒原 ♪
♪ My town was a wasteland ♪
♪ 各种桎梏牢笼 遍地束缚藩篱 ♪
♪ Full of cages full of fences ♪
♪ 还充斥着哗众取宠和虚伪假面 ♪
♪ Pageant queens and big pretenders ♪
♪ 而对有些人而言 这可谓灵魂自♥由♥的天堂 ♪
♪ But for some it was paradise ♪
♪ 我的男朋友很跳脱 给我蒙太奇般的体验 ♪
♪ My boy was a montage ♪
♪ 慢放镜头 爱情灵药 ♪
♪ A slow-motion love potion ♪
♪ 不顾一切纵身跃入爱的海洋 ♪
♪ Jumping off things in the ocean ♪
♪ 我伤透了他的心 因为他真的很好 ♪
♪ I broke his heart ’cause he was nice ♪
♪ 他恰如明媚阳光 ♪
♪ He was sunshine ♪
♪ 我宛若午夜疾雨 ♪
♪ I was midnight rain ♪
♪ 他向往安逸舒适 我渴望苦痛磨砺 ♪
♪ He wanted it comfortable I wanted that pain ♪
♪ 他憧憬婚姻殿堂 我追寻心中梦想 ♪
♪ He wanted a bride I was making my own name ♪
♪ 我疲于逐名追利 而他始终不改初心 ♪
♪ Chasing that fame he stayed the same ♪
♪ 伴随午夜钟声 我便华丽蜕变 ♪
♪ All of me changed like midnight ♪
♪ 那如同明信片般梦境一一变成现实 ♪
♪ It came like a postcard ♪
♪ 完美画面 有爱家庭 ♪
♪ Picture perfect shiny family ♪
♪ 悠闲假日 薄荷糖果 ♪
♪ Holiday peppermint candy ♪
♪ 但对他来说这就是生活的常态 ♪
♪ But for him it’s every day ♪
♪ 于是我透过那扇窗探看 ♪
♪ So I peered through a window ♪
♪ 光阴流转 世事变迁 ♪
♪ A deep portal time travel ♪
♪ 以及我们无疾而终的爱 ♪
♪ All the love we unravel ♪
♪ 还有我逝去的年华 ♪
♪ And the life I gave away ♪
♪ 因为他恰如明媚阳光 我宛若午夜疾雨 ♪
♪ ‘Cause he was sunshine I was midnight rain ♪
♪ 他向往安逸舒适 我渴望苦痛磨砺 ♪
♪ He wanted it comfortable I wanted that pain ♪
♪ 他憧憬婚姻殿堂 我追寻心中梦想 ♪
♪ He wanted a bride I was making my own name ♪
♪ 我疲于逐名追利 而他始终不改初心 ♪
♪ Chasing that fame he stayed the same ♪
♪ 一改从前的我 宛如午夜疾雨 ♪
♪ All of me changed like midnight rain ♪
♪ 他向往安逸舒适 我渴望苦痛磨砺 ♪
♪ He wanted it comfortable I wanted that pain ♪
♪ 他憧憬婚姻殿堂 我追寻心中梦想 ♪
♪ He wanted a bride I was making my own name ♪
♪ 我疲于逐名追利 而他始终不改初心 ♪
♪ Chasing that fame he stayed the same ♪
♪ 伴随午夜钟声 我便华丽蜕变 有时我想我们都会变 ♪
♪ All of me changed like midnight I guess sometimes we all get ♪
♪ 正如我们所愿 正如我们所愿 ♪
♪ Just what we wanted just what we wanted ♪
♪ 他从不会想起我 ♪
♪ And he never thinks of me ♪
♪ 除非我现身电视荧幕 我想有时我们都会 ♪
♪ Except for when I’m on TV I guess sometimes we all get ♪
♪ 忧思过重 心绪不宁 ♪
♪ Some kind of haunted some kind of haunted ♪
♪ 我也未曾想起过他 ♪
♪ And I never think of him ♪
♪ 除了这样静谧的午夜 ♪
♪ Except on midnights like this ♪
♪ 这样静谧的午夜 ♪
♪ Midnights like this midnights like this ♪
Song 37:《Vigilante Shit》
♪ 为自己画双猫眼 锐利眼神气势逼人 ♪
♪ Draw the cat eye sharp enough to kill a man ♪
♪ 你无恶不作 而我堪称个中翘楚 ♪
♪ You did some bad things but I’m the worst of them ♪
♪ 有时我也不禁在想什么会是你最后的谎言 ♪
♪ Sometimes I wonder which one will be your last lie ♪
♪ 人们都说眼神能杀人 我可要试试 ♪
♪ They say looks can kill and I might try ♪
♪ 我无畏人言 只为悦己而容 ♪
♪ I don’t dress for women I don’t dress for men ♪
♪ 如今我身披复仇的黑色战甲 ♪
♪ Lately I’ve been dressing for revenge ♪
♪ 我可不会主动挑事 不要挑衅否则我会让你下场凄惨 ♪
♪ I don’t start shit but I can tell you how it ends ♪
♪ 不必伤心难过 还之彼身即可 ♪
♪ Don’t get sad get even ♪
♪ 即便周末 我也不会为朋友们特意打扮 ♪
♪ So on the weekends I don’t dress for friends ♪
♪ 如今我身披复仇的黑色战甲 ♪
♪ Lately I’ve been dressing for revenge ♪
♪ 她要的是有力的证据 于是我就满足她 ♪
