♪ And when I got home before I said amen ♪
♪ 问上帝能不能再来一遍 ♪
♪ Asking God if he could play it again ♪
♪ 再来一遍 ♪
♪ Play it again ♪
♪ 哦 耶 ♪
♪ Oh yeah ♪
♪ 哦-哦 耶 ♪
♪ Oh-oh yeah ♪
♪ 我坐在副驾驶座 顶着一头乱发 ♪
♪ I was riding shotgun with my hair undone ♪
♪ 在他车子的前座 ♪
♪ In the front seat of his car ♪
♪ 我抓了支笔还有张旧餐巾 ♪
♪ I grabbed a pen and an old napkin ♪
♪ 写下了我们的歌♥ ♪
♪ And I wrote down our song ♪
Song33:《You’re On Your Own, Kid》
♪ 夏已逝 思念依然叫嚣 ♪
♪ Summer went away Still the yearning stays ♪
♪ 纵然蚀骨铭心 我也故作坦然 ♪
♪ I play it cool with the best of them ♪
♪ 我会耐心等待 ♪
♪ I wait patiently ♪
♪ 或许他的目光会流连于我 ♪
♪ He’s gonna notice me ♪
♪ 没关系 我们可是至交好友 ♪
♪ It’s okay We’re the best of friends ♪
♪ 无论如何 ♪
♪ Anyway ♪
♪ 听得出来 你正跟 ♪
♪ I hear it in your voice ♪
♪ 你的朋友们抽烟聊天 ♪
♪ You’re smoking with your boys ♪
♪ 像触摸你的脸般我紧抓着手♥机♥ 只想听清你的声音 ♪
♪ I touch my phone as if it’s your face ♪
♪ 我没有选择留在家乡 ♪
♪ I didn’t choose this town ♪
♪ 我做梦都想逃离这里 ♪
♪ I dream of getting out ♪
♪ 或许只有那个人才能让我留下 ♪
♪ There’s just one who could make me stay ♪
♪ 每个日日夜夜 ♪
♪ All my days ♪
♪ 洒水车飞溅的水滴 壁炉里燃尽的灰烬 ♪
♪ From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes ♪
♪ 对你的思念跨越无数个春夏秋冬 ♪
♪ I waited ages to see you there ♪
♪ 我偷偷打量那些身材绝佳的女孩 ♪
♪ I search the party of better bodies ♪
♪ 终才醒悟 你对我真的毫不在意 ♪
♪ Just to learn that you never cared ♪
♪ 孩子 人生的路你独自前行 始终如此 不曾变更 ♪
♪ You’re on your own kid You always have been ♪
♪ 我见证过脱身逃离 ♪
♪ I see the great escape ♪
♪ 挥别曾经纯真 ♪
♪ So long, Daisy May ♪
♪ 摘着花瓣想着他究竟爱不爱我 ♪
♪ I picked the petals He loves me not ♪
♪ 就在我创作的房♥间 别样情愫不经意间生根发芽 ♪
♪ Something different bloomed writing in my room ♪
♪ 停车场里弹奏着我创作的歌♥谣 ♪
♪ I play my songs in the parking lot ♪
♪ 我远远逃离 ♪
♪ I’ll run away ♪
♪ 洒水车飞溅的水滴 壁炉里燃尽的灰烬 ♪
♪ From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes ♪
♪ 叫了一辆出租带我抵达思念的你的身边 ♪
♪ I called a taxi to take me there ♪
♪ 我搜索那些极具才华的创作人 ♪
♪ I search the party of better bodies ♪
♪ 只想证明我的这场音乐幻梦并非罕见 ♪
♪ Just to learn that my dreams aren’t rare ♪
♪ 孩子 人生的路你独自前行 始终如此 不曾变更 ♪
♪ You’re on your own kid You always have been ♪
♪ 洒水车飞溅的水滴 壁炉里燃尽的灰烬 ♪
♪ From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes ♪
♪ 倾尽所有心血 流尽所有热泪 ♪
♪ I gave my blood, sweat and tears for this ♪
♪ 我办了许多场派对 我忍♥饥挨饿 ♪
♪ I hosted parties and starved my body ♪
♪ 一个缱绻的吻即刻就能将我拯救 ♪
♪ Like I’d be saved by a perfect kiss ♪
♪ 并不好笑的无趣笑话 我仍照单全收 ♪