♪ She needed cold hard proof so I gave her some ♪
♪ 她坚硬的外壳 你觉得她缘何会如此 ♪
♪ She had the envelope where you think she got it from ♪
♪ 如今自信迷人的她有温馨家园还有可爱孩子 ♪
♪ Now she gets the house gets the kids gets the pride ♪
♪ 就设想我与你前妻亲密无间的那副画面吧 ♪
♪ Picture me thick as thieves with your ex-wife ♪
♪ 优雅自信的她是不是很迷人 ♪
♪ And she looks so pretty ♪
♪ 开着你的奔驰一路疾驰 ♪
♪ Driving in your Benz ♪
♪ 她身披复仇的黑色战甲 ♪
♪ Lately she’s been dressing for revenge ♪
♪ 她可不会主动挑事 不要挑衅否则她会让你下场凄惨 ♪
♪ She don’t start shit but she can tell you how it ends ♪
♪ 不必伤心难过 还之彼身即可 ♪
♪ Don’t get sad get even ♪
♪ 即便周末 她也不会为朋友们特意打扮 ♪
♪ So on the weekends she don’t dress for friends ♪
♪ 她身披复仇的黑色战甲 ♪
♪ Lately she’s been dressing for revenge ♪
♪ 如凤♥凰♥涅槃 女士们总是能于绝境中振作 ♪
♪ Ladies always rise above ♪
♪ 她们也很了解人们心中所想 ♪
♪ Ladies know what people want ♪
♪ 不过是想寻一个善良贴心又风趣幽默的爱人 ♪
♪ Someone sweet and kind and fun ♪
♪ 女士们真的是受够了 ♪
♪ The lady simply had enough ♪
♪ 他总是逾越界限 ♪
♪ While he was doing lines ♪
♪ 一次次考验我的忍♥耐底线 ♪
♪ And crossing all of mine ♪
♪ 有人向告发他的累累罪行 ♪
♪ Someone told his white-collar crimes to the FBI ♪
♪ 我不会装扮成反派模样 ♪
♪ And I don’t dress for villains ♪
♪ 也不会扮作无辜 ♪
♪ Or for innocents ♪
♪ 我只会是正义使者 ♪
♪ I’m on my vigilante shit again ♪
♪ 我可不会主动挑事 不要挑衅否则我会让你下场凄惨 ♪
♪ I don’t start shit but I can tell you how it ends ♪
♪ 不必伤心难过 还之彼身即可 ♪
♪ Don’t get sad get even ♪
♪ 即便周末 我也不会为朋友们特意打扮 ♪
♪ So on the weekends I don’t dress for friends ♪
♪ 如今我身披复仇的黑色战甲 ♪
♪ Lately I’ve been dressing for revenge ♪
Song 38:《Bejeweled》
♪ 亲爱的 我觉得我为人太过善良 ♪
♪ Baby love I think I’ve been a little too kind ♪
♪ 不曾注意到你将我内心的宁静全数尽毁 ♪
♪ Didn’t notice you walkin’ all over my peace of mind ♪
♪ 脚上穿着那双我作为礼物送给你的鞋子 ♪
♪ In the shoes I gave you as a present ♪
♪ 将人放在第一位 只有你在他们心目中的前五名占据一席之地时才能奏效 ♪
♪ Puttin’ someone first only works when you’re in their top five ♪
♪ 顺便说一声 今晚我准备出门寻欢作乐 ♪
♪ And by the way I’m goin’ out tonight ♪
♪ 一定要相信 当我惊艳亮相时 ♪
♪ Best believe I’m still bejeweled ♪
♪ 我浑身上下依然珠光宝气 ♪
♪ When I walk in the room ♪
♪ 我依然可以让每一个角落闪耀着光芒 ♪
♪ I can still make the whole place shimmer ♪
♪ 当我跟乐队碰面时 ♪
♪ And when I meet the band ♪
♪ 他们问道 你是否名花有主 ♪
♪ They ask “Do you have a man” ♪
♪ 我依然可以说 我记不清楚了 ♪
♪ I could still say “I don’t remember” ♪
♪ 过分熟稔易滋生蔑视 ♪
♪ Familiarity breeds contempt ♪
♪ 请不要对我漠然视之 ♪
♪ Don’t put me in the basement ♪
♪ 当我渴望成为你的心头挚爱时 ♪
♪ When I want the penthouse of your heart ♪
♪ 我眼中的钻石 ♪
♪ Diamonds in my eyes ♪
♪ 我精雕细琢 我精雕细琢 力求完美无瑕 ♪
♪ I polish up real I polish up real nice ♪
♪ 真棒 ♪
♪ Nice ♪
♪ 亲爱的男孩 我觉得我是个乖巧懂事的女孩 ♪
♪ Baby boy I think I’ve been too good of a girl ♪
♪ 乖巧懂事的女孩 ♪
♪ Too good of a girl ♪
♪ 这所谓的评分似乎在嘲笑力求完美的我 ♪
♪ Did all the extra credit then got graded on a curve ♪
♪ 我觉得现在是时候给他们好好上一课了 ♪
♪ I think it’s time to teach some lessons ♪
♪ 我让你成为我的世界 ♪
♪ I made you my world ♪
♪ 呵 ♪
♪ Huh ♪
♪ 你有没有用心倾听 ♪
♪ Have you heard ♪
♪ 呵 ♪
♪ Huh ♪
♪ 我可以让这片天地物归原主 ♪