♪ The jokes weren’t funny I took the money ♪
♪ 故乡的朋友们 不知该怎么开口劝我 ♪
♪ My friends from home don’t know what to say ♪
♪ 身着血迹斑斑的礼服 我四下环顾 ♪
♪ I looked around in a blood-soaked gown ♪
♪ 我亲眼见证他们无法夺走的一切 ♪
♪ And I saw something they can’t take away ♪
♪ 因为过去的一切画上句点 ♪
♪ ‘Cause there were pages turned ♪
♪ 你的人生将开启新的章节 ♪
♪ With the bridges burned ♪
♪ 失去铸就你前行的路 ♪
♪ Everything you lose is a step you take ♪
♪ 就缔结友谊的手链吧 ♪
♪ So make the friendship bracelets ♪
♪ 好好珍惜 好好享受 ♪
♪ Take the moment and taste it ♪
♪ 你不必畏惧 也不必害怕 ♪
♪ You’ve got no reason to be afraid ♪
♪ 孩子 人生的路你独自前行 ♪
♪ You’re on your own kid ♪
♪ 是啊 你可以从容面对 ♪
♪ Yeah, you can face this ♪
♪ 孩子 人生的路你独自前行 始终如此 不曾变更 ♪
♪ You’re on your own kid You always have been ♪
Song 34:《Lavender Haze》
♪ 与我午夜相会 ♪
♪ Meet me at midnight ♪
♪ 哦 哦 哦 哇哦 ♪
♪ Oooh oooh oooh woah ♪
♪ 和你一起凝望天空 ♪
♪ Staring at the ceiling with you ♪
♪ 噢 你的话从来都不多 ♪
♪ Oh you don’t ever say too much ♪
♪ 你也不会过度揣测 ♪
♪ And you don’t really read into ♪
♪ 我的忧郁症 ♪
♪ My melancholia ♪
♪ 一直以来我的一言一行都备受关注 ♪
♪ I been under scrutiny (yeah oh yeah) ♪
♪ 而你总是能完美对待 ♪
♪ You handle it beautifully (yeah oh yeah) ♪
♪ 对我而言这一切是那样新奇 ♪
♪ All this shit is new to me (yeah oh yeah) ♪
♪ 感觉爱意弥漫 悄然将我笼罩 ♪
♪ I feel the lavender haze creeping up on me ♪
♪ 似真似幻 ♪
♪ Surreal ♪
♪ 如果我介意旁人的非议 那我早就深陷炼狱深渊了 ♪
♪ I’m damned if I do give a damn what people say ♪
♪ 绝不妥协 ♪
♪ No deal ♪
♪ 这五十年代关于爱的形容词 我却如痴如醉意乱情迷 ♪
♪ The 1950s shit they want from me ♪
♪ 我只想沉沦这爱的迷雾 ♪
♪ I just wanna stay in that lavender haze ♪
♪ 哦 哦 哦 哇哦 ♪
♪ Oooh oooh oooh woah ♪
♪ 他们一直问我 一直问我 ♪
♪ All they keep asking me (all they keep asking me) ♪
♪ 我是否是与你携手的伴侣 ♪
♪ Is if I’m gonna be your bride ♪
♪ 他们眼中的那种女孩 他们眼中的那种女孩 ♪
♪ The only kinda girl they see (Only kinda girl they see) ♪
♪ 是你一♥夜♥欢♥愉的对象还是陪伴终生的伴侣 ♪
♪ Is a one-night or a wife ♪
♪ 我似乎有些头晕目眩 ♪
♪ I find it dizzying (yeah oh yeah) ♪
♪ 他们谈论起我的过去 ♪
♪ They’re bringing up my history (yeah oh yeah) ♪
♪ 那些流言蜚语 你根本不理 ♪
♪ But you weren’t even listening (yeah oh yeah) ♪
♪ 感觉爱意弥漫 悄然将我笼罩 ♪
♪ I feel the lavender haze creeping up on me ♪
♪ 似真似幻 ♪
♪ Surreal ♪
♪ 如果我介意旁人的非议 那我早就深陷炼狱深渊了 ♪
♪ I’m damned if I do give a damn what people say ♪
♪ 绝不妥协 ♪
♪ No deal ♪
♪ 这五十年代关于爱的形容词 我却如痴如醉意乱情迷 ♪
♪ The 1950s shit they want from me ♪
♪ 我只想沉沦这爱的迷雾 ♪
♪ I just wanna stay in that lavender haze (Oooh Oooh Oooh Woah) ♪
♪ 这爱的迷雾 ♪
♪ That lavender haze ♪
♪ 哇哦 ♪
♪ Woah ♪
♪ 流言蜚语如病毒肆意侵蚀 ♪
♪ Talk your talk and go viral ♪
♪ 我渴望着爱意弥漫 将我包围 ♪
♪ I just need this love spiral ♪
♪ 就表露真情吧 ♪
♪ Get it off your chest ♪
♪ 让我明白你的心意 ♪
♪ Get it off my desk ♪
♪ 流言蜚语如病毒肆意侵蚀 ♪
♪ Talk your talk and go viral ♪
♪ 我渴望着爱意弥漫 将我包围 ♪
♪ I just need this love spiral ♪
♪ 就表露真情吧 ♪
♪ Get it off your chest ♪
♪ 让我明白你的心意 ♪
♪ Get it off my desk ♪
♪ 感觉爱意弥漫 悄然将我笼罩 ♪
♪ I feel the lavender haze creeping up on me ♪
♪ 似真似幻 ♪
♪ Surreal ♪
♪ 如果我介意旁人的非议 那我早就深陷炼狱深渊了 ♪
♪ I’m damned if I do give a damn what people say ♪
♪ 绝不妥协 ♪
♪ No deal ♪
♪ 这五十年代关于爱的形容词 我却如痴如醉意乱情迷 ♪
♪ The 1950s shit they want from me ♪
♪ 我只想沉沦这爱的迷雾 ♪
♪ I just wanna stay in that lavender haze ♪
♪ 哦 哦 哦 哇哦 ♪
♪ Oooh oooh oooh woah ♪
♪ 就表露真情吧 ♪
♪ Get it off your chest ♪
♪ 让我明白你的心意 ♪
♪ Get it off my desk ♪
♪ 这爱的迷雾 ♪
♪ That lavender haze ♪
♪ 我只愿沉醉 ♪
♪ I just wanna stay ♪
♪ 我只愿沉醉 ♪
♪ I just wanna stay ♪
♪ 这爱的迷雾 ♪
♪ In that lavender haze ♪
Song 35:《Anti-Hero》
♪ 我愈发成熟 但却没有愈发明智 ♪
♪ I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser ♪
♪ 任由时光流转 仿佛午夜才是我的午后时光 ♪
♪ Midnights become my afternoons ♪
♪ 当焦虑情绪 在夜幕肆意生长之时 ♪
♪ When my depression works the graveyard shift ♪
♪ 那些曾经被我屏蔽的人 似乎又出现在我的房♥间里 ♪
♪ All of the people I’ve ghosted stand there in the room ♪
♪ 我不该放任自己恣意妄为 ♪
♪ I should not be left to my own devices ♪
♪ 他们将我明码标价后 打上便签 ♪
♪ They come with prices and vices ♪
♪ 我明白自己终将卷入风波 ♪
♪ I end up in crisis ♪
♪ 犹如那古老的传说一样 ♪
♪ Tale as old as time ♪
♪ 我厉声尖叫 从梦中醒来 ♪
♪ I wake up screaming from dreaming ♪
♪ 我明白总有一天 我将目送你离去 ♪
♪ One day I’ll watch as you’re leaving ♪
♪ 你也肯定早已厌恶 我的那些诡计 ♪
♪ Cause you got tired of my scheming ♪
♪ 哪怕是最后一次 ♪
♪ For the last time ♪
♪ 嗨 是我 我就是问题本身 ♪
♪ It’s me hi I’m the problem it’s me ♪
♪ 更是茶余饭后 众人议论的焦点 ♪
♪ At teatime everybody agrees ♪
♪ 我敢直面耀眼光芒 却无法直视镜子前的自己 ♪
♪ I’ll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror ♪
♪ 力挺反英雄 一定疲惫不堪吧 ♪
♪ It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero ♪
♪ 有些时候 我感觉每个人都是性感尤物 ♪
♪ Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby ♪
♪ 而我则是寄身山林的野怪 ♪
♪ And I’m a monster on the hill ♪
♪ 庞大而笨拙的身躯 在你心属的城市间蹒跚 ♪
♪ Too big to hang out slowly lurching toward your favorite city ♪
♪ 即使万箭穿心 也不曾倒下 ♪
♪ Pierced through the heart but never killed ♪
♪ 你有发现 我隐藏的极度自恋吗 ♪